初三Unit 11 重难点解析

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1. 【原文】 Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow. (L. 41) in在句中表示穿,请归纳与"穿;戴"相关的一些词语。
【精析】 汉语的"穿;戴"可用英语in, wear, have on, put on, dress等词语来表示。in后可接表示颜色和衣物的词语; wear, have on侧重于穿戴的状态,wear 有时可用进行时态;put on强调动作;dress即可表示状态,也可表示动作,但后面不能接衣物名词,可接表示人的词语。试比较:
Mary was in a red coat when she came to see me. 玛莉来见我的时候穿了一件红衣服。
The old lady is wearing a new hat today. 这位老妇人今天戴了一顶新的帽子。
Gorge always has on a black jacket. 乔治总是穿着一件黑夹克衫。
Henry was putting on his coat when I called him. 当我给亨利打电话的时候,他正在穿衣服。
The boy is old enough to dress himself. 这个男孩子已经能自己穿衣服了。
2. 【原文】 It's best to plant trees ... (L. 41)请分析It's best to do ... 句型的结构并说说其用法。
【精析】 在该句型中,it为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式,当要表示不定式动作执行者时,用It is best for sb. to do sth.,相当于sb. had better do sth.的句型。如:
It's best for you to stay at home on the rainy day. /You'd better stay at home on the rainy day.在雨天里,你最好呆在家里。
3. 【原文】 Knock a long, strong stick into the earth ... (L. 41)这里的knock与以前所学表示"敲(门)"的用法不一样吗?
【精析】 是的。knock意为"敲(门)"时是不及物动词,后接介词at 或on。如:Who is knocking at / on the door? 谁在敲门?
本句中的knock是及物动词,意为"把......打(敲)进......",在宾语后要加相应的介词。如:Tom is knocking a nail into the wall. 汤姆正在往墙里钉钉子。



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