Unit 21 Who gets the money?

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  Ⅰ. 词汇
  step (vi .) will (n .) step-mother , check out , afterwards , go through , look into , build up , wealthy , divided up , anyway , private , left-handed , right-handed , brief , to the point , foresee , instruct , signature
  Ⅱ. 交际英语
  Possibility and impossibility
  1,I / She / He may (not ) do ….
  2. It is likely that … . / It is possible that … . / She is not likely to do … .
  3. Can this building be 17th century ?
  4. Do you mind if I bring a friend along with me next time ?
  5. Will / Would you be able to come to the Party ?
  6. Would it be possible to do … ?
  7. It looks as if / though it might rain later .
  8. We'll probably do … . / I doubt if … .
  9. It appears to me that we'll have to go on foot .
  10. That's / It's quite impossible . / It's very unlikely . / That's hardly possible . / That'll never happen . / Probable not .
  Ⅲ. 语法学习
  限定词 (all , twice , a , this , my , each , three , last )→ 强化形容词(certain , perfect , complete , slight , extreme)→ 描绘性或者主观评价或者质量形容词(expensive , beautiful , fine , brave , dirty)→ 表示大、小、长、短、高低的形容词(large , small , little , long , short , tall , high)→ 表示形状的形容词(round , straight , square , flat) → 表示年龄、新旧的形容词(old , young , new , modern)→ 表示颜色的形容词(如:red , green , brown)→ 表示国家、出处、来源的形容词(French , Chinese) → 表示物质、材料的形容词(wooden , stone , plastic , brick)→ 表示用途、类别的形容词(medical , sports , evening , story)→ 名词 。
 1.And she's left about $ 4 million in her will to her husband's daughter by his first marriage.
 1)leave 在句中?"留给"、"留交"解,常用在"leave sth. to/ with Sb."(把……留给……)结构中。例如:
 You'd better leave the matter to Jim. 你最好把这件事交给吉姆。
 Leave that to me. I'll take care of it. 把那事交给我,我来负责办。
 He has left a number of books with me. 他把好些书存留在我这儿了。
 I'll buy the food. I leave the cooking to you. 我去买食物。做菜的事就交给你了。
 2)in one's will在某人的遗嘱中。at will随意地,随心所欲地。against one's will违背本意,无可奈何地。
 2.When my aunt was buried, Clare turned up at the service, and afterwards stayed for tea while the family's lawyer explained how my aunt's money was to be divided up. 我姑妈下葬时,克莱尔突然出现在葬礼上,随后留下来吃午后茶点,这时候,家庭律师对我姑妈的钱财如何分配的问题作了说明。
 1)turn up到来,出现,找到。常指出乎意外地到来或找到(to arrive or be found, often unexpectedly)。例如:
 Guess who turned up at Mary's wedding. 猜一猜,谁突然出现在玛丽的婚礼上。
 The book you have lost will turn up someday. 你丢失的那本书总有一天会找到的。
 The long-lost watch turned up down the back of the old chair. 丢失很久的那只手表突然在那张旧椅子的靠背下边找到了。
 2)句中的 tea指"下午茶"或"午后茶点"(a small meal usually served in the late afternoon with a cup of tea)。这是西方人的习俗,在下午四点钟左右要喝杯茶,吃一点点心。例如:
 They have tea at half past four。他们在四点半钟吃下午茶点。
 What are we having for tea today? 今天下午茶点我们吃什么呢?
 3.And Clare said, "Did they use to go out a lot together, you know, for meals and to concerts and the cinema?"克莱尔说道,"他们过去常常一块儿外出吗?比方说,去吃饭,去音乐会和去看电影?"
 本句中的 Did they use to go out…? 是 used to的疑问式。
 4,Can you go through them and give me whatever you find ?
 go through仔细检查;浏览,翻阅,搜查;穿过,通过;经历,经受,忍受。如:
 I went through the papers looking for Jane's letter .
 5.He married my aunt in 1971, so Clare would have been five years old.
