Unit 4 Feed the world

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 1)order, sure, keep
 2)look forward to, fix a date, help oneself to, all the same, earn one's living, generally speaking, even if, in debt, make sense, pay off one's debt, make a promise
 3)It is thought +that clause.
 Noun Clauses
 Talk about  taking meals
 1)I'd like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move .
 2)What would you like (to have) ?
 3)Would you like something to eat (drink) ?
 4)Would you like some more ?
 5)Anything to follow ?
 6)Help yourself to some ……
 7)Thank you . I've had enough .
 8)Just a little , please .
 9)That would be nice .
 Learn to write a descriptive essay(描写文)
 1,Have you ordered yet ? 你点过菜了吗?
 order在这里是动词,意思是"点菜"。另外在餐厅里还有一句话是比较常用的,侍者通常会说"Can I take the order now?"这里的order也是"点菜"的意思,但是是名词。order的用法总结如下:
 1)v. 命令,吩咐,订(定)购,叫菜,点菜。例如:
 The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days. 大夫嘱咐他卧床一两天。
 The manager ordered that the gate should be locked. 经理嘱咐大门要锁好。
 You can order tickets by telephone.可以电话订票。
 He ordered a cup of coffee.他要了一杯咖啡。
 2)n. 命令(可数),订货(可数),秩序(不可数),顺序(不可数)。例如:
 The policemen received an order and set out at once. 警察接到命令立刻出发了。
 He has placed an order for 100 copies of the book. 他已经预定了一百本这种书。
 He found everything in the house in good order. 他发现屋子里秩序井然。
 Arrange the books  in order of size.按大小顺序摆好书。
 3)order还常构成in order to do something或in order that…。例如:
 He works hard in order to(so as to)succeed.为了成功努力工作。
 I lent him 5 pounds in order that he might buy the book. 我借给他5英镑以便让他买这本书。
 2,My only regret is that it's quite a long way from all my friends. 唯一的遗憾是离我的朋友们太远了。
 这里的regret和前面的order一样也是一词多意,regret 做名词表示遗憾,懊悔(作不可数名词);感到遗憾的事,歉意(作可数名词)。如:
 We heard with regret that you were not successful in your plan. 听到你的计划没有成功,我们感到遗憾。
 My only regret is that I could not devote more time to the just cause.
 He regretted his decision.他对自己的决定懊悔。
 Have a care what you say or you may regret it. 注意自己的话,不然你会后悔的。
 You'll regret having said those words!你会后悔自己说了这样一些话。
 She regretted that she had no child.她为自己没有孩子而遗憾。
 I regret to tell you that your father is badly ill. 我遗憾地告诉你,你父亲病重。
 I regret to say that we have no good news for you. 我遗憾地说没有给你带来好消息。
 3,For one thing, two thirds of the earth's surface is water, although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish.首先,地球表面上三分之二是水,尽管它提供了大量的以鱼的形式食物。
 1)for one thing 用来引出某事的理由,"一来",一般和它连用的是"and another/for another。如:
 I'm afraid that I won't be able to spend the weekend with you in Dalian. For one thing, I have no money and another I'm too busy.  恐怕我不能和你一起去大连度周末了,一来我没有钱,二来我太忙。
 2)does provide 确实提供了,助动词do 用在陈述句、祈使句中可加强语气,要重读。例
 如: He did tell me he would go aboard.他确实告诉我他要出国。
 强调否定意思的用 never.例如:Never tell her the sad news.千万别把这个不幸的消息告诉她。
 Never forget this lesson.千万别忘了这个教训。
 3)in the form of 以……的形式。如:
 Radiation is a kind of energy in the form of invisible rays.
 4,Today farming employs more people than any other type of work.
 more than any(other)+比较对象,这是用比较级的句型表示最高级的概念。例如:
 The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.(=The Changjiang River is the longest river in China)
 在这一句型中,any表示"任何";any other表示"任何别的",说明比较的对象属于同一范围。又如:
 China is larger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲的任何国家都大。(不在范围内)
 China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何别的国家都大。(在范围内)
 5,What can be done in order to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry?
 go hungry 在这里是"挨饿"的意思。go是系动词。
 go作为系动词时,常构成go +adj."转变成",这个结构常表示情况变坏。例如:
 The machines go wrong.机器出了毛病。
 He went almost mad when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息几乎发疯了。
 His illness is going worse.他的病情正恶化。
 His dreams came true at last.他的梦想最后实现了。
 The famous river finally ran dry.这条著名河流最后干涸了。
 6,They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it resulted in a fairer society.
