unit 8 language points

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1.aid=help vt. 援助,扶助 , 帮助
vi. 援助,帮助 ~ in doing sth.
With the aid of = ______________= ___________________ 在某人的帮助下
First aid 急救
in aid of 为了……
go /come to one’s aid=go/come to help
2. It looked as if she were dead.
It looks / seems as if …
It seems / appears that…
sb. / sth. look / seem / appear ( to be) …/ to do…
There seem/ appear to be…
He seems to be the best person for the job.
She seems to be ill.
There seemed to be something wrong with her.
They appeared to have known the fact.
3. If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have
helped them.
Rewrite the sentences following the above sentence.
I didn’t take your advice, so I failed .
She was late because she was caught in the traffic jam.
He hurt his legs in the last training, so he didn’t take part in the World Cup.
4. People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.
Witness v./n.
Did anybody witnessed the robbery?
I was taken to the police station as a witness of the accident.
A man called to claim that he was the only witness
witness to“为…作证; 其中to是介词,后接名词或动名词
5. Seconds count in an emergency and knowing what to do
can mean the difference between life and death.
= Time is very important in an emergent case. If we know what to do, we can save a life.
count : vi. be important
What I say counts!___ ___________
Does it really count so much?
count the chicken before they are hatched.
count on sb.
count in
6. (P.2)
The most important thing…is to stay calm.
The question will also calm the person, …
calm 指内心的平静, 也指大海的风平浪静,天气的稳定
still (运动概念)静止不动
quiet 安静,不吵闹
silent 寂静无声
Still water runs deep.
Keep quiet in class.
The letter “b” in “climb” is silent.
calm adj. (指天气)平静的,无风的;(指海洋)无风浪的;(指人) 沉着的,冷静的
a calm voice ¬¬¬¬___________________
a calm sea ___________________
calm weather ____________________
他碰到紧急事件时, 总是保持镇定。
calm oneself ___________________
vi.平静下来;镇定下来 ~ (down)
Pay attention to the part of speech of the following words:
stay calm, calm the patient
cool the area of the skin, it is cool in autumn
dry it and cover …, a piece of dry clean cloth
clear the airway, a clear photograph
7. keep /bear/carry .. in mind __________
You should always keep these rules in mind that the petrol can only last 2 hours.
Keep that the petrol can only last 2 hours in mind.
Keep in mind that the petrol can only last 2 hours.
8.panic V. (panicked) (使人或动物)受惊
N.恐慌, 惊慌
在惊慌中 be/get in a panic
9.If we were to panic, we wouldn’t be able to help.
Perhaps , __________________________
I won’t have the chance to go abroad, so I won’t go to Scotland.
The little girl is not likely to take piano lessons and
it is not possible that she will have less free time..
10. Many hospitals recommend that we use the letters
=Many hospitals recommend that we should use the letters.
insist, order, suggest, require, recommend等表示
强烈意愿的动词所带的宾语从句要用should+do (should
He insisted that the company (should) apologize.
The officer ordered that the guns be fired.
proof reading
She suggested we had a meeting right away.
The regulations requires that everyone arrives at by 7:30 am.
以suggest 为例, 由suggest 及suggestion
均要用( should ) do 形式的虚拟语气.
She suggested that
It was suggested that …
Her suggestion was that …
We took her suggestion that…
11.response n. (to)回答;作答;响应
in response to “回答; 回应”
V. respond 回答;应答;常与介词to搭配
respond to a letter
12 . on the/one’s way
home / there / here
to the school / the spot
to doing …/ n.
She is on the way to get well . ( )
He is on the way to succeed. ( )
More :
She likes to spend the weekend in the way_______ she likes best.
Don’t stand _____ my way, stand aside.
Although she thought she was helping us prepare the dinner, she was actually __ the way.
13. conscious adj. 神志清醒的;意识到;有意的; 察觉的
be conscious of sth./that 意识到……
______________ n.
14. revive vi. 苏醒, 复活; 复兴 revival n.
Vt.使苏醒, 使复活
15. recovery n.
_________ v. 恢复,弥补, 找到
16. roll over ___________
1. Though he was ___ in the leg, the soldier went on firing at the enemy.
A. injured B. hurt C. wounded D. killed
2. Before giving an operation to the patient, Doctor Brown ____ that all the preparations for the operation had been____.
A. examined, made B. made sure, done
C. checked, made D. checked, done
3. In spite of many difficulties, the brave climbers___ the summit of the high mountain.
A. tried to reach B. managed to reach
C. tried reaching D. managed to arrive in
4. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ___.
A. breaks B. has broken
C. were broken D. had been broken
5. If you ___ late, you would have caught the first bus.
A. aren’t B. haven’t been
C. hadn’t been D. won’t be
6. If I ____ do it, I ___ it in a different way.
A. were to, would do B. would , had done
C. had to, could do D. should , will do
7. I’ll always keep the happy hours in mind ___ I stayed with the American students.
A. that B. which C. where D. when
8. It is recommended that the project ____ until all the preparations have been made.
A. is not started B. not be started
C. will not be started D. is not to be started
Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets. You many change the form if necessary.
1. Our teacher suggested that we ___________ (discuss) the questions in groups of four.
2. If he had not made many mistakes, he ______ _________(pass) the test.
3. If you had gone to see the doctor earlier, you ________________ (fall ) seriously ill.
4. If you had arrived at the airport ten minutes earlier, you _____________(miss) the flight.
5. If you _______(be) here last night, you would have met the well-known cancer expert.
6. Someone recommended that the housing program ______________(carry out) soon after the conference.
7. If the little girl should take piano lessons, she ______ (have)less free time.
8. If we had listened to her advice and brought a map with us, we __________ (lose) our way.
9. If he ______ (see) you yesterday, he would have told you.
10.If it were to rain tomorrow, we _______ (go) for a picnic.
Grammar and Integrating skills:
1. drown v. 淹死,淹没
2. worn-out adj. 穿破的 用旧的 疲惫的
wear out _______________
3. in honor of 为了(纪念或表敬意而举行活动)
honor n. (U)荣誉 信誉 尊敬 高尚 ;(C)使人感到光荣的人或事 荣幸
He is a man of honor.
have the honor of 有幸,荣幸地
v. 使感到荣幸,纪念
4. eventually= at last, finally
eventual adj.
5. bite v./n.
take a bite of _______________________
insect bites_________________________
6. tap n./v.
n. 水龙头,轻快的敲击声
v. 轻拍 
7. loose adj./v.
break loose from ____________________
let sb./sth. loose ____________________
Let the dog loose.
= _______________________________
loosen (used more often)= loose
If your seat belt is too tight, loosen it.
8. bandage n./v.
Do you know how to bandage the injury?
Wrap a bandage around your injury.
9. call for 来找(人)去取(物)要求,需要
I will call for you at 9.
call on ___________________________
call at ___________________________
call in____________________________
10. search n./v.




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