高二上册Unit 2教案(附练习)

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Teaching Steps for SEFC Book 2A
Unit 2 News media
教学目的和建议(Teaching aid and demands)
1. Words and Expressions
类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目
话题 Talking about news and the media
词汇 Media reliable fire face difficulty editor reason elect injure headline inform informed relate talented switch interviewer present reflect effort spiritural seldom AIDS addict social attention tolerate affair concern telegram retire complete bore attitude disappoint guard citizen polluter arm update
Go up burn down relate sb/sth relate to for once be addicted to even if draw attention to on all sides change one’s mind current affairs look up to fall in love with
功能 1. 谈论新闻媒体(Talking about news and the media)Our readers want to know about….Which of the media si the most reliable?Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.2. 表达意见(Expressing opinions)The man was careful/funny/nosy/generous/honest/clever…What do you think of….?What’s your opinion?Why do you choose….?Perhaps ….is more important.I would rather choose….I don’t think we should choose…I don’t think we should choose….
语法 过去分词短语作定语和表语1. 能够用-ed 形式描述人物的特性或状态 a journalist He is experienced an experienced journalista programme It is updated an updated programmeI want to write about people addicted to drugs.3. 能够用-ed形式与系动词连用,描述人或物品的特性或状态; The American audience is excited about Yaoming’s performance..
2.Language using.
By using the language, fulfill the tasks of listening, speaking, reading and writing. and learn about the life of a reporter and the details of printing newspapers.
3. Teaching periods. 4 periods
Period One: Practice speaking and listening.
Period Two: Reading Comprehension.
Period Three: The study of language points.
Period Four: The Study of Grammar and writing.
Teaching Steps for SEFC Book 2A
Unit 1 News media
Period 1
Step 1 Revision
1 Ask some Ss to tell what they did during the summer vacation.
2 Talk about TV and newspapers with the Ss: Who likes reading newspapers? How do they often learn about news? What kind of news do you like? Who's your favourite news reporter? Which newspaper
do you like? etc.
Step 2 Presentation
Tell the Ss: In this unit we are going to learn about news media. Every day we learn about news through
Different ways, for example: by surfing the internet, listening to the radio, watching TV, reading books or reading newspaper etc. But which do you like best? Why?
Which of the news media mentioned is the most reliable? Why?
2. How are the media mentioned above different from each other?
3. How do you know whether what you hear, see or read is true?
4. Do you know how a newspaper is made? What about a magazine?
5. What words will you need to talk about news and the media?
Step 3 Listening
SB Page 10, Part 1. Say Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? (picture 1. two men. Picture2. a young man and woman.) ,What do you think are they, Can you guess their relations (picture 1. the old man looks like a boss, and the young man looks like his employee. They are discuss something. Picture 2. they look like a couple or good friends, they are drinking)
Ok. Next, we will listen to the recorder. Do the listening and learn what happens. and answer the following questions:
1. What kind of person is Jim Gray? Why is he no longer working for the company?
2. Compare your answers to questions 1 and 2 with those of your classmates. Are there any differences? Why?
3. You have heard two different descriptions of what happened to Jim Gray. Why are they different/ Which one do you think is better?
Step 4 Speaking
Next, work in groups. You are the editors of a newspaper. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. You may only report five of them. Decide which events you are going to put in your newspaper and give you reasons for your choices. Compare your choices with those of your classmates by using the following useful expressions:
What do you think of……../
What’s your opinion?
Why do you choose….?
Perhaps…is more important.
I would rather choose…
I don’t think we should choose…
Maybe it would be better to choose…
Our readers want to know about…
1. 200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.
2. France elected a new president
3. Two men robbed a bank in shanghai.
4.Ahouse in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.
5.2000 people in your city moved into new buildings today and were happy.
6.A Chinese scientist has invented a new car engine that does not pollute the air
7There is a rumour that a large company wants to build a factory in your city
8. China beat Brazil 2-1 in the football
9. Three children from your city were killed
10.Food prices are going up.
Notes:. 1. be different from……
Make a difference….. make some / no difference.
2. interview, 接见,会谈
give/grant an interview to sb. 接见某人
have an interview with sb 会见某人
3. Description 描写,描述形容
give a description of the battle.
Beyond description 难以描述
4. Rob 抢劫
rob sb of sth.
l steal sth from sb.
5. go up/go down 价格的上升、下降
4. 6. burn down, 把。。。烧成平地, (蜡烛等)渐渐烧完,火力减弱。
Step 5. homework
Finish the exercise on page 88, Ex. 1,2,3
Period 2
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework exercises.
