Unit 13 Albert Einstein

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1. 学会询问某人的身份、职业等交际用语;
2. 掌握名词性从句作主语、表语和宾语;
3. 阅读理解有关人物使记的文章;
4. 根据课文,练习写作人物生平的总结。
1.Four American students are comparing notes on famous people.
compare notes on sth./with sb.交换意见;谈论;对笔记
·There are a few things we might compare notes on. 有些事情我们得交换一下意见。
归纳:compare sth.with sth.,把……与……相比较,compare sth.to sth.把……比作……,comparedto/with 和……比起来(做状语)
2.I′m doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. 我在猜报纸上的字谜游戏。
·He is in a puzzle about the matter.他对这件事大惑不解。
·It is a puzzle to me how he could come here.他如何能到这来,对我来说是个难解的问题。
(2)do a word puzzle=do a puzzle in words=do word puzzles 猜字谜,fitthepuzzle对上了字谜,find outthe puzzle猜出谜底。
·Puzzled by his puzzling problem,I didn't know how to answer,so therewas a puzzled expression on my face.他的迷惑不解的问题难住了我,我不知怎样回答,所以脸上有一种迷惑不解的表情。
搭配:puzzle one's brains about/over sth.为某事大伤脑筋/绞尽脑汁,puzzle out思索而得,puzzle over苦思
1.By the time he was fourteen years old,he had learned maths byhimself到十四岁时,他已经自学了数学。
by the time是个连词,意为“到……时候”,指不迟于某时,或甚至于在某时以前(已经完成的动作)。注意主从句的时态。
·By the time he woke up,he found the others had already set out.当他醒来后,他发现其他的人早已出发了。
·We shall have left by the time you come back here.当你回来时,我们已经离开了。
·Breakfast will be ready by the time you have dressed.等到你穿好衣服时,早餐就会准备好了。
注意:by表示时间,不迟于……, 到……为止。当by后接将来时间时,句子时态用一般将来时或将来完成时;当by后接现在时间时,句子时态用现在完成时态;当by后接过去时间时,句子时态用过去完成时。
2.He found it hard to get along with the otherboys.他发现很难与其他的孩子相处。
·He found it better that he should get up early in the morning.他觉得早上早点起床要好些。
3.be contentto do sth.愿意、乐意做某事
·She seems well content to sit in front of TV set all night.她似乎很乐意整晚都座在电视机前。
be content with +n./pron.感到满足、安心
·My father had to be content with this small success.我父亲只好满足于这次小小的成功。
content oneself/sb.with使自己/某人满足于
·We should never content ourselves with book knowledge.我们切不可仅满足于一点书本知识。
4.go on with/go on doing/go on to do
(1)go on with后面必须接名词作宾语
(2)go on doing继续或不断地做同一件事
(3)go on to do是指做完一件事以后转而去做其他事
5....which/ed to his new discoveries in physics.这导致了他物理学方面的新发现。
·Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.过量工作和休息不足经常引起疾病。
·This kind of test is bad because it leads to incorrect learning.这种测试很糟糕,因为它导致不正确的学习(方法)。
(2)lead to/lead sb.to some place通向;领着某人去,带领
·All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
·This road willlead you to the hospital.走这条路,你会到医院的。
注意:lead作“带领、引导”解释时不能跟不定式的复合结构,只能跟一个介词短语。如:他领那位盲人过街。应说成:He ledthe blind across the street.而不是:He led the blind to walk across the street.
6.Such was Albert Einstein.这就是爱因斯坦。
·Such are the results we have got.这些就是我们取得的成果。
7. But Einstein was able to prove that light...
(1)prove vt.“证明:证实;验证”,其后跟名词、代词、从句和复合结构。
·One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.一件疯事并不足以证明一个人是疯子。
·They will prove that we are telling the truth.他们可以证明我们讲的都是事实。
·It has been proved that failure is the mother of success.事实证明失败是成功之母。
(2)prove连系动词,“证明,结果是”,后跟形容词、副词、介词短语、名词或to be。
·His efforts proved(to be)a failure.他的努力结果证明是失败的。
·The book has proved of great help to us...这本书证明对我们是很有用的。
(1)appear后接形容词、名词时可加to be;appear后还可接不定式的各种形式。
·He appeared(tobe)rich.他显得很富。(冒充富)
·He appearedtohave heard ofthe news.他好像听说了这个消息。
·It appeared(to me)that she would probably never walk.看来她永远不能够行走了。
·There appeared to be only one room.好像就一个房间。
9.He worked out just how much the light would be bent.
(1)算出,解(题)(getthe result for)
·He said he could work this puzzle out,but he didn't.他说他能解出这道难题,但他并没解出来。
·You had better work out a plan first.你最好先制订个计划。
·I can't work out the meaning ofthe poem.我不理解这首诗的意思。
10.stick to“坚持(意见、原则、计划、决定、诺言等)”,有“执意不改变”的含义。
·No matter what you say,I shall stick to my stand.不管你说什么我会坚持我的立场。
·You have made a promise and you should stick to it.你许下诺言,你就应该坚持。
11.take sides参加某事;支持某人,袒护某人,常与介词in(sth)和with(sb.)搭配,take the side of支持某人/某一方;on the side of站在……一边
·Tom did not take sides in the quarrel between them.汤姆没有介入他们的争吵。
·We took the side ofthe workers in the strike.在罢工中我们支持工人。
·The United States entered the gulf war on the side of Kuwait.美国参加海湾战争以支持科威特。
1. All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of his time alone.

