Unit 20 Gandhi

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   四会:rule 统治 oneself 自己 (be) busy with 忙于
   三会:non-white 非白种人 equality 平等 fairness 公正 socialism 社会主义
   hard-seat 硬座 determined 坚决的 willingly 自愿地 disobey 不服从
   being 生物;人 mourn 哀悼 in peace 安静;和平
   keep one's promise 实行诺言 Marxism 马克斯主义
   I will....
   I have (not) decided wh-clause / wh-word to....
   I have decided to / that ....
   I insist on / that ....
  1,He was called"Bapu", meaning"father"----because he was the father of the Indian nation of the twentieth century. 他被人们称为"巴普",意思是父亲,因为他是20世纪印度的国父。
  2,Mohandas Gandhi was born in India in 1869 and was married at the age of 13, following local custom. 莫汉达斯·甘地于1869年生于印度,按照当地习俗,他在 13岁时就结婚了。
  1) marry vt. 和……结婚。用法如下:
  be/ get married,表示结婚,或表示已婚状态。如果要表示"和某人结婚",则用"marry sb. "或"be/ get married to sb. "(不能说 with sb. )。例如:
  Joan is going to marry Hubert.琼打算和休伯特结婚。(不说 Joan is going to marry with Hubert.)
  They were married at the end of the war. 他们是战争结束时结婚的。
  ---- Is he married or single? 他已婚还是独身?
  ---- He is married. 他已婚。
  He went abroad at the age of 24 and got married there. 他24岁出国,并在国外结婚。
  He married Joan when he was 28. 他28岁同琼结婚的。(不说married with Joan)
  ---- How long have you been married to Sheila? 你同希拉结婚多久了?
  ---- For twenty years. 20年了。(不说 married with Sheila)
  2)句中的"following local custom"相当于"acting according to local custom"(按当地习俗而行事)。这是一个-ing形式短语,作表示原因的状语。动词follow在句中作"遵循,"依照……行事"解。例如:
  Following the doctor's advice, my father has given up drinking.
  They followed the order and destroyed the bridge. 他们奉命把桥炸毁了。
  The villagers still followed the customs of their grandfathers.
  3,On his return to India he had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case.他一回到印度,就得到一个去南非的机会,到那里去处理一件案子。
  on his return中的介词on表示时间,意思是"在……的时候"(at the time of)或"一……就"(directly  after),强调两个动作先后随即发生。例如:
  I heard the news on my arrival at the airport. 我一到机场就听到了这条消息。
  The children stood up on the entrance of the teacher. 教师一进来,学生就起立。
  On reaching the city he called up Mr Jackson. 他一到达那个城市,就给杰克逊先生打电话。
  4,This experience was to change his life. 这个经历后来改变了他的生活道路。
  was to change是一个"be+不定式"的结构。这种结构通常用来表示安排要在将来做的事情(be用现在式),也可以表示曾经计划要做的事情(be用过去式)。例如:
  The manager is to visit our factory next week. 经理将于下周来我厂参观。(is to visit大体相当于 is going to visit)
  She was to meet Mary at the entrance of the theatre. 她曾经打算在剧院门口会见玛丽。(was to meet大体相当于 was going to meet)
  但是本句中的"was to change"这个"be+不定式"结构并不表示曾经计划要做的事情,而是表示不可避免地将要发生的事;不是指事先做好的安排,而是指"命中注定的事"。例如:
  The worst is still to come. 最坏的事不可避免地会发生。
  They said goodbye, not knowing that they were never to meet again.
  此外," be + 不定式"结构还可以表示命令。父母让子女做事情常用这种说法。例如:
  You are to do your homework before you watch TV. 你得做完家庭作业才能看电视。
  Tell her she's not to be back late. 告诉她,不能晚回来。
  5,He wrote about socialism in newspapers and started a magazine called "Indian Opinion".
  called"Indian Opinion"是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰前面的名词 magazine。这个过去分词短语相当于一个限制性定语从句 which was called"Indian Opinion"。
  6,South Africa passed further laws designed to make life difficult for nonwhites.
  designed to make…是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰前面的名词 laws。这个过去分词短语相当于一个限制性定语从句:(laws) which were designed to make life difficult for non-whites。
  The experiment is designed to test the new drug. 这项实验目的在于对这种新药进行检验。
  This weekend party is designed to make life happy for the students.