2. What do you think the life of a reporter is like?
Step. 2 Preparation for reading
SB Page 2, Part 1. Talk; about the pictures: What can you see? Can you describe it?(Picture 1, several people are sitting at the desks in the office, perhaps they are editors. Picture 2, a reporter is interviewing a man, and several people are taking pictures of the man. Picture 3 , we can see several copies of newspapers. namely People’s Daily and China Daily. What do you think the process of making newspapers.. Next, we’ll read a passage about what a reporter’s life is like? And their opinions! )
Step 3 Reading
Wb Lesson 2, Ex. 1. Go through the exercise and make sure the Ss know what to do. Let them read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class.
1. What’s the basic task for a reporter?
A. To report events as what happened.
B. To reflect opinions according to readers’ tastes.
C. To develop stories as the editors tell him or her.
D. To draw readers’ attention.
2. The first sentence in the first paragraph means _______.
E. More information was given to us by newspapers and other media than that simply recorded.
F. It takes newspapers and other media more efforts and time to report what happen than just record what happens.
G. What newspapers and other media can give us is much more than what is simply recorded.
H. Recording what happens is much easier than using newspapers and other media.
2. According to the passage, the media mentioned are__________.
A. newspapers B. TV programmes
C. broadcasts D. Both A and B.
3. What happened in the first report ?
A. Some workers in the company are on strike.
B. A group of about 100 people made trouble for the workers in the company.
C. Not all of the trouble-makers left peacefully after the police arrived.
D. Workers fought with the trouble-makers.
4. In the 2nd report what happened?
A. A peaceful march against pollution was put to an end by the company.
B. The company was in trouble because of the citizens.
C. The citizens fighting against the pollution fought against the angry men with sticks.
D. On seeing the man with sticks sent by the company, the citizens were timid and frightened.
5. The company in the first report is considered to be____ while in the second it is regarded as _____ .
A. the best; the worst B. a best; the worst
C. the richest; the poorest D. richest; poorest.
6. What topic is treated in Passage 1?
A. How is the news made and written?
B. How does a reporter decide who to write.
C. How do a newspapers help us understand the world?
D. Their jobs and the news we read is made and written.
7. What’s the best title for each story in passage 2?
A. The most successful company/ the worst company.
B. A fight with the police/ A fight with citizens.
C. Friends or enemies?/Bad or good citizens.
D. Making troubles/carrying out the right of the citizens.
8. ‘Behind the headline” proves that ________.
A. We can understand the world better by reading the headlines.
B. The headlines must be written by talented journalists.
C. Publishing papers needs much and is worth doing so.
D. The headlines must be true.
9. From the two reports in Passage 2, we can infer_________.
A. The most successful company in the first report is really the worst polluter in the second one.
B. The citizens against the pollution in the second report are the trouble-makers in the first report.
C. Police in the first report are the angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens in the second report.
D. All of the above.
Step3. Listening
Next listen to the tape, Listen to the two passages. Act the interviewees and interviewers.
Next do the post-reading part on page 12.
Step 5. Homework.
Finish the exercise on page 89.
Period 3
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework exercises.
2 Revise the reading passage in SB Lesson 2, Part 1.
Step 2 Language points
Tell the Ss Today we are going to learn some important words, expressions and phrases and sentence patterns.
1. informed decisions, 通知决定
常用于句式: inform sb. of sth.
I informed her mother of her safe arrival.
She returned and informed us of their decision.
We were informed that a big fire had broken out in the next town.
Has he been informed of his father’s death yet?
Please keep me informed of fresh development.
2. relate vt. 把。。。。。。联系起来
I can’t relate what he does to what he says.
常英语被动语态: be related to…… “与。。。。。。有关系“
His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy childhood.
Physics is closely related to mathematics.
vi. 有关, 涉及常和 介词to 连用
I want to ask you a question that relates to politics.
That doesn’t relate to him.
This letter relates to the sale of the house.
3. switch roles for once….. 改变一下角色、身份
switch vt. 转换,改变
switch sides 改变立场 switch the discussion to another topic 换一个讨论题目
4. Rather than….而不是。。。
He, rather than you , is wrong.
You played football in the classroom, rather on the playground.
The color seems green rather than blue.
They were screaming rather than singing.
l rather than 后接动词不定式, 可省略不定式符号 to
She likes to keep things rather than (to)throw them away.
