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F由于命题目标明确、技巧性较强, 高考英语单项填空的命题历来受到高度重视。近年来
1. 指代内容模糊的it的命题
2. 现在分词用作状语, 而其逻辑主语模糊的命题
3. 倒叙式命题
4. But she promised!式的命题
5. 带有宾语复合结构的介词with的命题
6. not避免重复命题
7. 有Alice, you...加入的附加问句命题
8. 以及巧妙的命题get paid =get their pay
9. 词序命题
10. 动词进行时态的命题
11. 较难掌握的情态词命题
12. 新、巧的指代词命题等,这些命题现象的出现令人耳目一新。

例题1. After the war, a new school building was put up there had once been a theatre.
A. that B. where C. which D. when
答案: B,选项B `where'引出一个表地点的副词从句。
例题2. Why do you want a new job you've got a good one already?
A. that B. where C. which D. when
答案: D,选项D" when"引出一个时间状语从句。
例题3. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door "Sorry to miss you; will call later. "
A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading
答案: D,项D `reading'用作`message'的定语, 相当于`which read'; `read'一词意为`上面写着'。 类例: The ticket reads `From New York to Boston.'
例题4. in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose
答案: C 分词构句意义上的主语必须与句子的主语相同, 为NMET单项填空常考试题。
例题5. , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A. However late is he B. However he is late
C. However is he late D. However late he is
答案: D 选项D=No matter how late he is; 为一让步状语从句的用法。
例题6. It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
答案: B
(1) whatever =anything that (that引出形容词从句)
(2) whatever为复合关系代名词, 本身兼有先行词的功能。
(3) 复合关系代名词whatever引出的从句可在句中担任主语、表语和宾语。

例题7. Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than boy in the class.
A. the other B. any other C. each D. all
答案: B
┃any other + 单数名词
比较级 + than + ┃all other + 复数名词
┃anyone else

例题8. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced tractors in 1988 as the year before .
A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice many as
答案C: 倍数 (three times) + as + adj.(adv.) + as]
例题9. --John won first prize in the contest.
-- .
A. So he did B. So did he
C. So he did, too D. So did he, too
答案: A
问答两句的主语是指同一人时, 简略附和语应采用 "so + 主语 + 动词"的形式, 表赞同。
i. --John studies French. ii. --You said it was good.
 --So he does.  --So I did
注意: so 用于倒装表添加与其用于句首表附和不同:
[so + 代名词(主语) + 助动词 / be 动词]
比较: --I must be going now.
   --So must I.
   --Tom is a very honest boy.
   --So he is. (=Yes, that's right. He is very honest. he = Tom)

例题10. Only after liberation __ to be treated as human beings.
A. did they begin B. they had begun
C. they did begin D. had they begun
答案: A
only + ┃副词短语 + ┃助动词 + 主语
① Only then did I take pity on her.
② Only in the evening does the old man take a walk in the garden.
③ Only when one is away from home does one realize how nice home is.
④ Only by working hard can you succeed.
⑤ Only when you have lost something will you realize its value.

例题11. I would appreciate back this afternoon.
A. you to call B. you call
C. your calling D. you're calling
答案: C
下列动词或动词短语之后接用动名词, 不可接用不定式:
complete (完成) finish (完成) enjoy (非常喜欢) mind (反对)
practice (练习) resist (抵抗) can't help (情不自禁) put off (推迟)
get through (完成) burst out (突然) consider (认为) risk (冒险)
understand (了解) report (报告) excuse (原谅) delay (耽搁)
imagine (想象) miss (错过) prevent (阻挡) give up (放弃) suggest (建议)

例题12. We agreed here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.
A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met
答案: C
只接用不定式的动词:agree/fail/arrange/decide/hope/expect/refuse/want/manage/ hurry/prepare/promise/pretend/think/wish




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