Unit 14 Satellites

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1. 学会询问对方意愿和表达自我意愿的交际用语;
2. 复习和学习介词前移和不前移的定语从句;
3. 阅读理解科技英语,并练习笔头介绍有关知识。

1.like, would like, feel like
like一般要带宾语,但在ifyou like、when you like.what youlike等的从属分句中,like后不需接宾语。
(2)would like意为“希望、想”,接不定式及其复合结构。
(3)feel like表示主观上的“想做某事”,用于口语,后接名词或动名词。
·I don't feel like eating anything.我不想吃什么东西。
·I'm very thirsty.I feel like a cup oftea.我特别渴,我非常想喝杯茶。
2.So far as I know,it's free.据我所知,是免费的。
as/sofar as+从句,就……而论,据……,在……范围内
·So far as I heard,we all passed the exams.据我所听到的,我们都通过了考试。
比较:so far as/so far例:I haven't finished reading the novel so far.至今为止,我还没有读完这部小说。so far常与现在完成时连用。
·So far as I can remember,he never plays tennis.就我的记忆所及,他从不打网球。
3.I'd rather go to the Science Museum.我倒想去科学博物馆。
(1)would rather do sth.宁愿作某事
·I would rather stay at home watching TV.我宁愿呆在家里看电视。
(2)would rather do....than do宁愿……而不愿……
注意:would rather的否定形式是would rathernot,而不是wouldnot rather
·Liu Hulan would rather die than give in.=Liu Hulan would die rather than give in.=Rather than give in,Liu Hulan would die.刘胡兰宁死不屈。
(3)would rather(that)...(that从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用过去式表示现在和将来,用过去完成式表示过去)
·I would rather you told me the truth.我宁愿你能告诉我真相。
·I would rather you hadn't come yesterday.但愿你昨天没来。
(4)prefer to do rather than do宁愿……而不,喜欢……胜过……
·The students prefer to join in the game rather than watch it.(The studentspreferjoining in the game to watching it.)学生们喜欢参加比赛而不愿观看。
4.They've got a special exhibition on this month.他们这个月举办一个特别的展览会。
·Have you(got)anything on this evening?今晚你有什么活动吗?
·I have nothing special on this evening.今晚我没有什么特别的事。
(2)haveon sth./have sth on意为“穿着、戴着”,强调“穿”的状态。
·He had on a blue coat and a pair of gray trousers.她穿著一件蓝上衣一条灰裤子。
·The boy noticed that the emperor had nothing on.小男孩注意到皇上什么也没穿着。
1....,which travels in an orbit round another object in space.
in space在太空。 注意space表示“太空”时,常用单数形式,且前面不用冠词,但若在space或outer space之前有形容词修饰时,则要用定冠词。例:
put/send up/carry up into space发送入太空,in outer space在太空,in the airless outer space在没有空气的外层空间,in the dark space在漆黑的太空。
2.A rocket must reach a speed of 28,440 km/h.火箭必须达到每小时28440公里的速度。
(1)speed作名词,当表示“以……单位速度”时,用at a speed of,后表示加速时的单位;但当表示的速度不是以单位时速来表示,而是以另一种自然现象发生时的速度作类比时,则用at the speed of。例:
at a speed of80 kilometres an hour以每小时80公里的速度,atthe speedof sound/light以声音/光的速度
at top/full/ordinary speed with all/great speed
3.The lighter,the better.越轻越好。
the +asj./adv.的比较级+the adj./adv.的比较级结构含有“越……,就越……”的意思。
·The more you read,the wiser you will be.阅读越多,你就会越聪明。
·The more cost,the more honor.越有价值越珍贵。
·The sooner,the better.越快越好。
·Chang'an Avenue is the widest/broadest street in Beijing.长安街是北京最宽的街。
·He stared at the foreigners with wide eyes.他睁大眼睛盯着外国人。
·He has a broadmind.他心胸宽阔。
·He is a man with wide interests and knowledge.他知识渊博兴趣广泛。
5.They can keep out ofthe path of the hurricane. 他们能够避开飓风经过的路线。
keep out of意为“不牵涉进去”、“不要惹事”、“避开”。
·You shouldkeep out ofthesethings.你不应当牵涉到这些事情中去。