7,He had a gift for thinking up ways of making political points.
  think up作"想出(主意)"(think of an idea)解,有"发明"(invent)、"编造"(make up)的含意。例如:
  She thought up a funny game for the children to play. 她想出了一个有趣的游戏给孩子们玩。
  The prisoners tried to think up a plan for escape. 囚犯企图想出一个越狱计划。
  The boss didn't think up any new ways to improve the working conditions.
  Children can always think up something interesting to pass the time.
  8,Thousands joined him when he led a march to the coast, with the purpose of"making a little salt"when he reached the sea. 他领导过一次去海滨的进军,成千上万的人参加了他的队伍,目的是为了到海边去"生产一点食盐"。
  with the puspose of作"怀着……的目的"解,在句中作表示目的的状语。例如:
  They came here with the purpose of making trouble. 他们到这里来,目的就是为了闹事。
  He went to London with the purpose of continuing his education. 他去伦敦是为了继续求学。
  with the purpose of中的介词 with, 有时可用 for代替,构成for the purpose of短语,表示"为着……目的"。例如:
  We designed the new machine for the purpose of increasing production.
  9,Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader. 甘地远不只是一个聪明的律师、优秀的演说家、坚定的人权战士和政治领袖。
  more than作"深为"、"岂只"、"不只是"解,常跟名词、动词等一起连用(如本句的 was more than作"岂只是"解)。例如:
  They were more than glad to help. 他们是极其乐意帮忙的。
  This more than satisfied me. 这使我深感满意。
  Both of them are much more than schoolmates. They are close friends.
  He more than hesitated to accept the invitation. He simply refused it. 他对于接受邀请一事极为犹豫,干脆就拒绝了。
  10,All his life he reached out for the truths of spirits and gods.
  短语动词reach out for作"设法抓住"、"设法获得"解,其中的reach out有"伸出手去"的意思。例如:
  He reached out for a book from the top of the shelf. 他伸手从书架顶上取下一本书来。
  There are chances everywhere, but you must reach out for them. 机遇到处有,但靠你去抓。
  Reach out for the rope, or you'll fall down. 伸手抓住那根绳子,否则你会掉下来的。
  11,At the time of his death, one person praised him as follows:"Future generations, it may be, will hardly believe that such a person as this walked upon this earth."
  1)as follows是一个固定词组,作"如下"解,用以引出下文。例如:
  Their suggestions are as follows…他们的建议如下:……
  He received a note which ran as follows. 他收到一张便条,内容如下。
  2)句中的 it may be是一个插入语,它和副词(maybe/ perhaps)在意思上很接近。插入语和句子的其它成分关系不十分紧密,常用逗号同句子其它部分分开。它不是描绘某一个句子成分,而是对全句进行说明。引号中的句子相当于: Perhaps future generations will hardly believe……
  3)hardly adv. 几乎没有(almost no),简直不(almost not)。具有否定的含意,常与any连用。它的位置常在be动词和助动词之后,在其它动词之前。例如:
  There is hardly any wine in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有酒了。
  He hardly works at all. ( = He does very little work.) 他几乎不工作。
  They have hardly eaten anything. 他们简直什么东西也没吃。
  注意hard与hardly的区别:hard也可以作副词,但意思同hardly大有区别。hard 作副词时,意思是"努力"、"使劲地"。此外,hard还可以作形容词,意思是"坚硬的"、"艰难的"、"艰苦的"。因此,hard与hardly决不可以混淆。例如:
  The ice is as hard as rock. 这块冰像岩石一样硬。(hard作形容词)
  Gandhi tried hard to struggle against racial discrimination. 甘地为反对种族岐视而进行了艰苦的斗争。(hard作副词)
  4) such… as像……这样的,诸如……这类的。例如:
  Such men as these are dangerous. 这样的人都是危险人物。
  He wished to be such a leader as Gandhi. 他曾经希望作一名像甘地那样的领袖。
  Such a picture as this should be kept in a museum. 这样的照片应该由博物馆保存。
  注意,在such…as的中间如果是单数可数名词时,应在such后加不定冠词。如such a leader as Gandhi不说 a such leader as Gandhi; such a picture不说 a such picture。
1,fairness, fair, justice, just
  (1)fair 常用形容词"公平的,公正的",其名词为fairness"公正,公平"。(含 做事)公平,公道合理,不因个人情感或利益采取不正常行为。如:
  We should be fair with one another . 我们彼此都应光明正大。
  She doesn't think the arrangement means fairness, does she ?
