高三(下) U19 Lesson 74

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Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework exercises.
2 Find out how much the Ss remember about New Zealand from the previous text. Ask a few rapid questions around the class. What‘s the other name for New Zealand? (Aotearoa.)
When did the first traveller reach New Zea­land, 950, 1050 or 1 ISO? What did early travellers bring with them? (Dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato.) Which is warmer, North Island or South Island? Why? (North Island is warmer because it is closer to the equator.) What is the name of the earliest New Zealand people? (Maori.)
Where did they come from? (Polynesia.) Why did settlers and the Maori fight? (Over land rights.)
Step 2 Presentation
SB Page 40, Part 2. Get Ss to tell the class what else they have found out about New Zealand. Get them to talk about the chart and describe what they can see.
Step 3 Reading for general understanding
The purpose of this task is to get the Ss to read a text very fast in order to find out what the different sections are about. It is a speed-reading exercise. Give the Ss a time limit of 3 minutes for this exercise. Answers:
Politics —Agriculture — Sports and free time — Natural beauty — Wildlife
Step 4 Reading
Wb Lesson 74, Ex. 1. Go through the exercise and make sure the Ss know what to do. Let them read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class. This is a good time to deal with any language problems. See if the Ss can guess the meaning of pension, exports.
a In size. New Zealand is 268,676 km2
Guangdong Province is 212,000 km2.
b old-age pension: During one’s working life, one has to pay a percentage or a fixed sum out of one‘s wages to the government. When one reaches retiring age (usually 60 or 65), one stops work and receives a sum of money each week called the "old-age pension".
c forest products: e.g. sawn timber, wood for wood pulp, newsprint (paper for printing newspapers), board products (plywood, chipboard).
d markets in the Middle East: At the Islamic religious festivals in Middle Eastern countries, like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, it is the custom to kill a live sheep. The meat is then cooked and shared among friends and family. Some may be given to the poor.
e Some .farmers have turned to keeping deer. = Some farmers have changed their farming practices and now keep deer.
f Deer: There are many advantages in keeping deer on a farm. They require very little food in winter, in contrast to sheep and cattle. They produce very tender meat with very little fat. In contrast to other red meats (beef, mutton), deer meat (venisonf’veniznj) does not cause heart diseases.
g is of high quality: Point out the preposition of after the verb be, but high-quality wines (without of).
h rock-climbing: This involves special skills and the use of ropes.
i a cottage = a small house of one or two storeys with small rooms, built in the countryside or a village
j hot springs: a hot spring which throws water into the air is called ageyser[‘Qa.iz^].
k the kiwi: This is a flightless bird living in New Zealand’s forest. The birds are shy, and they will usually run away when anyone comes near them. The kiwi is about the size of a chicken. It has a stocky body covered with shaggy, dull brown feathers. Its neck and legs are short, and its bill is long and flexible. At night, it feeds on earthworms, insects and berries. During the day, the kiwi hides.
Step 5 Reading aloud
Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Play the tape of the passage for the Ss to listen and follow. Play the tape of part of the passage once more; this time the Ss listen and repeat. Pay attention to stress and intonation, and the sentence stress of longer sentences.
Step 6 Diagram
SB Page 40, Part 2. The aim of this exercise is to train students to obtain information from a dia­gram. First, help them to become familiar with the diagram. Say: Put your finger on:
— the chart for winter
— the chart for summer
— the information for Auckland in winter
— the information for Christchurch in summer
— the temperature measurements for summer.
What is the highest temperature ?(25°C.)
Where are the rainfall measurements, on the left or the right of the charts? (On the right.)
Are the rainfall measurements in millimetres (mm) or centimetres (cm)? (mm.)
Find the rainfall for Christchurch in winter. How much is it? (5 mm.)
Find the highest temperature for Wellington in summer. How much is it?(19.5°C.)
Find the lowest temperature for Queenstown in winter. How much is it?(1°C.)
Then let the students do this exercise individually and write down their answers. Get them to check their answers in pairs, then check them with the whole class.
1 B 2B 3C 4D
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 74, Exx. 2 - 3.
Get the Ss to do Ex. 2 individually, making sure that everybody makes an effort. Then check the answers with the whole class.
If there is time, get the Ss to do Ex. 3 in groups.
Call out some of them to give their performance in class. Set this exercise as their homework.
Read the passage again. Finish off the Workbook exercises.




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