·Children have been warned to keep out of the grassland.已经警告孩子们不要践踏草地。
6.Dozens of satellites have been put into space送入太空的卫星已有几十个了。
·Mother bought me two dozen pencils.母亲给我买了两打铅笔。
·I want three dozen ofthese eggs.我要三打这种鸡蛋。
·I saw some dozens ofpeople going there.我看到几十个人去那儿。
7.The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is alot of dust in the earth's air.从地球上观察太空存在一个问题,这就是地球的大气中有着大量的尘埃。
·The chief difficulty with these men was that they were old.这些人的主要困难是年纪太大了。
·It is the custom with the Chinese.这是中国人的习俗。
·The first object with him is always to make money.他的第一目标是赚钱。
(2)look into窥视,向……里面看;调查,观察。
·I looked into the room,but found nobody.我朝房间里看了看,发现没人。
·The police looked into the traffic accident.警察调查这次交通事故。
·They have made up their minds to carry out/make/perform/do this ex-periment.他们决定做试验。
归纳:carry out a policy(instruction,plan,order)执行政策(指示,计划,命令); carryout views/advice/suggestion按观点/建议办事;carry out an experiment做试验;carry outa promise履行诺言
9.We questioned the pilot,…我们询问了飞行员……
question vt.质问,询问;怀疑
·I questionedthetruth ofher story.我怀疑她的故事的真实性。
·The teacher had told us he would question us on verbs.老师已告诉我们要考问我们动词。
·Heneverquestionedme about mypersonal life.他从不问我的私人生活。
10.mention vt.(speak of,refer to)提到,说起
·No one ever mentions the teacher without praising him.对这位教师没有一个人不夸的。
·He often mentioned you to me in his letter.他经常在他的信中提到你。
·She mentioned that she had been to the USA many times.她谈到她到过美国许多次。
Don't mention it.(礼貌用语)不用谢;不客气;没关系
·——I'm sorrytohavetroubledyou somuch.给你添了麻烦,很抱歉。
——Don't mention it./It doesn't matter.没关系。
11. There were three people from whom we artempted to find out in-formation.
attempt v./n.(make a start at doing sth;try)试图,尝试,开始做
·Wehave attempted adifficulttask.我们开始了一项艰苦的工作。
·The students attempted to raise some money for the Hope Project.
·His attempt to escape was a success.他逃走的企图成功了。
·He made an attempt at escaping/to escape from the prison.他试图从监狱逃走。
①attempt to do企图做某事,常含有做不成功的意味。
②try to do努力/尽力去做,结果有成功也有失败。
③manage to do设法做到,结果一般是成功的。
12. The globe measured over one meter across and five metersaround.这个地球仪直径是1米多,周长5米。
(2)量词+long/high/wide/deep=数量词+in length/height/width/depth长/高/宽/深是……
·The round table is one meter across.这张圆桌直径一米。
·The lake is about 20 miles around.这湖周长约20英里。
·The bridge is 150 meters long/in length.这座桥长150米。
1. Personally, I'd rather go to the Science Museum.
(1) personally此处意为“就自己而言”。e. g.
Personally, I quite agree with what you said.
(2) Personally还有“亲自”之意,请根据句子意思加以辨别。e. g.
The headmaster personally showed me around the school. 校长亲自带领我参观学校。
(3) I'd rather go. =I'd prefer to go. “我宁可去。”I'd rather是I would rather的简写,该词组后面跟动词原形。e. g.
She'd rather stay at home reading. 她宁可呆在家里看书。
(4) I'd rather之后还可以跟表示虚拟语气的从句。e. g.
I'd rather you posted the letter right now.
(5) would rather. . . than. . . =prefer to. . . rather than. . . “宁愿……而不愿…… ”,e. g.
She would rather have the small one than the large one.