(1) content为形容词,作“满足的,满意的,甘愿的”解。be content to do sth.
表示“愿意、乐意做某事”,相当于be willing or ready to do sth. 。e. g.
I should be well content to do so. 我很愿意这样干。

(2) content还可以作动词用,一般为及物动词,常用content sb. /oneself(with) 这个词组。e. g.
We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.

(3) content作不可数名词用时,意为“满足”或表示满意的状态。e. g.
Now she began to live in peace and content.

(1)表示“满足于”的意思,除可用to content oneself with这一动词词组外,还可用形容词短语形式to be content with。e. g.
Are you content with your present salary? 你对现在的薪水满意吗?
(2) content常作名词,用于to one's heart's content短语中,意为“尽情地”。e . g.
We can swim in the river to our heart's content.

2. When he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions.
(1) used to+动词原形,意为“过去经常”。e. g.
He is not what he used to be. 他已不是从前的他了。
(2) used to的否定式为used not或didn't use. 疑问句可用used开头,也可用did开头。e. g.
①He usedn't/didn't use to come. 他过去不常来。
②You used to go there, usedn't/didn't you?

3. It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world full of wars and killings.
(1)这是一个由引导词it引导的句子,it是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语,在that从句中又有一个主从复合句,其中主句是he found. . . peace,后跟一个由which引导的定语从句,先行词为peace,介词短语in music作状语。
(2)full of是形容词短语(相当于filled with),作“充满”解释。

4. The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.
由连接副词how引导的从句how he could prove his ideas to other scientists是表语从句。
其他连接副词如when, where, why, because等也可以引导表语从句分别用来说明时间、地点、因果等事实。本课最后一句就是很好的例子:
That is why Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA in 1933.
另外,连接代词that, what也可以引导表语从句。

单词:content; prove; stick; respect; leading; rule; advance; advanced; education; course

词组:do a word puzzle 猜字谜
compare notes 交换意见、看法等
get along with sb. 与……相处
be content to do sth. 满足于做某事
go on with 继续
lead to 通向
the Nobel Prize for Physics 诺贝尔物理奖
a cheque for $1500 1500美元的一张支票
take American nationality 获得美国国籍
make music 创作乐曲
work out 算出;解决;效果(如何)
stick to 坚持
take sides (in) 站在……一边
advanced mathematics 高等数学
further education 进修;深造

