Unit 17 Life in the Future

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1. 通过学习这一单元,使学生了解电脑在各个领域的运用,从而掌握现代化的工具为社会服务;
2. 学会一些构词法;
3. 学会使用同位语从句。
1.People have been talking of it a lot recently.对这件事最近人们一直谈论得很多呢。
注意:talk of, talk about
talk of谈到,提到
· At the meeting he talked of the importance of learning computer skills.他在会上提到学习计算机技术的重要性。
· Talking of football, he is very excited.一谈到足球,他非常兴奋。
2.Right now we can't produce goods quickly ...眼下我们的产品生产不够快……
goods n.无单数形式,只有复数形式。不可用数词或many加以修饰。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。
· This shop sells a variety of goods.这家商店出售许多种商品。
· Half his goods have been stolen.他的一半财产被偷走了。
3.The majority of people in the town want to ...镇上大多数人赞成……
·The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health.大多数医生认为抽烟对身体有害。
· The majority of his books were kept upstairs.他的大部分书藏在楼上。
· The majority is (are) against the plan.大多数人反对这项计划。
4.because a number of people are out of work.……因为有许多人失业了。
out of的短语:
out of breath ,out of date out of reach. out of order, out of danger, out ofcontrd out of work:
(1)out of a job失业
· There are plenty of women out of work.有许多女工失业了。
· He has been out of work for two years.他失业两年了。
· The machine is out of work. Please send for the mechanic.机器坏了。请派人去请修理工。
5.What do you think is likely to happen?你认为可能会发生什么事?
·Where do you think they should go?你认为他们该去哪儿?(Where不是该句主语)
·Who do you believe/consider/suppose is right?你认为谁对?(Who是该句主语)
·I think they'd better go to Shanghai。我认为他们最好去上海。
(3)适用于以上插入语的常用动词有think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess, consider, suggest, say等。
· Where do you suggest we spend our holiday?.你建议我们去哪里度假?
6.It's quite likely that a decision will be made before the end of the year.很有可能在年底之前就会做出决定。
It's likely that...
(1)这是一种表示“有可能”的句型,相当于It's probable that(从句)的句型,其前的quite起强调作用,增大其中的可能性,表示相当有可能;也可用highly修饰,表示极有可能。例如,
· It's highly(quite) likely that her birthday party will be held on September 19th.她的生日晚会很有可能在9月19日举行。
(2)类似的句型还有It's possible that(从句)
·Is it possible that she will marry a soldier?她会同一个士兵结婚吗?
(3)It is likely that(从句)的句型还可以作如下转换:
· It is likely that we are not allowed to enter the building. = We are not likely to be allowed to enter the building.有可能不让我们进入大楼。
1.Lights will go off if no one is in the room.如果房内没有人,电灯就会熄灭。
go off消失,离开;(水电等)断掉
· He went off in a great hurry.他匆匆忙忙地离开了。
· I had a rest for a while and soon my headache went off.我休息了一会儿,不久头也不疼了。
· Suddenly the electricity supply went off。突然停电了。
2.As a result, costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.因此生产成本将下降90%。
reduce v.
(1)减少,降低例:reduce one' weight减肥,reduce expenses/the speed/pressure/costs减少开支/减速/减压/降低成本reduce...to...把……降低到……
·They reduced the amount to eighty percent.他们把数量减少到80%。
·The house was reduced to ashes.房子被烧成了灰烬。reduce...by...把……降低了……
·The shop reduced the price of the trousers by 10 percent.这个商店把裤子的价格降低了10%。
·be reduced to nothing瘦得不成样
·she was reduced to begging for her living.她已沦落到以乞讨为生的境地。
3.They believe that the basic needs of the world’s population should be satisfied first他们认为应当首先满足世界人口的基本需要,……
·There is no need for you to start yet.你现在还不需要动身。
·There is no ( not much) need for anxiety.不(太)需要焦虑。
·We are in great need of money.我们急需钱用。指“需求之物”,多用复数形式。
·10 pounds will meet(satisfy) my immediate needs.10英镑将可以应付我目前的需要。
·This shop sells things of daily needs, like soap and salt.这家商店出售我们日常生活的必需品,如肥皂和盐。
(2)satisfy v.使……满意、使……满足;satisfaction n.满意、满足sth.satisfy sb.某事使某人感到满意;satisfy one ‘s needs满足某人的需要。
·Nothing satisfies him. He is always complaining.什么也不能使他满意。他总是抱怨。
·The government is trying to satisfy the people's needs.政府在努力满足人民的需要。其它短语:
be satisfied to do sth./with sb./sth.对做某事满意/对某人/某事满意
with satisfaction满意地
to one's satisfaction使某人满意的是
4.So people will be advised to (keep) fit in many ways.所以要劝人们在许多方面注意保持健康。
keep fit保持身体健康
另外,keep是系动词时还可以构成其它短语:keep calm/cool保持冷静keep quiet保持安静keep silent保持安静,保持沉默keep warm保持温暖
·Take a lot of exercise and you will keep fit.多锻炼,你就会保持健康。
·I hope you are keeping fit.我希望你能保持健康。
5.Meanwhile, they will do their best...同时,人们将尽最大努力……
meanwhile(=in the mean time )副词,作“与此同时、在这期间”解。
·Tom was cutting grass and meanwhile Adam was planting corns.汤姆在割草,与此同时亚当在种玉米。
· Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house.妈妈采购去了,在这期间,我把房屋打扫了。
1. He may have plans, but he hasn't yet spoken to me about them.
句中speak to sb. about sth. 意为“和某人谈论某事”,例如:
Li Ming is speaking to Wei Fang about their teacher.
与speak搭配的介词、副词很多,常见的有:speak of说……的事,提及;speak out大声说 出;speak for代替……讲话;speak with sb. 和某人谈话。

