Unit 16 The Sea

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1. 提高交际能力(表达意愿的用语);
2. 理解省略这一语法现象;
3. 学会使用一些单词、短语和句型。

1.I wish we could go to the seaside today.但愿我们今天能去海边玩。
(2)与过去事实相反,从句的谓语动词用过去完成时(had done);
·I wish he were good at his lessons.(=But in fact he isn't.)
·I wish I had seen the film long before.(==But in fact we didn't.)
·I wish I could fly to the moon.(==It's a pity we can't fly to the moon.)
2.Pity we live so far from the sea.真遗憾,我们住的离海太远了.
(1)此句应为It's a pity that we live so far from the sea. It's a pity that...是用来表示遗憾的交际用语。在口语中,It's a和that可以省略。
·Pity you can't swim.(It's a pity that you can't swim.)真遗憾,你不会游泳。
(2)pity 作具体的一件“可怜的事”、“憾事”解释时,是可数名词。
·It is a pity to waste time.浪费时间是一件憾事。
·What a pity(it was that)we didn't meet last time!真遗憾我们上次没见面!
(3) pity作“同情”、“惋惜”解时,是不可数名词。可以和feel,take,have构成词组,请注意pity后面的介词的搭配。feel pity for;take pity on;have pity on是常见的词组。
·He feels no pity for the disabled and the poor.他不同情残疾人和穷人。
·“Have pity on me.”The wolf begged to MrDongGuo.“可怜可怜我吧!”狼哀求东郭先生。
3.He's doing very well in the navy.
do well in...do fine;be good at“在……方面做得好”;get on well(工作、学习、生活、生长情况进展好。
·Jack doesn't do well in his lessons but he is good at sports.
·The patient is doing well.病人大有起色。
·Everything in the garden is doing well.花园里的花木都长得不错。
比较:do well做得好,做得对;do good做好事,有好处;
Giving up smoking will do you good.戒烟对你有好处。
4.make up one's mind是与“迟疑”、“动摇”、“不知所措”等相对的说法,意味着打定主意、下了决心、认定某事,后跟动词不定式或从句,也可单独使用。注意mind的单复数。
·They have made up their minds to keep up with the others.他们决定赶上其他人。
·Aristotle had made up his mind that heavy objects always fell faster than light objects.亚里斯多得认定重的物体比轻的物体落地快。
5.Take a deep breath and I'll time you.你使劲吸一口气,我给你计时。
take a deep breath/draw a deep breath深深地吸一口气;hold/catch one's breath屏住呼吸;out of one's breath上气不接下气;waste one's breath(浪费口舌)。
注意:take breath(歇一歇,喘口气)...have/take a rest
1.That is 3.5%by weight. 按重量计也就是百分之三点五。
注意:by(to form adverbial phrases of time,length,weight,number)”(单位)按……,以……计算。”注意定冠词的使用。
(1)by the day按日计算;by the month按月计算;by the hour按钟点计;by the kilo论公斤;by the dozen按打;by the piece按件。
·In England,sugar is sold by the pound,eggs by the dozen and cloth by the yard.
(2)by volume按体积(计算); by weight按重量;sell by retail零卖(买);比较:in calories用卡;in centuries 用百年;in years用年;in meters用米
sell by wholesale批发;by price计价;by distance计程;by time计时
2.The Mediterranean=The Mediterranean sea;The Atlantic=The Atlantic Ocean英语中在表示江、河、海、湖、山脉、海湾等专有名词前要加定冠词。例如:the Yangtze River(长江),the Mississippi(密西西比河),the Red Sea(红海),the West lake(西湖),the Alps(阿尔陴斯山脉),the Persian Gulf(波斯湾)等.
但当其用作定语修饰后面的名词时,则可不用定冠词,如:Mediterranean water(地中海的水),Atlantic water(大西洋的水)等。
3.a depth of深度有……;有……的深度
·We found water at a depth of 10 metres.我们在深达10米处找到了水。
·The lake has a depth of300 feet in the middle.该湖的中心深达300英尺。
·The sperm whale can dive to a depth of 1000 metres.鲸鱼可以潜到1000米的水下。
The snow is 3 feet in depth./The snow is 3 feet deep./The snow has a depth of 3 feet.
4.on(an/the) average平均起来,一般来说
·She receives two letters each day on(an/the)average.她平均每天收到两封信。
