初三句型用法透视(Unit 12)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案句子和句型专题指导 手机版

一、主语 + doesn't work. 不工作,不运转。
I bought this radio here, but it doesn't work now.我在这儿买的这台收音机,但现在不响了。
Something is wrong with the computer, and it doesn't work.这台电脑出了毛病,无法正常运转。
【知识串联】 at work意为"在工作中;(机器)在运转";in work意为"有职业",与out of work相对。
This machine is at work.这台机器正在运转。
I'm glad to hear that you are in work. 我很高兴听到你有工作。
二、 I don't think so. 我不这么认为。
-Do you think it will rain this afternoon? 你认为今天下午会下雨吗?
-I don't think so. 我不这么认为。
-Will she be late? 她会迟到吗?
-I don't think so. 我不这么认为。
【知识串联】 I think not. 意为"我不这么认为",与I don't think so.用法相同。
-Is she a thief? 她是一个小偷吗?
-I think not. 我不这么认为。
三、How many ... by ... is it from ...to ... ? 乘......从......到......有多少......?
【考点说明】 该句型为询问两地间的距离,How many后面接metres, miles, kilometres等表距离的复数名词;by后接road, bus, train, sea, water, plane, air等表交通工具的名词(不用不定冠词或数词修饰,也不用复数形式),如果表步行应用on foot; from与to后面接两个地点名词。
How many kilometres by train is it from Shanghai to Beijing? 从上海到北京乘火车有多少公里?
How many miles by air is it from London to Paris? 从伦敦到巴黎乘飞机有多少英里?
How many metres on foot is it from the zoo to the park? 从动物园到公园步行有多少米?
1. How far by ... is it from ... to ... ?乘......从......到......有多远?句中by, from, to的使用方法与其在How many ...by ... is it from ... to ... ? 句型相同。
How far by sea is it from Shanghai to Dalian? 从上海到大连乘船有多远?
How far by bus is it from Changsha to Wuhan? 从长沙到武汉乘汽车有多远?
2. How long does it take by ... from ...to ...?乘......从......到......需多长时间?该句型间接询问两地的距离。
How long does it take by train from Guangzhou to Haikou?从广州到海口乘火车需多长时间?
How long does it take by air from Changchun to Lanzhou?从长春到兰州乘飞机需多长时间?



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