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1. quite, very, too后以及as...as之间接形容词的原级。
The dictionary is quite useful. 这本词典相当有用。
He is a very kind teacher. 他是一位很善良的老师。
John is as bright as Bob. 约翰和鲍勃一样的聪明伶俐。
This parcel is not as heavy as that one. 这个包裹没有那个包裹重。
2. 当形容词后有than, 或形容词前有much, a lot; any;a bit, a little;still, even等程度状语时,形容词要用比较级。如:
Two heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜一人。
The sun is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大得多。
The report said the weather would be even worse in the future days. 天气预报报道,将来的几天天气会更糟糕。
1. 比较的双方应同类、对等。
误:His computer is newer than me.
正:His computer is newer than mine.
析:比较对象不一致:一个指人,一个指物。故将me改为mine (my computer)。
2. 比较范围要清楚。
误:He is taller than any student in his class.
正:He is taller than any other student in his class.
正:He is taller than anyone else in his class.
析:any student in his class 包括主语He在内,出现了自我比较的错误,故加other或else将He从比较对象中排除掉。
3. 避免重复比较,即more +形容词比较级。
误:This car is more brighter than that one.
正:This car is brighter than that one.
4. the +比较级后用of the two的比较范围。
He is the stronger of the two. 他是这两个中比较结实的一个。




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