·The price of apples is about four yuan per kg on average.苹果大约每公斤4元钱。
其它用法:above the average(在一般水平以上);below the average;(在一般水平以下);up to the average(接近一般水平);the average of winter temperature(冬天的平均气温)。
·Tom's work at school is above the average ,John's is below the average and Jim's is up to the average.汤姆的成绩在平均水平以上,约翰的在平均水平以下,吉姆的接近一般水平。
5.The minerals are partly supplied by hundreds of natural springs which flow into the Dead Sea,and partly by the River Jordan.
partly为副词,意为“部分地”。在表示有两部分的原因时,可以用它来分别说明。其句型为:partly through+名词…+partly through+名词;partly because+从句…partly because+从句。
·He has failed in the examination partly through carelessness and partly through laziness他考试没及格,一方面是因为粗心,一方面是因为懒.
·I was late for work partly because I got up late and partly because I met with an accident.我上班迟到,一方面是因为我起床晚了,一方面是因为我遭到意外。
6.at a time
at a time作“一次(性)地,每次,个别地”解,常用于“数词(时间名词)+at a time”结构,间或也可表示“在某一时期”,相当于at onetime,常用于过去时的句子中。
·The teacher asked the students to come to his office one at a time.
·The accident took place at a time when national tension was at its peak.这个事故发生在国内紧张局势处于高峰的时刻。
联想:at one time 度,有一个时期,曾经; 同时,一齐
at times有时,偶尔,相当于 sometimes, from time to time
at all times 不停地,经常,始终;不论什么时候(at any time)
at the same time同时,一齐;可是,然而
7.occur happen,take place发生; appear 浮现
(1)sth. occur=sth. happen某事发生了
·Terrible things usually occur at midnight.可怕的事情通常在午夜发生。
(2)sth. occur to sb.某人心中突然想起某事
·A good idea occurred to me.我心生一计。
(3) It occurred/occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想起做某事
·It never occurred to me to phone to you.我从来没有想起给你打电话.
(4)It occurred/occurs to sb.that...某人想到某事
·It occurred to me that he was jealous.我突然发现他是妒忌的.
8.leave out省去,略去;遗漏;不予考虑
·It is up to you to decide what to leave out and what to leave in.由你决定何舍何取。
·If you want to buy the new house,leave out the price,we all can help you.你如果想买这套新房,不要考虑价钱,我们大家都会帮你的。
9.I beg your pardon/beg your pardon/pardon对不起,请原谅。常用于下列情况:
(1)做了错事道歉时。I beg your pardon. I took your pen by mistake just now.
(2)谈话中提出异议前。Beg your pardon. I don't agree with you.
(3)没听清楚对方的话,希望重复一遍时,这里也可只用“Beg your pardon. Pardon.”(说时用升调)Pardon? I didn't catch you.
10.Cross out/off划掉,勾销,划出,更着重用笔划出,做出记号
·Some of the words are unnecessary. Cross them out.一些词没必要,把它们划掉。
·Cross out all the grammar mistakes and leave them out.把语法错误划出,并删除。
11.Squids take in water and then force it out of holes in their bodies.
take in吸收(absorb);接纳,接受(accept);理解(understand);改小(衣服等)
·Get rid of the stale and take in the fresh.吐故纳新。
·This kind of cloth doesn't take in much sunlight.这种布料不会吸收过多的日光。
·The camera club took in a new member yesterday.昨天摄影俱乐部接纳了一位新成员。
·The students take in most of what the teacher has said.学生们理解了老师讲的大部分内容。
·Could you take in the coat a little for me?你能将这件大衣改小一点吗?
1. Seen from space, the earth looks blue.
句中Seen from space为过去分词状语表示条件,相当于一个条件状语从句。If it is seen from space, the earth looks blue. 又如:
Taken good care of, the machine will last long.
Invited to the Palace ball, they will be very happy.