 1)even if 即使,引导的是一个让步状语从句。本句中的谓语动词用的是虚拟语气,表示不可能实现的情况。又如:
 Remember, science requires your whole life.And even if you had two lives to give,they would be not enough.
 2)result in 结果为……,终归,导致。注意: result在这里用作动词。
 The accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers. 那次事故导致两个乘客的死亡。
 Eating too much food which is high in fat and sugar will result in heart illness.
 His carelessness resulted in a serious car accident.他的草率导致了一起严重的车祸。
 3)result in和result from的用法区别
 result in可用来表示"引起、导致或造成(某种结果)",如:
 The traffic accident resulted in three deaths. 这起交通事故造成三人死亡。
 The trial resulted in his being sentenced to two years' imprisonment. 审判结果是他被判刑两年。
 The election resulted in a great victory for their party. 选举结果,他们的党获得了巨大胜利。
 Hard work results in success.努力工作就能成功。
 Her injury resulted from a fall.她因跌倒而受伤。
 It's said that his lameness resulted from an accident. 据说他的瘸腿是一次事故造成的。
 Sickness often results from eating too much. 疾病往往因为吃得太多。
 The accident resulted from carelessness.事故因粗心而产生。
 4)vote v. n.投票,选举,表决
 You're only 16; you're too young to vote. 你只有16岁,还没到选举的年龄。
 Money for a new school was voted by the board. 创办一所新学校的钱已由董事会通过。
 7,.Many less-developed countries are in debt because they borrowed money from richer countries in order to develop  industry.许多欠发达国家都负了债,因为它们从较富裕国家借钱来发展工业。
 less-developed country 欠发达国家
 developed country 发达国家
 developing country 发展中国家
 8,.…it makes very good sense to keep sheep or goats. ……养绵羊和山羊是很有道理的。
 make sense 有道理,讲得通,有意义。如:
 It doesn't make any sense to me. 我觉得那没有什么意思。
 What he says makes sense. 他说的有一定道理。
 What he wants is a piece of paper.
 It is believed that he can solve the problem.
 2) 连接词that引导主语从句时,that不可省略。
 3)在表示"是否"的含义时,主语从句只能用whether, 不能用if。
 I don't know how to solve the problem.
 Do you know where he lives?
 The problem is who can help me.
 This is why I came here.
 3)表语从句还有两个连接词,as if和because。如:
 It looks as if it is going to rain. 看来到下雨。
 That is because he missed the morning train. 那就是因为他没赶上早车。
 I have no idea where he went.
 I heard the news that he would come.
 注:同位语从句用that引导,常跟在fact, idea, news, promise, thought, message, hope, belief, doubt等词后,that在从句中不作任何成分。
 1.__________ you need is more practice.
 2.__________ we shall have our sports meet is still a question.
 3.__________ we need more equipment is quite obvious.
 4.That was __________ they were defeated.
 5.The fact remains __________we are behind the other groups.
 6.I have no idea __________we want to go next Sunday.
 7.We expressed the hope __________ we would visit the city again.
 8. _________ is troubling me is __________ I don't have much experience in this kind of work.
 9.That is __________ the key lies.
 10.That is __________ we are firmly against.
 第3题填That,由于主要从句we need more equipment是个完整的句子,不缺宾语,所以这里用that引导主语从句。注意,这是一个同学们常会错的问题。
 1.─I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.
  ─Is that _____ you had a few days off ? (NMET99)
  A. why B. when C. what D. where
 【解析】从题干和所给的4个选择中不难看出本题考查的是表语从句。"I drove to Zhuhai for the air show."提出一个事实,而第二句表明"I"不在的原因。故答案为A.why。
 2.─It was _____ he said _____ disappointed me. (上海99)
  A. what; that B. that; that
  C. what; what D. that; what
 【解析】该句考查的是强调句和主语从句。该句强调的是句中的主语,而该句的主语又是一个从句。从这个结构中可以看出第二个空和"It was"构成强调句,故第二个空应该是that;第一个空和"he said"构成主语从句;在这个从句中"said"一词后缺少宾语,故答案为A.what;that。




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