Rather than go there, I’d prefer to stay on my own.
4. The editor’s job is to kep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.
keep 后跟宾语 , 然后形容词balanced 和interesting 做宾补
Please keep your room clean.
5. ….make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.
Make sure….确保。。。。
When you leave the classroom, make sure that all the lights are turned off.
Reflect vt. 反映; 表现
Does this letter reflect your real opinions?
Her face reflects how angry she was.
Vt. 反射,回响
The water reflected the sunlight.
The mirror reflected the heat.
Vt. 映出; 照出
She was looking at her face reflected in the mirror.
6. ….I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics….
Efforts, 努力, 艰难的尝试
Make efforts to do sth./ make every effort to do sth./make an effort to do sth.
spare no efforts to do sth.. 不遗余力地做某事
bring…back to….使。。。回到。。。
使。。。回忆起来。。。His letter brought back to them the days when they were young.
使。。。恢复。。。bring sb. back to health. 使某人恢复健康
7. 。。。who tried to adapt to her new life after having…..
adapt to 适应。。。You should adapt to the life in the No. Middle School.
Adapt…to…使。。。适应; 使。。。适合。。。
Adapt one’s thinking to the new conditions. 使自己的思想适应新的情况
8. 。。。it was the first time that I had written….
注意时态的一致: It is/was the first time that I have/had been there.
9. ….who are addicted to drugs…..
be/become/get addicted to…..对。。。。。。上瘾; 沉溺于 to 介词
She is addicted to drinking.
He became addicted to drugs.
10. on all sides/on every side 在各方面, 到处
There are mountains on all sides. 四面都是山。
11. 。。。leading to a future world where……
lead to…通向; 导致。
This is a road leading to Beijing.
His carelessness led to his failure.
11. …to what we are concerned with now.
concern vt. 使关心; 使挂念,使担心
concern oneself with state affairs 关心国家大事
be concerned for the masses 关心群众 be concerned about the growth of the younger generation
Be concerned with ……对。。。。关心。。。
12. Tolerate…..vt. 忍受; 容忍
I can’t tolerate his selfishness.
Tolerate ( sb./one’s )doing sth.
I won’t tolerate you/your cheating in the exam.
The government tolerate smoking and drinking but not taking drugs.
12. look up to 尊敬; 钦佩
Schoolboys usually look up to great athletes.
He is a fine chap,I’ve always look up to him.
13. arm. Vt. 武装; 用武器装备
arm oneself with…. “装备。。。。。。; 以。。。。。。为武器“
They armed themselves with machine guns.
The crowd armed themselves with sticks and stones.
* be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿
He is armed to the teeth.
n. (常用复数)武器, 兵器
a man of arms/ The people were quick to take up arms to defend their freedom.
*** 短语中的介词 “to”
relate…to…/be related to 与。。。有关系。。。
adapt to…. Be/get/become addicted to…对。。。上瘾; 沉溺于。。。。
draw attention to….. lead to…. ; bring ….. back …. To…..
pay attention to…….; look forward to……, stick to……..,object to…….., be/get used to……,
look up to……, listen to……,devote…to….., owe….to…..., be/get married to….,add to/ add up to……,
Step 3. Exercise.
1. 与。。。。有关。。。。 ——————————————
2. 就这一次————————————。
3. 对。。。。上瘾。。。——————————。
4. 在各方面————————————。
5. 十分之九——————————。
6. 使报纸保持均衡——————。
7. 条理地, 有组织地————————————————。
8. 适应新生活。——————————。
9. 注意。。。。——————————
10. 尊敬——————————。
11. 爱上;喜欢上————————。
II. Correction.
I am looking forward to join the army.
2. The books are well worth to reading.
3. She reached the top of the hill and stopped resting on a big rock.
5. He get down to write the composition after lunch.
6. It is a waste of time to talk to him.
7. They left the restaurant as possible as they could after dinner.
8. Let’s fix a time to a face-to-face interview.
9. Three hours late, I phoned him again.
10. The old man needs to look after.
11. The girl got married with the boy last month.
12. The letter we looked forward to coming at last.
Step 4. Homework.
Finish off the workbook exercise. On page89,ex 1,2,3,4.
Period 4
Step 1 Revision
1. check the students’ homework.
2. Let the students retell the story.
Step 2 Grammar.
The past participle used as Attribute and Predicative.
First let the students tick out the sentences from the passages with the p.p in them.
