人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great woman 本单元教材内容分析和处理 |
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Unit 17 Great woman 学习目标 大纲词汇 admire, cheerful, mean, tense, dishonest, dull, mile, bottom, regret, extreme, extremely, value, pianist, promise, kindergarten, graduation 课标词汇 Inspire, champion, Antarctica, expedition, shelter, climate hardship, bear, scholarship 语法 Subject-Verb Agreement 功能句 Describing people 本单元教材内容分析和处理 本单元中心话题是famous women——“著名女性”。介绍了世界上不同民族、不同领域中的非凡女性及其成就的取得,各部分的内容都是围绕这一中心话题而进行设计的。 Warming up部分呈现四幅著名女性的照片,它们分别是Song Qingling, Madame Curie, Pearl S. Buck and Mother Teresa。引出著名女性这一话题。在这个阶段的语言实践中着重培养学生概述人物特征的能力。 课前预先设计一个任务(Task):Collect information about the famous women。发动学生通过各种渠道(杂志、图书、因特网等)收集有关这四位女性的资料。这个任务的目的是使学生主动学习,扩展和利用学习资源,从多渠道获取信息, 为Warming up 作铺垫,是热身的预热。它的完成便于在后面的小组活动中有话可说。小组活动要求学生分别说出她们的姓名、简要经历及主要成就。小组活动结束后由小组长汇总报告。这样,学生通过参与、合作与交流的学习方式使这一任务得以完成,对这四位著名女性有比较深入的了解,并明白伟大女性取得辉煌的成就必须付出艰辛这个道理,以此激励自己。 人们都说:每个成功的男人后面都站着一位女性,那成功的女性后面是什么呢?也有人曾说:做人难,做女人更难,做名女人难上加难。由此揭开锅盖,让学生讨论这一话题导入另一个活动。这一活动由学生自己主持并展开讨论,讨论结束后由组长汇总陈述。在这一语言实践过程中,使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维,大胆表述,提高语言实际运用能力,同时,又使他们陶冶情操、拓展视野,开发思维能力,发展个性,提高人文素养,形成健康的人生观。 Listening部分的内容是一则对话,谈论old school photos 中的人物及其过去和现状。用pre-listening 导入听力内容,然后要求学生根据听力材料,正确记录所谈及人物的特征、专长及现状,并对陈述的句子进行正误判断。让学生通过“听”学习描述人物的形容词,并在Post-listening中结合实际运用,在这过程中发展学生的实践能力和语言运用能力,让他们活学活用,感受成功。 Speaking 由两部分组成。一是小组活动。一学生想出一个著名女性人物,其他学生轮流提问并通过对方Yes/No的回答判断该著名女性人物是谁,这一活动旨在激发学生的兴趣,激活他们的思维。二是看图描述人物。呈现了三幅不同身份普通女性的照片,要求学生根据照片对人物进行描述,训练学生恰当使用形容词描述人物的能力。前一节课课外的一个任务是要求学生查找尽可能多的描述人物的形容词,学生从描述著名女性到普通女性,学习使用各种描述不同人物品质的形容词,满足不同类型和不同层次学生的需求,提供机会让学生大胆、充分表现自我。 另一个是课外任务:收集有关两极知识信息,包括地理位置、气候特征,两极的动物以及两极的探险等。目的是开发和利用广播电视、英语报刊、图书馆和网络等多种资源,拓宽学习渠道,改进单一被动接受知识的学习方式,让学生自主学习,主动获取信息、处理信息和使用信息,提高学习效果,为下一课阅读奠定基础。这一任务溶入了其他学科的一些相关知识,涉及地理、生物等学科。它的完成可以通过pre-reading中的提问来检测。目的是扩大学生的知识面,促进英语与其他学科间的相互渗透和联系,发展学生的综合素质。 Reading本单元的阅读部分是一位60岁的女性独自一人在南极探险的故事,是一篇以第一人称来叙述的记叙文。叙述“我”独自一人在南极探险的故事,讲述了“我”怎样以顽强的意志和高超的自救技能战胜困难,脱离险境。表现了“我”乐观和大无畏的精神。 文章一开始就表明作者是个不畏艰险的探险者,把南北极探险作为自己生日的礼物,说明“我”乐于挑战自我,征服自然。 第二、三自然段,描写了南极恶劣的气候条件。突出描写“风”,以“我”只能呆在帐蓬里反衬风力的强大和环境的恶劣。 第四自然段写在恶劣的环境中高唱着《生日快乐》给自己过生日,充分表现了主人公乐观的性格特点。 第五、六、七自然段,写了两次遇险的经过。一次是不慎吊挂在一个几百英尺深的洞穴,“我”凭着平时掌握的自救常识,成功地脱离险境。掉下的冰块听不到声音描写了洞深不可测,而一句“感谢平时的训练”更是说明了求生的能力是平时刻苦练就的。第二次是写我滑雪时腿部受伤,且伤势不轻,最后还是以顽强的意志,忍着伤痛搭好帐逢,躲过了冻伤冻死这一大难。前一险突出了我的沉着冷静,临危不惧。第二险则突出了“我”有坚忍不拔这一顽强的意志。 最后一段写“我”脱险后的心理感受,有议论,有抒情。在困境面前,“我”有过犹豫,也想念家人亲情,但很快作出了抉择——向既定目标冲刺,永不言弃。这里虽然没有豪言壮语,但充分表现了作者乐观的情绪和生命不息奋斗不止的精神。这种积极向上的人生态度确是世界上所有人学习的榜样,更是学生应该树立的人生态度。 这是一段自传体的文章,属记叙文,写作者的一段人生经历,表达方式是叙述,最后点睛之笔是议论和抒情。全篇文章以生动具体的事例表现人物性格、道德品质和中心思想。作者以第一人称自叙,仿佛把读者带入冰天雪地的南极探险,随她一同面临危险和挑战,显得真实可信,有很强的说服力和感染力。 通过一学期的阅读教学,学生已初步建立了阅读的基本技能—Skimming(略读)和Scanning(查读),教师引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅或询问等方法进行学习。 1、Skimming A)先通过让学生看标题,猜一猜独自一人在南极探险的人会是怎样一个人。然后快速阅读,找出文章中是怎样的一个人。 B)给出6个 statements, 让学生听录音,根据文章内容判断正误。 2、Scanning A)根据课文设计了5个问题让学生查找答案。 B)归纳文章的各个段落,并就每个段落的具体细节设计问题,找出答案。 Title Alone in Antarctica Par Outline Detail 1 The journey of challenge and danger began 1.What did she do at 50? 2.What would she do at 60? 3.When did she begin her journey? 2 The first days of the journey 1.What was the weather like? 2.How was the wind later? 3.How many hours did she travel when the winds increased? 