unit 9 Technology Language points |
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Unit 9 Technology 一. Reading comprehension. 1. “Life on the go” refers to a lifestyle where people are always doing the following EXCEPT_____________. A. rushing from one place to another B. doing many things at the same time C. going to work by bus, train or underground D. using mobile phones and laptop computers 2. What is meant by “ modern cellphones are more than just phones”? A. Modern cellphones are better than phones. B. Modern cellphones are not phones. C. There are more modern cellphones than ordinary phones. D. Modern cellphones have many other functions besides those of an ordinary phone. 3. Which is not the reason for the popularity of cellphones among teenagers? A. Cellphones can be used to stay in touch with friends and family. B. Cellphones can be used to call for help in case of an emergency. C. You look cool talking on a cellphone. D. Cellphones can be used in class to help one learn better 4. Cellphones are not allowed in schools because ____________________. A. They look cool and fashionable. B. They have changed the way the students behave. C. They are not probably used by students. D. Students’ parents are strongly against them. 5. According to the passage, the functions of cellphones do NOT include__________________. A. sending words and images. B. looking for on-line information. C. reminding their users of important dates. D. helping students with their schoolwork. 6. What is the hope for the human beings? A. They can turn Q12into a friend by teaching it about love and friendship. B. They can defeat Q12 by force. C. They can ask the robots to help them defeat Q12 . D. They can invent powerful weapons to defeat Q12. 7. Which of the following can be used as another title for Passage 1? A. Cellphones. B. Teenagers. C. Mobile phones in China. D. No cellphone in class. 8. Wangmei is mentioned in the last paragraph to explain_______________________. A. why cellphones are not allowed in school. B. the important role cellphones play in people’s everyday life . C. why teenagers like mobile phones and what they use the mobile phones for. D. that children shouldn’t spend too much time and money on mobile phones. 9. Which of the following is the most probable in the future according to Passage 1? A. Cellphones will take the place of computers. B. Cellphones will be allowed in every classroom. C. Cellphones can also pick up TV programme. 10. What message can we get from the story in Passage 2? A. We’d better destroy all the computers now before they control us. B. We should teach our computers about love and our friendship now. C. We should treat our machines as our friends. D. Our future will be like what is descried in the story unless we change our way of life. Keys: CDDDD AACCD 二. Language points: 1. Talk about science and technology. 谈一谈科学与技术 technology n. (1)(工业)技术,工艺学 chemical technology 化学工艺学 science and technology 科学和技术 (2)(工业等方面的)技术运用 the technology of computers 计算机的工业技术 technologist n.技术专家 2. How creative are you? 你的创造力怎么样? creative adj. 有创造力的, 创造性的 creative power 创造力 create v. 创造,创作 create wealth 创造财富 create drama 创作戏剧 creativity n. 创造力 3. If you turn a left-hand glove inside out it will fit on a right hand. 如果你把左手套翻过来,它会很合适地戴在右手上. (1) turn…inside out 翻出 把口袋翻出来 turn one’s pocket inside out (2) fit vt.& vi. (fitted, fitted) a. 使(服装等)合身 这件大衣我穿不合身。 The coat doesn’t fit me. 这条裙子我穿非常合身。 The dress fits me very much. 给某人试穿鞋子 fit the shoes on sb 量体裁衣 fit the dress to the figure b. 使合适,使符合 言行一致 fit one’s actions to one’s words 使自己的思想适应新的情况 fit one’s thinking to the new conditions 注;fit adj. (1)合适的,正当的 be fit for 对……适合 他能胜任这项工作。 He is fit for the job. 他很称职。 He is fit for the office. (2)健康的 keep fit 保持健康 祝你工作好、学习好、身体好。 May you work hard, study well and keep fit. 4. agree vi. 同意,答应 我要他帮我的忙,他答应了。 I asked him to help me, and he agreed. (1) agree with (one’s idea, one’s opinion, what one said…) 同意…,赞成…;与…一致; (天气、食物、气候等)适合某人 我很同意你所说的话。 I quite agree with what you said. 他言行不一致。 His words don’t agree with his action. 我不适应这里的气候。 The weather here doesn’t agree with me. 那种事物我不适应。 That kind of food doesn’t agree with me. (2) agree to (the plan, the proposal, the agreement, the suggestion…) 同意、赞成(计划、提议、协议、建议等) 你同意这个提议吗? Do you agree to the proposal? (3) agree on 对…取得一致意见,协商(主语通常是复数) 他们最后就工作计划取得了一致意见。 