2. First, it must be very light, the lighter the better, because it has to be sent up into space by a rocket.
句中的the lighter the better是插入语,作“越轻越好”解。这种“the+形容词/副词的比较级,the+形容词/副词的比较级”结构含有“越……就越……”的意思。e. g.
①The sooner, the better. 愈快愈好。
②The higher it flies, the smaller it appears.

3. Once the satellite goes into is orbit round the earth, the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine.
(1)句中once是连词,作“一旦……就……”解,用以连接一个表示时间的状语从句 (相当于as soon as. . . )。e. g.
You will love the beautiful place once you get there.
(2)动词unfold(展开)和fold(折叠)是一对反义词。在动词之前加前缀“un-”,表示相反的动作。e. g.
(3)前缀un-加在形容词前面的情况更多,表示否定的意思,作“不”解。e. g.

4. The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth's air.
(1)介词短语with looking into space from the earth在句中作定语,修饰名词problem,介词with在句中的意思是“就……来说”。e. g.
The chief difficulty with these men was that they were old.
(2)这一含义的介词with短语还可用作状语,表示原因、条件、伴随情况等。e. g.
With space satellites there are no such problems.

5. They are being used more and more to collect information about space, to carry out experiments and to send the information back to research centers on the earth.
(2) more and more意为“越来越多”。比较级加and再加比较级,是“越来越……” 的意思。若是多音节词,则用more and more加多音节形容词或副词。e. g.
He is becoming more and more active in sports.
(3)句中动词短语carry out的意思是“进行,实行,执行”。e. g.
They also carried out other experiments.

6. The museum has an exhibition with rocks from the moon on show.
(1) with rocks from the moon on show是一个由with引导的复合结构,即“with+ 名词+介词短语”在句中作定语,修饰其前面的名词。e. g.
Soon he came to a river with a wooden bridge over it.
(2)这种结构还可用with+名词或代词+分词结构,如果名词和后面的分词为主动关系,则用现在分词;如果名词和后面的分词是被动关系,则用过去分词。e. g.
①Tom was reading a book at the desk with a dog lying under it.
②The old woman stayed in the room lonely with the window and door closed .

单词:personally; exhibition; broad; fold; unfold; connect; circle; pull; direction; position; dozen; height; question; mention; attempt
词组:so far as I know 就我所知
escape the pull of the earth 摆脱地球的引力
a piece of equipment 一件设备
be sent (carried up) into space 被发射升空
make electricity from sunshine 利用阳光发电
in necessary 有必要的话
send programmes 传输节目
weather condition 天气情况
keep out of 避开
dozens of 许多

1. I feel like going to a museum.
(1)句中feel like意为“想要”,后面跟名词或动词的-ing形式。e. g.
I feel like some black tea. 我想喝点红茶。
(2) feel作及物动词用时,意为“感觉到,摸,认为”等。e. g.
①She felt her hair to see if it was still wet. 她摸摸头发,看看是否还是湿的。
②She felt that she had to do all over again. 她觉得她必须重新做。
(3) feel也常用作连系动词,表示“觉得”之意;用作不及物动词,表示“(用手)摸 索”之意。e. g.
①I feel hungry. 我觉得肚子饿。
②He felt in the dark for the switch. 他在黑暗中摸索寻找开关。

(1)及物动词feel的宾语后可跟不带to的动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词等作宾语 补足语。e. g.
①I felt the building shake. 我感觉到这建筑物在摇晃。
②Don't you feel a drift coming from somewhere? 你有没有感觉到有一阵风在从哪里吹进来?
③I feel myself lifted up. 我觉得自己好像被举起。
(2)当feel sth do结构变成被动式时,不定式do前的符号“to”不能省略,即为be felt to do,这时不定式to do为主语补足语。e. g.
The building was felt to shake. 我们感觉到这大楼在摇晃。

2. . . . because it has to be sent up into space by a rocket.
(1)句中to be sent up into space是不定式的被动形式。动词短语send up意为“ 使……上升,发射”。
(2) send可用作使役动词,意为“使变得,使处于”后面接现在分词、形容词、介词短语作宾语补足语。e. g.
The fire sent everyone running in all directions. 大火使得人人四处奔逃。

动词send和短语send for的区别是:send意为“派去”,而send for则意为“去请来”。e. g.
①Why not send a doctor? 为什么不派个医生去?
②Why not send for a doctor? 为什么不派人去请个医生来?

3. Ships and planes can be warned so that they can keep out of the path of the hurricane.
句中的短语动词keep out of作“不牵涉进去,不要惹(事),避开”解。动词keep有许多意思和习惯用法:
(2) keep有时用作不及物动词,意为“保存(食物),不使……腐烂”。e. g.
Will this meat keep till tomorrow? 这块肉可以保持到明天不坏吗?
(3)及物用法的keep后常跟复合宾语结构。e. g.
①This coat will keep you warm. 这件外套可以让你暖和。
②She kept me waiting for half an hour. 她让我等了半个钟头。

(1) keep(on) doing意为“继续”。e. g.
The telephone kept ringing until I answered.
(2) keep from doing 则意为“避免做”;keep sb from doing sth意为“不使某人做某事”。e. g.
①You should try to keep from sitting up late at night. 你应该避免熬夜。
②His advice kept me from making a serious mistake. 他的忠告使我免于犯下严重错误。

4. Today there are more than 100 nations in this group and dozens of satellites have been put into space.
句中的dozen为名词,意为“一打”。e. g.
These pencils are $ 3 a dozen. 这些铅笔一打卖3美元。