3 Her birthday in Antarctica 1.When was it? 2.How did she spend her birthday? 4 Self rescue 1.What happened when she was moving forward over a slope? 2.How did she rescue herself? 5 A bad accident 1.How did she hurt herself? 2.What’s the result of the accident? 6 Making a decision How did she make a decision? Post-reading 部分里有两种练习。第一部分是针对文章的理解,设计了五个选择题,检测学生对文章理解的程度。第二部分是学生评价文中的人物,旨在培养学生的概括能力,有条理地描述人物,并表达个人的见解,与此同时,可不失时机地渗透德育教育。 阅读课教学中可以安排的活动: 1、就探险期间某一日写一篇日记。 Nov.12, 1997 / Nov. 22, 1997 2、“Famous Women”杂志社记者采访Helen Thayer,并为此刊写一篇报道。 本单元的语法项目是主谓一致。主要是群体名词作主语的用法。如果群体名词指整体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如果指个体成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。 首先提供主谓一致的语法规律和例子,供学生自主学习并探究群体名词主谓一致的变化规律。引导学生运用观察、发现,归纳和实践等方法,学习语言知识,感悟语言功能。 然后是机械性操练(Mechanic drill)。用动词的适当形式填空,检验学生自主学习的结果,强化群体名词一致规律的掌握。让学生自己发现、得出这一单元的语法规律,并提供其他类似的群体名词供拓展使用。 最后一部分是根据示范做不定代词的人称指代的练习。 为引导学生对本单元语法进行有意义的操练(Meaningful drill)设计了一个学生会的通知。 通 知 校园文化周即将来临,请各相关部门做好准备工作。请合唱团、舞蹈队、文学社成员做好彩排,届时为全校师生奉献出一台高品质的晚会。 请摄影俱乐部与书画俱乐部组织好各自成员参加摄影展与书画展。 请足球队、篮球队积极训练,为文化周期间的比赛做好准备。 学生会 ×年×月×日 Integrating skills 部分包括读、说、写三种。其中读说结合,要求学生阅读文章,找出Oprah Winfrey 是怎样步入成功的,用台阶的图表说明她从出生到步入辉煌的成就,以及取得这一切的坚实基础。 a successful TV personality a woman who has inspired millions work for television ·talk about /great moments/ difficulties ·help / come to terms with ·program about literature / popular ·win many prizes go to university Host a talk show AM Chicago → The Oprah Winfrey Show for over 20 years. a bright girl 6—14 hard ·won a college scholarship ·part-time job on a radio program black born in a poor family skip second grades hard work discipline self-improvement success 完成阅读后,做一个role play—Oprah Winfrey 的现场工作实况。学生遇到麻烦(与同学的相处,与父母的相处,如何成名等)请求现场解答帮助。这一活动以学生的生活为出发点,所遇到的都是发生在学生身边的事,贴近学生的生活,具有真实性,可以发展学生用英语解决实际问题的能力,同时培养学生综合语言运用能力。 通过阅读和讨论,掌握用典型事例刻画人物性格特征的写作手法,了解成功女性应具备的条件和品质,进一步培养概括能力和描写能力。强调叙述人物时做到观点与材料相统一,善于用具体生动的事例去表现人物。随后提供范文,要求学生会写fan letters(慕名信), 旨在让学生运用写作方法。 Tips部分向学生提供了如何描写人物的一些建议。旨在帮助学生了解描写人物的框架及文体特点。学会用生动具体的实例去表现人物,刻画人物的性格特点,从而培养学生的英语写作能力。 Checkpoint简要总结了本单元的语法重点——主谓一致。并罗列了一些常用的群体名词供学生拓展使用。最后两个问题引导学生对本单元所学的词汇作一次小结,以增强学生自主探索的学习能力。 教学过程 导入 模块一:Warming up. (问答方式). T: In March, there is an important international festival. Do you know what the festival is? S: Yes. It’s Women’s Day. T: Very good. Now we’re going to talk about some famous women in the world. Open your books and turn to Page 22. Please look at the pictures. Talk about them in groups of four. You’re given three minutes to discuss them. After that, I’ll ask some students to talk about them. Is that clear? 教学过程 导入 模块二:Warming up.(辩论形式) T: As is known, women didn’t have high positions in ancient times and were not allowed to receive education and have jobs. But nowadays the situation for women has greatly changed. And a lot of successful women have appeared in all kinds of fields. Do you think women are able to do more than men or not? Now let’s have a debate: Girls are pros: women are able to do more than men. Boys are cons: women are not able to do more than men. 教学过程 导入 模块二:阅读(Reading) 解读标题 When I first read the title ALONE IN ANTARCTICA. I was a bit puzzled. My first question is “Where is Antarctica? ” What questions do you have? Where is Antarctica? Period 1 (一)明确目标 1. Learn how to describe people in English. 