Unit 2学案

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1. time构成的短语
①for the first time第一次,初次,用作时间状语。
e.g. He came to China for the first time.
②the first time 第一次,首次,用作连词,引导时间状语从句。
e.g. The first time I met him, he was helping friends with their chemistry.
③当句子里有This/It/That is the first/second/third/last/best… time结构时,要用现在完成时。
e.g. This is the third time you’ve asked me the same question.
He failed his driving test five times.
I have told you not to be late a dozen times.
2. There you are! 行了,好了。这是一句表示一种事情告一段落或有了最终结果的用语。例如:
There you are! Then let’s have some coffee.
There you are! I knew we should find it at last. 对吧!我就知道我们最终能找到的。
3. must表示推测,作“一定,肯定”解,只能用在肯定句中。在否定句中应用can’t。 may和 might表示推测时,意思是“可能”。否定形式也是can’t。may not 或might not 表示“可能不”。mustn’t 表示“坚决不许做某事”。
e.g. (1) This must be your room.
(2) They must be waiting for us. Let’s hurry up.
(3) He can’t be telling the truth.
(4) Our teacher may not be in the office. It is late.
(5) You mustn’t smoke in the classroom.
(6) The manager may go to attend the meeting. I am not quite sure.
4. majority n. 多数,大部分。作主语,强调整体时,使用单数动词;若强调团体中的每个分子,则动词用复数形式。
The majority is (are ) against the plan.
majority常用于a/the majority of … ……的多数。
The majority of his books are kept upstairs.
The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health.
The majority of people seem to enjoying watching the football game.
major adj. 主要的;重要的;一流的
majority与 most的比较:
majority n. 常与冠词连用,表示“……中的大多数”用a/the majority of + 名词或代词。 most用作不定代词或形容词,表示“大多数”可用most + 名词或most of + the + 名词或most of + 代词。
e.g. A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.
Most people seem to prefer TV to radio.
Most of the people seem to prefer TV to radio.
Most of them speak English.
Most classical music sends me to sleep.
It rained for the most of the summer.
5. total n. 总数。in total = in all = altogether总共,总计。
That will cost you 7.50 pounds in total.
In total, there are 250.000 books in the library.
adj. 整个的,全部的,总数的。
What is the total cost of our trip to the seaside?
v. 总数为,加起来是。
The money left totals only $15. How can we get back home?
6. equal adj. 相等的,相同的,同样的
Cut the cake into six equal pieces.
All men are born equal.
be equal to 和……相等,相当于
Tom is equal to John in height
n. 同等的人或平等的人或物。
e.g. Women should be equals of men.
Jane has no equal in physics.
I am not his equal at skiing.
v. 等于,和……相等
e.g. No one else in the restaurant equals his service.
Two and two equals four.
None of us can equal her as a dancer.
7. a number of和the number of
a number of 指很多,大量的;引导的名词短语做主语,动词是复数形式, the number of 指……的数量,引导的名词短语做主语,动词是单数形式。
e.g. A number of students are waiting outside the school gate.
The number of the students waiting outside is 30.
8. besides, except, except for, except that的区别
e.g. Do you know other language besides German?
Li Lei also went to the park besides you.
except意思是“除……之外”,其内涵是“减去”。从 整体中排除。它前面常有all, every, any, no及其复合词。
e.g. Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao.
The students go to school every day except on Saturday and Sunday.
except for 是在说明整体的基本情况后,再对细节加以纠正,其后一般加名词。
e.g. Your composition is well-written except for some spelling mistakes.
except that (wh-) 其后需加从句,用来表示理由或细节,修正前面所说的情况。可以与except for互换。
e.g. Your composition is well-written except that there are some spelling mistakes.
I usually go to school by bike except when it rains.
9. stay up 不睡觉,熬夜,不倒塌。
The student stayed up all night to study.
Tell him to stay up until I get home.
Some strong houses stayed up in the earthquake.
10. have difficulty(in) doing做某事有困难(费力)。
eg. (1) Do you have any difficulty in learning English?
(2) Everyone in the town knew him , so we had no difficulty in finding his house.
如果difficulty后接名词时,名词前面要加with,即have difficulty with something。同样的用法还有:be busy doing something, be busy with something。help somebody (to) do something, help somebody with something。
11.come about(某情况)发生
Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel comes about.
I will never understand how it came about that you were on hour late on such a short journey.
表示“发生”的动词和动词词组还有:happen, take place, break out等。这些动词或动词词组都是不及物动词的性质,因此,都没有被动语态。
12.more or less或多或少
e.g. I’ve more or less finished reading the book.
It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.
I can earn $ 20 , more or less, as a waiter.
类似的短语还有:sooner or later, this or that, here and there
13.end up 最后有某种结局,最后成了,结束。
The meeting end up with the singing of The Internationale.
He ended up as the head of the firm.
14. widely和wide
e.g. He opened his eyes wide when he saw me in Paris.
Computer is widely used in China nowadays.
同样的区别还有:high, highly, deep, deeply, close, closely, late, lately




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