2. It takes 80 years for Mediterranean water to be chanced with Atlantic water, as there is only one narrow entrance where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic.
句中It takes some time for sb. to do (be done)为固定句型,相当于It takes sb. some time to do sth. (be done),意为“花掉某人多长时间干某事”。
地中海为专有名词,其前面一定要加冠词the,即the Mediterranean(sea)。又如the Salt Lake, the Atlantic Ocean等,但当它们做为形容词时可不加定冠词the。如Mediterranean water地中海里的水。
meet在句中意为汇合,交汇,此处其相当于join。又如:The house stands where three roads meet. =The house stands where three roads join.

3. Coral needs certain conditions in order to live.
A. 表示“确凿的,可靠的,无疑的”,在句中可做表语也可做定语。
如:The facts are certain. 事实确凿。
This is a certain remedy for giving up smoking.
B. 表示“有把握的”、“肯定的”、“确信的”,相当于sure,一般做表语。
We are certain to win. 我们肯定会赢。
I'm not certain whether he will come or not.
C. 表“某种”、“某一”、“一定的”,只做定语。
A certain Tom is waiting for you at the school gate.
I'm very sorry not to tell you the truth for a certain reason.

4. By doing this the animal can hold its breath for a long time.
句首By doing this中的this指代前面的整个句子,介词by在此处引导v. -ing短语,作方式 状语,表示“用……,通过……。”
如:By using the computer they solved the problem.

5. I wish I could go to the seaside.
I wish(that)…是表示“愿意”的交际英语,且表示不可能实现的愿望,可译为“但愿…… ”,“……就好了”等。其后接的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。若表示现在不能实现的愿望则用过去式,若表示过去未能实现的愿望则用过去完成时,若表示与将来事实可能相反的愿望则用would+动词原型。
I wish it were spring all the year round. (表现在)
How I wish I had gone there with you!(表过去)
I wish he would try again. (表将来)

do well make up one's mind take a deep breath time be made up of little as much by weight reach up to variety merely on average provide at a time length feed on slow take in force in the opposite direction

1. Little of the earth's solid surface has been seen by human kind as much of it lies below the sea.
(1)本句中的little是代词,作“少量,(只)一点”解,有否定的意思。原为形容词 ,故可用very, rather等副词来修饰。如果作主语,谓语动词须用单数形式。e. g.
Little is known of her background. 她的来历几乎没有人知道。
(2)本句中的as是连词,表示原因或理由。e. g.
As I have a cold, I was absent from school.
(3) much作代词,是“许多,大量”的意思,视为单数。e. g.
There isn't much for you to do. 你要做的(工作)并不多。

2. . . . , and in summer can reach up to 25℃ or even 29℃.
本句中的reach up to作“高达”解。e. g.
On one wall there is a bookcase that reaches up to the celling.
reach作动词,有“到达,达到”的意思。e. g.
①Your letter reached me this morning. 你寄给我的信今天早上收到了。
②They reached an agreement. 他们达成了协议。
reach作动词,还可以表示“扩展,延伸,伸手拿取”的意思。e. g.
①His farmland reaches to the river. 他的农田延伸到河边。
②He reached out(his hand) for a piece of cake. 他伸出手来拿一块蛋糕。
reach还可作“(以电话等)与……取得联络”解。e. g.
I'll reach him by phone. 我会打电话跟他联络。

3. There is very little rain here, merely 60mm in a year on average .
本句中的merely是“仅仅,只不过”的意思。e. g.
He merely wanted to know the truth. 他只不过是想知道事实真相。
本句中的短语on(the/an) average作“平均起来,一般来说”解。e. g.
This car runs 15 kilometers per liter on (the) average.
(1) average作名词是“平均,平均数,普通,平常”的意思。
above/below(the) average是“在平均水平以上/以下”的意思。e. g.
Her school work is below/above(the) average.
up to(the) average是“达到平均水平”的意思。
(2)average是形容词,作“平均的,一般的,普通的”解。e. g.
①The employees' average income in this company is about $ 1500 a month.
②He is just an average student. 他只是一个普通的学生。
(3)average作动词,作“平均为,平均计有”解。e. g.
That baseball team averages three runs a game.

