高一英语unit 14教案(全)

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温州十六中 胡奕
Unit 14 Festivals
Ⅰ. Teaching Goals:
1. Talk about festivals, customs and habits.
2. Use the modal verbs: must, have to and have got to.
3. Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.
4. Write an invitation.
Ⅱ. Teaching Times: 5 periods
The First Period
§ Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: dress up, fighting, crime, argument, destruction.
2. Sentence Patterns: (1) advise sb. (not) to do sth.
(2) There’s sth. wrong with…
3. Train the Ss’ listening ability.
4. Develop the Ss’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.
§ Important Points & Difficult Points:
1. Trains the Ss’ listening ability.
2. Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and everyday English and make the Ss be free to talk about festivals, customs and habits.
3. How to further develop the Ss’ speaking and listening skills.
§ Teaching Methods:
1. Listening-and-answering activity to help Ss go through with the listening material.
2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
§ Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
§ Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Warming-up: Brainstorm (words about festivals)
* List the words about festivals at home and abroad:
At home: the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, Mid-Autumn Day, National Day…
Abroad: Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, April Fools’ Day, Valentine’s Day, Halloween…
* Background Information------the History of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May. First observance in Philadelphia, in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907. In the days of ancient Greece, Rhea, the mother of the gods was given honor. Later in the 1600’s in England there was an annual observance called “Mothering Sunday”. Anna Jarvis celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death, the 2nd Sunday of May.
* Fill in the table, and find the differences between the following two festivals
Festivals When Who How Why Main themes How old
Spring Festival
Christmas Day
* Discussion: 5 minutes for Ss to discuss in groups, then choose one representative to show the main idea of the group
1. Do you know anything else about these two festivals?
2. Which festival do you like better? Why?
Step 2. Listening
* First time, listen carefully and try to understand what does it talk about?
* Second time, answer the following questions
1. When do people celebrate Mardi Gras?
2. What are the main activities?
3. The colours of Mardi Gras are__________________. (purple, green, and gold)
* Third time, finish all the choices on Page9.
Step 3. Speaking
T: There are so many food for us to eat, right? They are very delicious, but if you eat too much in a meal, or eat some raw food, you will be ill as Sharon. Turn to Page 3, read the dialogue and pay attention to the useful expressions.
* Useful Expression
In my opinion, we should… I believe we should…
I don’t think it is necessary to… We must decide…
I hope we can make a decision. If we do this, we can…
* Make sentences by using these expressions.
Step 4. Homework
1. One reading exercise everyday
2. Ex1 & 2 on Page 78
3. Preview the reading part
4. Try to remember the first 10 words of this unit
§ The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 14 Festivals (first period)
Festival at home Festival abroad:
The Spring Festival Christmas Day
Lantern Festival Thanksgiving Day
Tomb Sweeping Day… Valentine’s Day…
§ Thinking after Class
The amount of the vocabulary is too small, so the Ss always speak in Chinese; while the teacher want them to try their best to say as many English words as they could. I think if there is time, I should give the Ss more chances to practise, to answer, and to say in English.
The Second Period
§ Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: honour, ancestor, nation, self-determination, purpose, generation, faith, joy, light
2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
3. Enable the Ss to understand the relation between festivals and history and culture by learning the reading text
§ Important Points & Difficult Points:
1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, and be prepared for.
3. Help the Ss understand the foreign history and culture by reading about festivals.
§ Teaching Method:
1. Discussion before reading and after reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn and further understand what they have read.
2. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph
3. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text
4. Pair or group work to make the Ss take an active part in the activities in class.
§ Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
§ Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Review the words and phrases learnt last period
Step 2. Pre-reading
Q1. How does your family celebrate the Spring Festival? (get together, have a big delicious meal, singing and dancing, watch the CCTV Spring party)
Q2. Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival and other festivals? (welcome the New Year’s coming, remember the history and culture)
Q3. Do you know any other festivals abroad?
