Unit 1学案

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1. quality: n.质量,品质,特点
(1) He has all the qualities of a successful business man.
(2) Quality is more important than quantity.
(3) One quality of wood is that it can burn.
2. loyal: adj. 忠诚的,忠贞的,与to 连用
be loyal to …对……忠诚
eg. (1) They are loyal supporters.
(2) He is loyal to his country.
3. argue v. 讨论 argument n. 讨论
argue against / with sb.
argue about / on sth.
eg. It is useless trying to argue with him about it.
4. like / love/ enjoy/ be fond of…
(1) like/ love 可接to do,也可接doing。有所区别。
eg. I like playing football, but I don’t like to play it today.
(2) enjoy / be fond of 后接名词或动名词。
eg. He doesn’t enjoy singing.
I am fond of dancing.
Are you fond of ice cream?
Everyone here is fond of her.
5. be into sth. 在非正式英语中,该短语表示“对……深感兴趣”,“深深迷上……”
eg. Her two children are into art.
6. 句型:So+ be/助动词/情态动词+主语
eg. (1) My brother is a student, so am I.
(2) I have never been to Macao, neither/nor have I.
[注意1] 该结构中的“be/ 助动词/ 情态动词”的选择要和前一句保持一致。如果上一句中的动词是行为动词,则so后用助动词do的适当形式。
eg. (1) I can swim. So can him.
(2) He is a teacher. So am I.
(3) Tom finished his homework. So did Betty.
[注意2] 当前面的句子有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示同样的情况,必须用下列句型: So it is with…或 It is the same with…
eg. (1) She doesn’t like play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with her sister.
(2) He is a teacher, he teaches English. It’s the same with his wife.
[区别1] So + 主语+ be/ 助动词/ 情态动词
eg. (1) –You have been late again.
--Oh, so I have.
(2) –We all worked hard.
-- So we did.
[区别2] 主语+ do+ so
这个结构表示指按照上句的要求做了。此处的do so代替上文中要求做的事情,以免重复。
eg. My teacher told me to hand in my homework and I did so.
(1) You are interested in English .____.
A. So do I B. I am so
C. So am I D. So I am
(2) Tom doesn’t like Chinese food. ____.
A. Betty does so B. So does Betty
C. Nor does Betty D. Neither Betty does
(3) Tony’s father is honest and works hard. _____.
A. So is Tony B. So does Tony
C. Tony is so D. It’s the same with Tony
(4) My brother likes tea, but doesn’t like coffee. _____.
A. So do I B. Neither do I
C. I am the same D. So it is with me
(5) If you go to the seaside for your holiday, _____.
A. so do I B. so shall I
C. so am I D. I shall so, too
(6) If you don’t stop to rest, _____.
A. neither will they B. they neither will
C. neither do they D. so do they
(7) --You left your key at home when you went out.
-- Good heavens. _____.
A. So did I B. So I did
C. I did so D. Never did I
(8) I asked him to open the window, and _____.
A. he did so B. so he did
C. so did he D. It is the same with him
(9) –What has Tom been doing recently?
-- I don’t know, _____ care.
A. nor I do B. nor do I
C. neither am I D. neither I am
(10) –David has made great progress recently.
-- _____, and _____.
A. So he has; so you have
B. So he has; so have you
C. So has he; so have you
D. So has he; so you have
(11) –I was told you telephoned me yesterday.
A. So I did B. So did I
C. So you did D. So did you
(12) – It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.
-- My God! _____.
A. So did I B. So I did
C. So were you D. So did you
答案: (1) C (2) C (3) D (4) D (5) B
(6) A (7) B (8) A (9) B (10) B
(11) A (12) B
7. crash vi. 猛撞,撞毁
vt. 使……猛撞,撞毁
n. (汽车) 撞车事故,(飞机)失事
eg. (1) A plane crashed near the South Pacific, killing 24 passengers on board.
(2) Last night he was so drunk that he crashed his car into the iron railings.
(3) We survived although others died in the air crash.
8. desert n. 沙漠
v. 遗弃、抛弃、脱离
eg. He was so selfish that all his friends have deserted him.
Many people deserted the city before the war broke out.

deserted adj. 被遗弃的,无人的
eg. deserted island, deserted street
9. alone 与lonely
alone: adj. “独自一人的”表示客观状态,无感情色彩。只能作表语,不能作定语。
adv. “独自、单独”
[注意] alone 用在名词或代词后面的时候表示“只有(only)”
lonely: adj. 表示人“孤独的,寂寞的”; 表示地方“荒凉的,人烟稀少的”,有感情色彩。既可做定语,也可做表语。
eg. (1) I am alone, but I don’t feel lonely.
(2) Chuck lived alone on the lonely island for five years.
(3) We have no idea why he left the company. Tom alone knows the secret.
10. in order to 与so as to
in order to …引导一个目的状语,意思为“为了”。有时可省略in order,直接用不定式表示目的状语。它的否定形式是in order not to do。可与so as to替换。
eg. (1) He hurried through his homework (in order) to play football with other boys.
(2) He left early in order not to be late for school.
[注意1] in order to 可放在句首,而so as to不可以。
[注意2] in order 还可以带不定式逻辑主语for sb. to do。
eg. He stepped aside in order for me to pass.
[注意3] in order that 和so that 引导的是状语从句。

11. even though (even if ) “即使,纵然”引导让步状语从句。
eg. We can’t get the work done even if we stay up all night.
[注意] even, if, though, as if, as though与其的区别
12. share v. 分享, 共同负担
可构成如下结构:share (in ) sth.
share sth. (out ) among/ between sb.
share sth. with sb.
eg. (1) We share the same room.
(2) True friends share in your sorrows as well as your joys.
(3) The teacher shared the books among the students.
(4) I will shall the cost with you.
(5) She shared the news with her mother.
n. 一份, 份额
eg. I take my share of the cost. 我负担我那部分的费用。
13. survive vi. 活下来
vt. 经过…仍然活着
eg. Some animals can survive in the desert on little water.
Only a few soldiers survived the battle.
The old lady has survived all her children.那个老妇人所有的孩子都先她而去了。
eg. His survival is still uncertain.
14. should have done
该结构是虚拟语气,表示本应该怎么样,却没有。它的否定形式是shouldn’t have done, 表示本不应该怎么样,却做了。
eg. (1) –The fish has gone bad.
-- You should have kept it in the regrigerator.
(2) You shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night.
15. as many as与as much as
两者都表示“多达……”后面接数词+可数名词复数。as many as 强调物品和人的数目。as much as指金钱、丈量、时间、重量等方面的程度和数量。
eg. As many as 1,500 people have left their homeland.
She has spent as much as 100 dollars.
The great fire burned down as many as 20 buildings.
He can jump as high as 1.5 meters.




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