Unit 9 Gymnastics

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  1)sound( link v.)gymnastics,gymnast,gym,perform
  2)knock into sb., fall over,prepare sb. for sth.,to music,be content to do sth.,get on,glance at,be busy doing sth.
  1,词组knock into原作"把……敲入"解,用于转义,意为撞着某人、某物。knock(vt.;vj.)意为敲,打,碰击。如:
  Can you knock the nail into the wall? 你能把钉子敲进墙壁里面去吗?
  A hammer is used for knocking in nails. 锤子用来钉进钉子。
  Please knock on/at the door before entering. 请敲门入内。
  His water-bottle was knocked off his little table. 他的水瓶从小桌上被打下。
  She knocked her head against the wall. 她的头撞到墙上。
  knock into作"撞着某人、某物"解时和run into意义相近。如:
  He walked in the dark and knocked into a tree. 他在黑暗中行走,撞着一棵树。
  The boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man. 男孩跑去接球,撞着一个人。
  Joe lost control of his bike and ran into a tree. 琼对自行车控制不住,撞上了树。
  The car skidded and ran into a lamp-post. 汽车打滑,撞上灯柱。
  和knock相关的短语有:  knock at 作"敲击"解。如:
  Can you hear the branches knocking at the roof. 你能听到树枝敲打屋顶的声音吗?
  knock sb./sth. down 作"撞倒;打倒"解。如:
  She was nearly knocked down by a truck. 她差一点被一辆卡车撞倒。
  He knocked down his opponent. 他打败了他的对手。
  knock sb./sth over "打翻"。如:
  The hunter knocked over the tiger. 猎人把那只老虎打翻在地。
  2,as well as的用法
  She is clever as well as beautiful. 她不但漂亮,而且聪明。
  I have heard from Mr. Wang as well as Mr Li. 我不但接到了李先生的信,而且还接到了王先生的信。
  1)as well as与not only…but also…不同
  as well as结构着重前者,而在not only…but also…结构中着重强调后者,所以A as well as B翻译为不但B而且A,而not only A but also B则翻译为不但A而且B。例如:
  The boy is lively as well as healthy=The boy is not only healthy but also lively. 这孩子不但健康而且活泼。
  2)as well as连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子的谓语动词应与前面那个名词或代词的人称和数一致。例如:
  Your brother as well as you is very kind to me.
  3)而not only…but also连接两个主语时,谓语要和靠近的主语保持数和人称一致。例如:
  Not only this dictionary but also those books belong to me.
  4)as well as…还?quot;像……一样好"之意。试比较:
  She sings as well as playing the piano. 她不但会弹琴,而且会唱歌。
  She sings as well as she plays. =Her singing is as good as her playing. 她弹得好,唱得也好。
  3,require 用法
  This job requires a clear head .
  1) require 后的宾语从句用 should 型虚拟语气。
  The boss required that she (should) keep it a secret . 老板要求她对此事保密。
  He required the work not be done in a haste .
  2) sth + require + doing = sth + require + to be done 某物需要……
  These temples require / want / need repairing next month . = These temples require / want /   need to be repaired next month. 这些庙宇下个月需要修缮。
  take / have a break = take / have a rest 休息一下。take a chair 坐下。take a / one's chance 冒险。take a drop 喝一杯。take it for granted 对……想当然。take a holiday 休假。take a pleasure in 以……为乐。take (a) pride in = be proud of 对……感到自豪。take a seat 坐下。take action 采取行动。take advantage of 利用。take after 与(父母等)相象。take aim at 对……瞄准。take / have an interest in 对……感兴趣。take away 拿走,夺走。take a deep breath 深呼吸。take breath 歇会儿。take … by surprise 突然攻击,奇袭。take care 注意,留神,慎重。take good care of 好好照料。take charge of 负责,看管。take / catch hold of 抓住。take down 取下,写下。take effect 见效,生效。take / fall ill 突然生病。take in 把……带进,改小。take it / things easy . 从容,别着急。take measures 采取措施。take note of 注意。take notice of 注意,留心。take off 脱下,起飞。take on 呈现。 take one's seat / place 就座。take place 发生,举行。take the trouble to do 费劲干…… 。take possession of 占有,拥有。take an active part in 在……起积极作用。take an important part in 在……起重要作用。 take the place of 取代。take turns 依次,轮流。take up 拿起,占去,占据。
  5,do sth to music 伴着音乐做某事
  They were dancing to light music . 他们随着轻音乐偏偏起舞。
  They are doing eye exercises to music .
 1,fortunate 和 lucky
 fortunate 指获益于某种境遇,极有利于某人或者帮助某人获得出乎意料的成功或事物。如:
 He made a fortunate decision when he went into advertising . 当他从事广告业时,他作出了一次幸运的决定。
 lucky 含有意外或者纯属偶然机缘之意。如:
 He is lucky that he missed his train the day it was wrecked . 火车出事那天,他没赶上火车,真是幸运。
 Well , you were lucky they didn't rob you of all you had . 嗨,他们没有把你所有的东西抢去,还算幸运。
 2,cloth , clothing , clothes , dress , suit 和 clothe区别
 1)cloth 是做衣服等用的布料,不可数,但是作特殊用途的布时可数。
 a piece of cloth 一块布,five pieces of cloth 五块布,a table cloth 一块桌布。
 cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量入为出
 How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for the girl ?