  (2)just作形容词"公正的,正直的,正义的,公平的",其名词为justice "正义,公平,公正,合法"。(常做司法用词,合乎道义,做事符合大局, 不损害公众利益。)如:
  They are fighting for a just cause with the world people.
  The murderer was brought to justice.
  People are expecting the judges will do justice to the murder.
2, oppose, object, against, disagree, disapprove
  (1)oppose"反对",表示采取积极行动来反对,着重动作,反对的对象一般是较重大的事。当主语反对时常用:be opposed to,当主语被反对时常用:be opposed by。如:
  He doesn't oppose the plan at all.
  We were opposed by a force twice the size of our own.
  I'm opposed to destroying the forest.
  (2)object"反对",指个人不赞成某事,或持有相反的意见,其名词为objection . 常见搭配为:object  to+ing, have no objection to有反对。如:
  She objects to being scolded in public.
  (3)against 为介词"反对"。 disagree "不同意"是指平等关系的意见不同。 disapprove"不同意"指上级对下级或局外人对当事人的看法。如:
  Those who are not for me are against me. 那此不同意我的人就是反对我。
  They disagreed as to when the wedding should take place.
  His parents disapproved of his marriage.
   He asked us to do him a favor.
   On the way home she found her purse lost.
   We chose Tom monitor.
   He came in with a stick in his hand.
   2,宾语补足语是不定式或现在分词时,说明宾语主动支配动作,区别在于:不定式表示全过程,现在分词只表示某一时刻或某段时间的情况;宾语补足语是过去分词时,说明宾语是被动情况。在感官动词(see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, notice等)或使令动词(have, let, make, get等)后面,这三种情况都可能遇到(make和let后面一般不接现在分词),要具体情况具体分析;它们后面宾语补足语中的不定式不带to,( get后面的不定式要带to ), 但在被动语态中要带to。
   Did you notice the boys working all day long?(某段时间)
   Did you notice the boys work?(全过程)
   Did you notice the boys forced to work?(被动意义)
   The boys were noticed to work. (被动语态中带to)
   3,有些动词或动词短语后面的宾语补足语多用不定式,不用现在分词,如:ask, beg, require, want, wish, expect, invite, mean, tell, teach, show, allow, permit, persuade, advise, encourage, prefer, warn, hate, forbid, force, order, command, cause, bear, trouble, wait for, call on, depend on, would like, care for等等。
   My teacher encouraged me to try again.
   He asked us how to learn English.
   4,有些动词后面常接现在分词作宾语补足语,如:keep, leave, set, catch等等。
   The man was caught stealing.
   The problem set me thinking.
   5,在一些动词后面的宾语补足语常是to be, 如:believe, consider, declare, find, imagine, know, prove, suppose, feel, think, understand等等。
   I know this to be a fact.
We believe her to be honest.
  1. It's dangerous for you ______ the horse running too fast.
  2. He ______ it an honor to be invited to the party.
  3. The death of the president ______ the country sad.
  4. His English is so poor that he can't ______ himself understood.
  5. At the time of the earthquake, you ______ the ground shaking or moving.
  6. You'd better ______ all the windows open.
  7. If the government ______ the factory polluting the river, there would be no fish here.
  8. He returned home ______ his father lying sick in bed.
  9. They ______ him the right man for the job.
  10. The weather ______ us indoors that day.
  1. to keep 2. felt 3. made 4. make 5. will feel 6. leave / keep 7. left 8. to find 9. found 10. kept




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