Unit 4学案

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1. rescue vt. 营救,救援(常与from连用)
e.g. We rescued the boy who fell into the river.
They rescued the boy from danger.
n. 救援;救援的行为;解救
Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine.
save是通用词,使用范围很广,其含义可以是rescue, 也可以是help,一般指“对陷入危险、受到威胁的人或物给予援救”,但不能指“将人从囚禁中救出来”。还可以表示“节省”。
e.g. His life was saved by the doctor.他的生命被那位医生救了。
He saved money for years and in 1938 he bought a small workshop of his own.
2. advance n. 前进,进展,进行
e.g. China has made great advances in industry.
stop the enemy’s advance 阻止敌军前进
in advance 预先,事先
vi. 前进,进步,进展
e.g. The soldiers advanced toward the town.
Time passed rapidly but the work didn’t advance at all.
vt. 使前进,提升
e.g. He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.
advanced adj. 先进的,高等的,高龄的
e.g. He taught himself advanced mathematics at 14.他十四岁时自学高等数学。
She died at an advanced age of 89.她以89岁高龄去世。
3. mass n. 团,快,堆,大量,大宗
A cold air mass冷空气团
Floating masses of ice大块的浮冰
a mass of /masses of 一团/块/堆……,大量/大批/众多……,后面可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。
e.g. There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天上有朵朵乌云。
There is a mass of stones in the yard .院子里有一堆石头。
I have a mass of homework to do.我有很多作业要做。
the masses 可表“群众、民众”之意。
e.g. The masses have great creative power 人民群众有巨大的创造力。
mass 可构成短语,如mass production 批量生产,mass education 群众教育,mass murder大屠杀。
4. fright n. (突然的)恐怖,惊吓
in fright 惊恐地
have a fright 大吃一惊
shake with fright 吓得发抖
frighten v. 使惊恐,使害怕
The sudden noise frightened us.
frightened adj. 受惊吓的
He was frightened at the thought of the coming exam.
The child has always been frightened of the dark.
She was very frightened to look down from the top floor of the building.
The boy was frightened that he would get lost.
5.struggle vi. 挣扎,奋斗;斗争(常与for, against, with 或不定式连用)
The baby struggled in its mother’s arms.
The old man has been struggling with illness.
He has been struggling for success in his business.
They are struggling against the thief.
n. 奋斗,斗争
The struggle between the two teams was hard.
6. strike 打,撞击,侵袭,打动,使突然想起,敲响,划燃
She struck her brother and gave him a bloody nose.
The car rolled down the hill and struck a tree.
The army struck by surprise at night.
A good idea struck me as I was reading the newspaper.
The power of her words struck me.
The clock is striking at midnight.
He struck a match an lit the candle.
7. used to, be/get used to, be used to do
used to 表示过去常常做……,含有现在不做的意思,侧重同现在对比。它没有现在时,也没有进行时、完成时、动词不定式或-ing 形式,没有人称和数的变化。
Used you to play basketball at school?
Did you use to play basketball at school?
You used not to like collecting stamps, did you? 你过去不喜欢集邮,是吧?
There used to be a bus-stop here, used n’t there?
be/get used to (doing) sth. 表示习惯于
 be used to do表示被用来做某事
I used to have a walk in the morning.
I am used to taking a walk in the morning.
The computer is used to record the tickets which passengers buy.
8. marry是一个很活跃的动词。作不及物动词时,通常表动作,构成marry young/early/late/well 等,表“结婚早/迟/婚姻生活幸福“等义;作及物动词有下列用法:marry sb ;be married (to sb.); get married (to sb .); marry sb to sb 等词组,其中be married (to sb .)通常表状态,其余表动作。
注意:(1)marry 是非延续性动词,因此不能说“They have married for a year.”而应说“They have been married for a year.”或“They married a year ago.”
9. must 表“推测”的用法:
(1).对现在一般情况的推测,用must +do 表达。
e.g You look pale.You must be ill .你的脸色看起来苍折。你一定生病了。
She speaks excellent English .She must come from America.她讲一口漂亮的英语。她一定是美国人。
(2).对现在正在进行的情况的推测,用must +be doing 表达。
e.g. Let’s hurry up .Tom must be waiting for us ,我们赶快些。汤姆一定正在等我们。
I can hear the sound of rain dropping It must be raining heavily.我能听见雨滴声。一定在下大雨。
(3).表对去情况的推测,用must +have done 来表达。
e.g. Look ,the ground was all wet .It must have rained hard last night .看,地面全湿了,昨晚雨一下得很大。
How can you know so much about it ?You must have read about it .你怎么对它如此了解?你一定读过关于它的东西。
(4).否定句通常用can’t 来表达,表“不可能”之意。
e.g. The lights are all out .He can’t be at home .灯都熄了,他不可能在家。
(5).疑问句也用can来表达 。
e.g.-Who can it be?-It must be Mr Zhang.
e.g.You must be tired ,aren’t you ?你一累了,是吗?You must have seen a film yesterday,didn’t you ?你昨天一定看电影了,是吗?




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