(1) dozen被数词或many, several修饰时,不加s,后面也不用of。
Shortly after the accident, two dozen police were sent to the spot to keep order . 事故发生不久,二十四名警察被派往现场维护秩序。
(2)但如果dozen后面有these, those, them, us等词时,dozen后要接of。
e. g.
two dozen of us 我们中的二十四人
three dozen of these eggs 三打这种蛋
(3) dozen表示不确切的多数时,其后加s,并加of,表示“许多”。e. g.
some dozens of people 几十个人
for dozens of years 好几十年以来

5. When you have finished, please fold the map and put it away.
(1)句中短语动词put away意为“收起来,放好,储存”。
动词put的基本含义是“放,搁置,装入,安装”等。e. g.
Where did you put the key? 你把钥匙放在哪里了?

put和不同的介词或副词搭配,表现出各种具体“放”姿,并常产生引申含义及用法。e. g.
①Nobody can put him into a bad temper. 没有人能使他发脾气。
②He couldn't put his idea across to us well. 他不能使我们了解他的想法。


词 汇
wonder, feel like, so far as, send up, make. . . from. . . , keep out of. . . , set up, dozens of. . . , look into, tell the difference, carry out, fix. . . to. . . , put away

What do you feel like doing?
I feel like doing/I'm ready to do/I'd like to do. . .
I'm planning to do. . .
What do you plan to do?

(3)As/so far as 引导的从句作插入语

?a?aWhat do you_____doing?Would you like to go with us to the Great Wall?
?a?aI'd like_____,but I have had other plans.
A£?feellike£?to B£?feel like£?to go
C£?like£?to D£?like£?going
μ???£ofeel likeoó?ó-ing′ê?ò??′ê?¢′ú′ê£????°d likeoó?ó?ˉ′ê2??¨ê??ò??′ê?¢′ú′ê£???è?likeoóò2?ü?ó-ing??ê?£?μ???ê?±íê?ò??òμ??2°?£?ó?ìaòa2?·??£
??à?2_______this book and tell me what you think of it.
A£?Look through B£?Look on
C£?Lookinto D£?Lookup
μ???£olook througho?ó??°×???2é?′£??ˉàà£????°?±??òa£?look ono?ó??°??1??±??òa£?look intoòa??ê??°3ˉà??′£?μ÷2é?±£?look upo?ó??°2é??£??òé??′?±??òa?£
????à? 1 If we had followed his plan,we could have done the job better with_______money and_______people.
A£?less£?less B£?fewer£?fewer
C£?less£?fewer D£?fewer£?less
μ???£o??ìa?÷òa??2é??è?′ê±è????μ?ó?·¨?£ money?a2??éê???′ê£?ó?little??ê?£?people?a?éê???′ê£?ó?few??ê??£
????à?2 Beyond_______stars,the astronauts saw nothing but_______space.
A£?the£?/ B£?/£?the C£?/£?/ D£?the£?the
μ???£o±íê?êà??é??àò?????μ?ê????°ó|ê1ó??¨1ú′ê,è?the earth,the sun,the sea,the sky.μ??úspace?°?°1?2?ó?1ú′ê?£
????à?3 Shortly after the accident two_____ policemen were sent to thespot to keep order.
A£?dozen of B£?dozens C£?dozen D£?dozens of
????à?1 Rather than_______on a crowded bus,he aiways prefers_______abicycle.
A£?ride;ride B£?riding£?ride
C£?ride£?to ride D£?to ride£?riding
μ???£o??ìa??2éá????íprefer to do rather than do?aò????í?£?üìa??í¨1?μ÷????×óó??òà′??2é??éú?ü·?áé????ó?ó????aê??£
??????à?2 is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth onceeverv month.
A£?It B£?As C£?That D£?what
μ???£oè?±í′??°?3ê?ê?è?è????aμ??±£?3£ó??°It is known to all/everybodythat...?±?ò?°As is known to all/everybody,...?±±íê??£?′ó?asò?μ?μ?·????????¨ó?′ó??£?′úì?oó????????×ó?£
??????à?1 (2000?ê£?é?o£)Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase£?_______was very reasonable.
A£?which price B£?the price ofwhich
C£?its price D£?the price ofwhose
μ???£o????ê?ò???·????????¨ó?′ó??£?ò2?é?μ3éofwhich the price?£
??????à?2(1992?ê£?è?1ú)In the dark street£?there wasn't a single person_______she could turn for help.
A£?that B£?who C£?from whom D£?to whom
μ???£oturn to sb.for help?a1ì?¨′???£?±íê??°?ò?3è??ó?è?±?£
In 1901, H. G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers(探险者) landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise. “Why, ” they asked. “Are you traveling to outer space when you don't even use your inner space?”
H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.
Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks . In some cities, such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The “Channel”,a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France, is now completed.
But what about underground cities? Japan's Taisei Corporation is designing a net work of underground systems, called “Alice Cities”. The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome(太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.
Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth's space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness. H. G. Wells' “moon people” would agree. Would you?

