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作者:杨春吉 姜经志
一、不定冠词可以用在quite, rather, many, half, such 等词后,构成"冠词倒置"现象。如:
He is rather a fool. 他是个十足的傻瓜。
He drank half a bottle of beer at dinner. 宴会时他喝了半瓶啤酒。
二、 不定冠词用于so ( as, too, how, however ) + 形容词之后,构成"冠词倒置"现象。如:
It is so lovely a day that I'd like to go out this weekend. 天气这么好,我这个周末想出去(郊游)。
It is too difficult a task for us to fi-nish in a short time. 对我们而言, 这任务太难,短时间内无法完成。
How good a book it is! 这是多好的一本书啊!
三、 "no, much, far + 形容词的比较级 + 不定冠词 + 单数可数名词"构成"冠词倒置"现象。如:
He was no better a teacher than a Senior Three student.他并不比一个高三年级的学生强。
Tom is far clever a student than the other students in his class.汤姆比他班里的其他学生都聪明的多。
四、 "more , less + 形容词 + a / an + 单数可数名词"构成"冠词倒置"现象。如:
Johnson is scarcely less significant a figure. 约翰逊并非次要人物。
She did not see why when she was alone she would be less good a diner than when she had a guest . 她就是不明白为什么她单独吃的晚餐不如有客人时吃得香。
五、 turn , go 用作系动词,其后跟单数可数名词作表语时, 该名词前不加冠词。但是,若该名词前有形容词修饰时,其前必须加冠词。如:
Twenty years later he turned politician. 二十年后他成了一位政治家。
He used to be a teacher till he turned a famous writer.他成为一位名作家之前是位教师。
Through his hard work, he went an excellent student.通过努力学习, 他成了一名优秀学生。
六、 称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职位的名词在句中作主语补足语、 宾语补足语、表语及同位语时,其前不加冠词。若表示家庭成员的称呼语时须大写第一个字母。如:
What is up, Mum? 怎么啦,妈妈?
Who is captain of your football team? 谁是你们足球队的队长?
He was made monitor of our class a third time. 他再次被选为我们班的班长。
七、 在三餐、球类运动名词前和在季节、节日、星期、月份前,不用冠词。如:
My friends Bob likes to play basketball before supper. 我的朋友鲍勃喜欢在晚饭前打篮球。
She visited her grandmother on Mondays. 她每个周一都看望她的外祖母。




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