Unit 10 The trick

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 1)defence, pause, sudden, uniform, calm, steal, fear, fair
 2)worry about, turn up, over one's shoulder, on arrival, break into , be perfect for…, play a trick on sb. , in a flash, hold out, break off.
 3)She might have had an accident.
 It looks as if she meant to return.
 2.重点语法  复习间接引语的用法。
 3.交际要求  学习表示猜测、预见的表达法。 5.写作要求
 1,In a flash he remembered everything and a plan began to form in his mind. 刹那间,他什么都想起来了,于是脑子里开始形成一个计划。
 in a flash 一刹那间;即刻。
 2, since用法小结
 He came to the university three years ago and has studied there ever since.
 I have not seen him since. 从那以后,我就没有见过他。
 He left home in 1950 and has not been heard of since. 他在一九五O年离家,以后即无音讯。
 The town was destroyed by an earthquake ten years ago and has since been rebuilt.
 She hasn't been home since her marriage. 她从结婚后就没回过家。
 Since last seeing you I have been ill. 上次看到你以后我就病了。
 Where have you been since I last saw you? 自从上次我和你见面以后,你到哪里去了?
 How long have you stayed here since you came. 自从你来这儿以来,你呆了多久了?
 【注】在It is +一般时间+since从句时,主句谓语动词be不用完成时,而用一般式。如:
 It is just a week since we arrived here. 我们到达这里刚好一星期。
 How long is it since you arrived in London? 你在伦敦有多久了? 3,pick up的用法
 1)pick up意为"获得"。如:
 I picked up a very interesting book the other day. 前几天我得到一本很有趣的书。
 Can you tell me where I could pick up a good used car?
 He picked up news from all sources.
 2)pick up的原意是"拾起"、"爬起"。如:
 She picked up the telephone on her desk and began to dial.
 The little girl picked herself up and went on playing.
 After he fell off his horse, he picked himself up and said that he wasn't hurt.
 3)pick up有"收听到"、"看到"、"测知"之意。如:
 Our radio picked up your SOS.
 State police picked up the bandit's trail.
 When he picked up a lighthouse on the hilltop, he knew he was not far away from his home.
 4)Pick up有"偶然、无意地学会语言或获得消息等"之意。
 Young children soon picked up words they hear their elders use.
 Where did you pick up your technical skill?
 he never studied French; what he knows was picked up while living in Paris.
 5)pick up有"(顺便)买"、"(顺便)用车接"之意。
 I'll pick you up at your office.
 He picked up some cakes and sweets in a shop on his way home.
 An ambulance was sent to pick up the wounded soldiers.
 He picked up two students along the highway and dropped them off at Oxford.
 6)pick up还可以做"(身体)恢复"、"(生意、气候)好转"的意思
 His spirits picked up as he came near home.
 It look as though the weather may pick up very soon.
 Tourist travel to Australia is again picking up.
 She was ill for some time, but she is now picking up.
 7)pick up sb可解释为"偶然结识"。如:
 You may be able to pick up a girl at the dance.
 She picked up an acquaintance with a young man on the train.
 8)pick up speed意为"加速"。如:
 The speed of the car began to pick up.
 After a mile out of the station, the train began to pick up speed.
 9)pick up还可以解释为"重提"、"重新找到"
 They met after five years, and picked up their friendship as if there had been no  interruption.
 After the interruption, we picked up where we had left off.