2. In the fields of education, health and research, computers will continue to play an important part.
He is known in the field as a fine mathematician.
That is outside my field.
play a part in sth. 有两种含义:一是“参加活动”;二是“有贡献,在……中起作用” 。part可用形容词important, large, leading, great, active等修饰。
She plays an active part in local politics.
She played a major part in the success of the scheme.

3. They do this so that people can dry their hair using an electric hair-drier.
so that用来表示目的,引导一个目的状语,意为“以便”,还可以用in order that来替换,如果主句的主语和从句的主语一致,可用so as to或in order to来表示:
He said with a serious look so that/in order that they might believe him.
He got up early so as to/in order to catch the first train.
so. . . as to表结果,例如:
Would you be so kind as to help us?
such. . . that常用于表示“如此……以至于”,后面接结果状语从句。such后常见的结构有:(1)不定冠词+形容词+单数名词;(2)形容词+复数名词或不可数名词。例如:
He is such a bright boy that we all like him.
It is such hot weather that many people go swimming in the river.
so…that意为“如此……以至于”,so后面的常见搭配有:(1)形容词+不定冠词+单数名词;(2)形容词/副词;(3)表示数量的形容词(many, much, few, little)+复数名词或不可数名词。例如:
He is so bright a boy that we all like him.
He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him in our class.

majority out of work as well as work out go off carry out land on its legs copy print out such as satisfy share do an operation keep fit vote for

1. The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area.
句中的majority是名词,作“多数,大半”解。做主语时,动词可用单数或复数。e. g.
The majority of students were/was indifferent to the political meeting.

2. It is possible to work out whether you will save or lose money by increasing the temperature by 1℃.
(1)句中work out意为“计算出,解答出,制定出,想出”。接名词(代词)或接宾语 从句。e. g.
①Have you worked out this problem yet? 你已经计算出了这道难题吗?
②We must work out a plan as quickly as we can. 我们一定要尽快制定出计划。

(1) work out跟名词既可放在work与out之间,也可放在后面,如接代词只能放在work与out之间。e. g.
See if you can work this puzzle out. =See if you can work out this puzzle.
(2) work out其后不接宾语,表示“(情况等)发展,进行”。e. g.
How did your meeting work out?

