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[点击一] 基本形式
be动词有am, is, are三种形式。其使用方法可依据以下口诀:(I)我用am,(you)你用are, is连着他、她、它(he, she, it)。单数is,复数are。如: I am a doctor. You are a girl. She is at school now. This is a good book. Those are new desks.
[点击二] 基本含义
be 动词的基本含义是"是",有时也可不必译出。如: The flag is red. 这面旗是红色的。My father is forty-six. 我父亲四十六岁。
[点击三] 缩略形式
1. am, is和are与绝大多数主语或疑问词有缩略形式,分别为: 'm, 's和 're。如:
I'm an English teacher. He's my good friend. They're some books. Where're the children?
2. is, are 与not可缩略成isn't和aren't。如: It isn't a map. You aren't in the same class.
[相关链接] 特别提醒: 1. this与is没有缩略形式;am与not没有缩略形式。
2. 在对以be动词开头的一般疑问句作简略的肯定回答时,不能使用缩略形式。如:
-Is his hair brown?
-Yes, it is.(正)
-Yes, it's.(误)
[友情链接] 特别的话送给特别的你
be动词除了作系动词外,还可作助动词,典型用法之一就是与"动词-ing"形式一起构成现在进行时,此时它没有实际意义,变化规律同其作系动词时完全相同。如: They are talking. He's walking. It isn't singing.



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