Unit 20 Disability

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1.Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.希望明天会变晴。Hopefully=It is hoped that...=(We)hope that...(我们)希望……
·Hope fully we will meet again on Sunday.希望我们能在星期天再见面。
·Hope fully, they will reach an agreement after the talk.会谈之后,他们有望达成协议。
surprisingly/astonishingly(令人吃惊的是);happily(for sb.)(令人高兴的是);sadly(令人悲伤的是);luckily/fortunately(幸运的是)等
2.turn out“结果,最后情况是……”
turn out+形容词/名词/副词/不定式(to be)/that引导的从句(用先行词it作主语)
·The boy turned out successful after all.这个男孩终于成功了。
·The accident turned out a good thing.这个事故最后变成了好事。
·Everything turned out well.一切都很顺利。
·The English evening turned out to be a great success.结果英语晚会开得很成功。
·It turned out that the massage sent to him was not correct.结果是发给他的消息有误。
3.my dream has come true.……我的梦想实现了。
come true(指希望,梦想)实现,到达
·May all your dreams come true!愿你所有的梦想成真!
·It turned out that their warnings came true.结果,他们的警告成了事实。
4.even though l can't see anything.……尽管我不能看到一切。
Even though=even if“即使”、“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。
·She won't leave the TV set, even though/if her husband is waiting for his supper.即使她的丈夫在等着吃晚饭,她也不愿意离开电视机。
·They will stand by you even though/if you don't succeed.即使你不会成功,他们也会支持你。
5.l know that one of the towers is on the top of a hill, but the rest of the buildings are easy to get to.我知道有一座庙宇在山顶上,但是其它的建筑物都很容易去。
本句型为:Sth./Sb.+be+adj.+to do
·The question is difficult to answer(to answer the question).这问题难回答。
·The thin ice is dangerous to skate on(to skate on the thin ice).在这么薄的冰上滑冰是很危险的。
1.In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor.在英国一所大学的演讲厅里坐着一位教授。
·In the middle of the square stands a monument, which was built in 1 955.
·From the valley came an old man with a gun in his hand.从山谷里走出一位老人,手里拿着枪。
2.That is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking.这是因为这位教授得了一种病,使他不能讲话了。
(1)prevent sb.(from)doing sth.使……不做某事,阻止……做某事
·There is nothing to prevent her from marrying Frank.任何事都不能阻止她嫁给弗兰克。
·Who prevents their plan from being carried out?有谁会阻止他们计划的实施呢?
(2)prevent sb.from doing短语中的介词from可省略,但在被动语态中不可省略。
·we were prevented by the heavy rain from going to the park.(from不可省)昨天下大雨,使我们来不了。
·The heavy rain prevented us(from)going to the park.(from可省)
注意:与prevent sb.from doing 相同的词组有keep sb./sth.from doing sth.(from不可省)和stop sb./sth.(from)doing(from可省略)
3.Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer, but he also gets the computer to translate it into sounds.他不仅要把答语在计算机上打出来,而且还要让计算机把答语转变成声音。
Not only...but also...(不仅……而且……)引起局部倒装的句型
(1)在not only...but also...结构中,当not only位于句首时,not only部分引起部分倒装,但but also部分不倒装。
·Not only could he type but also he could operate the computer.他不但会打字而且会操作计算机。
·Not only is the problem very important, but also it is difficult to solve.
(2)如果位于句首的not only...but also...连接两个并列的主语,就不用倒装。
·Not only men but also women and children are affected by the new law.
·Not only you but also he is wrong.不但你错了,他也错了。
·Not only he but also you are wrong不但他错了,你也错了。
注意:not only...but also...中的also有时可省略。
·This concerns not only you but your sister这不仅关系到你,而且关系到你姐姐。
4.(he decided to continue with his research and his writing.……他决定继续从事研究和写作。)Continue with=go on with继续(做某事)
·I was tired of him, but he still continued with his explanation.我已厌烦了他,可他继续作解释。continue可作及物动词,其后跟名词.动名词或动词不定式
·After that they continued with the business.之后他们继续做这个买卖。
5.As a matter of fact,many people have a disability.事实上很多人都有某种残疾。
as a matter of fact=in fact事实上,实际上
·As a matter of fact, I know nothing about it.其实我对此事一无所知。
·She didn't go to see the film as a matter of fact.事实上她没有去看电影。
6.it is probable that one day we will end up with a disability.……很可能有一天我们终会变成残疾。
end v.结束,终止,完结
·How does the story end up?这个故事是怎样结尾的?
·If you go on stealing, you will end up in prison.如果你继续行窃,总有一天你会坐牢的。反义词组start/begin with
(2)end up with意思是“最后”或“以……结束”、“以……告终”
·At the dinner we usually started with soup and ended up with fruit. 在宴会上我们开始的第一道菜是汤,最后一道是水果。
·He ended up his speech with a polite“thank you”.她以一声“谢谢”礼貌地结束讲话。
7.Once, people would often be referred to as“deaf”or“blind”.过去有些人常被称之为“聋子”或“瞎子”。注意:refer to的用法
refer to...as把……称作,称之为……
·Coal is often referred to as food for industry.煤常被称作工业的粮食。
The U.S.A. is often referred to as Uncle Sam. 美国常被人称作山姆大叔。
·In a few days at latest I will return.我最迟过几天就返回。
·Be here on Monday at (the)latest.最迟不翅过星期一到达这里。
9.look forward to sth./doing sth.期待,盼望(常指愉快的心情)
·I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.我盼望着收到你的回音。
·Everyone was looking forward to this day.大家都在盼望着这一天。
·I'm looking forward to seeing you at the airport.我盼望在机场见到你。