4. When it dives its heart slows to half its normal speed.
本句中的slow为动词,作“减慢,使……缓慢”解。e. g.
①The car slowed up as it went around the curve. 那部车经过转弯处时减慢速度。
②The motorman slowed down the train. 驾驶员放慢了火车的速度。

词 汇
sailor, spring, captain, beach, navy, solid, variety, float, merely , huge, make up one's mind, come up, by weight, coral beds, the main food, be made up of.

Beautiful day, isn't it?
I wish we could go to the sea-side today.
When did you last go to the seaside.
Let's go to the river to bather.


——Don't all speak at once!
A.Each at a time. B.One by one time.
C.One for each time. D.One at a time.
导析:本句的意思是“不要所有的人同时说,每次一位”。解题的关键是抓住all...at once和答句中的固定搭配at at time(每一次)就能迎刃而解。
——Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?
A.I don't believe B.I don't believe it
C.I believe not so D.I believe not
导析:该句是考查交际英语中的简略回答。如果补充完整,便是I don't believe that it is going to rain over the weekend.也是考查宾语从句的省略。类似的有:I don't think so.I think not; I hope so; I hope not; I'm afraid so/not.
★★例1Dr Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can't remember ___________.
A.where B.there C.which D.that
导析:本句的意思是“我不记得布莱克博士是从Oxford or Cambridge中哪一个来的”。本句补充完整是I can't remember which one he comes from.
★★例2We _____ the work would complete, but it won't.
A.want B.expect C.wish D.hope
导析:动词expect, wish和hope后都可以带宾语从句,但只有wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气。根据but it won't的语境可以判断出试题wish后的宾语从句表示的是将来不可能实现的愿望。宾语从句的谓语如果是“would+动词原形”,则是一种常用的希望。答案:C
——How are you getting on with your study?
——All goes well as __________.
A.to be planned B.being planned
C.planned D.planning
导析:在从属连词as引导的比较状语从句中常用省略,答语中的as 后省略了it(study)is。例如:Fill in the form as(you are)instructed.按照要求填写了表格。答案:C
★★★例1(2002年,上海春季)How I wish every family __________ a large house with a beautiful garden!
A.has B.had C.will have D.had had
★★例2___________it rain tomorrow, you would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.
A.Were B.Should C.Would D.Will
City Varieties
The Head row, Leeds. Tel. 430808
Oct. 10-11 only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Crier, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers, Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Trio. Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favorite songs.
Performances: 8 p. m. nightly.
Admission: £ 5; under 16 or over 60: £ 4.
York Theatre Royal
St Leonard's Place, York, Tel 223568
Sep. 23-Oct. 17 Groping for Words -a comedy by Sue To wisent. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Town send now writes about an evening class which to men and a woman attend. A gentle comedy.
Admission: First night, Mon: £ 2; Tues-Fri: £ 3. 25-5. 50; Sat: £ 3. 50-5. 75.
Halifax Playhouse
King's Cross Street, Halifax. Tel. 365998
Oct. 10-17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone. Don't miss it.
Performances: 7: 30 p. m.
Admission: £ 2. Mon: 2 seats for the price of one.
Grand Theatre
Oxford Street, Leeds. Tel. 502116
Restaurant and Cafe.
Oct. 1-17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13. Sue Townsend's musical play, based on her best-selling book.
Performances: Evenings 7: 45. October 10-17, at 2: 30 p. m. No Monday performances.
Admission: Tues-Thus: £ 2-5; Fri & Sat: £ 2-6.
1. Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?
A. Halifax Playhouse. B. City Varieties.
C. Grand Theatre. D. York Theatre Royal.
提示:Halifax Playhouse票价为2英镑,周一两人可用一张票,则为1英镑,因此最便宜。

2. If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?
A. 502116 B. 223568 C. 365998 D. 430808
提示:City Varieties的演出有old jokes and music.

