Unit 4 Travel 语言要点

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Unit 4 Travel
A. Useful expressions
1.in a few days’ time 几天后
I’ll be back in a few days’ time.
2.see sb. off -- go to a station, airport etc. with sb. who is going away为…人送行
My brother is coming with me to see me off.
3.through 动作在某物体空间内进行
across 动作在某物体表面进行
through the forest / valley / city / crowd / hole / window …
across the river / plain / desert / sea …
4.all night / day long 整天 / 晚
He worked on the computer all night long.
5. take off (飞机)起飞
The plane took off with a crowd of dust.
6.for miles and miles 一连好几英里
for years and years for days and days
7.except prep. -- not including 除了;不包括
The window is never opened except in summer.
在no one, nobody, nothing, all, everyone, everything 等词之后也可用介词but
Everyone is at school today except / but Bob.
Under the soil there is nothing but sand.
We haven’t but a minute.
8.at a high price 以高价…
They could sell their beef at a high price in the city.
9.get back = come back
10.take a taxi / bus / train / ship …
They are waiting to take the morning train to town.
11.in the middle of + time / place
I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.
It’s deep in the middle of the Yuan River.
12.separate adj. not the same , not joined or united单独的;各自的
My brother and I sleep in separate rooms.
13.guide n.-- someone whose job is to show a place to travellers
vt.--to show the way by leading
The tourists need a guide to show them the city.
He guided the man through the streets to the station.
14.tie… to… 把…栓到…上去
The robber tied the owner to a chair.
Don’t tie the clothesline to the young trees.
15.move on -- move continuously in stead of stopping
on adv. 往前/继续下去; 类似的词组还有:
work on talk on go on march on …
16.destroy vt.-- break into pieces; put an end to…
Fire destroyed the forest.
All his hopes were destroyed.
A. Sentence patterns:
1.Do give her my regards.
do, does, did 在祈使句,肯定句中放在动词前加重语气表强调
She does work hard.
So you did come yesterday.
2.Have a nice / good trip / time / journey …
3.be (just) about to do -- be on the point of doing sth.
I was just about to call you when you came.
They were about to go out when it started to rain.
4.Is anybody seeing you off ? 有人为你送行吗?
go, come, arrive, get, start, die, leave, stay…
He is coming back tomorrow.
The train is arriving.
5.Say hi to Bob from me.
Yesterday we went to town and said hello to my aunt.
say goodbye to sb. say sorry to sb. say yes / OK / no to the plan



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