Unit 24 Finding a job

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 as though 好像   hand in 上交
 human nature 人性 inform 通知       relationship 关系   sex 性别
 suit 适合     suit...to 使适合     prevent 防止      feeling 感觉;感情
 chairman 主席   socialist 社会主义的
  Are you/Will you be free on Monday/tomorrow?
  How about tomorrow morning/afternoon?
  Shall we meet at 4:30 at...?
  All right. See you then.
  Yes, I’m/I’ll be free then.
  Yes, that’s all right.
  No, I won’t be free then, but I’ll be free at....
  1. Many young people end up in a job to which they are not suited.
(1)end up 最后(做某事),终于(成为……)这个短语通常含有“最终结局不好”的意思。例:
He ended up (as ) the officer of that company. 他最终成为那家公司的职员。
The enemy ended up in defeat.敌人最终失败了。
(2)be suited to + n. (-ing 形式) 适合,适宜于。
His speech is suited to audience.他演讲的内容合符合听众的口味。
  He is suited to (for) teaching.他适合教书。
  2. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else.
(1)what kind of 是对表示性质、特征的人或事 提问的句式。
  — What kind of person are you?
  — I’m clever one (不能回答I’m clever.).
  — What are you like?
  — I’m clever. (不能回答I’m a clever person.)
  what kind of 结构中其名词通常不用冠词,也不用复数。
  Who else asked for me this morning?  今天上午还有谁找过我?
  Nobody else in our class is cleverer than he.  在我们班上没有其他人比他聪明。
  Where else have you ever been to ?  你还去过什么地方?
  3. Think of time when you were happiest. What were you doing?
  该句中做表语的happiest前面没有冠词the 。
  I’m busiest in the morning. 我早上最忙。
  The stars are brightest when there is no moon. 当没有月光时星星最亮。
  4. Note that it is not enough to say to yourself, “I enjoy working with people.”
  Note 在此是动词,意思是“注意,注目,留意到”。
  Note that…作为句型是“注意……”。
  Please note that the book must be returned within a week. 请注意这本书必须在一周内归还。
  Note how he swims. 注意看他如何游泳。
  5. It sounds as though you have plenty of both of these already.
  It sounds as though /if…“听起来似乎……”。
  as though引导的是表语从句。常用于类似结构的还有:seem/look/feel+as if (though)。
  注意:appear通常不能接as if 从句。
It seems as if he has passed the test. 他看起来好象通过了这次测试。
He feels as if he is tired.他觉得好象累了。
  6. You can point out that Florence Nightingale opened up nursing and that Madame Curie opened up science to women.
  (1)该句point out 之后接了两个宾语从句,由and连接,要特别指出第二个that 绝不能省掉,省掉后逻辑关系不清。
  (2)open up 意思是“开辟”,“开拓”,如:
  This new means has opened up the forbidden zone of this field. 这新方法打开了这个领域的禁区。
  A few peasants decided to open up the wasteland. 几个农民决定开发这块荒地。
1.I was very frightened when I saw her ____ close by some police.
  A.following     B.followed    C.was followed    D.was following
2.---Victor certainly talks a lot.
 ---Yes. She’s never interested in what ____ says.
A.someone else   B.anyone else  C.somebody      D.anybody
3.---When did you get to know about it?
 ---I had no idea about it ____ he told me.
  A.until       B.unless     C.when        D.if not
4. ---Do you remember the time we ____ with each other last year?
 ---Sure. At that time you ____ in a shop.
  A.meet, had worked         B.met, were working
  C.meet, have worked         D.were meeting, worked
5.---What happened to Jane?
 ---She had her dress ____ on a nail.
  A.caught      B.seized     C.fitted      D.fixed
6.---Let’s go out ____ to have a cup of tea.
 ---A good idea.
  A.nowhere      B.somewhere   C.everywhere    D.where
7.____ he went, he would take his umbrella with him.
  A.Wherever     B.Where     C.However     D.How
8.I thought her honest and dependable ____ I met her.
 A.for the first time       B.every time when
 C.by the first time       D.the first time
9.The clock stopped. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get it ____ again.
  A.went       B.gone      C.go        D.going
10.He doesn’t have any enemies ____ does he wish to have.
  A.and       B.or        C.nor       D.but
11.You won’t be worried ____ you make a correct decision.
  A.since      B.though     C.so long as    D.even if
12.There are so many papers here. If you ____ a fire you’ll ____ the house on fire.
  A.make, give    B.make, set    C.set, make     D.give, set
13.The slave owner treated the black people so badly that some of them tried to ____.
A.get away     B.go out     C.turn down     D.put off
14.It looks as if the rain will continue for some time, but it may ____ before dark.
  A.clear away    B.clear up    C.turn up      D.turn away
15.Neither the manager nor the assistants ____ this kind of problem before.
A.have met     B.has met     C.are meeting    D.is meeting
They called him the Fool. His name was Suchinsky, a peasant on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
  In 1941, when Hitler's army overrun the village, he dug a cave with his hands  1 his farmhouse and  2 a family there for two years. They were named Zeiger. Once when Suchinsky learned the Nazis were going to search the farm with dogs  3 to find people, he stayed all night  4 waste from out houses to throw off the scent. The Germans came, but they never found the Zeigers.
  After they were  5 in 1944, the Zeigers went to America. Over the years they  6 sent package of food and clothing to Suchinsky. As he could neither read nor write he  7 for the gifts with a flower drawn to the Zeigers. But in the late 1950's the thanks stopped. When Zeigers asked, the officials told them there was no Suchinsky.  8 1987 did one of the sons, Shelley Zeiger, now a successful New Jersey businessman, learned the  9 . Suchinsky had become seriously  10 , and was moved to a nearby town, where a cousin nursed him back to  11 .