2. Improve the students’ abilities of listening and speaking. (二)整体感知 Step 1 presentation People often admired great persons, especially great women. Why? It has often said that life is difficult as it is. For women it sometimes twice as difficult. That is, it is more difficult t for women to become famous or get jobs in high positions. What do you think? (三)教学过程 Step 2 warming up 1. Ask the students to look at the pictures of the four great women and tell who they are? 2. Divide the students into small groups to discuss the questions given. Step 3 listening 1. Listen to the tape and fill in the form. 2. Listen to the tape again and do true-or-false exercises. Step 4 speaking Look at the pictures and tell what kind of people they are by using the words and useful expressions given. (四)总结、扩展 1. Work in groups and play a game of question-and –answer only by answering “yes” or “no”. 2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook. 3. Talk about a great women you admire and explain why. (五)随堂练习 根据内容填空 1. That house is ____. There is nothing in it now. 2. Your uncle is not _____ about this money. He is very ____ to buy you that expensive car for your birthday. 3. The new employee was ____ and quick to learn. 4. He was so ____ that he can move such a heavy stone easily. 8. In the past, the Chinese people lived a ____ life. 参考答案 1. empty 2. mean; generous 3. smart 4. tense 5. hardworking 6. blind 7. strong 8. miserable Period 2 (一)明确目标 1. Read about the great woman Helen Thayer. 2. Train the students’ abilities of reading. 3. Learn the subject –verb agreement. (二)整体感知 Step 1 presentation It is freezing cold in the North Pole and the South Pole. Few people, in the world have ever been there. However, there was a brave woman who had traveled alone to the North Pole and the South Pole. Do you know who she was? Right, Helen Thayer. She was the first woman who traveled alone there. Today we are going to read about the great woman the great woman, Helen Thayer. (三)教学过程 Step 2 pre-reading Get Ss to discuss the questions above the passage with their partners before reading the text. Step 3 reading Get Ss to read the passage fast and in silence. Step 4 post reading Ask the students to answer the questions given after reading. Step 5 language study 1. Go through the passage together with the students and deal with the language points in it. 2. Dead with word study. 3. Learn grammar (the subject-Verb-agreement) (四)总结、扩展 Step 6 1. Write a summary of the text. 2. Do the exercises in Wb. (五)课堂练习 1. The teachers each _____ a computer (have, has) 2. The students ____ a Chinese- English dictionary. (Have, has) 3. Each of the students ____ a Chinese-English dictionary. (have, has) 4. ____ either of your parents written to you recently? (has, have) 5. Not only the father but also the children ____ sick.(are, is) 6. All the anxious to know the result of our English test.(are ,is) 7. All of the fruit ____ good. (taste, tastes) 8. Many a student _____ sure that our team will win.( is , are) 9. Six and six ___ twelve. (make, makes) 10. Everybody ___ what they have to do after the meeting. (knows, know) 11. The dollars ____ not enough for the ten –speed bicycle. (is ,are) 12. The rest of the speech ___ not very interesting. (sound ,sounds) 13. In that country the poor ___getting poorer and poorer .