1. I'm doing a word puzzle in this newspaper.
(1) puzzle作名词时,意为“难题,谜,复杂难懂的事物”。e. g.
He is in a puzzle about the matter. 他对这件事大惑不解。
(2) puzzle作动词用时,作“使……迷惑,使……为难”解释。e. g.
This letter puzzles me. 这封信使我迷惑不解。
puzzle 作动词时,可和某些介词构成词组。如:
puzzle one's brains about (或over)sth. 为某事大伤脑筋
puzzle out 思索而得
puzzle over 苦思

2. . . . he went on with his studies at university.
动词go的主要意思有“去,走,到达;变成,处于……状态;运转,进行;消失,逝去”等 等。e. g.
①The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳运转。
②My father's hair is going grey. 我父亲的头发渐渐变成灰白。
③My eyesight is going. 我的视力越来越差。
(1) go on with sth. 作“继续从事某事”解释。通常指接着干同一件事,但中间有间隔。e. g.
After ten minutes' break, they went on with their conversation.
(2) go on doing sth. 继续不停地干同一件事,中间未停顿。e. g.
He went on doing his experiment and paid no attention to any of us.
(3) go on to do sth. 干完一件事后,接着干另一件事。e. g.
Let's go on to discuss another question!

3. With the pay that he received and saved, he went on with his studies at university, where he received a doctor's degree in 1905.
(1)句中with the pay that he received and saved是介词with引导的方式状语,that he received and saved是由关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰pay。where引导的是非限制性定语从句,where指at university。
(2) degree: A grade or rank to which scholars are admitted by a college or university 学位。大学的学位有三级,即:学士(bachelor's degree),硕士(master's degree),博士(doctor's degree)。如:bachelor's degree of physics物理学学士。

4. Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist.
(1)该句是倒装句,such(=such a man)是代词,作表语,Albert Einstein是主语 ,a simple. . . scientist是同位语。
(2)注意这种倒装语序的谓语动词,应视具体情况而定单数形式、复数形式。这种倒装语序的谓语动词,应与主语保持单、复数对应一致关系。e. g.
Such were the viewpoints of Dr. Green, a famous physicist in Britain.

5. But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.
(1)句中stick to意为“坚持,固守”。e. g.
I stick to what I said at the meeting. 我坚持我在会上所说的话。
(2)动词stick有及物或不及物用法,含义有“把……插入,塞进,粘贴,刺入,陷 入,忍耐”等。e. g.
①A nail stuck in the tire of my car. 一颗钉子扎入我的车胎了。
②The two stamps have stuck together. 那两张邮票粘在了一起。
(3) stick作名词时意为“棍棒,树枝,手杖,球杆”等。e. g.
He put a stick into the ground to mark the point.

(1)动词stick的成语有许多。如:Stick to it! 坚持到底!
(2) stick的过去分词也用于许多成语中。e. g.
①Are you stuck on this question? 你被这个问题难住了吗?
②It looks at if I'm stuck with the job of clearing up this mess.

6. He had taken Swiss nationality in 1901 and therefore did not have to join the army, as Switzerland did not take sides in the war.
to take sides意为“参加”,后面接“介词in+sth. ”,或接“介词with+sb. ”其中side是名词,原义为“一边,一(方)面,旁边,斜坡”等。e. g.
It is safer to take sides with the stronger party. 参加实力较强的一方是比较稳妥的。

take the side of, be on the side of作“支持某一方”、“袒护……”解释。e. g.
①We took the side of the workers in the strike. 在罢工中我们支持工人一方。
②The United States entered the gulf war on the side of Kuwait. 美国参加海湾战争以支持科威特。

(1)参加军队或组织,加入党派,或参入某人一起做某事,常用join动词。e. g.
Won't you join us in a tennis match? 你不想参加我们的网球比赛吗?

(2)参加某活动常用短语动词take part in。e. g.
Did you take part in the fighting? 你参加过那次战斗吗?