1. The explorers in H. G. Wells' story were surprised to find that the “moon people” .
A. knew so much about the earth
B. understood their language
C. lived in so many underground cities
D. were ahead of them in space technology

2. What does the underlined word “it”(paragraph 2) refer to?
A. Discovering the moon's inner space.
B. Using the earth's inner space.
C. Meeting the “moon people” again.
D. Traveling to outer space.
提示:it所指是与第一段最后一行的问题相联系的,问题问到了“为什么不使用地下空间” 。

3. What sort of underground systems are already here with us?
A. Offices, shopping areas, power stations.
B. Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
C. Gardens, car parks, power stations.
D. Tunnels, gardens, offices.

4. What would be the best title for the text?
A. Alice Cities-cities of the future.
B. Space travel with H. G. Wells.
C. Enjoy living underground.
D. Building down, not up.

Lesson 54
3. carry/send; equipment; broadcasting; programmers; weather, what; at; likely; future; warn
4. 1)camera 2)broad 3)fold 4)connect 5)signal 6)circle

Lesson 55
1. 1)they wanted to send telephone signals by satellite
2)space satellites
3)there was no way to bring it back to the earth
4)the first US satellite. . . 1958
5)a US satellite. . . 1959

Lesson 56
1. 1) The moon travels round the earth once every month. It is a natural satellite of the earth. A satellite is an object, either natural or man-made, which travels in an orbit round another object in space.
2) Air traffic controllers tell pilots when to land and when to take off . They know the positions of all planes flying from and to the airport with the help of radar.

【有关"Unit 14 Satellites" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. g2u14 Satellites 教案
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:broad , circle , in space , pull ( n .) , carry out , question (vt .)
三会单词和词组:so / as far as , personally , exhibition , camera , fold , unfold , connect , object , direction , position , organization , dozen , dozens of , dust , dusty , height , pilot , balloon , mention , model , length , attempt , globe
Ⅱ. 交际英语
Getting Or Expressing Opinions (征求或者表达意见)
1. What do you feel like doing ? I feel like …
2. Personally , I’d rather (not) + 原形动词 / I’m ready to do 很乐意干……
3. What would you like to do ? I’d like to …
4. — What do you plan to do ?
— I’m planning to do… / I want ( intend , wish , plan ) to do …
5. — Have you decided to do …?
— I’ve not decided what / where to do …
6. What do you think of … ? / What is your opinion of … ? / How do you like … ?
7. Tell us what you think about … / We’d like to have your views about …
8. Any suggestions you have will be most welcome .
9. It’s quite likely that …
10. It doesn’t seem possible that …
Ⅲ. 语法学习
复习定语从句的用法。特别注意 that 和 which 的区别。哪些情况下常用 which ,哪些情况下常用 that 。


教学设计2. Unit 14 Satellites


教学设计3. 高二英语 Uint 14 Satellites
broad circle in space pull (n.) L.54 四会
carry out question (vt.) L.55
so/as far as personally exhibition L.53 三会
camera fold unfold connect object L.54
direction position organization dozen dozens of dust dusty height L.55
pilot ballon mention model length attempt globe signal orbit rocket panel L.54 二会
outer Sputnik L.55
What do you feel like doing ? I feel like……
Personally , I’d rather (not) do…… I’m ready to……
What would you like to do ? I’d like……
I’m planning to do……
What do you plan to do ? I want / intend / wish / plan to…
Have you decided…to … ? I haven’t decided what / where to…


【关于“Unit 14 Satellites”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Unit 14 Satellites

What has man found in space so far?
A. 不填;the B. 不填;不填 C. the; 不填 D. the; the


分析 答案为B。man作“人类”讲时,前不用冠词,space表 “宇宙、太空”的意义时,前也不用冠词。

常见问题2: Unit 14 Satellites

He to escape from the prison, but he couldn't find anybody to help him.
A. managed B. attempted C. advised D. offered


分析 答案为B。manage to do sth. 意为“设法(成功)做某 事”;attempt(try) to do sth. 设法做某事,但不一定成功;advise doing sth. 建议做某事;offer to do sth. 主动帮助做某事。

常见问题3: Unit 14 Satellites

—You are so kind, John.
— .
A. Yes, I think so. B. I'm afraid not.
C. I don't think so. D. Don't mention it.


分析 答案为D。Don't mention it是对致谢的答语。




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