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A. 复合名词:
1.名词 +名词 story-book故事书 playground操场 daytime白天 handbag手提包。如:
The student is reading a story-book in the classroom. 那位学生正在教室里看故事书。
2. 形容词 +名词 best seller畅销货 shorthand速记
The moon cakes are the best sellers during the Mid-Autumn Day. 在中秋节月饼成为畅销货。
3. 动名词 +名词 waiting-room 候车室 sleeping-pill安眠药
The passenger with a handbag is in the waiting-room. 那位带着提包的乘客正在候车室里。
4. 动词+ 名词 shopkeeper 店主,零售商 pickpocket扒手 breakwater防水堤
The shopkeeper protects the goods from the pickpockets。店主看管好货物以防扒手扒窃。
5. 名词 +动名词 handwriting 书法
They went to see the handwriting exhibition. 他们去看书法展了。
6. 名词 +动词 sunrise日出 sunset日落
If it is fine, we can not only see sunrise but also sunset. 如果天气晴朗,我们既能看到日出又能看到日落。
7. 动词 +副词 get-together联欢会 breakthrough突破
There is going to be a get-together at the playground tomorrow. 明天将在操场上举行联欢会。
B. 复合形容词:
1. 形容词+ 现在分词 good-looking好看的 fine-sounding动听的
He is a good-looking man. 他是一位相貌很好的男士。
2. 副词 +现在分词 hard-working勤劳的 far-reaching深远的
Chinese is a hard-working and peace-loving people. 中国是一个勤劳勇敢热爱和平的民族。
3. 副词 +过去分词 well-known著名的
He is a well-known scientist in the world. 他是一位著名的科学家。
4. 形容词 +过去分词 kind-hearted好心的
These women doctors are really kind-hearted, they saved many SARS patients' lives. 那些女医生确实是好心人,她们挽救了许多SARS病人的生命。




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