(is ,are) 14. She as well as her two sisters ____ music. ( like ,likes ) 15. A professor with four children ____ in the lab this morning. (was, were) 16. The singer and dancer ___ come this afternoon. (has have) 17. The singer and dancer _____ going to give the performance this evening. (are ,is) 18. My family ____ not large.(is ,are) 19. My family all ____ music.(loves, love) 参考答案 1. have 2. have 3. has 4. has 5. are 6. are 7. tastes 8. is 9. makes 10. knows 11. is 12. sounds 13. are 14. likes 15. was 16. has 17. are 18. is 19. love Period 3 (一)明确目标 1. Get the students to know about the great woman Oprah Winfrey. 2. Let the students know what is needed to e a successful man, especially a successful woman. 3. Train the student’s ability of writing. (二)整体感知 Step 1 presentation At the beginning of this unit, we’re got to know about several great women, such as Song Qingling, Madame Curie, and pearl S. Back, mother Teresa and Helen Thayer. Today we are going to read about another great woman named Oprah Winfrey; Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US but also a woman who has inspired millions of people. (三)教学过程 Step 2 Read the text careful and then do the writing exercises below the passage. Step 3 Learn to write a fan letter, read the tips about describing people before beginning to write. Step 4 1. Tell the students again tips about how to describe people. 2. Finish the exercises in Wb. (五)随堂练习 Write a letter to Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei in about 100 words. 二、本单元知识要览: 1、重点单词: inspire vt. 鼓舞、感动、激发、启示 admire vt. 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 regret. vt. 为……感到遗憾;后悔 increase vt, vi 增加;增大 value vt. 估价;评价;重视 threaten vt. 恐吓;威胁;预示危险 bother vt. 烦扰;打扰 vi. 烦恼;操心 generous adj. 慷概的;大方的 cheerful adj. 愉快的;高兴的 mean adj. 卑鄙的;吝啬的 warm-hearted adj. 热诚的,热心的 cold-hearted adj. 冷漠的;无情的 tense adj. 紧张的,拉紧的 miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲惨的 dishonest adj. 不诚实的 dull adj. 迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的 optimistic adj. 乐观的 extreme adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的 stormy adj. 暴风雨的;多风暴的;激烈的 2、重点词组: be about to do. 即将,正要做某事 around the corner. 很近 struggle through. 艰难地渡过 find…doing. 发现---处于(状态) increase to.增加到 none of毫无,一个也没有 lie down躺下;(风)渐息 at the top of one’s voice以最大的嗓音 tie to系在,栓在 (be) in good health身体状况好,健康 put up a tent 搭起,架起帐蓬 make a decision作为决定 give up放弃 think of考虑、想起、记起 come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快的处境) rise to fame 出名 lead…to… 通向,导致 3、词汇拓展: inspire (vt) → inspiring (adj) inspired(adj) inspiration(n) admire (vt) → admiring (adj) admirer(n) admirable (adj) admiration(n) value (vt) → valuable (adj) valuation(n) valuables(n) valuer (n) valueless(adj) extreme (adj) →extremely (adv) extreme(n) extremist(n) extremism(n) cheerful (adj) → cheerfully (adv) cheerfulness(n) cheerless(adj) cheery(adj) 4、句型结构 (1)It has often been said that life is difficult as it is. (2)…during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent. (3)I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis. (4)In her television shows she makes it possible to talk about great moments and difficulties in people’ lives. (5)I had travelled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong. |
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