 4,aloud, loudly与loud的区别
 aloud, loudly只能用作副词;loud既可作副词,也可用作形容词。当副词用时,loudly与loud一样用来说明声音的强度,意思是"高声地,喧噪地",只是在动词后面loud比loudly更常用些。他们的反义是:quietly。例如:
Don't talk so loud (loudly)----you'll wake the whole street. 别那么大声说话,你快把左邻右舍都吵醒了。
 Someone knocked loudly (loud) at the door. 有人在大声敲门。
 She has a very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.她朗读时,发音很好。
 (4)原祈使句变为动词不定式作ask, tell等动词的宾语补足语(don't变为not)。
直接引语 间接引语
一般现在时 一般过去时
一般过去时 过去完成时
一般将来时 过去将来时
现在完成时 过去完成时
现在进行时 过去进行时
过去完成时 过去完成时
在直接引语中 在间接引语中
指示代词 this these that those
表示时间的词 now today this week yesterday last week three days ago tomorrow next week then that day that week the day before the week before three days before the next day the next week
表示地点的词 here there
动 词 come go
 例1, The police found that the house ______ __and a lot of things ______ . (90年高考题)
 A.has broken into; has been stolen
 B.had broken into; had been stolen
 C.has been broken into; stolen
 D.had been broken into; stolen
 【解析】 因为宾语从句中的动作break into与steal发生在found这一过去时之前,因此用过去完成时,且 house与 break into, things与 steal有被动关系。
 例2,I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ______ ? (95年高考题)
 A.turn it on
 B.turn it down
 C.turn it up
 D.turn it off
 【解析】本题主要是考查有关turn的几个词组,turn up把音量提高;turndown把音量弄低;turn on"打开";turn off"关上"。答案选C。
 1. I, who ______ your friend, will try my best to help you.
 A. be B. am C. are D. is
 2. This is one of the best novels that _________ this year.
 A. is appearing B. are appeared
 C. have appeared D. has appeared
 3. The audience ________ so large that no seat was left unoccupied in the great hall.
 A. is B. are C. was D. has
 4. Either the judge or the lawyers ________ wrong.
 A. does B. make C. is D. are
 5. The number of pages in this dictionary _________ about two thousand.
 A. are B. has C. have D. is
 7. The secretary and principal _______ at the meeting now.
 A. are speaking B. is speaking
 C. have a speech D. were making a speech
 8. A number of the foreign students _______ studying in our school.
 A. are B. is C. have D. has
 9. Three- fourths of the soda water __________.
 A. were drunk up B. were drinked up
 C. was drunk up D. was drinked up
 10. The quality of the watches _________ poor.
 A. is B. are C. is being D. be
 11. Where ________ dirt, there are flies.
 A. there was B. there is C. has there D. are
 12. Time and tide ________ for no man.
 A. waits B. wait C. is waiting D. has waited
 13. Mr Wang, with his two sons, _________ in the car.
 A. are B. is C. be D. stay
 14. Every one of his sisters, including Jane, __________.
 A. have blue eyes B. has blue eyes
 C. having blue eyes D. were blue eyes
 15. No one except two doctors _________ to the hospital.
 A. know how to get B. knows how to get
 C. know to get D. knows to get
 16. Thirty dollars ________ too expensive.
 A. are B. is C. have D. has
 17. When and where to hold the sports meet __________yet.
 A. are not decided B. have not decided
 C. is not decided D. has not decided
 18. You as well ________ right.
 A. I are B. I am C. as I am D. as I are
 19. This pair of glasses ________ my grandmother.
 A. is belonged to B. are belong to C. belong to D. belongs to
 20. Many a student ________ busy with their lessons.
 A. is B. are C. were not D. have
 21. Every student and very teacher ___________.
 A. are going to attend the meeting
 B. have attended the meeting
 C. has attended the meeting
 D. is attended the meeting
 22. Plastics and rubber never ________.
 A. rots B. rot C. rotted D. are rotten
 23. Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?
 No, _________ only the two passengers who got hurt.
 A. it was B. there is C. they were D. there was
 24. ________ to the zoo. We have been there before.
 A. All but he and I are going.
 B. All but he and I am going
 C. All but he and me are going
 D. All but him and me am going
 25. More than one ___________ employed. At least three.
 A. have been B. has been C. are D. has
 26. Plastics _________ many other materials.
 A. has taken place of B. has taken the place of
 C. have taken place of D. have taken the place of
 27. I, not his brother, ___________ the mistake.
 A. have made B. has made C. has been made D. makes
 28. Mother, together with her children, ________to the hospital.
 A. were sent B. are sent C. was sent D. have been sent
 29. Every means ________ tried but without much result.
 A. has been B. have been C. are D. has
 30. His clothes _________ so dirty that he had them _______ the other day.
 A. are, washed B. is , washing
 C. was, washed D. were, washed
 1--5 B C C D D 6--10 C B A C A
 11--15 B B B B B 16--20 B C D D A
 21--25 C B A A B 26--30 B A C A D




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