高三第一轮复习sefcI unit 9-10

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Unit 9-10

6. thanks to 幸亏,由于
I am well again, thanks to the doctor.
Thanks to John's help, we finished the work ahead of time.
Thanks to the bad weather, our journey was very uncomfortable.
◆ 作“由于”用时,其意与 because of;
owing to; due to 相近。
thanks to 中的 to 是介词。类似的结构还有:
stick to lead to
get down to devote…to…
get used to due to
add to turn to
get close to refer to
look forward to come to …
9. time 短语:
at one time 从前; at a time每次,一次;
at times (=from time to time; now and then); at all times (= always) for a time 一段时间
behind time 迟,晚;落后,拖欠;
in no time立即; at no time 任何时候都不
in time及时 on time 准时; all the time 一直; at the same time同时; ahead of time提前
time and time again (一次又一次);
◆He went up the stairs two at a time.
◆The train is ten minutes behind time.
◆I go to see my parents at times.
◆Without your help, we couldn't have
finished our work ahead of time.
1. In class, you should listen to your teacher ____________ but not ____________.
2. We were good friends ___________, but aren’t now.
3. Please give me two books _____________.
4. We couldn’t say who came earlier. They almost arrived _______________.
5. You should ____________ waste your time playing computer games.
6. He was a professor of a university in Beijing ____________. Now he studies in America.
10. although,though,as
a. although conj. 虽然 (= though) 引导让步状语从句,与 in spite of 同义。
注意: 1. in spite of 后接n. 或 pron.
In spite of his old age, he still works very hard.
2. 不能用Although ( Though)..., but...
应该用 Although / Though…, yet…
或: …, but…
*. Though we all felt tired, yet none of us wanted to stop to have a rest.
b. though adv. 然而。常用在句末, 用","隔开( although 无此用法),另外在 even though (=even if); as though (=as if)结构中不能用although
He said he would come; he didn't, though.
I like her even though she can be annoying. c. though 尽管, 与as一样常用在倒装句中.
Young though/as he is, he knows a lot.
(= Though/Although he is young, he knows a lot.)
Hero as / though he is, he is never proud.
(= Though/Although he is a hero, he is never proud.)
① ____________________ it was snowing, it
was not very cold.
② Strange _______________ it may seem, he
remained single all his life.
③ Child _________________ he is, he draws
pictures very well.
④ I’ll keep on trying, even __________ I fail.
⑤ It was very hard work; I enjoyed it,
⑥ There is no excuse, _________, for hurting
her feelings.
⑦ She speaks as _______ she was a foreigner.
11. take up
a. 占(时间,空间等)
The piano takes up too much room.
b. 拿起 “Take up your gun and shoot at the
enemy,” ordered the officer.
c. 从事(斗争), 进行(新课等)
Even in prison, he wrote songs to call on
the workers to take up the struggle.
Now, let's take up the new lessons.
take off; take on ( a new look); take place;
take the place of; take one's place;
take charge ( of ); take steps ( measures );
take... by surprise; take ( no ) notice of
14. sport / game / play / race
这些词均属于体育运动范畴,但具体用法和含义不尽相同。其中 play 为一般用语,无特殊含义,如 table tennis, football 等都可看作 play 中的一种运动。Sport 指户外游戏或运动,限于体力锻炼,包括娱乐性的活动, 如:hunting, boating 及竞赛类的 running 等。而 game 指有一定规则的,双方竞争的游戏或运动,既可指体力的,也可指脑力的,如 basketball, chess 等。race 专指(速度的)比赛、赛跑等。此外,sport 和 game 还可以指“运动会”,多用复数形式。如:
the sports meeting; the Olympic Games
16. take part in
take part in the sports meet ( a competition, physical labour, activities...)
