高三 (下) Unit19 New Zealand Lesson 73

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Lesson 73
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework exercises.
Step 2 Presentation
SB Page 37, Part 1. Find out how much the Ss know about New Zealand by asking a few rapid questions around the class.
Where is New Zealand? (East of Australia.)
How many islands is New Zealand made up of?
(Two large ones.)
What is the capital? (Wellington.)
What money is used in New Zealand? (NZ dollar.)
Name one sailor who landed on New Zealand several centuries ago. (Captain Cook.)
Introduce the new word Maori. Ask Ss where they think the Maori came from, but do not give them the answer. Note that the plural form of Maori is the same as the singular form.
Step 3 Reading for general understanding
Read aloud the two general comprehension questions. Allow the Ss enough time to read the text and write down the answers. Put them in pairs to discuss their answers, then check the answers with the class. (1 Polynesia/Oceania and Europe, mainly Britain. 2 Kindergartens, customs, way of life, the marae, the meeting house, family life, special days — huis, weddings, conferences, deaths and burials.)
Step 4 Reading
SB Page 38, Part 4. Let the Ss read the whole passage carefully again and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers:
1 Maori history was handed down from one generation to another.
2 They brought diseases; the settlers fought the Maori over land rights.
3 Maori are encouraged to use their own language; there are Maori kindergartens; Maori as a language is taught in many schools and universities; you can study Maori studies at university.
4 Family life continues to be important; they meet at the marae; they teach children how to behave at the marae; they have huis.
a Aotearoa: pronounced / au‘ tearoa /
b Oceania: the name for the collection of about 25,000 islands in the Pacific away from the Asian mainland. It is divided into Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.
c the sweet potato: this is not related to the potato. The sweet potato is a native of the New World tropics, as opposed to the potato which prefers a temperate climate. The sweet potato is the most important of all the tropical root crops, and is rich in vitamin A.
d settled = built their homes in
e kindergartens: from the German for children (Kinder) and garden (Garten). The kindergar­ten system of infant education was designed by Friedrich Froebel in 1837.
f the spirit = the spirit of the dead person, which is believed to continue living after that person’s death
g share their memories of the dead person = talk about their memories of the dead person, the things they did, the conversations they had together, etc.
Step 5 Reading aloud
Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Play the tape of the passage for the Ss to listen and follow. Play the tape of part of the passage once more; this time the Ss listen and repeat. Pay attention to stress and intonation, and the sentence stress of longer sentences.
Step 6 Reference
SB Page 38, Part 2. Get the Ss to do this exercise
in class or for homework.
1 Polynesia
2 Aotearoa
3 New Zealand
4 Europeans (mainly British)
5 battles between the settlers and the Maori over land rights
6 New Zealand‘s
7 Maori families
8 the marae
9 Maori children
10 the three days following the death of someone
Step 7 Note making
SB Page 38, Part 3. Get Ss to do this exercise individually, so that every S has to make an effort to re-read the text and extract the relevant informa­tion. If it is done in class, get Ss to check their notes afterwards in pairs. Alternatively, if you wish, you can set this exercise for homework. In that case, get Ss to check their notes in pairs at the beginning of the next lesson.
Suggested notes:
Maori name of the country:  Aotearoa Maori name of the meeting place: marae Maori name of a special day:   hui Date when the first person arrived: 950 Areas where settlers came from: Europe (mainly Britain), Oceania
Step 8 Workbook
Wb Lesson 73, Exx. 1 - 2. Get the Ss to do Ex. 1 individually so that every­one will revise the text and make an effort. Then call out some Ss to read the complete sentences. For Ex. 2, draw a map of the world on the Bb or use an OHT(overhead transparency) to show the map. Then get Ss to put the names of oceans and continents in the right places. Make sure that the Ss know how to pronounce the names correctly.
Read the passage again. Tell Ss to complete the notes in Part 3, and do Part 4 if these tasks have not been completed in class.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
If you like, you can ask the Ss to look in the school library for some more information about New Zealand and to tell the class about it next lesson.



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