3. We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is .
A. a writer B. an actress C. a musician D. a director
提示:可以从文中…based on her best-selling book推断出。

Lesson 62
1. 1)A 2)C 3)D 4)D 5)B 6)D
2. 1)various 2)construction 3)floating 4)partly…partly
5)merely 6)average 7)spring

Lesson 63
2. 1)I haven't decided whether to be a sailor or not.
2)Although he knows how to use the computer, he does not want to.
3)I do not intend to swim and have never swum in that lake. 或I've never swum in that lake and I do not intend to.
4)Don't tell me the name of the market if you don't want to.
5)She can speak English much faster than I.
6)I didn't believe they would finish the project so quickly, but they have.

3. 1)measured the depth of the water of the river every day
2)can dive to a depth of more than 1, 000 meters
3)can grow to a length of 15 meters
4)is 40, 000 square meters; is 33. 7 meters
5)10 cubic centimeters

Lesson 64
1. on→from main→mainly
was→is a little→little
will→would continent→continents
seven-tenth→seven-tenths cover→covered
pacific→Pacific mile→miles
were→was much→many
is→was burned→burning
hanged→hung turn→turned
the→The forming→formed

【有关"Unit 16 The Sea" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. g2u16 The Sea 教案
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:sailor , do well , make up one’s mind , bathe , time ( vt .) , spring , beg , beg one’s pardon , captain , depth , merely , huge , construction
三会单词和词组:seaside , beach , dive , navy , drown , come up , vast , surface , solid , various , variety , float , the Dead Sea , partly , on average , pole , the South Pole , huge , at a time , occur , treasure , voyage , load , cycle , kg = kilogram(me) , the Atlantic = the Atlantic Ocean
Ⅱ. 交际英语
一般来说,中国人喜欢反复强调自己的谦意,并喜欢用“非常抱歉”、“深表歉意”等表示程度倾向的语句,而英美人士则不同,对于因客观原因而造成的过失或差错,则不必主动工过分向对方表示歉意。如一定要向对方道歉,说声 sorry 即可,一般不用 very , terribly , truly 等表示程度的词。因为在美国,过分的道歉或自责反而显得不太诚恳,令人感到虚假或另有用心。
Some useful expressions:
1 . Sorry / Pardon / I'm sorry .
2 . I'm sorry for/about…
3 . I'm sorry to do sth . / I'm sorry to have done sth…
4 . Excuse me ( for… )
5 . be afraid that…
6 . What a pity/shame !
7 . It's a pity that…
8. That's all right . /It doesn't matter . /That's nothing .
9 . That's OK . /It's quite all right . /Never mind . /No trouble at all . / That's not your fault .
( A is late for a birthday party ) .
A : Come in , Mr Smith . Nice to see you .
B : Nice to see you too . I'm very sorry to be late . ( I'm sorry to have kept you waiting . )
A : It doesn't matter . We're glad you could come .
B : I didn't quite remember the number of your house , so it took me a long time to find your house .
A : I'm sorry that I didn't make myself clear .
B : Oh , that's nothing .
Ⅲ. 语法重点


教学设计2. 高二英语 Uint 16 The sea
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:sailor , do well , make up one’s mind , bathe , time ( vt .) , spring , beg , beg one’s pardon , captain , depth , merely , huge , construction
三会单词和词组:seaside , beach , dive , navy , drown , come up , vast , surface , solid , various , variety , float , the Dead Sea , partly , on average , pole , the South Pole , huge , at a time , occur , treasure , voyage , load , cycle , kg = kilogram(me) , the Atlantic = the Atlantic Ocean
Ⅱ. 交际英语
一般来说,中国人喜欢反复强调自己的谦意,并喜欢用“非常抱歉”、“深表歉意”等表示程度倾向的语句,而英美人士则不同,对于因客观原因而造成的过失或差错,则不必主动工过分向对方表示歉意。如一定要向对方道歉,说声 sorry 即可,一般不用 very , terribly , truly 等表示程度的词。因为在美国,过分的道歉或自责反而显得不太诚恳,令人感到虚假或另有用心。
Some useful expressions:
1 . Sorry / Pardon / I‘m sorry .
2 . I’m sorry for/about…
3 . I‘m sorry to do sth . / I’m sorry to have done sth…
4 . Excuse me ( for… )
5 . be afraid that…
6 . What a pity/shame !
7 . It‘s a pity that…
8. That’s all right . /It doesn‘t matter . /That’s nothing .
9 . That‘s OK . /It’s quite all right . /Never mind . /No trouble at all . / That‘s not your fault .
( A is late for a birthday party ) .
A : Come in , Mr Smith . Nice to see you .
B : Nice to see you too . I’m very sorry to be late . ( I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting . )
A : It doesn’t matter . We‘re glad you could come .
B : I didn’t quite remember the number of your house , so it took me a long time to find your house .
A : I‘m sorry that I didn’t make myself clear .
B : Oh , that‘s nothing .
Ⅲ. 语法重点