但: take an active part in积极参加(part 前有adj. 时,须加不定冠词)
辨析: take part in 指参加到某一活动中去;
join: 加入某组织成为其中一员(= become a member of);
join (sb. ) in: (伴随...) 一起参与...;
attend: 参加(会议,听课等)
Would you like (和我们一起散步)?
His father (参军) 30 years ago.
That old man ( 参加 ) the Long March.
If I had had time I __________________ (参加) your birthday party yesterday.
18. win / beat
beat 的宾语只能是表示人的词或一个集体, “在比赛; 战斗; 争论”中击败某人应说
beat sb. in ….
win 作“赢”解时,其宾语通常是 war; battle; game; match; argument; medal 等,不能是表示人的名词
1. They do their best to _______ medals.
2. We _______ their team by 10 points.
3. Jim _______ Tom by a yard and ______ the race.
4. Do you know who ______ the Nobel Prize for physics in 2002?
19. opinion 的用法
① in one’s opinion (据…看来)
In the opinion of the most people, he did right in this matter.
② one’s opinion of (某人对…的观点和看法)
What’s your opinion of our English teacher?
③ have a good / high / low / poor opinion of…
= think well / highly / badly / poorly of…
telephone / phone (to) sb.
call / ring sb. (up)
make a telephone call to sb.
give sb. a ring / phone call
21. bring down 与 go down
两者都可以指价格等方面的下降,但 go down 为不及物动词短语, 不要用于被动,其反义词组为 go up; bring down 为及物动词短语,可以用于被动,其反义词为 bring up。如:
We should do everything to bring down the price.
The price has gone down.
1. I believe the prices might __________ next week. We can buy some cheap ones then.
2. Can you get them to __________ the price? We can’t sell at such a low price.
3. The government should take measures to __________ the price of petrol. It’s too high.
4. After the rain, the river keeps ___________.
5. It is too hot these days. I hope the temperature will ____________ soon.
22. change for / with / into
1. Change for … 意为“向……方面转化”; change A for B意为“把A调换为B”, 有时A可以省略。
• change with … 意为“随同……改变”; change … with sb. 意为“和某人交换” 。
• A change into B 意为“A变化为B”; change A into B 意为“把A变成B”; change into 还可以表示“换上(衣服)” 。
① The weather is changing ______ the better.
② Times change and we should change _____
③ Will you change seats ______ me?
④ He changed his camera ______ a television
⑤ Ice changes _____ water rapidly on hot days.
o Change the following sentences _______
negative forms.
pHe changed _____ another driving suit.
23. learn / study
learn 表示学习的初级阶段或带有模仿、实践的学习过程,study 表示高深的钻研、研究过程。另外还需要注意以下几点:
◆ 汉语中“努力学习”不能说 learn hard, 而要说study hard; 而英语中的 learn sth. well 也不是“好好学习…”,而是“把…学好”或“把…学会”。如:She learned fast and well.(她学得又快又好。)
◆ “向…学习…” “从…学到/得知…”必须用 “learn… from…”
① She is ___________ to drive a car.
② The subject he _________ was chemistry.
③ Why don’t you _______ from my mistake?
④ --- What is he ___________ there?
--- Law. He is a law student.
⑤ The old and the young should _________
from each other.
24. complete / finish / end
complete 有 adj. 和 vt. 两种词性,而 finish只能作动词。作动词用时,complete 与finish 的主要区别有:
◆ complete 后只接名词或代词,finish 后可接名词、代词和动名词。
◆ complete 常用于完成预定的任务、工程、建设等;finish 是一般用语,用于完成日常活动,着重指圆满结束已着手的事情。
◆ finish 可表示“吃完、喝完”,complete不能。
◆ complete 只作vt. 而 finish 可作vt. &vi.
end 既可作 vt. 也可作 vi.。主要用来表示“结束” “终止”某项活动,而不管这一活动是否达到所希望的结果;它还常与 with / in / by 等连用。
① The term will _________ in July.
② When can you ___________ reading this
③ They haven’t ____________ the house yet.
④ They ___________ the evening with a few
⑤ We started off immediately after we had
____________ our lunch.




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