Unit10 At the shop |
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一、教学目标与要求 通过学习本单元取材于马克•吐温的《百万英镑》并改编成短剧形式的课文,学生能初步了解马克•吐温的写作风格以及对资本主文社会中丑恶现象的无情揭露。学生应能在教师的指导下,排演这个短剧,并在排练和表演中,加深对原作品深刻含义的理解;通过对话课的学习与操练,学生接触表示坚持个人意见的常用语句,并要求学生运用到模拟交际的会话中;学习并初步掌握as if和no matter引导让步状语从句的用法;正确完成练习册安排的练习。 二、教学重点与难点 1.重点词汇fault;insist;depend;choice;trust;apologize;excited;perfect;treat;e-qual; shop assistant; or else; be after; change… for…; depend on…; take place; get off; do somebody a favor; make… to one’s own measure; put down; drop in; once upon a time; keep back 2.重要句型 1) I know that gentlemen like you carry only large notes. 2) My friend,you shouldn’t judge strangers always by the clothes they wear. 3) She did up the buttons insuch a way that one at the bottom was not done up.4)He judged that, because she was a woman, she did not understand about the wine. 3.语法 as if和no matter引导的让步状语从句(The use of as if and no matter) 1)It looks as if it hasn’t been washed following the instructions. 2) No matter what he is wear-ing, you must serve him. 3) It looks as if it is pure gold. 4) No matter how much I have to pay, I will take it. 4.日常交际用语 坚持个人意见(Insistence)1)That may be true,but you sold me a blouse that I can’t wear any more. 2) What do you think I should do then?3)I insist that you give me my money back. 4) I would like you to change this blouse, or else give me my money back. 三、课型 (一)对话课 Ⅰ.教具 录音机、投影仪、一件女裙。 Ⅱ.课堂教学设计 1.教师通过向学生提出下列问题导入本课: Do you often do shopping? What do you of-ten buy if you do shopping often? If there is something wrong with the thing you have bought, what will you do? 由学生讨论以上问题,引出本单元对话内容。 2.准备放对话录音。借助授影片打出以下听前提问: Where did the conversation take place?放录音一遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。 Key:The conversation took place at a shop. 再次放对话录音,学生跟读。根据本课对话内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度。 1)What did the customer buy last week?2)What happened to the blouse she bought?3) And what did she want to do with the blouse? 4) According to the shop assistant, whose fault was it? 5) Why couldn’t the shop assistant give her money back? 6) What did the cus-tomer decide to do at last? 3.将学生分为两人一组练习对话。数分钟后,请两三组同学到前面借助教师准备好的女裙表演。 教师指导学生归纳本课中有关坚持个人意见(Insistence)的常用语句(见日常交际用语部分)。 组织学生练习书上Practice中的相关语句。 4.要求学生将本课对话改写为一篇短文,以顾客作为第一人称,描述这次购物经历。 教师可给予必要的提示。 提示语(用投影仪打出): 1) buy a blouse last week 2) something wrong with it 3)ei-ther change it or get money back 4) can’t get the money back 5) persuade me to change it for another one 将首句给出: Last week I bought a blouse from a shop. 要求学生根据对话,参照老师所给提示及首句编写短文,当堂要求学生完成。数分钟后,请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。 Model: Last week I bought a blouse from a shop.But there was something wrong with it. After I washed the blouse, the colours ran. So I went to the shop again and asked the shop assis-tant either to change it or get my money back. The shop assistant asked me if I followed the instructions when washing the blouse.Then she said that it was the fault of the company that made the blouse. But she said she couldn’t give me the money, because the manager was not there. Finally she persuaded me to change it for another one, and I agreed. 5.为学生提供几个情景,启发同学在对话中运用所学语言编出新的对话。 Situation 1: You have just bought a pair of shoes from a shoe shop. But later you find that the shoes are not of the same size. So you go to the shop again. Make a dialogue be-tween the shop assistant and you. Situation 2: You have just bought a tape-recorder. But it does not work as soon as you get home. So you go back to the shop and ask for a new one. 学生可任选其中之一的情景编小对话,也可自己设计其他情景。数分钟后,请同学表演对话,教师给予讲评。 6.布置作业1 )预习第38课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。 (二)阅读理解课(Ⅰ) Ⅰ.教具 录音机、投影仪。 Ⅱ.课堂教学设计 1.检查生词及短语。 2.教师通过以下提问导入正课: 1) Do you know the famous American writer Mark Twain?2)Have you ever read anything written by Mark Twain before?3)Can you tell me some of the works he wrote?(The Adventure of Tom Sawyer ;The Prince and the Pauper ;The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn;Run for Governor,etc.) 3.准备阅读课文。教师给出读前提问:1)Why did the shop assistant show the customer the cheapest clothes? 2) What made the manager very excited? 教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文,之后请同学回答上述问题。 Key:1)Because he thought the customer was very poor since he was poorly dressed and the customer could not afford to buy expensive clothes.2) He thought the customer was a millionaire and this made him very excited. 