disability a physical injury or mental illness that severely affects your life
brain the mind and the way that people think
sense the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing ,touch, and taste
nervous worried and frightened
treatment all the things that are done in order to make a sick or injured person well again
splendid excellent; beautiful and impressive
declare state officially
seize take hold of sth. quickly and firmly
conduct lead or guide
dream of/come true/even though/if/as though/in need of/as a matter of fact / end up/ at the latest/look for ward to
1.Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.
2.We must also make sure the signs are clear and easy to read.
1.It's a beautiful day today.
2.It's a bit... today, isn't it?
3.Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.
4.So far as I know, tomorrow should be fine, too.
5.You said that you hoped...
6.I hope so. Have a good day.

★★例1 The question is very important. It really needs___________.
A.discussing carefully B.being discussed carefully
C.to discuss carefully D.carefully to be discussing
—Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?
——I don't know,___________.
A.nor don't I care B.nor do I care C.I don't care neither D.I don't care also
导析:nor, neither, so用于句首时,句子形成倒装。 nor和neither用于否定句表示“也不”;so用于肯定句,表示“也”。答案:B
★★例3 The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to___________.
A.sit B.sit on
C.be sat D.be sat on
导析:本题考查不定式作状语的用法。在“名词(代词)+be +adj.(easy
difficult, comfortable等)+不定式”句型中,不定式常是主动形式表示被动意义。如果不定式为不及物动词时,后面要加上必要的介词。答案:B
★★★例Only when the war was over ___________to his hometown.
A.did the young soldier return B.the young soldier returned
C.returned the young soldier D.the young soldier did return.
—Would you rather go to the cinema or stay at home watching TV?
__________the film is good, I will stay and watch TV.
A.No matter how B.Even though
C.If D.In spite of
导析:本题考查连词的用法。根据答语“I'll stay at home watching TV”(我要在家看电视)这一语境,可推断答语前半句应是“即使电影好”,故正确答案为Even though。选项D也表示“即使”的意思,但其后必须接名词,不能接从句。答案:B
——Take this medicine, please.
——Do I have to? It tasted________.
A.horrible B.horribly
C.being horrible D.like horrible
★★例1(1995年,全国)Not until all the fish died in the river, __________how serious the pollution is.
A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realized
C.the villagers did realize D.didn't the villagers realize
导析:Not until引导状语从句用于句首时,主句半倒装。又因为Not...until句型中的not放在句首,所以主句部分不用否定句。答案:A
★★例2(2000年,全国春季)I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life __________so happy.
A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt
导析:当表示否定意义的词,如hardly, seldom, never, little, no, not, not only, not until等,放在句首时,句子需用部分倒装。答案:D




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