(3)参加会议、聚会、典礼等常用动词attend。e. g.
The party was well attended. 那次聚会有很多人参加。

(4)表示袒护、支持某人,还可用动词短语 take the part of a person或take a person's part。

7. This work provided him with enough money to live on.
句中provide是及物动词,意为“提供”。e. g.
Sheep provide wool. 羊提供羊毛。

(1)供给某人某物,可使用to provide sb. with sth. 或 to provide sth. for sb . 。e. g.
They provided the sufferers with food and clothes.
=They provided food and clothes for the sufferers.

(2) provide for是“赡养,抚养”的意思。e. g.
He had to provide for the large family. 他必须赡养这个大家庭。

(1)过去分词provided和现在分词providing可起连词作用,其后跟可以省略that的从句,用来表达“在……条件下,倘若”之意。e. g.
①Provided(that) there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class. 倘若没有反对的话,我将担任本班的代表。
②I shall go providing(that) it doesn't rain. 倘若不下雨,我就去。
(2)表示“供给”之意,还可使用动词短语to supply sb. with sth. 或supply sth . to sb. 。 e. g.
The government decided to supply the refugees with houses.
=The government decided to supply houses to the refugees.

8. He already knew what he wanted to be when he grew up.
(1)这是一个主从复合句,主句是He already knew. . . 。由what引导的从句是宾语从句,在句中作knew的宾语,when he grew up是一个时间状语从句,在句中作to be的状语。

词 汇
content, stick, respect, advance, education, do a word puzzle, get along with sb, lead to, make music, work out, further education.

Is it. . . ?
No, it is not him.
Is he(she). . . ?
Who is he?
What did he do?


★例1_______was the story that happened to my family last year.
A.What B.Allthat C.Such D.All such
导析:此题中that引导的是定语从句,修饰story,如果去掉定语从句,则留下主句——wasthe story。如用what,句末必须用问号,因此应该用such这个代词。答案:C
★例2 Someone is ringing the doorbelL Go and see_________.
A.whoisit B.whoheis C.whois he D.whoitis
——This jacketdoesn't________me.Do you have a larger size?
——Yes,but the color is different.Does it_________you?
A.fit;suit B.suit;fit C.fit;fit D.suit;suit
导析: fit表示“合适”,通常表示衣、帽鞋等物的大小、尺寸、形状等方面的“合适”。suit也表示“适合”,但常用来指衣着、款式、颜色等方面的“合适”或“中……之意”。答案:A
★★例2 The suit fitted him well__________the color was a little bright.
A.exceptfor B.except that C.except when D.besides
导析:except that后面跟从句,意思是“只不过”。except when后跟时间状语从句。except for后跟名词或名词短语。答案:B
★★例1_________makes mistakes must correct them.
A.No matter who B.Whoever
C.Anyone D.Who
导析:no matter who只用于作从属连词引导让步状语从句。whoever相当于anybody/those who,作名词从句的主语。根据题意:“无论谁犯了错误都必须改正”。答案:B
★★★例2________fashion differs from country to country may refleet the cul-tural differencesfrom one aspect.
A.What B.That C.This D.Which
★★★例1 (2002年,上海春季)When you answer questions in a job interview,please remember the golden rule:Always give the monkey exactly he wants.
A.what B.which C.when D.that
导析:相当于“the thing(s)/person that...”, 即“先行词+宾语从句”结构。what引导名词性从句时,不可省略。答案:A
★★★例2(1996年,全国)—we'll go campingtomorrow depends onthe weather.
A.If B.Whether C.That D.Where
Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership(伙伴关系) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed so me birds sitting on the back of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but they find easy food in the parasites(寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can man age without each other, they do better together.
Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals(珊瑚) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dustman”, taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are even prevented from light so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.