For example:
1. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report…
2. We asked two of China’s many talented journalists to tell us more about news and newspapers.
3. After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and……
4. Chen wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.
5. I want to write about people addicted to drugs.
6. TV programmes and printed articles help people in other countries learn about China and the Chinese people.
7. The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed.
8. It will lead to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.
Next, sort them out, which are used as Attributives ? and which are used as Predicatives
Attributes: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Predicatives: 7,8
Step 3. Rewrite the following sentences with the Participle.
1. The telegram that was sent by my sister brought the news of my dear grandma’s death.
2. Let’s try the bookstore that was opened last month.
3. Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it.
4. The three guns, which had been stolen from the police station, were found in the house.
5. I don’t like going to supermarkets that are located in the center of the town.
l suggested answers:
1. The telegram sent by my sister brought the news of my dear grandma’s death.
3. Let’s try the bookstore opened last month.
4. Nine out of ten women interviewed about the product said they liked it.
5. The three guns, stolen from the police station, were found in the house.
6. I don’t like going to supermarkets located in the center of the town..
Step 4.Translation with the participles.
1. 地面上有一个打碎了的玻璃杯。
2. 给我买的那辆自行车被偷了。
3. 这是第一本为孩子们写的英语书。
4. 被感动的孩子们久久不能入睡。
5. 昨天出版的报纸为我们提供了虚假的信息。
6. 去年建成的那座大楼是我们的图书馆。
7. 正在回答问题的男孩子就是李明。
8. 一个叫杰克的男子对这个问题很感兴趣。
9. 英语口语是很有意思的。
10. 在澳大利亚,人们所说的语言是英语。
Suggested answers:
1. A broken glass lay on the ground..
2. The bike bought foe me was stolen.
3. This is a book written for children.
4. The moved children slept late.
5. The newspapers printed yesterday provided us false information.
6. The building built last year is our library.
7. The boy answering the question is Liming.
8. A man called Jack is interested in the question.
9. Spoken English is very interesting.
10. The language spoken in Australia is English.
Step 5. Writing. Write a short passage to compare two kinds of media, for example , websites and newspapers. . use the following information :

Similarities Differences
A website is similar to a newspaper. Websites, on the other hand, change all the time.
Both newspapers and websites make money by selling ads However, not all websites are updated every day.
Websites also have different pages Newspapers are written by reporters, but websites can be written by anyone.
Websites have headlines and pictures, too. While many websites are free, most newspapers cost money.
Unit2 summary
本单元的中心话题是 新闻媒体,包括新闻传播的种类,新闻采访与报道,新闻话题,新闻阅读等。
不足之处:integrating skills 设计的不是太好,文章很短,花费时间太多。

I . Multiple choice.
1. What they have said_____ to what we are expecting.
A. reflected B. is related C. switches D. tolerates
2. From my work with people I find everyone’s life is _________.
A. unique B. positive C. negative D. careless
3. We should respect other people and _____ different views and opinions.
A. print B. tolerate C. seek D. publish
4. ______ reporters can present their materials in a(n) ______ way.
A. informed; talented B. Talented; informed
B. Talented; organized D. Organized; talented
5. The lady thinks her husband is very ______ because he is very honest and positive.
A. nosy B. generous C. reliable D. experienced
6. An old building ______ in the fire and a few people were injured.
A. burn down B. pulled down C. destroyed D. put down
7. We should learn to consider things _________ .
A. on all sides B. on the other hand C. on one side D. on one hand
8. It’s very interesting to see many young fans ______ their stars.
A, look for B. look down upon C. look out D. look up to
9. Now food prices are _____ fast.
A. gone up B. going up C. bringing up D. brought up
10. The film is so popular because it _______ the present country life very truthfully.
A. present B. ignores C. bores D. reflects
11. We can’t be so careless as to ignore them _____they are very ordinary people.
A. as if B. even if C. if D. as
12. His critical attitude ______ us.
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. boring D. surprising
13. We are discussing the questions _____ by teachers or ourselves.
A. raised B. raising C. rising D. risen
14. We spent the night _____ in our bedroom.
A. locking B. locked C. played D. to play
15. Do you think the teaching equipment should be _________.
A. addicted B. completed C. updated D. retired.
II.完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,完成短文。
Henry was from the United States and he 16 to London for a 17 . One day he was not feeling 18 , so he went to the desk of his 19 and said, “I want to see a 20 . Can you give me the mane of 21 one?” The clerk looked 22 a book and then said, “Prkenneth Grey, 61010.” Henry said, “Thank you 23 . Is he expensive?” “Well,” the clerk answered, “he 24 charges(收费) his patients(病人) two pounds for their 25 visit to him, and £ 1.5 for later 26 . ” Henry 27 to save 50p, 28 when he went to see the doctor, he said, “I’ve come 29 , doctor.”