Finally they agreed on the plan of work. (4) agree (not) to do sth 这些学生同意在教室里不使用电话。 These students agreed not to use cellphones in the classroom. (5) agree that 他承认安是获胜者。 He agreed that Ann was the winner. 二. Reading and writing. 1. Life on the go : a busy life 繁忙的生活。 本课做“移动人生”解。 on the go : working all the time 忙碌,(整天)奔忙;爱动 他们总是忙碌。 They are always on the go. 妈妈被迫整天奔波。 Mum has to been on the go all the time. 我很累,我从八点一直在忙。 I’m feeling tired out. I have been on the go since 8 o’clock. 现代人都过着忙碌的生活。 Modern people are living a life on the go. 你不能让孩子静下来,他们总是爱动。 You can’t keep small children still; they are always on the go. 2. Cellphones, or mobile phones, make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. It在本句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式或宾语从句。常用此句型的动词有:make, think, find, feel, believe, suppose, consider等。 我觉得学英语很有趣。 I find it interesting to study English. 我们认为早点出发好些。 We thought it better to start early. 我们认为掌握两门外语是必要的。 We consider it necessary to master two foreign languages. 3. Modern cellphones are more than just phones. 现代手机不只是电话。 more than 不只是 我的北京之行不只是观光。 My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing. 姚明不仅仅人高马大。 Yaoming has more than just size. 有些故事实在难以令人相信。 Some of the stories were really more than could be believed. more than连用表示“不只是”,后接名词、数词、分词、动词等;而more…than…用在同一主语身上,是对两种性质进行比较,“与其…不如说…”这一句型中,形容词只能用more+原级,不能用比较级。 与其说他傻,不如说他疯了。 He is more mad than stupid. 这孩子的伤倒算不了什么,只是受惊了。 The boy was more frightened than hurt. 4. New functions are being added to the phones. 新的功能正被加入到电话中. (1) add v. 添加,增加,补充 “我不相信这件事情。”他补充说。 “I don’t believe it,” he added. add…to…把…加到…上 请把我的名字加到名单上。 Please add my name to the list. 他往咖啡里加了一些糖。 He added some sugar to the coffee. 我对我先前说的话没什么可补充的。 I have nothing to add to my earlier words. add to…增加,增添 我相信这次旅行将加深我对贵国的了解。 I believe this trip will add to our understanding of your country. 这些高楼增加了北京城的美丽。 These high buildings added to the beauty of the city of Beijing. 他的生病增添了家里的麻烦。 His illness added to the family’s trouble. add up 加起来 这些数字加得不对。 These figures don’t add up right. 把这些数字加起来,告诉我结果。 Add up all these figures and tell me the result. add up to …总计…,加起来达…(不用被动语态) 这些数字加起来总共是不是100。 These figures add up to 1oo. 帐单加起来一共是多少? How much does the bill add up to? (2) 这是一个现在进行时被动语态的句子。其结构是:be(am,is are)+being+过去分词 它们正在到处被使用。 They are being used everywhere. 凯特正在医院里被细心看护着。 Kate is being taken good care of. 5. The latest cellphones features such as games, music and electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates. 最新式的手机有如下特点:游戏 音乐,提醒你约会及重要的日期的电子日历. remind vt. (1) remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 明天提醒我吃药。 Remind me to take my medicine tomorrow. remind sb. that… 他提醒我还没有浇花。 He reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers. remind sb. Of/about sth 请提醒我一下,以免我忘记。 In case I forget, please remind me of/about it. 有人提醒我不要忘了自己的承诺。 I was reminded of my promise. (2) 使想起(后接间接宾语和that引导的从句作直接宾语) 看到那只钟使我想起我迟到了。 The sign of the clock reminded me that I was late. remind sb. of sth. 使…想起… 看到他使我想起了他的父亲。 He reminded me of his father. 这个故事使我想起了我的一次经历. The story reminded me of an experience I once had. 6. One headmaster says that phones are not allowed in the classroom. 一位校长说在教室里是不允许使用电话的。 allow vt. 允许 母亲不允许我们外出。 Mother didn’t allow us to go out. 教室里不允许抽烟。 Smoking is not allowed in the classroom. 宠物不得入内。 Pets are not allowed in. 注: allow sb. to do sth. I allowed him to do it. (√) Allow doing sth. I allowed him doing it. (×) My parents don’t allow smoking. (√) My parents don’t allow to smoke. (×) 7. I don’t dare to use the phone in school. 我不敢在学校里使用手机。 dare (1) vt. 敢,敢于;面对(后面可接名词和不定式,可省to) 他敢于面对任何危险。 He dares any danger. 他不敢回答。 He doesn’t dare (to) answer. (2) aux. 情态动词(多用于条件句、疑问句、否定句及表示怀疑的句子中,后接动词原形) 你怎么敢那样说呢? How dare you say that? 无人敢提及此事。 No one dared speak of it. 如果你敢这么干,你会遗憾的。 If you dare do it, you’ll be sorry. 我不知他敢不敢这样说。 I wonder if he dare say so. 我揣测他晚上不该独自出门。 I dare say she dare not go out alone at night. 8. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing. 答案似乎是无论我们在哪儿或正在做什么,我们都需要和朋友及家人保持联系。 (1) seem v. 好象,似乎 a. 用作连系动词,后可接名词、形容词、分词和介词短语。 我的书对我来说像老朋友一样。 My book seemed to me like old friends. 她好像是个聪明的姑娘。 She seemed a clever girl. b. 用作vi. (后接不定式) 我好像感冒了。 