口语项目:Making Introduction(做介绍)

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I. 口语项目:Making Introduction(做介绍)
1. This is Tom, Wei Hua. Tom, this is Wei Hua.
2. Allow me to introduce our new friend Tom to you.
3. Mum, these are my classmates Kate and John.
4. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Lucy King. 请允许我做一下自我介绍,我的名字叫Lucy King。
5. I would like you to meet Mr. White, our new English teacher.我想请你见见我们的新英语老师,怀特先生。
6. May I introduce Miss Zhao to you? 请让我向你介绍一下赵女士好吗?
2.如果介绍长辈或年龄比自己大的人,最好用Mr., Miss, Mrs.等称谓词+family name(姓氏), 如:This is Mr. Green. 其中, Mr. 用于男性;Mrs. 用于已婚女性;Miss 用于未婚女性。
III. 欢乐口语吧
假设你是张明明 ,你把来自英格兰的Tom介绍给刘斌,试着为张明明配音并和你的同伴练习下面的对话。
Zhang Mingming: Hello! Liu Bin.
Liu Bin: Hello! Zhang Mingming. How are you?
Zhang Mingming: I am fine, thank you, and you?
Liu Bin: I’m fine, too.
Zhang Mingming: Liu Bin, this is Tom. He is from England. Tom, this is my friend Liu Bin.
Liu Bin: How do you do, Tom?
Tom: How do you do? Nice to meet you here.
Liu Bin: Me, too. Welcome to China.
Tom: Thank you.



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