  Then in October 1987, while Zeiger was  12 a business trip in Moscow, he sent a note to Suchinsky, who  13 through friends with a one-line  14 : "You have no idea of the  15 I have to see you."
  The Zeigers returned to the village for the  16 time in forty-four years. The people of the village  17 the streets carrying flowers.
  "You could see in their faces," Zeiger called up, "that now Suchinsky, the fool, was a hero, the one among them who had done what was  18 . What matters most is that when you do good,  19 will come back to you. When you do good you will not be forgotten. We can never  20 him fully."
1. A.beside     B.beyond     C.under    D.above
2. A.placed     B.hid      C.set out   D.kept on
3. A.trained     B.watched    C.planned   D.invited
4. A.throwing    B.sweeping    C.spreading  D.laying
5. A.set       B.shut      C.lasted    D.liberated
6. A.regularly    B.politely    C.certainly  D.secretly
7. A.looked     B.answered    C.thanked   D.cared
8. A.Even in     B.Only after   C.Never in   D.As for
9. A.excuse     B.idea      C.reason    D.discovery
10. A.ill      B.deaf      C.busy     D.nervous
11. A.health     B.death     C.strength   D.wealth
12. A.for      B.in       C.on      D.around
13. A.sent      B.answered    C.asked    D.proved
14. A.information  B.message    C.article   D.news
15. A.pressure    B.thought    C.longing   D.suffering
16. A.first     B.second     C.last     D.final
17. A.stood     B.surrounded   C.lined    D.rowed
18. A.famous     B.brave     C.strict    D.right
19. A.god      B.good      C.bad     D.danger
20. A.praise     B.thank     C.repay    D.respect
  Before Johann Guttenburg developed the printing press in 1437, news traveled by word of mouth. This meant that information was slow to reach the public and that details changed as news spread from one person to the next. Printed matter, such as newspapers, made it possible for information to be gathered in a central office and for news to be written more accurately(准确). In 1844 Samuel Morse made a system of sending coded messages through electric wires perfect, founding an early form of long-distance communication. The work of communications was developed in 1858 through the work of Julius von Reuter, who made newspapers reach different countries by telegraphing. With each of these developments, the public wondered at the cleverness of the communications pioneers and asked, “What will they think of next?”
  “They” thought of plenty. Alexander Graham Bell had the idea of passing speech by electrical impulses and invented the first telephone in 1876. The invention of the “wireless” by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 made the way for modern-day radio transmission. V.K.Zworykin worked on one of the first televisions in 1928.
  Communications reached new heights when televisions were mass produced in the 1950s. In 1962 the first communication satellite, made people see live broadcast from anywhere in the world. Underground and underwater cables also send on programs from one area to another. Telecommunications and computer networking are of big advances of our times and mean even greater developments to come.
1.The main idea of the passage is ____.
  A.it is not easy to use modern ways of communication
  B.so many people made achievements in developing the means of communication
  C.the means of communication have gone through many stages before they are perfected
  D.the development of history has lasted such a long time
2.In the 1950s ____.
  A.wireless telephones began to be used
  B.televison came into being
  C.televisions were produced in large numbers
  D.modern communication reached the highest point
3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
  A.The first word “They” in the second paragraph refers to scientists.
  B.Alexander Graham Bell gave the first speech in 1876.
  C.The printing press was perfected in the fourteenth century.
  D.Since many means of communication have been developed, a great number of people needn’t read newspaper
4.The beginning of the long-distance communication was ____.
  A.sending messages by word of mouth
  B.when people see programmes at the time of performances
  C.in the ninteenth century
  D.when the “wireless” was invented
5.Telecommunications and computer networking ____.
  A.mean there will be greater developement
  B.show the 20th century’s means are the most perfect
  C.mean modern society has developed from one area to another
  D.show people’s life can be better and better
  The books for students at all levels, from     1.______
  beginners to the advanced. Each book have 15 to  2.______
  20 light-hearted stories with exercises followed  3.______
  each story. These books are aimed at meet the   4.______
  needs of China students. The vocabulary levels are 5.______
  controlled because students can progress easily  6.______
  through the books. Besides, each story has new   7.______
  words are marked in the body of the text and    8.______
  then presented in a box. Each one new word in   9.______
  the box has the pronunciation, as well a Chinese  10.______
  一、1-5 BBABA   6-10 BADDC   11-15 CBABA
  二、1-5 CBACD   6-10 ACCCA   11-15 ACBBC   16-20 ACDBC
  三、1-5 CCACA
  The books   for students at all levels, from     1.  are
  beginners to the advanced. Each book  have 15 to   2.  has
  20 light-hearted stories with exercises  followed   3. following
  each story. These books are aimed at  meet the    4. meeting
  needs of  China students. The vocabulary levels are  5. Chinese
  controlled  because students can progress easily   6.  so
  through the books. Besides, each story has new    7.  对
  words   are marked in the body of the text and    8. that/which
  then presented in a box. Each  one new word in    9.  去掉one
  the box has the pronunciation, as well   a Chinese  10.  as
  2.Voctor自己侃侃而谈,从不关心别人说什么,要表示别人就一定要加else,因为anybody是包括她自己在内的;别人并不是指某一特定的人,所以someone else也不对。
  5.catch on a nail的意思是“被钉子挂住了”。
  8.本句有两个分句,两句之间需要连词连接,A、C是介词词组,不能连接句子;every time后面不用加when;the first time在此相当于连词。
  15.I have是定语从句,修饰这个名词,他当然一直盼望见到The Zeigers,longing在此是“盼望”的意思。
  20.句中 fully是关键词, The Zeigers可以充分感谢、充分尊敬、充分表扬他,但却不可能充分“报答”他,所以选C  




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