unit 7 Living with disease

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Unit 7 Living with disease(公开课教案)
课型:Reading 工具:多媒体 教师:林勤 授课对象:高二(5)班学生
AS we all know, AIDS is killing a lot of adults and children in the world every year.
It is considered to be one of the most serious social problems today, let’s have a close look at it today.
Step 1. before reading
A. Show some pictures of AIDS patients and give some explanation.
Ask Ss to use some words describing the sufferers.( miserable, defenceless, helpless, pitiful….)
Question : Are you afraid of AIDS?
Are you willing to make friends with AIDS?
B. Predict the title (What questions do you think will be answered in the text?)
What is AIDS?
What is HIV?
How do people get AIDS?
What happens to people who have AIDS?
What can be done to cure or help people who have AIDS?
Is the person able to live a normal life?
How and when did the person get AIDS?
Step2. Fast reading
A.Get the main idea of each paragraph(ppt.)
Parag 1.Xiaohua is a person living with Aids.
Parag 2. What is AIDS?
Parag 3. How do people get AIDS?
Parag 4. Many children become infected with AIDS.
Parag 5. What Xiaohua does as an young AIDS patient.
Parag 6. Xiaohua helps AIDS patients and try to change people’s attitude to them.
Parag 7. Xiaohua’s attitude toward life.
B.Fill in the two tables (about the information of Xiaohua and AIDS )
C. True or false
Step 3. Careful reading
Question 1. In what ways does AIDS spread?
Question 2. Why is AIDS a deadly disease?
=a disease that is next to impossible to cure
Question 3.Why do the young people suffer the most?
(a lack of proper health care, prevention and education)
Question 4. Is the desease the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from?
( other people’s fear, ignorance and misunderstanding)
Question 5. What’s Xiaohua’s attitude towards life?
(encouraged, cheer … up )
Question 6. What are Xiaohua’s wishes?
(I wish I could…….)
( ask Ss to give their understanding of the sentences and talk about subjunctive mood: as if , I wish, even though,if only….)
Step 4. tasks
Apart from Xiaohua, there are millions of children in the world who have been infected with AIDS. Let’s listen to their voice.
A boy called Jones gave a speech on the conference.(Talk about the red ribbon on him.)
Question: Do you think who can do something to improve the situation?
(anyone in this world)
Role- playing (group work, 3 minutes to prepare and give a speech.)
Group 1: if you were an Government official, what should you do ?
Group 2: if you were a specialist or doctor in AIDS field, what should you do?
Group 3: if you were a classmate of Xiaohua, what should you do?
Group 4: if you were Xiaohua, what should you do?
Activities (individual)
The WORLD AIDS DAY (1stDecember) is approaching, suppose that XIAO HUA were HERE in our class, what should you do?
If XIAO HUA were here now, I would give her a hug .
Step 5 Summary ( Teacher)
Thank you for everybody’s attention of AIDS. I think it very sinificant for us to talk about it here today, since tommorrow is the WORLD AIDS DAY. In this unit we learn so many things. We learn that AIDS is not as fritening as we thought it be. We learn that that how we protect ourselves from AIDS. We learn that AIDS patients are normal beings. And what is the most important I think, is that we should learn to treat AIDS patients properly. That’s all for today.
我为本课共设计了5个步骤。第一步,读前部分设计了预想,猜测课文可能会回答的问题。它旨在引导学生能够根据主题来判断文章可能阐述的内容,帮助学生理解文章的描述必须围绕主题进行。第二步,介绍爱滋病是怎么一回事、爱滋病的传播途径以及目前世界上青少年患爱滋病的情况,让学生对当今世界爱滋病的现状有一个更深入的了解。第三步,围绕课文叙述的内容提出6个问题,帮助学生在原有文章的基础上,进一步打开思路,以此培养学生分析主题、围绕主题阐述问题的能力。第四步,设置了与当前爱滋病局势有所关联的四个角色(政府官员、医生、患者周围的人以及患者本人),让学生通过对角色的扮演,懂得设身处地地为他人着想,倾听爱滋病人的心声,并最终转化为对爱滋病人的同情和关注,高度升华了本课的主题。最后,由教师进行总结,帮助学生完整地梳理课堂内容,让学生对课堂教学的内容有一个回顾,并最终真正掌握理解课程内容。教师以“Are you afraid of AIDS? Are you willing to make friends with AIDS patients?”两个问题贯穿整个课堂教学,让学生通过课堂教学,产生由课前畏惧到课后理解并同情的态度转变,取得知识教育与道德教育的双重成功。




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