高三复习Unit 22(book2)

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Unit 22
Useful expressions
1. let …in 让…进入
Open the window and let in some fresh air. 把窗户打开,让新鲜空气进来。 The baby is afraid of the dog. Don’t let it in. 区分let out 放出, 发出, 泻露: Hearing the good news, the boy let out a cry of joy. It was Tom who let out the secret.
2. have a test 参加测验
=take a test: We’ll have a test on irregular verbs tomorrow.
3. fall in love with 爱上某人
He fell in love with her at first sight. 与love相关的词组:fall out of love with sb.不再爱了;be in love with… 与……相爱;They have been in love for 5 years. (注意fall in love 与be in love的区别)。复习与fall有关的词组:fall ill; fall asleep; fall into the habit of….
4. make sure of 确信某事
make sure后可跟动名词doing 或加一个that引导的从句: You'd better make sure of the time and place. 你最好把时间和地点弄清楚。Would you make sure of getting a ticket? 你能确保弄到一张票吗? Can you make sure that you will succeed? 你能确保成功吗? You should make sure that all the lights are off before you go to bed.你在睡觉前,要确保所有的灯都关了。There aren't many left. you'd better make sure of one before they are all sold. 剩下不多了,你最好在卖完以前先定下一个。
5. suffer from 受…之苦
He is still suffering terribly from the injuries.他仍然深受伤痛折磨。Do you suffer from headaches? 你有头痛的毛病吗? suffer 还可用作及物动词,意为“遭受(不愉快之事)”suffer pain / torture / defeat / losses 遭受痛苦/折磨/失败/蒙受损失
6. set fire to sth 放火,使…着火
也可用set sth. on fire来表示: The waste paper should be set fire to. 这些废纸应当烧掉。Who set fire to the house? 或 Who set the house on fire?
7. burn … to the ground 夷为平地
burn和set fire都是放火的意思,但是set fire to是强调点火, 放火的动作, 而burn是强调结果。如:They set fire to the house, and it was burnt to the ground. 他们放火烧了房子, 房子被烧光了。to意思是“到,直到(状态/程度)”, 类似的用法还有:burn / beat / starve … to death 烧/打/饿死: She sang the baby to sleep. 她唱歌哄婴儿入睡。He tore the letter to pieces. 他把信撕碎了。
8. do wrong 做错事、做坏事
反义词 do right。如:I felt I had done wrong. 我觉得做了错事。I hope you'll never do wrong. 我希望你永远别做坏事。You did quite right to accept the invitation. 你接受邀请是对的。
9. sentence … to death 宣判、判死刑
The man was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. 那个人被判了三年监禁。He was sentenced to pay a fine of $1000. 他被判罚款一千美金。He was sentenced to death. 他被处以死刑。
10. do a good deed 做好事
I’m only trying to do a good deed. 我只是努力在做一件好事。It’s not easy for a person to do good deeds all his life. 一个人一辈子做好事是不容易的。
11. in peace 平静地,安宁地
= peacefully: She is sleeping in peace. I just want to be left in peace. 我只是希望别打扰我。 peace的常见搭配形式: at peace (with) 与…和睦; hold one’s peace 保持缄默,忍住不说; keep the peace 维持治安; make peace 讲和,和解。
12. in public 当众,公然
= publicly: He's not used to making speeches in public; it's so embarrassing. 他不习惯在大庭广众中演讲,因为这太使人窘迫了。
Sentence patterns
1. The guards couldn't have been watching very carefully. 警卫不可能一直认真地查看。
表示对已经发生的事情进行推测: might /could /must + 完成时,如: He could have swept the floor. 他可能已经扫干净地了。You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help. 你准是疯了,竟跟这个仆人说话。她可能会大喊救命的。It must have been very interesting! 那肯定很有趣!You were so stupid to try climbing the tree; you might have killed yourself. 你想爬那棵树真是愚蠢,你可能会被摔死的。否定句常用couldn’t: It couldn't have been raining all night yesterday.
2. You might both have been caught and killed! 你们俩可能给抓住杀了。
might后面跟不定式的被动完成式,是一种虚拟语气结构。如:I might have been trapped in the fire if I had not run away fast enough.如果我不是跑得快,也许早就身陷大火之中了。(事实上,我是安然无恙。) It was really dangerous for you to try to swimming in the river. You might have been eaten by the fish.在那条河里游泳真是危险,你可能被鱼吃了。
3. They had come from England, having heard the strange news that Dr Manette, Lucie's father, was alive and was living in Paris. 他们从英国来是因为听到一个奇怪的消息--露西的父亲曼奈特医生仍然活着,而且还住在巴黎。
Having + 过去分词表示的动作发生在位于动词所表示的动作之前。如: Having broken his glasses, he couldn't read the newspaper. 由于把眼镜打碎了,他无法看报纸。Not having seem him for many years, I did not recognized him at first.由于多年没见过面,一开始我没有认出他来。Having finished her shopping, she went home.
Language tips
1. It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden. 天还没亮,所以很容易隐蔽。
light作形容词,指“明亮的,光亮的”: It was not yet light. 天还没有亮。light还表示“重量轻的” “浅色的,淡色的”: The coat is very light but warm. 大衣很轻但是很暖和。I took some light reading for the train journey. 我带了些轻松的读物乘火车消遣。 Light colors suits you best. 浅色的衣服最适合你。
2. Defarge was pleased at their arrival. 对于他们的到来,德法奇很高兴。
pleased常和一些介词at、with、about等搭配使用: I'm really pleased with his work. I was pleased at finding him so well.看到他那么健康, 我很高兴。 She is pleased about her son's scholarship. 她很高兴儿子获得奖学金。 pleased后还可跟to do:I'm very pleased to hear the news.