 句中的would表示猜测,作"想必是……"解,构成"would +v."结构(想必是……)或"would have + p. p. "结构(想必已经是……)。例如:
 The person you mentioned would be Della. Is that right? 你提到的那个人想必是德拉。对吗?
 --In which year did he join the army? --It would be 1983, I think. 他是哪一年参军的?-我想大概是1983年。
 6.Maybe there are some things among your aunt's papers, like Clare's school reports, old photographs, and so on. 在你姑妈的文件中也许会有什么东西,如克莱尔的学校成绩单,旧的照片,等等。
 You'll have to show your papers at the gate. 你必须在大门口出示你的证件。
 The paper should be signed before it becomes effective. 这份文件必须签字才能生效。
 What news is there in the papers this morning? 今天早上的报纸上有什么消息?
 All of us have read Martin's scientific papers. 我们大家都读过马丁的科学论文。
 All the examination papers should be handed out before Friday. 所有考卷都应在星期五以前分发出去。
 paper作"纸张"解时是不可数名词,如果我们需要表示数量,则应当使用表示"量"的用语(如 a piece/sheet of paper; three pieces/ sheets of paper)。
 7,The lawyer was brief and to the point . 律师说话简单扼要,直截了当。
 to the point 中肯;贴题;扼要。 常在句首作插入语。 已学过的类似结构还有:to tell you the truth说真的,to be brief简而言之;to be honest说实在的;to begin with 首先,第一;to make a long story short长话短说,简而言之;to sum up总之。
 9.She instructed in her will that if that were to happen, all the money should go to an organization for helping the blind called'Helping Hand'. 她在遗嘱中指示说,如果发生这种情况的话,这笔钱就该全部归于一个叫做"援助之手"的盲人救济组织。
 1)这是一个复合句。主句是:She instructed in her will。后面紧跟-个由从属连词that 引导的宾语从句:that if that were to happen… called'Helping Hand'。这个宾语从句本身又是一个复合句。主句是:all the money should go…'Helping Hand'。从句是:if that were to happen(that是代词,作主语,代替上文所说的情况),意即:if Ms Flower were to die before her(万一弗劳尔女士先她而死)。
  从句中            主句中
 were to (should) + v.      should/ would + v.
 If I were to do it, I would do it in a different way.要是我来做这事,我会是另一种做法。
 If he were to receive the cheque, he wouldn't pass it to you. 要是他收到了那张支票,他是不会把它交给你的。
 Nothing would happen to us if the police officer should come earlier. 要是警官来得早些,我们就不会发生什么事了。
 If they were to ask for my permission, I should say"no"to them. 要是他们要求我批准,我会说"不同意"。
 1,wealthy, rich, plentiful
 Power is in the hands of the wealthy in the west .
 The Chinese diet is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat .
 a plentiful supply of food 丰富的食品供应
 2,divide up, divide into, divide among, divide by
 divide up分配。如:
 How shall we divide up the work?
 divide into分成。如:
 Let's divide ourselves into two groups .
 The boy divided the cake into six pieces .
 divide among在……中间分。如:
 The teacher divided the biscuits among his students .
 divide by 被除。如:
 divide 20 by 4 . 4除20 . / 6 divided by 2 equals 3 . 6被2除等于3.
 3,look into, look in
 1)look into 向……里面看去;窥视;调查;观察。如:
 The x-rays allow a workman to look a thick steel plate .
 Please send more researchers to look into this product .
 2)look in 往里看;顺便看望(+on sb)。如:
 Won't you look in on me next time you're in town?
  1.Mary promised to come but she hasn't ____ yet.
   A.turned up    B.picked up    C.run up    D.come up
  2.He had finished his work. It only ____ for him to wash his face before he went to bed.
   A.remained     B.left       C.kept      D.stayed
  3.____ that to Jim. He will take care of it.
   A.Remain      B.Leave       C.Keep      D.Stay
  4.Some of the students write ____ but the others off the point.
   A.from time to time          B.on average
   C.to the point             D.in other words
  5.If I were a teacher I ____ explain everything to the students.