Step 3. Reading
* Fast reading, what does the text mainly talk about?
When How old Who How Why Main theme
The week following Christmas Begin in 1966 African-Americans Get together to greet the new year Celebrate history and culture 7 Ps
* Details
T: Read the first to third paragraphs carefully, then answer the following question.
Q1. Why do people celebrate Kwanzaa?
A: They want to celebrate their history and culture. They get together to celebrate their harvest, give thanks for their harvests and for life, honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in.
Q2. Compare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring Festival and Christmas. Are they similar and in which way are they different?
A: Various answers are possible.
Q3. Look at the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Which one do you think is the most important? Why?
A: (one possible answer) I think “unity” is the most important one, because one person’s power is very small and limited. If the thing I want to do is too difficult, I can’t finish it by myself. But if we get together, build unity of our community and nation, we can do the thing together, our power will become strong.
T: Read the rest two paragraphs, and decide if the following sentences are true or false.
1. Kwanzaa is a very old festival. ( F, a new one )
2. The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili. ( T )
3. Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. ( T )
4. People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture. ( F, African culture )
5. Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day. ( F, the week following the Christmas )
6. People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. ( T )
Step 4. Homework
1. Finish word study on Page12
2. Finish the exercises of Vocabulary on Page78
3. One reading exercise every day
§ The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 14 Festivals
Spring Festival Kwanzaa
When Jan. 1st in lunar the week following Christmas
how old thousands of years began in 1966
§ Thinking after Class
as a teacher, I should do more preparation before the class; because the Ss have much more questions than I thought they would have. Anymore, the Ss know too little about the festivals both at home and abroad.
The Third Period
§ Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: honour, ancestor, nation, self-determination, purpose, generation, faith, joy, light
2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
3. Enable the Ss to understand the relation between festivals and history and culture by learning the reading text
§ Important Points & Difficult Points:
1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.
2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, and be prepared for.
3. Help the Ss understand the foreign history and culture by reading about festivals.
§ Teaching Method:
1. Discussion before reading and after reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn and further understand what they have read.
2. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph
3. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text
4. Pair or group work to make the Ss take an active part in the activities in class.
§ Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
§ Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision: What does the text mainly talk about?
Ask some Ss to try to say sth. about the text.
Step 2. Check the answers of yesterday’s homework
Step 3. Integrating Skills——Harvest Festivals (on Page80)
* Fast Reading
Read the quickly in 5 minutes, and then answer the following questions.
Q1. Why do people celebrate harvest festivals?
A: To give thanks for the year that has passed and to welcome the new season. Different festivals have different themes.
Q2. What is the story behind Onam?
A: According to the story, an ancient king was so loved by his people that the gods became jealous and sent him away. To keep the people from being too angry, the gods allowed the king to return once a year to celebrate Onam with his people.
* T or F questions
1. The ancient Egyptians began to celebrate the first harvest festival 5,000 years ago. ( T )
2. Onam is celebrated in February. ( F, in August or September )
3. People visit the graves of their ancestors during Onam. ( F, during Chu Suk )
4. Women and girls dance and sing together the night before Chu Suk. ( T )
5. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in many different countries. ( T )
* More reading exercises on extra materials from English Weekly.
Step 4. Important Points and Difficult Points
1. used to do… 2. have (little, some) faith in sb. (sth.)
be used to do… lack faith in sb. (sth.)
be used to doing… lose faith in sb.
