初三高频考点解读(Unit 1)

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  There are several books on the shelf.
  A. a lot of __B. many C. a few D. few
  [思路解析]several意思是“more than two,but fewer than many”,“几个,若干”,修饰可数名词。a few也表示“一些,几个”,修饰可数名词。故答案是C。
  [知识拓展]few和a few都可表示“少数,几个”的意思,修饰可数名词。a few含肯定的意思,few含否定的意思。如:
  I'd like a few more red roses. 我想我再要几朵红玫瑰。
  He is a man of few words. 他是个沉默寡言的人。
  He has several pens. 他有几支钢笔。
  Mr Brown________ ________ ________a bus driver.
  [思路解析]本题考查的是表示过去的习惯或状态(现在已不复存在),用“used to+动词原形”结构。答案为used to be。
  [知识拓展] 1)“used to+动词原形”只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称。否定形式为used not (usedn't) to或didn't use to,疑问形式为Used you to...?Did you use to...?等。如:
  This house used to be a shop here, didn't it? 这幢房子以前是一家商店,是不是?
  I used to walk along the river after supper. 我过去常常晚饭后沿河散步。
  He used not to like playing football, but now he's very fond of it. 他过去不喜欢踢足球,但现在很喜欢。
  Did they use to go there?他们以往常去那儿吗?
  2)be used to sth. (doing sth.) 是“习惯于做某事”的意思,与used to意思不同。如:
  He is used to hard work (working hard ). 他习惯于辛勤劳动。
  We are used to living here. 我们在这儿住惯了。
  ________you________(return) the book to the library?
  I have already posted the photos.我已把照片寄走了。
  —Have you finished the work? 你完成工作了吗?
  —Yes,I have.是的,完成了。
  —Has he seen the film? 他看过那部电影吗?
  —Yes,he has.是的,看过。
  【考点四】 I________20 yuan for the sweater.
  A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid
  [思路解析]pay for是固定短语,意思是“付钱,支付”。答案为D。
  [知识拓展]1)pay for sth. 意思是“付款”。如:
  You must pay for what you ate and drank. 你必须付你吃喝的费用。
  He paid 300 yuan for the bike. 他花了300元钱买了这辆自行车。
  2) pay sb. sth. 意思是“付给”。如:
  You must pay me the money. 你必须把钱付给我。
  3) pay...to意思是“给予,付出”(如注意力等)。
  Please pay attention to your work. 请注意你的工作。
  Pay attention to your handwriting.注意你的书法。
  【考点五】Marry often________books________the library.
  A. lend, to B. borrow, to C. borrows, from D. bring, to
  [知识拓展]1)borrow sth. “借用某物”。如:
  May I borrow your bike? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?
  Some people are good at borrowing, but bad at giving back. 有些人只善于借,不善于还。
  Don't lend the book to others. 不要把这本书借给别人。



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