Unit 22 Bees

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 care for 喜欢
 bee 蜜蜂               
 astonishment 惊讶  
 to one's astonishment 令人吃惊的是 
 troop 成群结队地走   
 one after another 一个跟一个地    
 surround 围绕
 exact 准确的            
 direction 方向
 stream 溪流     
 club 俱乐部   
 recover 恢复
 You can't/mustn't....
 Don't smoke. Look out!
 If you..., you'll....
 Don't be late. Take care!
 You'd better (not) do it.
 1.Among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the"language" they use to communicate with each other. 在不同种类的蜂中,最使科学家感兴趣的是蜜蜂,因为蜜蜂能用"语言",来相互交际。
 …it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists…是一个由it 引导的强调句,被强调的部分是 the honey bee。如果不加以强调,则全句是:
 …the honey bee has most interested scientists…
 It is/ was+ 被强调部分+ that-clause.
 Mr Flower left all his money to his wife in 1989. 费劳尔先生于1989年把他的全部钱财留给了他的妻子。
 It was  Mr Flower that left all his money to his wife in 1989. 是费劳尔先生于1989年将他的全部钱财留给了他的妻子。(强调是费劳尔先生留的,而不是别人)
 It was  all his money that Mr Flower left to his wife in 1989. 1989年费劳尔先生留给他妻子的是他的全部钱财。(强调留的是全部钱财,而不是其它东西)
 It was  to his wife that Mr Flower left all his money in 1989. 费劳尔先生是给她妻子于1989年留下了全部钱财。(强调留给了妻子,而不是其它人)
 It was  in 1989 that Mr Flower left all his money to his wife. 费劳尔先生是在1989年把全部钱财留给了他妻子。(强调是在1989年,而不是其它年份)
 2.In order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little spots of colour. 为了便于区别,他在一些蜜蜂的身上点上颜色。
 tell apart是短语动词(v. + adv. ),作"识别"、"辨别"(to be able to recognize the difference  between two or more things or people)解。例如:
 Can you tell the two things apart? 这两件东西你能辨别吗?
 The twins are so much alike that their own mother can hardly tell them apart.
 3.They trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movements.
 a troop of visitors(一群参观者)。
 We must have our own troops. 我们必须有自己的军队。
 但在课文中 troop作动词用,意思是"结队而行"、"成群涌向"(come or go together in a group)。用在句中时,句子的主语总是复数。例如:
 The children trooped into the park. 孩子们列队走进公园。
 The game was over and the players trooped home. 比赛结束了,运动员整队回家。
 He is busy copying  his composition. 他正忙着抄写他的作文。
 Please copy my actions.(=Please act as I do. )请照我这样做。
 "Good morning," she said, copying her mother's voice. "早上好",她模仿着妈妈的声音说。
 4.He marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red. 他给所有来到近的喂食处的蜜蜂标上蓝色,给飞到远的喂食处的蜜蜂标上红色。
 faraway(远方的)是由 far + away构成的合成形容词。 nearby(附近的)是由 near + by构成的合成形容词。它们在句中都作定语。如:
 a faraway forest(远处的森林),faraway times(遥远的时代);a nearby hotel(附近的一家旅店),nearby hills(附近的小山)。
 注意:faraway在作定语时通常都连写,作表语或作状语时则分写(far away)。如:
 The house is not far away. 那座房子并不远。
 He lives far away from the school. 他住得离学校很远。
 nearby既可作定语,又可作状语;既可以连写(nearby),也可以分写(near by),还可以加连字符(near-by)。例如:
 I saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch.
 They live nearby----less than a kilometre. 他们住在附近,不到一公里。
 He gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.
 good-looking  好看的         
 hard-working   勤劳的
 leftover     剩余的,残留的
 low-lying    地势低的
 nationwide    全国性的       
 noble-minded  高尚的
 radioactive   放射性的       
 well-known    闻名的
 widespread   广泛流传的     
 worldwide    世界范围的
 5.They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was. 他们发现,喂食处越远,舞蹈动作的速度就越慢。
 "the+比较级……,the+ 比较级……"的意思是:"越……,就越……"。例如:
 The more he gives his children, the more they want.
 The higher we stand, the farther we see.
 The more he explains, the more I am puzzled.
 6.So another astonishing fact came to light. 于是又发现一个令人惊讶的情况。
 come to light作"发现"、"暴露"(to be discovered/ exposed)解。例如:
 New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently come to light.
