unit 3 Going places 片段教学

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Unit 3 Going places
The First Period
Zhang Huili
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words
traveling, transportation, consider, destination
2. Do some speaking and talk about traveling to the past or future.
3. Talk about means of transportation.
Teaching Important Points:
Improve the students’ speaking ability by discussion , talks and making some dialogues.
Teaching Difficult point:
How to finish the task of speaking and how to make dialogues correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in traveling.
2. Making simple dialogues to practice the students’ speaking ability.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.a computer 2.a blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2. Lead in.
T: It is a bit cold, isn’t? Ok, now let’s have a free talk. Would you like to tell me your hobbies?
S: … …
T: With the development of the society , we are changing our way of life .More and more people like to travel. Do you often travel?
S: … …
T: Why do people like traveling?
S: … …
Step 3. Warming up
T: how can we get to our destination? There are many means of transportation for us to choose.( Show the pictures )
T: What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you’ll use?
Now, I’ll give you three minutes.(discussion)
T:---Would you like to answer the question?
S: … …
(suggested answers:time, money, distance, health… …)
T: How would you like to go to the following places? Please give the reasons why you make the decision. The map can help you.
Situation 1. from Shanghai to London
Situation 2. from Chongqing to Chendu
Situation 3. from Beijing to Guangzhou
Situation 4. from Dalian to Qingdao
S: … …
T: We have made good preparations for the traveling.But what should we pay attention to while traveling? Please look at the following pictures and have a discussion: Are they doing anything wrong?
S… …
Step 4. Have a break.
T: Have you been abroad? No? Ok, it doesn’t matter , and let’s go.
Step 5.The design of the writing on the Blackboard
New words
Consider: think about
Transportation: carrying people or goods from one place to another



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