
中学英语教学资源网英语教案中考复习指导 手机版

作者:王香芬 李建高
A: Can I help you?
B: __1__. I'm looking for a shirt for myself.
A: What size do you wear?
B: Size 40.
A: __2__?
B: Blue, please if you have.
A: I think this will be very nice.
B: Can I try it on here?
A: __3__.
B: (Coming out of the change room) I think it's OK. But I'm afraid it's a bit expensive. Can I get it at a discount?
A: Yes. It's 10% off today.
B: OK. __4__. By the way, do I have to pay cash(现金)?
A: Yes. Only cash. (handing over the shirt) Here you are.
B: Thank you.
A: __5__.
A. How much does it cost? B. Cotton. C. Have you got any other size? D. I'll take it. E. And I'm looking for a T-shirt to wear. F. Good! G. I don't really like green. H. May I try it on? I. That's a bit too expensive. J. Small. K. It sells well and it's cheap. L. That looks nice.
Shop Assistant(S): Can I help you?
Jane(J): Yes, I'm going to a party. __1__
S: OK. What size do you wear?
J: __2__
S: Well, we have lots of T-shirts in that size. How about this green one? __3__ It's only ten dollars.
J: Hmm... __4__
S: How about this yellow one?
J: __5__ What is it made of?
S: __6__ It's fifteen dollars.
J: I like this one with red and white stripes. (条纹)__7__
S: That one is twenty dollars.
J: __8__ I don't think I'll take it. Oh, this blue one is pretty.
S: Yes, the colour fits you. It's sixteen dollars.
J: I like the blue one best. __9__
S: __10__ That's sixteen dollars, thank you.



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