For a few 30 the doctor looked at his 31 carefully without saying 32 . Then he nodded and said, “Oh, yes.” He 33 him and then said, “Everything’s going as 34 should do. Just continue with the 35 I gave you last time.”
( )16. A. had come B. has come C. was coming D. comes
( )17. A. week B. month C. holiday D. year
( )18. A. good B. well C. nice D. better
( )19. A. office B. room C. house D. hotel
( )20. A. friend B. doctor C. nurse D. lawyer
( )21. A. good B. bad C. old D. young
( )22. A. up B. down C. in D. on
( )23. A. more B. a lot C. lots D. much
( )24. A. never B. always C. seldom D. sometimes
( )25. A. past B. first C. last D .next
( )26. A. call B. visit C. visiting D. visits
( )27. A. decided B. believed C. thought D. considered
( )28. A. however B. but C. so D. yet
( )29. A. again B. twice C. first D. already
( )30. A. while B. seconds C. minute D. quarters
( )31. A. body B. head C. face D. nose
( )32. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
( )33. A. examined B. watched C. asked D. touched
( )34. A. one B. ones C. it D. they
( )35. A. food B. drink C. tea D. medicine
III. 阅读理解 阅读下面的书信,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
Sep, 28, 2000
Dear Bob,
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I am very sorry, but I cannot come.
My mother is sick in bed. The doctor has told her that she should stay in bed for several days. Last night she insisted on doing the housework as usual, so this morning her illness got worse.
My father will be away on business trip until Wednesday. In the meantime I am the only person who can take care of my mother.
I hope your party will be a great success. Please give my best wishes to everyone.
( )36. Charlie wrote his letter to tell Bob ________.
A. he invited Bob to have a picnic in the park
B. he accepted Bob’s invitation
C. the reason why he was not able to attend the birthday party
D. to express his regards to Bob’s parents
( 37. Who is the only person to look after the sick mother?
A. The nurse B. Charlie’s friend C. Charlie’s partner D. Charlie himself
( )38. Why Charlie’s father couldn’t take care of his sick wife? “Because _________.”
A. he was a lazy husband
B. he was not willing to do the nurse job
C. he had to be off on business while his wife was ill
D. Charlie’s mother didn’t like her husband to be a nurse
( )39. What advice did the doctor give the sick mother?
A. He told the sick mother not to drink too much water
B. He said that Charlie’s mother should go outside for shining
C. Charlie’s mother should stay in bed at least several days
D. Charlie’s mother should eat more meat and chocolate
( )40. Charlie’s mother got worse because _________.
A. she didn’t see a doctor B. she didn’t take any medicine
C. she was tired with heavy housework D. she smoke and drank too much
Last August we decided to spend a day in the country. 41 _____________
Many others people had the same idea. We moved 42_____________
out the city behind a long line of cars. But at 43_____________
finally we came to a quiet country road and after 44_____________
some time, we stopped. We bought many food with 45_____________
us and we got it out. Now, however, everything 46_____________
is ready. We sat near a path at the food of a hill. 47_____________
it was quiet on the cool grass until we saw bells ringing 48____________
at the top of the hill. That we saw made us pick 49____________
out our things and run back to our car as quickly as 50____________
possible. About 200 sheep were coming to us down the path!
V. 书面表达:
1. 完成老师布置的暑假作业。
2. 和父母一起游览长城、颐和园,到公园游泳、划船、钓鱼等。
3. 帮助妈妈干些家务事。
4. 阅读课外书籍。
5. 预习下单元功课。

Keys to Exx:
1--------5BABBC 6------10 AADBD 11-----15 BBABC
16-----20 ACBDB 21-----25 ACDBB 26-----30 DACAB
31-----35 CAACD 36-----40 CDCCC
41. √ 42. others→other 43. out→out of 44. finally→last 45. many→much
46. however 47. is→was 48. saw→heard 49. That→What 50. out→up
IV. Possible version:
Li Hai is going to spend his summer vacation.
First he wants to finish his homework and then he, together with his parents, will go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. He will go swimming, boating and fishing in some other parks. Besides, he will do some housework to help his mother, and he will read some books. Finally he will preview (go over) the lessons of next trem.




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