4.反复放课文录音,学生跟读数遍。教师要求学生认真模仿磁带录音的语音语调。 5.要求学生在本课对话中,找出能刻画服装店老板人物特征和心理变化的相关语句。(以下供教师参考) (The first time he saw the customer) There’s a customer, Tod.Will you serve him? No matter what he is wearing, Tod, just show him the cheapest. Come,come.Get him his change,Tod. When the manager first saw the customer, he thought he was only a poor fellow and could not afford to buy expensive clothes. So he just asked his assistant to serve the cus-tomer and told him to show the customer the cheapest clothes. (When he realized that the customer was a millionaire) Goodness me! Six zeros! I’ve never seen anything like this before.To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire!Tod’s a fool.Please get those things off, sir, and throw them into the fire. Do me the favor to put on this shirt, and this suit… Have a discussion with your students about why the manager changed his attitude to-wards the customer and tell them a word: snob. 6.将学生分为三人一组,反复练习。适当准备一些道具排演短剧。 7.布置作业 1)排演短剧;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 阅读理解课(Ⅱ) Ⅰ.教具 录音机。 Ⅱ.课堂教学设计 1.上演短剧。 2.准都阅读第39课,教师给出读前提问:1)What is the passage mainly about?2)What were included in the newspaper report? 教师给学生两分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文,之后请同学回答上述问题。 Key:1) The passage is mainly about a journalist’s report on wine shops. 2)The names of the wine shops she had visited were included in the newspaper report. 放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。 3.教师就课文内容再提出问题,检查学生的理解程度: 1) Why did the London journalist want to do some research about wine shops? 2) What did she think before she did the research? 3) How did the journalist dress? Why was she dressed in such a way? 4) Why did she explain to the shop assistant what food she was plan-ning to cook? 5) Why did she say that she did not mind how much she spent? 6) How many wine shops did she go to and how was she treated at the different shops? Key: 1) Because she wanted to see which shops offered the best advice and service. 2)Before the research she thought that the shop assistants in the best wine shops might judge their customers by their clothes. 3) The journalist put on a long raincoat and did up the but-tons in such a way that one button at the bottom was not done up. She was dressed like this because she wanted to test what she had thought before the research. 4) Because she wanted to know if the shop assistant would offer the best advice.5) She said this in order to show that she could afford to buy expensive wines.But what she wanted was only good,ordinary wine. So in this way she was testing the shop assistants whether they would offer the best advice. 6) She went to at least six wine shops. Not all the shops treated her kindly and well. 4.组织学生根据本课内容,编出这位伦敦记者与几家酒店服务员的对话。数分钟后,请几组在班上交流,教师予以讲评。 5.布置作业1)复述课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 (三)语言训练课 Ⅰ.教具 投影仪。 Ⅱ.课堂教学设计 1.教师检查课文复述。 2.教师从本单元词语中选择部分常用词语,配以例句介绍给学生。要求学生反复练习这些例句,并请同学造句,教师予以讲评、订正。 1)insist She insisted on getting her money back. She insisted on the shop assistant giving back her money. She insisted that the shop assistant(should)give back her money. She insisted on her money being given back. She insisted on the shop assistant’s apology. 2)or else You must go there quickly or else you will not be back in time. The book must be here,or else you’ve lost it. 3)trust You may trust me that I am speaking the truth. I don’t have/put/place much trust in his promises. 4)apology/apologize I have to come to apologize to you. Please accept my apologies. 5)excited What are you excited about? Everybody was excited by the news of the victory. 6)be after The police were after him. When he explained to me what he was after,I knew what he had expected was too much. 7)put down Here is my address;put it down before you forget it. The bus stopped to put down passengers. 8)drop in He usually drops in at my place on his way home. 9)depend on Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep. Whether he can go or not depends on his parents’wishes. 10)treat They treated me as one of their family. Why not send her off to some big hospital where she can be treated? 3.书面表达练习 中文提示(用投影片打出):1)杰克在百货公司上班的第一天,遇到一位奇怪的顾客;2)她要买鞋,但给她拿了多双,都不喜欢;3)杰克礼貌待人,她最后还是要了最初的那双;4)她告之杰克,她是经理助手,前来考察。 