不定代词&“There be...”句型

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不定代词和There be ...句型是中考中经常出现的考点,在复习阶段,我们要重点攻克这个难关。
一、考查代词another, other, others, the others 的用法。(1)another 与可数名词单数连用,但后面附加数词或是few就可与复数名词连用。(2) other 作代词时,其前有定冠词the作修饰。(3) others 是other 的复数,它常用来泛指另外的或其他的人或物。它与some 连用可以构成Some ..., others ...句型。 (4)the others 指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后"其余全部的人或物"。如:
Suzhou is so beautiful a city that I've decided to stay for________two weeks. (2004上海)
A. another B. other C. the other D. others (答案为A)
The students are planting trees.________are carrying water,________are digging the holes. (2004西藏)
A. Some; the other B. Some; others C. Others; some D. Others; others (答案为B)
二、 考查some, any, few, none, neither 等不定代词的用法。 (1) some, any均表示"一些"含义, 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。some 有时出现在表示"征求意见"的疑问句中。any 常用于疑问句、否定句中。some 还可以作"某一"讲。(2) a few, few 修饰可数名词复数, little, a little 修饰不可数名词。 few, little 具有否定含义。(3) none 既可指人, 也可指物,它可以与of 连用; no one 相当于nobody, 其后不跟of。(4) both, all与not 连用时表示部分否定, 其对应的全部否定代词是neither和none。(5) every 只作定语,它所指的必须是三者或三者以上。each 可以做主语、 宾语、 定语 、 同位语, 它所指的是两者或两者以上。如:
-When shall we meet again?
-Make it day you like. (2001山东)
A. one B. any C. another D. some (答案为B)
He agreed with most of what you said , but he didn't agree________. (2002天津)
A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something (答案为A)
-Are the new rules working?
-Yes,________young trees are cut down. (2003上海)
A. few B. some C. none D. more (答案为A)
There be 句型的重点考点
一、 考查There be 句型的主谓一致用法。be动词在人称和数上要与其后的主语一致。需要注意的是, 当主语是由多个部分组成时,谓语动词要和最近的一致。如:
There________a dictionary, three books and a pencil-box on the desk. (2000山东)
A. are B. were C. was D. is (答案为D)
________there a bed, a sofa, a desk and two chairs in the room? (2003天津)
A. Was B. Were C. Is D. Are (答案为C)
二、考查There be 结构中含有情态动词的反意疑问句的用法。在There be 句型中, be 动词前有时需要使用情态动词。大多数情况下, 反意疑问句的助动词须与该情态动词一致。但是,当该情态动词是must , 且表示"推测"时,反意疑问句的助动词应与There be句型中的动词一致。如:
I'm afraid there must be no more time left, ________?(2000上海)
A. aren't I B. am I C. must there D. is there (答案为D)
I don't think there used to be a cinema here,________? (2003湖北)
A. do I B. was there C. usedn't there D. did there (答案为D)
三、 考查There be 结构中be 动词位置上换用其它表示"好象;碰巧;存在"含义的动词的用法。常见的有seem to be (似乎), happen to be (碰巧), appear to be (看起来,似乎), live, stand, come, exist (存在), lie, remain (仍,还是)等。此时,要注意时态的运用及反意疑问句的对应规律。如:
There happened to be a bad flood that year,________? (2002河南)
A. wasn't there B. didn't there
C. was there D. hadn't there (答案为B)
There once________a poor farmer who________four sons. (2001山西)
A. lived; had B. was; has C. lay; had D. lived; has
四、 考查There be 结构中主语的定语形式。在There be 结构中,主语后有时根据需要用定语来修饰。常见的有: V-ing形式词组( 定语和主语是主动关系), 过去分词词组(主语和定语是被动关系) , 不定式词组(主动、被动均可)。如:
Tom, there is a man________for you at the school gate. (2002湖南)
A. waited B. waiting C. is waiting D. has been waiting (答案为B)
There were ten people________in the car accident. (2004山东)
A. was killed B. killed
C. had been killed
D. were killed(答案为B)
五、考查There be 结构的惯用句型。1. There is no doing ...该句型意为"没法说 / 无从知道......"例如: There was no knowing how long he might stay there. 无从知道他在那里逗留多长时间。2. There is no need for sb. to do sth. 该句型意为"某人没有必要干某事"。例如: There is no need for you to help him with it.你没有必要帮助他干那件事。如:
There is no need for you to________there so early. (2004贵州)
A. go B. going C. went D. has gone (答案为A)



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