1. Some birds like to sit on a sheep because .
A. they can eat its parasites
B. they depend on the sheep for existence
C. they enjoy travelling with the sheep
D. they find the position most comfortable
解析 这是一道细节题。答案是A。文中You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want to ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites on sheep. 便是该题的信息。

2. The underlined word “they” in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to .
A. birds and parasites B. birds and sheep
C. parasites and sheep D. sheep, birds and parasites
解析 这是一道所指题。划线单词系指鸟和羊,故B为答案。

3. It can be learnt from the text that the coral depends on the plant for .
A. comfort B. light C. food D. oxygen
解析 这是一道判断题。从文中In their skins they have tiny plants which act as “dustman”, taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. 一句可以得出结论,D为该题的正确答案。

4. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?
A. Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence
B. Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily
C. Some pants depend on each other for food
D. Some animals live better together.
解析 该题要求考生找出第二自然段的中心思想。本段通过例举珊瑚来证明动植物为了生存而相互依靠,故A为最佳答案。

Lesson 50
2. 1879:He was born in Germany.
From 1895 on: He studied at a university in Switzerland.
1905: He received a doctor's degree.
1921: He won the Nobel Prize for physics.
1933: He and his family left Europe for the USA.
1940: He took American nationality.
1955: He died in the USA.

4. 1)received 2)accepted 3)accept 4)received
5)received 6)receive 7)accept

Lesson 51

1. 1)× 2)√ 3)√ 4)× 5)√ 6)× 7)√ 8)× 9)×
2. 1)whether it is worth doing or not
2)that I forgot/have forgotten her address
3)why she doesn't want to see you
4)where he was born
5)what we always worry about/we are always worried about
6)that we can't afford(to buy) the big house
7)how we can reduce the noise
8)that they should improve their own spoken English first

【有关"Unit 13 Albert Einstein" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. g2u13 Albert Einstein 教案
Ⅰ. 四会单词和词组:ruler , go on with , the First World War , worldwide , right (n .) , peace , work out , stick (vi .) , stick to , rule , course (n .)
三会单词和词组:communist , professor , scientific , darkness , shy , content , lead to , discovery , cheque , human right , prove , bent , respect , leading , sadness , take sides in , fuel , advance , advanced , mathematics , education , further education , technical
Ⅱ. 交际英语:怎样表达询问与推测
1. Is it … ? No , it isn’t not him .
2 . Is he / she … ?
3 . Who is he / she ?
4 . What did he do ?
5 . It must be him / her … .
Ⅲ. 语法重点:
学习名词性从句作主语的用法。作主语的名词性从句,因其在复合句中作主语,所以称为主语从句。名词性从句作主语时常被换为 it 作形式主语。


教学设计2. Unit 13 Albert Einstein


教学设计3. 高二英语 Uint 13 Albert Einstein

go on with the First World War wouldwide right(n.)


work out stick(vi.) stick to ruler


communist professor

scientific darkness shy content lead to discovery

cheque human right

prove bent respect leading sadness take sides(in)


advance advanced mathematics education

further education technical

Albert Einstein Alexander Bell

the Nobel Prize bookmark

Swiss Hitler Jew

Is it…? No, it’s not him/her Is he/she…?
Who is he/she? What did he do? It must be him/her


【关于“Unit 13 Albert Einstein”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Unit 13 Albert Einstein

Those who are not with the progress they have made will have greater success.
A. proud B. afraid C. popular D. content


分析 答案为D。be proud of以……为自豪;be afraid of 怕……;be popular with 受……欢迎。

常见问题2: Unit 13 Albert Einstein

she couldn't understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.
A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that


分析 答案为A。understand为及物动词,其后无宾语,故应 选择连接代词what。因为主语从句已具有否定意义,表语从句意义不完整,所以由句意可知,表语从句需用why。

常见问题3: Unit 13 Albert Einstein

Premier Zhou to be unforgettable in the hearts of Chinese people.
A. proved B. regarded C. thought D. considered


分析 答案为A。sb. be regarded(thought) to be+n. (adj. ); regard sb. as+n. (porn. )把……当作……。故不能选择B、C、D。prove为连系动词,不定式作表语。




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