英文提示(用投影片打出):customer;be after;treat;assistant;manager;play the part of;serve;apologize 将首句及结束语给出:Jack found a job at a department store.The very first day when he was at work,…However,she apologized that she had been too hard on him. 七八分钟后,请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。 One possible version: Jack found a job at a department store.The very first day when he was at work,he met with a very strange customer,who would like to buy a pair of shoes.Jack showed her many pairs.But she said she liked none of them.When Jack asked her what shoes she really liked,she picked up the first pair that Jack had showed her and said that pair was the kind she was after.Though Jack was not pleased,he treated her politely.Later the customer told Jack that she was the assistant of the manager.She had played the part of the customer only to see how well Jack would serve the customers.However,she apologized that she had been too hard on him. 4.课堂活动 (A)Suppose you are Tod,the shop assistant.Tell the story to others about what hap-pened at the tailor’s shop in your own words.You may begin like this: This morning when I was busy doing my usual work at my shop,a man came in.You could see he was poor from the clothes he was wearing.And I was wondering why he had come to our shop,for I didn’t think he had any money with him.I came up to him and showed him the cheapest suit we had… (B)Suppose you are the manager.Tell the story to others about what happened at the tailor’s shop in your own words.You may begin like this: This morning,when I was sitting at my desk as usual,I heard Tod shouting,“Good-ness me!”I knew he was serving a customer,so I asked what was the matter.Tod told me he could not get the customer his change.I couldn’t understand.But when Tod passed me the bill’I was taken aback.Six zeros!I had never seen anything like that before.I realized that the customer must be a millionaire… 5.布置作业 1)预习第11单元;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。 四、难句分析 1.I’m not that foolish.我还不至于愚蠢到那种地步。 “that”为副词,意为“那样(so),达到那样地步(to such a degree)”。例如: Do you think the problem of pollution is that serious?你认为污染问题有那么严重吗? After that she never came back that late.打那以后,她再也不回来得那样晚了。 Can hard work change a person that much?难道劳累能使人变化那么大吗? 另外,“this”也有同样的用法。如: Why did you ask for this much?你为什么要得这么多? 2.It looks as if it hasn’t been washed following the instructions.看来好像没按说明来洗涤。 It looks as if…意为:看来似乎……,看来好像……。例如: It looks as if they have to walk home.看来他们得走回家了。 It looks as if she is not so healthy as she used to be.看来她好像没有以前那么健康。 It looks as if they haven’t finished the work yet.看来他们似乎还没完成工作。 following the instructions在句中作方式状语,相当于according to the instructions的意思。例如: You should do things following the rules.你应当依照规章办事。 3.I insist that you give me my money back.我坚持你把钱退还给我。 insist后跟that从句,从句中谓语动词用should+动词原形,是虚拟语气的一种用法。其中,should可以省略,意为:“坚决要求”。例如: I insist that we(should)write to her immediately.我坚持认为我们该立刻给她写信。 They insisted that Miss Li(should)report this to the manager himself.他们坚持要李小姐把这事报告给经理本人。 insist还可跟on/upon,接名词或-ing形式。意为“坚持要求某事或做某事”。例如: They insisted on visiting the hospital the next day.他们一定要第二天参观医院。 Why did you insist upon a reply from them?为什么你一定要他们答复? 4.I just didn’t want to put you to the trouble of changing a large note.只不过我不想麻烦你破开一张大票子罢了。 put sb.to the trouble意为:给某人添麻烦。例如: I hope we haven’t put you to any trouble.希望我们没有给你添麻烦。 I’m sorry for putting you to so much trouble.给你添了许多麻烦,真是过意不去。 He didn’t want to put me to the trouble of meeting him at the station.他不想麻烦我去车站接他。 5.To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire!竟然把这样一套衣服卖给一位百万富翁! 这是不定式的一种特殊用法,相当于一个感叹句,常常用来表示惊异、气愤、祝愿等情绪。例如: To think he knew about it all the time!没想到他一直知道这件事! Oh!To be youny again.啊,要能再年轻就好了。(本句可以理解为:How wonderful it is to be young again!) To ask such silly questions!竟然提出了这样的傻问题!(本句可以理解为:How silly you are to ask such questions!) 6.She did up the buttons in such a way that one at the bottom was not done up.她这样扣钮扣,最底下的那个不扣上。 do up意为:扣、系、包等。例如: Do up your shoes,please.把鞋带系好。 Why didn’t you do all the bottons up?你为什么不把扣子都扣上? You’ve done up your bottons the wrong way.你把钮扣扣错了。 do up还可解释为:收拾、整理、修理、打扮。 She did herself up before going to the party.去晚会前她打扮了一下。 Why is he always doing up his hair?他干吗总是整理头发? * 建议在课前或课后组织学生观看《百万英镑》 |
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