I seem to have caught a cold. 他似乎在等什么人。 He seemed to be waiting for somebody. c. 用于It seems that结构 看来他在撒谎。 It seems that he’s lying. (=He seems to be lying.) d. 用于It seems as if 结构 看来他像是在做梦。 It seems as if he were in a dream. e. 用于there seems 结构 他看来像出了什么事似的。 There seems to be something wrong with her. (2) no matter “no matter+特殊疑问词”构成连词词组,引导让步状语从句。表示“无论…,不管…” no matter what=whatever 无论什么 无论你说什么,没有人相信你。 No matter what you say, no one believes you. no matter when=whenever 无论何时 无论你何时去,你都能见到她。 No matter when you go, you can see her. no matter who=whoever 无论谁 无论谁叫都别开门。 No matter who tells you to, don’t open the door. no matter how=however 无论如何,不管怎样 不管我怎样努力都赶不上你。 I’m still behind you no matter how hard I have tried to catch you up. no matter where=whevere 无论在(到)哪里 无论我走到哪里,我总会想起我的学生们的。I’ll remember my students no matter where I go. 注:前者只能引导让步状语从句,而后者还可以引导主语从句或宾语从句。 他所说的都是正确的。 Whatever he said was right. 9. Having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of a emergency. 有手机也使我们感到更安全,因为在紧急情况下我们可以呼救。 (1) adj. 音乐有时使我开心。 Music sometimes makes me happy. n. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. make sb.+ v. 妈妈让我在家做家作。 Mum made me do my homework at home. I was made to do my homework at home. done他终于让大家理解他了。 He made himself understood at last. (2) call for 要求,邀约 它需要冷静的头脑。 It calls for a cool head. call at 拜访某地 call for 需求,去接(某人) call in 请来宾 call on 拜访(某人),号召 call back 回电话 call up 打电话,回响起 (3) case n. 情形,状况,实例 in case 以防,以备万一。(后接条件状语从句,或作副词单独使用) In case of +名词或动名词 带把雨伞以防下雨。 Take an umbrella in case it rains. Take an umbrella in case of rain. 万一发生火灾,请按警铃。 In case a fire breaks out, ring the alarm bell. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 也许不会下雨,但最好带把以防万一。 It may not rain, but you’d better take an umbrella in case. In any case 无论如何 In this/that case 假如这样/那样的话 In no case 决不,在任何情况下都不(位于句首要倒装) 任何情况下你都不要屈服。 In no case should you give in. 10. It is the year 2374 and the machines have taken over. 现在是2374年,机器控制着地球。 (1) take (sth.) over 控制、管理(国家、政党等),接替 政府已经控制了全国。 The government has taken over the whole country. (2) take sth. over from sb. 从某人处接管/接手 他生病其间,生意由他女儿代管。 When she was ill, her daughter took her business over from her. 你愿意让我接替你开会儿车吗? Would you like me to take over the driving for a while? Wilson先生离开时,他们要我接替经理之职。 They want me to take over as manager when Wilson leaves. 11. Q12 cannot be defeated by force. 用武力不能击败Q12. force (1) n. 武力 by force 用武力 如果有必要的话,我们会用武力解决这个问题。We’ll settle the problem by force if necessary. (2) v. 强迫 force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 警察迫使强盗(robber)投降(surrender). The police forced the robber to surrender. Force sth on sb. 把某物强加于人 我从不把自己的观点强加于学生。 I never force my own idea on my students. 12. Instead, the students have decided to come up with a peaceful solution. 相反,学生们决定要想出一个和平解决的办法。 (1).come up with sth. 找到或提出(答案、办法等) 她想到一个增加销售量的新主意。 She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 我不知道他为什么会想出这么笨的问题。 I don’t know why he came up with such silly questions. (2) come up to sb. 向某人走来 她下了车,向我走来。 Getting off her bike, she came up to me. Key to the test 一.单项填空: 1-5 AABBD 6-10 BADCC 11-15 CAABB 16-20 BBCAC 21-25 CDCDC 26-30 ADADA 31-35 BCADA 36-40 ACCCD 二.完形填空: 41-45 BCBCB 46-50 BCABC 51-55 ABDCB 56-60 ACBBD 三.阅读理解: 61-65 ABDCB 66-70 BDABC 71-75 CBDCA 76-80 BDACD 四.词汇: 1. appointment 2. emergency 3. Teenagers 4. behavior 5. surviving 6. depended 7. Throughout 8. attack 9. succeeded 10. defeated 五.短文改错: 1.thing → things 2. never → ever 3.√ 4.followed → following 5. with → all 6. which → that 或去掉which 或in which 7. from → of 8. without 后加a 9. have → having 10. in → by 六.书面表达: Mobile Phones Mobile phones are very popular now. When you say something to the mobile phone, your voice change into signals, and then the signals are sent down to the receiving phone, where they are turned back into the sound, just the same as your voice. Mobile phones are very useful to people. It is very convenient for people to keep in touch with each other. Of course you can use mobile phones to send messages, surf the Internet, etc. However, the electromagnetic wave from mobile phones sometimes will do harm to your body. At the airport or on the plane, mobile phones are forbidden. Otherwise, some accidents may take place. |
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