3. This type of rocket is able to return to the earth and land on its legs.
句中land on its legs意为“用其腿部着陆”。其中介词on表示“以……为支点”。类似的词组还有:
to stand up on one's feet 站着
to stand on one's head 倒立着
to crawl on one's face 匍匐前进
to lay on one's face 俯卧着
to kneel on one's knees 跪着

4. Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly among countries than it is now.
句中share为及物动词,意为“承担,分享”。e. g.
Mother is sharing the cakes among the boys to make sure that every boy gets some .

share in意为“分享,分担,共同努力”;share sth. with sb. 意为“与某人一道分享” 。e. g. We share in fun. 我们分享乐趣。

5. They do expensive operations to give people new hearts.
(1)句中do an operation意为“医生给病人做手术”。而have an operation(on) 意为“病人要动手术(在身体部位上)”。e. g.
The doctor did an operation on his right eye.
(2) have an operation on 接被动手术的人或身体的某部位,for则接病名。e. g.
The doctor did an operation for his lung cancer. 医生给他的肺癌开了刀。
类 别

词 汇
goods, industry, throughout, central, skill, possibility, vote, satisfy, make a decision, out of work, keep fit, in the field of education, take. . . for example.

He may(not). . .
They will(not). . .
Do you think it's possible that. . . ?
What do you think is likely to happen?
I don't think so.

语 法

★例1We have worked out the plan and we must put it into
A.fact B.reality C.practice D.deed
导析:该题考查了常见的基本搭配“put sth.into practice(付诸实践)”。
★例2They have no idea at all_________.
A.where he has gone B.where did he go
C.which place has he gone D.where has he gone
——We haven't heard from Jane for a long time.
——What do you suppose _________to her?
A.was happening B.to happen
C.has happened D.having happened
导析:“do you suppose”为插入语,这种问句中的插入语,一般不用逗号分开。跳过插入语do you suppose清晰可见答案在A、C中,what是句子的主语,目的在于选择谓语动词。上句的现在完成时语境,提供了C项正确的依据。答案:C
★★例1There is a popular belief among parents _______schools don't pay any attention to handwriting.
A.whose B.that C.which D.in which
导析:该题貌似定语从句,考生可能误将parents作先行词而选A。其实,这是同位语从句,among parents将从句与中心词belief隔开了。答案:B
★★★例2It's possible for her to live there, but___________.
A.she is not probable B.she is not possible
C.not possible D.not probable
导析:此题考possible与probable的差异,probable的可能性比possible 的可能性大, A、B没有注意平行结构。答案:D
——Hi, Traly, you Look tired.
——I am tired. I______ the living room all day.
A.painted B.had painted
C.have been painting D.have painted
★★★例2(1995年,全国)He gained his ______by printing ________of famous writers.
A.wealth; work B.wealths; works
C.wealths; work D.wealth; works
Treasure hunts(寻宝) have excited people's imagination for years both in real life and in books such as Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. Kit Williams, a modern writer, had the idea of combining the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues(线索) found in a book when he wrote a children's story, Masquerade, in 1979. The book was about a hare, and a month before it came out Williams buried a gold hare in a park in Bedfordshire. The book contained a large number of clues to help readers find the hare, but Williams put in a lot of “red herrings”, or false clues, to mislead them.
Ken Roberts, the man who found the hare, had been looking for it for nearly two years. Although he had been searching in the wrong area most of the time, he sound it by logic(逻辑), not by luck. His success came from the fact that he had gained an important clue at the start. He had realized that the words: “One of Six to Eight” under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to Katherine of Aragon, the first of Henry vial’s six wives. Even here, however, Williams bad succeeded in misleading him. Ken knew that Katherine of Aragon had died at Kim Bolton in Cambridge shire in 1536 and though that Williams bad buried the hare there. He had been digging there for over a year before a new idea occurred to him. He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Amp hill , in Bedfordshire, and thought that he must have buried the hare in a place he knew well, but he still could not see the connection with Katherine of Aragon, until one day he came across two stone crosses in Amp hill Park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773.
Even then his search had not come to an end. It was only after he had spent several nights digging around the cross that he decided to write to Kit Williams to find out if he was wasting his time there. Williams encouraged him to continue, and on February 24th 1982, he found the treasure. It was worth £ 3000 in the be ginning, but the excitement it had caused since its burial made it much more valuable.
1. The underlined word “them”(paragraph 1) refers to .
A. red herrings B. treasure hunts
C. Henry VⅢ's six wives D. readers of Masquerade
提示:to mislead them“误导他的”,“他们”指想找到宝物的读者。

2. What is the most important clue in the story to help Ken Roberts find the hare ?
A. Two stone crosses in Amp hill. B. Stevenson's Treasure Island.
C. Katherine of Aragon. D. William's hometown.