3. have a lot (nothing) in common 4. rather 修饰表否定意义的词,可加比较级和too
in common with… fair修饰表肯定意义的词,不可加比较级和too
5. look into调查,注视 look like看起来像 look on…as…把…看作
look about(=look around)环顾 look down upon俯视,看不起
look out of 往…外望 look out for当心…
* Exercises
1. John plays football __, if not better than, David.
A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as
2. The teacher __ the Ss __ not satisfied with her result of the experiment.
A. as well as; are B. as well; is C. as well as; is D. as well; are
3. Some people put __ everything foreign.
A. a blind faith in B. blind faith at C. blind faith for D. blind faith in
4. They have formed a group and began ___ the matter.
A. to look out of B. to look out for C. to look into D. to look about
5. It’s ___ a cold day today. It’s ___ impossible for them to go out.
A. fairly; quite B. such; very C. rather; quite D. very; so
6. He is ___ Shanghai; you may ask someone else to help you.
A. on a visit to B. on a holiday in C. on leave D. on business
7. There used to be a lake in the park, ____?
A. didn’t it B. usedn’t it C. usedn’t there D. didn’t used there
8. When I hurried to the station, there happened __ no bus at that time.
A. to have B. to be C. having D. being
Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B
Step 4. Homework
1. One reading exercise every day
2. Prepare a healthy diet and explain why it is healthy
3. Remember the first 20 words and prepare for the dictation.
§ The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Useful Expressions
Used to do look into rather & fairly
Be used to do look about have…in common
Be used to doing look out for in common with
§ Thinking after Class
as a teacher, I should do more preparation before the class; because the Ss have much more questions than I thought they would have.
The Forth Period
§ Teaching Aims:
1. Review the words learned in the last three periods.
2. Learn and master modal verbs: must, have to, have got to
§ Important Points & Difficult Points:
1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.
2. How to use “must, have to, have got to” properly and how to use their negative forms correctly.
§ Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
§ Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision---dictation about the first 20 words in this Unit
1. the theme of the parade 2. holy Easter 3. major conflict 4. in honour of 5. probably 6. in one’s opinion 7. play a trick on sb. 8. the purpose of the argument 9. similar creativity 10. commercial symbol (the Ss should write down the words and the Chinese meaning of each phrase)
Step 2. Word Study
Check the answers of Word study on Page12, then ask some Ss to say the Chinese meaning of the sentences, and check the answers.
1. theme, faith, purpose 2. nations, determination 3. joy, ancestors, birth 4. peace, treated
Step 3. Grammar
* Compare two sentences, and master the differences between “must” and “have to”
1. I must study hard, because I want to get high marks.
我必须努力学习,因为我想得到更高的分数 (主观上认为必须)
2. I have to study hard, or my father will beat me.
我不得不努力学习,否则我爸爸会打我的 (客观上使得主语必须)
3. I have got to study hard, or my father will beat me. (句意同2)
(we can use “have got to ” instead of “have to”)
* must也可表猜测
1. The light is on, Xiao Li must be in.
对现在事实的肯定猜测 must + v.
2. The light was on last night, Xiao Li must have been in.
对过去事实的肯定猜测 must + have done
* More exercises on Page13 and Page79
Step 4. Homework
1. One reading exercise every day
2. Remember the rest words of this unit
§ The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Grammar---Modal Verbs (2)
must do I _______ study hard,
have (not) to do because I want to get high marks.
have got (not) to do or my father will beat me.
§ Thinking after Class
It is very hard for Ss to master the usage of modal verbs, as they are lack of practice. So I must use the easiest words to explain for them, and give as many examples as I can.
The Fifth Period
§ Teaching Aims:
1. Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by making sentences with them.
2. Review the usages of Modal verbs which express “obligation”.
3. Sum up some other main usages of these modal verbs.
§ Important Points & Difficult Points
1. How to master Modal verbs-must (not) do, have (not) to, have (not) got to.
2. How to improve the Ss’ integrating skills.
§ Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
§ Teaching Procedures
Step 1. Revision
* Check the answers of the exercises on Page74
* Special Exercises for modal verbs (后附)
Step 2. Homework
1. Try to remember the rest words in this unit.
2. One reading exercise every day
3. Finish all the exercises left
§ Thinking after Class
The Ss often forget what they have learnt and what the teacher have said. They need more practices to master what they have learnt.




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