【关于“Unit 16 The Sea”的常见问题】

常见问题1: 高二英语 Uint 16 The sea

We don‘t visit Tom _____ .
A.as many as we used to B.an many as we were used to
C.as much as we used to D.as much as we were used to


本题考点是两个:一是 used to 同 be used to 的区别;另一个是 many 和 much 的区别。 ( 1 ) used to 表示“过去经常或反复的动作”;used to do sth . 表示“过去常做某事”,它只有过去时的形式。be used to 表示“习惯于……”,to 是介词,后接名词或动名词,be 可用于各种时态。 ( 2 ) much 和 many 都表示“多”,many 可修饰或代替可数名词; much 可修饰代替不可数名词,还可以修饰动词、形容词比较级。as much as 多作状语,本句中修饰动词 visit,因此答案是 C。

常见问题2: 高二英语 Uint 16 The sea

You ____ not smoke here .
A.could better B.would better
C.should better D.had better


had better do sth . 意指“最好去做某事”,had better not to do sth . 表示“最好不要去做某事”,本题答案为 D。

常见问题3: 高二英语 Uint 16 The sea

— ____ have you been to the Great Wall ?
— Only once .
A.How many times B.How often
C.How long D.How much time


根据对话内容,可知是问:“你曾去过长城多少次 ? ”考点是几个疑问词的区别。how long ( 多久 ) ,是用于对一段时间提问,多由 for 引导;how often ( 多久一次 ) ,是针对“once a week ( month ) ”等进行提问的。本题重点是 time 的用法。time 单数 ( 不可数 ) 表示时间,“how much time”表示“多少时间”;times 复数 ( 可数 ) ,可表示“次数、倍数、时代”等。本题答语是“only once” ( 只有一次 ) ,答案理应是A。

常见问题4: 高二英语 Uint 16 The sea

So tired ____ after getting the thief down on the floor that he ____ say a word .
A.was my brother ; could hardly
B.did my brother ; could hardly
C.was my brother ; wouldn’t hardly
D.my brother was ; could hardly


( 1 ) hardly 是否定副词,could hardly 意指“几科不能”,符合题意,可先排除 C;( 2 ) 从句子结构看,本句意在强调“tired”,tired 是形容词,应作表语,强调表语时,表语放在句首,主语和动词要用倒装语序,为此,再排除 D;在系表结构中,动词用 be 动词而不用 did,因此答案是 A。

常见问题5: 高二英语 Uint 16 The sea

— Have you heard form Jack lately ?
— No , I haven‘t . I’m anxious to know ____ .
A.how is he getting along
B.how he is getting along
C.what is he getting on
D.what he is getting on


根据语境,空白处应填宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,故可先排除A,C;be getting along ( on ) 表示“进展 ( 情况 ) 如何”,常与 how 连用,因此,答案是 B。

常见问题6: Unit 16 The Sea

The train its speed as it came near to the station.
A. slows B. slowing C. slowed D. being slowed


分析 在英语中slow一般用作adj. ,但有时也可用作v . 意为“减慢”。类似的词还用cool, warm等,且该句又为过去时,故C答案正确。

常见问题7: Unit 16 The Sea

What's temperature in this town in August?
A. on average B. the average C. in average D. at the average


分析 on(the)average为固定结构,意为“平均起来”,“ 一般来说”,同时average也可作形容词做“平均的”解。故正确答案为B。

常见问题8: Unit 16 The Sea

Her parents died in the same year, her an orphan.
A. left B. to leave C. leaving D. and leaving


分析 动词+ing在此做状语,表示结果,如选D,则应为and left。




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