3. The stone crosses in Amp hill were built .
A. to tell about what happened in 1773
B. to show respect for Henry VⅢ's first wife
C. to serve as a road sign in Amp hill Park
D. to inform people where the gold hare was
提示:石头十字架为谁而建?第二段最后一行in her honor即可看出。

4. Which of the following describes Roberts' logic in searching for the hare?
a. Henry Vial’s six wives
b. Katherine's burial place at Kim Bolton
c. Williams' childhood in Amp hill
d. Katherine of Aragon
e. stone crosses in Amp hill Park
A. a-b-c-e-d B. d-b-c-e-a
C. a-d-b-c-e D. b-a-e-c-d
提示:考查对各个细节的理解。理解对了,排序则没问题。也可从文中看出“e”为最后一 细节。

5. What is the subject discussed in the text?
A. An exciting historical event. B. A modern treasure hunt.
C. The attraction of Masquerade. D. The importance of logical thinking.

Lesson 65
2. 1)of/about; of 2)to 3)of 4)in; of; out of 5)for 6)of; in
3. 1)will 2)may 3)possible 4)possibly 5)impossible 6)likely
说明:第1小题中的时间状语in the next few years(在随后几年里)是表示将来的时间,所以will+动词improve的被动式be improved构成一般将来时的被动句。第3、4、5小题中的it's possible/impossible/likely. . . 是常用句式。第4小题中的possibly作副词修饰动词force。

Lesson 66
1. 1)D 2)B 3)A 4)A 5)B
2. 1)central 2)throughout 3)goes off
4)voice 5)convenient 6)transport

Lesson 68
2. 1)that the customer is God
2)that your book will be published
3)that the transport of goods costs too much
4)that the students should learn some practical knowledge
5)that the plane would take off on time
6)will come true one day
说明:名词idea, doubt, fact, suggestion, news, dream后都接有同位语从句。连词that不能省。同位语从句的时态应与主句时态一致。

【有关"Unit 17 Life in the Future" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. g2u17 Life in the Future 教案
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
talk of , out of work , voice , e.g. = for example , need ( n .) , toy , simply , goods , industry , skill , text , satisfy , wealth , fairly , meanwhile , telegraph , socialist , youth , passage , majority , throughout , central , labour = labor , convenient , transport , wing , store ( vt .) , possession , practical , keep fit , glasshouse , possibility , belief , vote , fax , screen
Ⅱ. 交际英语
1. He may (not) … /
2. Do you think it’s possible that …?
3. It’s quite likely that … / It is likely to do …
4. It’s not likely that … /
5. I don’t think so .
6. They will (not) do …
7. What do you think is likely to happen ?
Judgment and opinion 判断和意见
1 . It certainly is . / I believe . . .
2 . It's correct to do . . . / I can believe that .
3 . Well done ! /Good work !
4 . In my opinion . . . / It seems . . . / I guess . . .
5 . So far as I know . . ./ I'm ( not ) sure .
6 . I ( don't ) think . . . / I ( don't ) think so . /
7 . I ( don't ) agree .
8 . That's right . / You are right .
9 . That's not fair .
Ⅲ. 语法重点


教学设计2. 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
talk of , out of work , voice , e.g. = for example , need ( n .) , toy , simply , goods , industry , skill , text , satisfy , wealth , fairly , meanwhile , telegraph , socialist , youth , passage , majority , throughout , central , labour = labor , convenient , transport , wing , store ( vt .) , possession , practical , keep fit , glasshouse , possibility , belief , vote , fax , screen
Ⅱ. 交际英语
1. He may (not) … /
2. Do you think it’s possible that …?
3. It’s quite likely that … / It is likely to do …
4. It’s not likely that … /
5. I don’t think so .
6. They will (not) do …
7. What do you think is likely to happen ?
Judgment and opinion 判断和意见
1 . It certainly is . / I believe . . .
2 . It‘s correct to do . . . / I can believe that .
3 . Well done ! /Good work !
4 . In my opinion . . . / It seems . . . / I guess . . .
5 . So far as I know . . ./ I’m ( not ) sure .
6 . I ( don‘t ) think . . . / I ( don’t ) think so . /
7 . I ( don‘t ) agree .
8 . That’s right . / You are right .
9 . That‘s not fair .
Ⅲ. 语法重点