 7.The number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place. 每分钟摆尾舞的次数表明了到喂食处的精确距离。
 The number of…作"……的次数/数目"解。当它用作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数。但是 a number of…后跟复数名词,作"一些"(some)解。当它修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。试比较:
 The number of students in our class is 55. 我们班上的学生人数是55名。
 A number of students in our class are out by the lake. 我们班有些学生到湖边去了。
 8.He noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afternoon from what it had been in the morning. 他注意到下午舞蹈的直线部分与上午的情况不一样。
 A is different from B. 这个句型,它的意思是"A不同于B"。
 9. If the feeding place was toward the sun, the dancer headed straight upward during the straight part of the wagging dance. If the feeding place was away from the sun, the straight part of the wagging dance pointed downward. 如果喂食处向着太阳,那么,跳舞的蜜蜂在跳摆尾舞的直线部分时,就径直朝上跑;如果喂食处背着太阳,那么,摆尾舞的直线部分就指向下方。
 head和 point在这里不是名词,而是不及物动词。 head作"朝某方向前进"(move in a certain direction)解; point作"指向"、"表明……的位置或方向"(show the position or direction of)解。例如:
 We are heading toward the mountain village. 我们正朝那个山村行进。
 They saw the enemy troops heading northeast. 他们看到敌军正朝东北方向前进。
 The hands of the clock pointed to half past one. 时钟的针指向一点半。
 He pointed to where the village lay. 他指了指村子所在的地方。
10 . From this we get the expression"to make a beeline for someone or something", which means to go quickly along a straight direct course for someone or something. 从这个词又引出了一个短语"to make a beeline for someone or something",意思是朝某人或某物径直走去。
 1) make a beeline for作"走直路"、"走近路"解。例如:
 As he spoke he made a beeline for the door. 他一边说话一边朝门口径直走去。
 2)短语动词 head for作"开往/前往(某地)"解。例如:
 They'll head for the seaside for their holidays. 他们将去海边度假。
 The ship is heading for London for repairs. 那艘船正开往伦敦进行修理。
  We were excited at the news that our team won. (同位语从句是news的内容。)
  We were excited at the news that he told us. (定语从句说明哪一个news。)
  The room which serves for lab was dusty. (room没有内容。)
  The parents were worried about the fact that he failed in the exam. (fact有内容。)
3,定语从句的关系词往往用which, that都可以;但同位语从句的关联词不能用which(除非当疑问词用)。
  He told us a story which/that was not true. (定语从句)
He told us a story that he met an accident. (同位语从句)
 1. After living in Paris fifty years, he returned to the small town_______ he grew up as child.(NMET96)
 A.which B.where C.that D.when
 2.He made another discovery, _______ is of importance.(NMET 98)
 A.which I think it B.I think which C.Which I thought D.Which I think
 3.Carol said the work would be done by October, _________personally, I doubt very much. (NMET99)
 A.it B.that C.when D.which
 4._______ is mentioned above the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing.(上海高考1999)
 A.Which B.As C.That D.It
 5.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play _______, of course, made the others un-happy.(NMET 2000)
 A.who B.which C.this D.what
 6.I shall never forget those years _________ I lived in the country with the farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.
 A.that, which B.when, which C.which, that D.when, who
 7.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of_______ hadn't been cleaned for at least ten years.
 A.these B.those C.that D.which
 8.The weather turned out to be very good _______ was more than we could expect.
 A.what B.which C.that D.it
 9.In the dark street, there wasn't single person _______ she could turn for help.
 A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom
 10.His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone _______ family was poor.
 A.of whom B.whom C.of whose D.whose
 2.答案为D。从该句句意可以判断出,逗号之后应为一个定语从句,并且是个非限制性定语从句,应该用which引导。I think可视为插入语,which已替代了it。故A选项不正确,此题还涉及另一个语言习惯,即由think, believe, say, suppose, imagine …等词引导的宾语从句,如果其从句是由wh-word引导时,wh-word应放在主句I think之前,构成wh-word + I think … +其他,定语从句也宜遵循这个原则,故B、D项不正确。如果将题干is改为was,则C项正确。
 9.答案为D,此题考查了定语从句的介词前置,"turn to"译为汉语"求助于",故宜用to whom。
 10.答案为D。引导词whose引导定语从句且在从句中作定语。如果题干改为the family__,则答案为A,构成n.+ of which/whom。




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