Unit 19 New Zealand

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 sign 打手势,示意,签名
 quality 品质,质量
 settle 安排,解决,定居
 export 输出,出口,输出品
 relate 有关,涉及
 pension n.养老金/v.给予……养老金
 1,Maori families enjoy sharing what they own and looking after one another.
 enjoy 欣赏,喜欢。后面常跟名词/代词/-ing形式作宾语。本句 enjoy后跟两个-ing 形式短语 sharing what they own 及looking after one another。这儿的-ing形式不能用不定式代替。例如:
 Joan enjoys listening to music, but Jane enjoys reading novels.
 除 enjoy外,通常后面要跟-ing形式(不可接不定式)的动词或短语动词还有:
 consider,dislike, feel like,finish, give up,go,imagine, mind, practise, risk,suggest等。
 Martin considered coming to China to study Chinese. 马丁曾经考虑过来中国学习中文。
 I dislike arguing about money. 我不喜欢为金钱而争论。
 He has finished mending the car. 他已经修完汽车了。
 Have you decided to give up smoking? 你下决心戒烟了吗?
 2,The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae, an area of land with a meeting house, where all the important events take place. 毛利人的公众聚会场所是麦利会堂-在一片空地上盖有一个会堂,一切重大的活动都在这儿举行。
 3,This is how they keep their way of life alive.
 1)alive adj. 活的,活着的;有活力的,有生气的。这是一个表语形容词(用作表语或宾语补足语),一般不放在名词之前作定语。我们可以说:
 The fish is still alive.这条鱼还活着。(作表语)
 也可以说:Let's keep the fish alive. 咱们把这条鱼养着吧。(作宾语补足语)
 "这是一条活鱼。"应译作 This is a live fish. (live[laiv] 是定语形容词,作"活的"、"活着的"解。)
 类似的以a- 开头的表语形容词还有:afraid, alone, asleep, awake等。例如:
 The baby is asleep. 婴儿睡着了。(试比较: a sleeping baby一个睡着的婴孩)。
 I don't think he is awake. 我想他还没有醒来。
 2) keep sth. alive是"使(某物)继续有效、存在或进行"的意思。又如:
 Love will keep us alive.
 4,Apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing. 除了羊奶外,山羊毛用来制作昂贵的服装。
 apart from作"除开"、"除……以外"解,在意思上相当于besides。例如:
 Apart from English, he is good at French. 除了英语外,他的法语也很好。
 He has no other interests, apart from his work.
 Apart from me, there were ten people at the meeting. 除了我以外,会上还有10个人。
 1. 宾语(the Object)
 宾语主要分为两类:直接宾语(the Direct Object)和间接宾语(the Indirect Object)直接宾语由谓语直接引起的事物是动作的直接承受者或结果,间接宾语表示动作间接承受者(给谁或为谁而做)。
 I'll return you the book tomorrow.
 =I'll return the book to you tomorrow.
 Fetch us a few chairs, will you?
 =Fetch a few chairs for us, will you?
 下列动词常用for 引导间接宾语:make, buy, do, fetch, get, paint, save, spare, cook, sing等。
 2. 宾语表示法
 (1)名词(代词)+不定式 (2)名词(代词)+动词-ing形式
 (3)名词(代词)+形容词 (4)名词(代词)+副词
 (5)名词(代词)+介词短语 (6)名词(代词)+名词
 (7)it +形容词(或名词)+不定式
 一、 V-ing 作宾语:
 1. I can't imagine ____ that with them .
 A . do B . to do C . being done D . doing
 2 .- I usually go there by train .
   - Why not ____ by boat for a change ?
 A. to try going B . trying to go C . to try and go D . try going
 3. People can't help ____ the foolish emperor in the procession .
 A. laugh at B . to laugh at C . laughing at D . laughing on
 4. We're looking forward ____ the photo exhibition .
 A. to visiting B . to visit C . to having visited D . visiting
 5. - What are you going to do this morning ?
  - I'm thinking of ____ to visit my aunt .
 A . go B . going C . having gone D . my going
 6. I really enjoy ____ that kind of job .
 A. do B . doing C . to do D . to be doing
 7. They wouldn't allow him ____ across the enemy line .
 A. to risk going B . risking to go C . for risk to go D . risk going
 8. - What do you think of the book ?
   - Oh , excellent . It's worth ____ a second time .
 A. to read B . to be read C . reading D . being read
 9. Only one of these books is worth ____ .
 A. to read B . being read C . of reading D . reading
 10. She can't help ____ the house because she's busy making a cake.
 A . to clean B . cleaning C . cleaned D . being cleaned
 二、V-ing 的复合结构也可作宾语。它由物主代词或名词所有格加 V-ing 构成。在口语和非正式用语中,该结构作宾语时,常用人称代词宾格代替物主代词,用名词普通格代替所有格。如:
11. I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
  A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed
12. I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon.
  A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you're calling
13. How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden?
  A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking
 三、V-ing 的被动式表示被动的动作,放在动词或介词后作宾语;V-ing 复合结构的被动式也可作宾语。如:
14. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ____.
  A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch
15. Do you mind ____ alone at home?
  A. Jane's leaving B. Jane having left C. Jane's being left D. Jane to be left
16. He always insisted on his ____ Dr . Turner instead of Mr Turner.
  A. been called B. called C. having called D. being called
 四、若 V-ing 的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前,用 V-ing 完成式。当然,forget, remember, regret 后接 V-ing 一般式或完成式均可表示上述意义。如:
 17. She didn't remember ____ him before.
  A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met
 18. - You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
   - Well , I regret ____ that.
  A. to do B. to be doing C. having done D. being done
 五、V-ing 的否定式在其前加 not。如:
19. - I must apologize for ____ ahead of time .
  - That's all right .
 A. letting you not know B. not letting you know
 C. letting you know not D. letting not you know
20. We agreed ____ here , but so far she hasn't turned up yet.
 A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met
21. I ____ to believe that God could make me enter a university.
 A. reject B. require C. resist D. refuse
22. She pretended ____ me when I passed by.
 A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen
23. Little Jim should love ____ to the theatre this evening .
 A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking
24. I would love ____ to the party last night , but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.
 A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone
七、常见以疑问词(how / what / which / when / where 等)(why 除外)+不定式短语作宾语。
25. There isn't any difference between the two. I really don't know ____.
 A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which
26.- Have you decided when ____ ?
  - Yes, tomorrow morning.
 A. to leave B. to be leaving C. will you leave D. are you leaving
27. Last summer I took a course on how ____.
 A. to make dresses B. dresses be made
 C. to be made dresses D. dresses to be made
28. There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind ____ to buy.
 A. what B. which C. how D. where
八、 V-ing 与不定式作宾语的区别
29. Don't you remember _____ the man before?
 A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. have seen
30.- The light in the office is still on.
  - Oh, I forgot ____.
 A. turning if off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
31. She didn't remember ____ him before.
 A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met
32. Do you remember ____ me at a party last year?
 A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met
33. I don't regret ____ even if it might have upset her.
 A. to tell her what I thought B. to have told her that I thought
 C. telling what I thought D. telling her what I thought
九、need , want , require 等接主动的 V-ing 表示被动的意义,而接不定式的被动式才能表示被动的意义。如:
34. This page needs ____ again.
 A. being checked B. checked C. to check D. to be checked
35. The library needs ____ , but it'll have to wait until Sunday.
 A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned
36. This sentence needs ____ .
 A. improve B. improving C. an improvement D. improved
1-5 DDCAB 6-10 BACDA 11-15 CCCCC 16-20 DACBC 21-25 DAABB 26-30 AABAC 31-36 ACDDAB




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