【关于“Unit 17 Life in the Future”的常见问题】

常见问题1: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

Tony is going camping with ____ boys .
A.little two other
B.two little other
C.two other little
D.little other two


little boys ( 小男孩 ) ,说明性质;数词和 other 连用时,数词在前。选C。

常见问题2: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

— How was your recent visit to Qingdao?
— It was great . We visited some friends , and spent the ____ days at the seaside .
A.few last sunny
B.last few sunny
C.last sunny few
D.few sunny last


sunny days ( 艳阳天 ) 是名词短语;last few 意为“最后几个”,选B。

常见问题3: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

If I had ____ , I’d visit Europe , stopping at all the small interesting places .
A.a long enough holiday
B.an enough long holiday
C.a holiday enough long
D.a long holiday enough


holiday 是中心词,应在最后,排除 C、D;enough 修饰形容词时在其后,选A。

常见问题4: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

1 . After the new technique was introduced , the factory produced ____ tractors in 1988 as the year before .
A . as twice many B . as many twice
C . twice as many D . twice many as
2 . With the help of the German experts , the factory produced ____ cars in 1993 as the year before .
A . as twice many B . as many as twice
C . as twice as many D . twice as many


表示倍数的词 twice , three times 等必须放在 as many…as 结构的前面,故上面两题分别选 C 和 D。

常见问题5: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

She told us ____ story that we all forgot about the time .
A . such an interesting B . such interesting
C . so an interesting D . a so interesting


“如此有趣的故事”可用 such an interesting story 或 so interesting a story 来表达,选A。

常见问题6: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

____ , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together .

A.However late is he
B.However he is late
C.However is he late
D.However late he is


本题考查的是 however 引导的让步状语从句中的词序,即 however + 形容词或副词 + 主语 + 谓语,故选 D。

常见问题7: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

____ , I went to the railway station to see my friend off .

A . After eating quickly my dinner
B . After my quickly eating dinner
C . After eating my dinner quickly
D . After eating my quickly dinner


副词 quickly 修饰带宾语的非谓语动词时,放于宾语之后,或放在非谓语动词 eating 前,故选 C。

常见问题8: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

— Will you give this message to Mr . White , please?
— Sorry , I can‘t . He ____ .
A . doesn’t any more work here
B . doesn‘t any longer here work
C . doesn’t work any more here
D . doesn‘t work here any longer


not…any more/longer 意思是“不再”,作状语,any more/longer 应位于句末,选D。

常见问题9: 高二英语 Uint 17 Life in the future

— Do you need some more paper?
— No , thanks . I____ .
A . still have left some
B . have still left some
C . have some still left
D . still have some left


still 作“仍然”讲时,位于被修饰动词之前;分词 left 作“剩下的”讲时,放在被修饰的不定代词之后作定语,故选 D。

常见问题10: Unit 17 Life in the Future

His brother to become a soldier in the future.
A. is possible B. is likely
C. will be possible D. will be likely


分析 这道题考查possible和likely的用法。likely用在sb. is likely to do sth. 和it's likely that. . . 这两个句型中,表示“将可能”;而possible则只用在it's possible(for sb. )to do sth. 这个句型中,因此答案选B。

常见问题11: Unit 17 Life in the Future

—Do you mean it increases 50%?
—Yes, it has increased 4500 from 3000.
A. to, to B. by, by C. by, to D. to, by


分析 答案选C,此题考查介词by和to的用法。第一空里应填 入表示 “以达……程度”的介词by,而第二空里则要填入表示“直到并包括某事物”的介词to。

常见问题12: Unit 17 Life in the Future

He promised to come to the party. But for some reasons he didn't .
A. turn to B. turn out C. turn out to D. turn up


分析 答案选D。本题考查turn与某些介词或副词搭配的用法 。turn to表示“向(某人)求助,转变,翻到”等含义;turn out表示“结果弄清楚(是……),关(灯,煤气等),生产”等 含义;turn up表示“(某人)出现,使(火,声音等)变大”等含义,由上文的含义可确定选项为D。




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