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“提建议的方法及答语”是初中英语学习的重点项目。我们学过了很多表达“建议”的常用句式,其语气大多是委婉礼貌的。①Shall I/we...?(我/我们做……好不好?); shall一般只用于第一人称,shall在句中表示将来时,也表示提出建议和征求对方意见。②Let's...(让我们……)③How about / What about...?(……怎么样?)④Would you like...?(你想要……吗?)。今天,在“口语吧”里“建议”你再学一些。
Dongdong: It's Sunday today. What's the weather like today?
Yangyang: It's a fine day
today. Let's go to the park.
Dongdong: OK. Let's go now.
Yangyang: Why not go there by bus?
Dongdong: OK!
(They are in the park now.)
Yangyang: Oh, look at the flowers.
Dongdong: How beautiful they are!
Yangyang: Look! There are a lot of children over there.
Dongdong: Some are boating, and others are singing under a big tree.
Yangyang: Would you like boating?
Dongdong: Oh, no. I'm not good at boating.
Yangyang: What about seeing the animals?
Dongdong: Oh, yes. I like animals very much.
Yangyang: But you shouldn't touch them.
Dongdong: I see.
II. 核心句式:
1. You(He / She) should(shouldn't)...你(他/她)应该(不应该)做……。
2. I think you'd better...
3. Why not...? / Why don't you...? “为什么不做……呢?”或“你为什么不……?”
加油站:(1)You'd better do .../ You 'd better not do...(你最好做……/你最好不要做……)。其中 had better 是固定词组, 相当于一个情态动词, 无人称、数及时态的变化, 其否定式在had better 之后加not 。(2)Why not...? 在英语口语中应用很普遍,其语气较随和。常认为是“Why don't you...?”(你为什么不……呢?或干嘛不……呢?)的简略形式。两者常互换使用。Why not...? 后常跟不带to 的动词不定式。这一句式除了表示建议外,还常用于劝诱某人或做某事。用于“提建议或征求意见、询问情况”等。如:It's very cold. Why not put on your coat? 天很冷。为什么不穿上外套呢? (3)should用于提供帮助或提出建议、要求的句子中。



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