
中学英语教学资源网英语论文教学论文 手机版

1. for breakfast / lunch / dinner 表示"吃饭"。例如:
Come and stay here for lunch. 来这吃午饭。
2. take / have one's breakfast / lunch /dinner 表示"吃饭"。例如:
Let's take / have our dinner. 咱们吃饭吧。
3. eat (one's) breakfast / lunch /dinner 在这些表示"饭、餐"的名词前还可以加上little或much来表示吃饭"多少"。例如:
The girl eats very little breakfast.这女孩早餐吃得很少。
He eats too much dinner. 他主餐吃得太多。
4. ask somebody to dinner "请某人吃饭"。例如:
I want to ask him to dinner. 我想请他吃饭。
5. at breakfast / lunch / dinner 表示"在吃饭"。例如:
They are at dinner now. 他们正在吃饭。
6. at table "在吃饭", 而at the table表示"在桌旁"。例如:
She is at table. 她在吃饭。
She is at the table. 她在桌子旁。



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