3. All day long he worked at making shoes, as he had done in prison. 他像在监狱里那样,整天专心致志地缝制鞋子。
work at表示努力于…、致力于…、努力对付……等如: She is working at mathematics. 她在研究(攻读)数学。The government is working hard at improving the living conditions of the teachers. 政府正在下大力气来改善教师的生活条件。
4. Dr Manette had been put in prison for no good reason. 曼奈特医生被关进监狱并没有什么正当的理由。
for this reason因为这个原因; for the reason of health由于健康原因; for some reason或者for a certain reason由于某种原因; for no reason 不因为什么; for no good reason 没有正当的理由,没有合适的理由, 如:Don't punish children for no good reason.不要莫名其妙地惩罚孩子。My eyes were filled with tears for no reason. 我的眼睛无缘无故地充满了泪水。
5. One day he had been called out to attend a young peasant and his sister. 有一天他被叫去出诊,给一个年轻的农民和他的姐姐看病。
attend 在这里是“照料、看护”的意思:attend a patient看护一个病人。attend 常表示“参加、出席”:attend a meeting出席会议; attend the class 上课; He attends the church regularly.他总是按时上教堂。
6. Dr Manette had been put in prison so that he would keep silent over this matter. 曼奈特医生被关进了监狱,使他无法把这件事张扬出去。
keep silent over sth. 或 keep silent on sth. 对某事保持缄默。注意 silent和still, quiet 的区别: silent是表示完全安静, 没有声音; still是强调一种没有声音、没有动作的状态, quiet则是表示没有声音、没有动作的安静。跟在silent后面的介词有: on, over和about, 例如: He was silent about the plan. 他闭口不谈那个计划。History is silent on this event. 关于这件事,历史上没有记录。
7. Although Lucie married Charles, Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness. 虽然露西嫁给了查尔斯,但是悉尼还是对露西许下诺言,说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿意永远为她做一切可能做的事。
promise作动词,后可加不定式: promise (sb.) to do sth.;还可加从句: promise (sb.) that…词组有make a promise发誓; keep the promise守诺; break the promise失信于人
8. However, an English spy told the Defarges in Paris that the nephew of the old Marquis was living in England under an English name. 可是,有位英国间谍告诉了住在巴黎的德法奇夫妇,说老侯爵的侄儿用了一个英国名字住在英国。
under the name of… 以……之名、自称: under an English name以一个英国名字。区分in the name of 代表…、以…的名字: He attended the party in the name of his father. 他以他父亲的名义参加聚会。in one's own name 以自己的名义,独立的: Apply in your own name! 用你自己的名字申请。
9. The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country, having lived such a hard life for so long, took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles. 城市贫民和乡村里的农民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活,拿起刀枪开始杀起富有的贵族来了。
live a life 过某种生活, live和life是共同的词源,我们一般把这种词叫做动词和它的同源宾语,同源宾语一般都带有一个定语,这个定语在概念上起着状语的作用:He died a heroic death.= He died heroically. 他英勇地牺牲了。She dreamt a sweet dream.= She dreamt sweetly. They lived a happy life.= They lived happily. She smiled a bitter smile.= She smiled bitterly. 她苦笑了一下。
10. Some time later, Charles Darnay found at a bank in London a letter from France addressed to him不久以后,查尔斯•达尼在伦敦一家银行发现一封法国来信,信是写给他的
address常用做名词: What's your E-mail address?你的电子邮箱的地址是什么。在这里address做动词, 如:The letter is wrongly addressed. 这封信的地址写错了。This package is not addressed to me. 这个包裹不是寄给我的。
11.On reading it, he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own. 看了信,他得知他法国家中的一个仆人无辜地被关进了监狱。
介词on/upon作“在……时”解释时,后面跟-ing形式的动词,相当于一个用as soon as引导的时间状语从句,强调这个动作一发生,另一个动作立即发生。如:On reaching Paris, they called at the wine shop in the poor district. 一到巴黎,他们立即就到穷人区的那家酒店去了。On arriving at the station, he found his wife waiting to meet him. on/upon 后还可跟名词: Upon his return from Beijing, he began his research work. 他一从北京回来,就立即开始他的研究工作。
12. Meanwhile, Sydney, who had taken the place of his friend Charles, had his head cut off. 与此同时,代替他的朋友查尔斯坐牢的悉尼却遭到了杀头之祸。
take the place of 是代理、代替的意思: Electric trains have now taken the place of steam ones. No-one could take the place of her mother.
13. His final thoughts were: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known." 他临终前的想法是:“我所做的,是我所做过的最好、最最好的事情;我所得到的,是我知道的最安祥、最最安祥的休息。”
掌握名词thought的用法: Please don't give much thought to what she said. 不要在乎她说什么。What are your thoughts on this subject? 你对这件事的想法是什么?You are always in my thoughts. 我总是思念着你。She always keeps her thoughts to herself.她总是不肯把自己的想法告诉别人。She had no thought that anything was wrong. 她不知道出了什么乱子。
一般式主动语态 writing
一般式被动语态 being written
完成式主动语态 having written
完成式被动语态 having been written
They went to the park, singing and talking.
Having done his homework, he played basket-ball.
2) 一般式被动语态表示与谓语动词同时发生的被动的动作,完成式被动语态表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动的动作:
The problem being discussed is very important.
Having been told many times, the naughty boy made the same mistake.
3)否定式:not + -ing
Not having received her letter, Tom decided to write again.
Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
1.在穷人区 2.……之前不久
3.精神失常 4.心安
5.逐渐康复 6.惨遭虐待
7.负担重税 8.忍饥挨饿
9.放弃财产 10.夷为平地




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