   A.won't      B.can't       C.wouldn't    D.oughtn't to
  6.The person you want to see isn't here now because he has already ____.
   A.checked out    B.picked out     C.gone through   D.given up
  7.---Did he often fight with his mates when he was young?
   ---No. He ____ so.
   A.didn't use to do           B.isn't used to doing
   B.used to do              D.wasn't used to do
  8.How can she do that? She's ____ to laugh at people with disabilities.
   A.likely      B.unlikely      C.able     D.unable
  9.---Yesterday I had a headache. Now I'm still feeling bad.
   ---____ that you've caught the flu.
   A.The doctor says           B.It's possible
   C.You're like             D.It's pointed out
  10.A man with a ____ face was waiting to see the detective.
   A.smile       B.smiled       C.smiling    D.having smiled
  11.---Can you _____ all the books among them?
   ---Yes. But after that there are three books remaining.
    A.divide up     B.look for      C.build up   D.refer to
  12.Present at the party ____ all the family members.
   A.was        B.were        C.had      D.have
  13.Don't worry! The police are looking ____ the disappearance of the jewellery.
   A.for        B.through      C.out      D.into
  14.We'll support you ____ you don't succeed.
   A.as if     B.even if      C.and then   D.on condition that
  15.Don't look at me that way. ____, I have nothing to be ashamed of.
   A.In all      B.At all       C.For all    D.After all
  Sophy Brent came to visit me nearly every day. She made me angry most of the 1 . She smoked continually and 2 used an ashtray. She followed me into the 3 while I made tea or coffee or supper and helped herself 4 the children’ s orange juice. She was very 5 with my two-year-old daughter Flora, who would hang about her for hours and 6 to her lovingly as “Sofa”, and she was always talking about my husband and asking me 7 he was.
  I could not decide why she chose my 8 , although I realized that nobody 9 paid her very much attention. Her 10 was very difficult in that she was straight out of a drama(戏剧) school and only nineteen, being required to 11 a lead part with a fairly experienced 12 . They would not have liked her much 13 she had been good. They took every opportunity to speak evil(坏话) 14 her. I think she thought I was the 15 person around who was both unconnected with the 16 and really patient. And for my 17 , although I was sometimes made angry by her I did not 18 her. There was something attractive in her enthusiasm and she had 19 physical charm that with me she could get away with anything. She was 20 to have around, like flowers or a bowl of fruit.
  1. A.time     B.care    C.visit    D.step
  2. A.never    B.almost   C.even     D.ever
  3. A.room     B.kitchen   C.garden    D.car
  4. A.at      B.to     C.with     D.about
  5. A.hard     B.strict   C.angry     D.successful
  6. A.listen    B.stick    C.refer     D.devote
  7. A.where    B.that    C.which     D.when
  8. A.model    B.neighbour C.company    D.help
  9. A.else     B.also    C.had      D.was
  10. A.side    B.family   C.apearance   D.situation
  11. A.accept   B.play    C.control    D.like
  12. A.actor   B.friend   C.director   D.husband
  13. A.even if   B.as if    C.so that     D.the same as
  14. A.for     B.against   C.near     D.around
  15. A.other    B.lonely   C.only     D.exact
  16. A.anywhere  B.society   C.theatre    D.people
  17. A.news    B.opinion   C.idea     D.part
  18. A.like    B.dislike   C.allow     D.obey
  19. A.very    B.quite    C.such     D.pretty
  20. A.nice    B.natural   C.painful    D.serious
  In 1955, a man named Raymon Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDonald. They operated a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was
  easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, french fries, and cold drinks were the main foods on the limited menu. Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name, "McDonald's," and they were an instant success. He later took over the company and today it is one of the most famous and successful "fast-food" chains in America and the world.
  Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that his
  timing was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. During the 1960s, the movement for equality between men and women and an economy(经济) that needed more families to have two money-earners resulted in many women returning to the workplace. This meant that they had less time and energy to do housework, so they depended more on fast-food restaurants.
  Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone because of divorce(离婚) or a preference for a "single lifestyle" also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.
  Fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another of the 1960s was called back-to-nature-movement. More and more Americans based their diets on natural foods. This preference for natural foods continues to this day. These products can now be found not only in the special health food store but also in many supermarkets.
  1."Cooking for one is more trouble than it is worth." in the third paragraph means ____.
   A.cooking for several people is worth more money
   B.it takes too much time and effort to cook for one person
   C.there are more problems when one person cooks
   D.people cooking together has less trouble than one person cooking
  2.The main idea of the reading is that ____.
   A.Raymond Kroc is the most successful fast-food business owner in the world
   B.social and economic changes affect eating habits
   C.Americans in general eat either fast food or natural food
   D.food changes faster than society
  3.An idea implied but not directly stated in the reading is that ____.
   A.natural foods are still popular today
   B.many married women began to work in the 1960s
   C.divorce causes people to change their eating habits
   D.not only Americans but also people all over the world like McDonald's food
  4.Which of the following was not the reason for Raymond Kroc's success?
   A.his partnership with the McDonald brothers
   B.the back-to-nature movement
   C.a changing economy
   D.convenient food's help to single people
  5.Which of the following is not true according to the reading?
   A.The women's liberation movement helped Raymond Kroc's success.
   B.Raymond Kroc became successful very quickly.
   C.There are a lot of "McDonald's" restaurants today.
   D.Raymond Kroc's success took place between 1950s and 1960s.
  The Second World War hadn't finished when President   1.______
  Roosevelt died in 1945. His job had been taken on   2.______
  by his Vice-President, Truman. The first difficult   3.______
  decide Truman had to make was whether to use the    4.______
  atomic bomb against Japan. He thinks the bomb would  5.______
  make the war short and save the life of thousands   6.______
  of fighting men, and he ordered it be dropped on    7.______
  Hiroshima. Few people knew much Truman when he     8.______
  became President. He was Vice-President on 1944.    9.______
  Few people thought he could win when he ran President 10._____
  in 1948, but he fought a hard campaign and won a full term of office.
  一、1-5 AABCC   6-10 AABBC   11-15 ABDBD
  二、1-5 AABBD   6-10 CACAD   11-15 BAABC   16-20 CDBCA
  三、1-5 BBCBD
  The Second World War hadn't finished when President     1. been
  Roosevelt died in 1945. His job had been taken on      2. over
  by his Vice-President, Truman. The first difficult      3. 对
  decide Truman had to make was whether to use the       4.decision
  atomic bomb against Japan. He thinks the bomb would     5.thought
  make the war short and save the life of thousands      6. lives
  of fighting men, and he ordered it be dropped on    7. to
  Hiroshima. Few people knew much Truman when he     8. about
  became President. He was Vice-President in the 1944.     9. 去掉the
  Few people thought he could win when he ran ù President 10. for
  in 1948, but he fought a hard campaign and won a full term of office.
  2.根据前句"他已经做完工作",现在要考虑的是剩下的事情,用It only remains for sb. to do sth.是"某人所要做的只剩…"的意思;而left,应该用在被动语态中。C、D意义不对。
  4.根据后半句的but和off the point,应选反义词to the point。
  6.根据句意"要找的人不在",这四个词组中只有check out--"付帐而离开"可以说明其原因。
  7.根据问题问的是过去的情况,回答时也应该谈过去的情况。用used to do结构来谈过去的情况,同时根据否定回答,选否定式。
  10.smile是不及物动词,不能用它的过去分词来修饰名词;同时D中完成式不能用作定语, 只能选smiling。
  2.根据上文,作者提到Sophy 经常使自己生气,她不断抽烟而且从不用烟缸,这自然会使作者生气,因此这个空要选否定词never。
  13.前句说到别人不喜欢Sophy,后句说到Sophy很好,因此前后的关系是让步关系,用even if连接,体现了两句之间的这种关系。
  17.上文提到Sophy 选择作者的原因,接下来作者讲述自己的看法,for my part是"我这方面来说",这是最佳选项。
  19.看下文的that, 选such与之构成句型。




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