 It will take three yards of cloth to make a suit for you
 Have you any cloths for polishing the furniture ? 你有擦家具的布吗
 2)clothing 是不可数名词,后接单数动词,指除衣裤外还包括帽子、鞋袜等。不能说 a suit of clothing ,  但可以说 an article of clothing , two articles of clothing 一件(二件)衣服。
 Our clothing protects us from the cold . 我们的衣服为我们御寒。
 The shop sells women's clothing . 这家商店出售妇女服装。
 food , clothing , and shelter 衣、食、住
 3) clothes 指裤子、内衣等,不指一件衣服。clothes 的前面不能加 a ,this , that 和数词,但是可以加 many , these , those 等。
 (错)this clothes , three clothes
 (对)these clothes , many clothes
 要表达"一件衣服"用 a suit of clothes
 put on one's clothes 穿衣服,take off one's clothes 脱衣服
 She bought a good many clothes .
 She often wears beautiful clothes .
 4)dress 作为可数名词是女人或者孩子穿的衣服,a dress 通常指 an article of women's clothing .
 The person opposite the street , who wears a dress , is a woman , not a man .
 dress 可以构成特殊的服装,如 national dress 民族服装,evening dress 夜礼服。
 5)suit 是可数名词,指一套衣服。一套男人的衣服由上衣、背心和裤子组成。一套女子衣服由上衣和裙子组成。
 suit 也组成有特殊用途的服装,如:a bathing suit 游泳衣,a sports suit 运动服,a space suit 宇航服,a diving suit 潜水服。
 6)clothe 是及物动词"给……穿衣,供养,笼罩"
 He has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family .
 Now they are able to feed and clothe their children properly .
 The trees are clothed in green leaves . 树上披上了绿装。
 The boy was in great pain after he broke his arm. 那个孩子伤了胳臂后,很疼痛。
 I have a pain in the knee. 我膝盖疼。
 He has an ache in the chest. 他胸部疼痛。
 She suffers from various aches and pains. 她遭受了各种疼痛和痛苦。
 take great pains with sth./to do sth./in doing sth."辛苦;努力;费尽苦心做某事"。例如:
 Mary took great pains with her English lesson and got high marks.
 Two hours is not long enough for this work. 做这项工作两个小时并不充分。
 Eighty miles is quite a distance. 80英里是很长的一段距离。
 (2)表示国家、城市、书报及组织等专有名词作主语,通常作为一个整体看,谓语用单数形式。如:The  United Nations is an important organization. 联合国是个非常重要的组织。
 The New York Times is read all over the United States. 整个美国都有人读"纽约时报"这份报纸。
 Politics is now taught in all schools in China. 在中国所有的学校都开设政治课。
 (4)由glasses, trousers, shoes等两个对应部分组成一体的复数名词作主语,前有a pair of单位量词时,谓语多用单数。如:Here is a pair of new trousers for you.这里有一条新裤子是给你的。对比:My shoes are worn out. 我的鞋子穿坏了。
 (5)the number of +复数名词或代词作主语时,谓语用单数;但a number of短语作主语,谓语用复数。如:
 The number of the tigers is only 100 in our district.
 A number officials were put into prison because of the accident.
 如:What he wanted to see was an end to the war.
 Reading more scientific books is good for children.
 (7)由every-, some-, any-, no- 等构成的复合不定代词作主语时,谓语用单数。如:
 Everyone obeys the rules; anybody who breaks the rules is punished.
 (8)由one, either, each, neither+of+复数名词/代词作主语时,谓语用单数。如:
 We both fell off, but fortunately neither of us was hurt.
 One of the students is from Australia.
 (9)news, information, bread等不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。如:
 The bread he bought was always fresh.
 It is the people who create history. 创造历史的是人民。
 It was she who had been wrong. 错误的正是她。
 Was it you that broke the window? 打碎玻璃窗的是你吗?
 But here it's my word that counts. 但这里是我的话算数。
 Who was it that called you up just now? 刚才来电话给你的是谁?
 It's her whom you should help. 你应该帮助的是她。
 It's me that they praised.他们表扬的是我。
 She just had no faith in me. It was Bill in whom she still had her faith. 她不相信我。她仍然相信的只有比尔。
 It's through them that we learnt the truth. 正是通过他们我们才了解真相。
 It was on one July night in 1969 that American astronauts landed on the surface of the moon.正是在1969年7月的一个夜晚美国宇航员在月球表面登陆。
 It was then(that) I heard his steps. 正在那时我听到他的脚步声。
 Why is it that everyone thinks I'm a fool? 究竟为什么人人都认为我是傻瓜?
 I don't know why it is(that)they don't like me. 我不知道他们究竟为什么不喜欢我。
 It was on Monday night that all this happened.正是在星期一晚上发生了这一切。
 It was not until yesterday that they began to tackle the major problem. (=They did not begin to tackle the major problem until yesterday. )直到昨天他们才开始处理主要问题。
 It was not for several days that I had an opportunity of seeing the bird.(=I did not have an opportunity of seeing the bird again for several days. )过了好几天我才有机会又一次看见那只鸟。
 It is because he smoked too much that he's got lung cancer.正因为他抽烟太多才得了肺癌。
 It was not until I saw Mary next morning that I felt happy. (=I did not feel happy until I saw Mary next morning. )直到第二天上午见到玛丽我才感到高兴。
 Do come in, please. 请你一定进来。
 l do hope you will go with us. 我的确希望你会跟我们一起去。
 He does sing well. 他唱得确实好。
 He did say that he believed you. 他的确说过他相信你。
 Do be quiet, please. 请务必安静。
  1,It was not ______ she took off her dark glasses ______ I realized she was a famous film star.
  A.when; that B.until; that
  C.until; when D.when; then
  2,--Wasn't it Dr. Wang who spoke to you just now?
   -- (上海 96)
  A. I didn't know he was
  B. Yes, it was
  C. No, he wasn't
  D. Yes, he did.
  【解析】这是一个强调句。结构是:It was + that +其他成分。在这里,it做主语,这是我们前面讲过的强调主语的现象,所以回答也应该用Yes, it was 或No, it wasn't。it 这里指的是人。




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