走进be made...

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英语中的"be made ..."是常见的一种句型,它是一种被动结构。同学们在使用时尤为注意的是其后面所跟不同的介词,表达不同的意义。
1. be made of ... "由......制成",从制成品上看, 还能看得出原材料是什么(属物理变化)。如:
Some shoes are made of cloth. 一些鞋子是由布制成的。
This table was made of wood. 这桌子是由木头做成的。
2. be made from ..."由......制成",从制成品上看不出原材料是什么东西(属化学变化)。 如:
This kind of paper is made from wood. 这种纸张是由木料制成的。
Steel is made from iron. 钢由铁炼制而成。
3. be made in ... "在某处(时)制成"。如:
The machines are made in China. 这些机器是中国制造的。
The colour TV sets were made in 1991. 这台彩电是一九九一年制造的。
4. be made by ... "由某人制成"或"用......方式制成"。如:
The model plane was made by my younger brother. 这个飞机模型是由我弟弟制成的。
The kite is made by Han Meimei. 这风筝是韩梅梅做的。
5. be made into ... "制成......"。如:
Glass is often made into bottles. 玻璃常制成瓶子。
6. be made after ... "依照......制成"。如:
The house is made after an old pattern. 这栋房子是依照一种旧式样制成的。
These shelves are made after a new pattern. 这些书架是依照一种新式样制成的。
7. be made up of ... 强调事物的组成部分,表示"由......构成、由......组成"之意。如:
Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. 水是由氢和氧组成的。
The third world is made up of the developing countries. 第三世界是由发展中国家组成的。




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