
中学英语教学资源网英语教案改错专题指导 手机版

When John’s mother died , his house became too 1. __________
big for him , so he bought smaller one in the next 2. __________
street . There was a very nice old clock in his the 3. __________
first house , and when the men came to bring his 4. __________
furniture to his new house , John thought , “I’m not 5. __________
going to let them to carry my beautiful clock 6. __________
in their truck . Perhaps they’ll break at it , and 7. __________
mending it will be expensive .” So he carried them 8. __________
on his arms . On the way , the small boy looked at 9. __________
John for a few second and said , “You are a foolish 10. _________
man , aren’t you ? Why did you buy so a large watch ?”
One day a man went house and said 1. __________
to his wife , “I have bought something to 2. __________
you ,” “Oh , thank you ,” said his wife . 3. __________
“What have you bought for me on today ?” 4. __________
“I have bought a gold ring . There it is .” 5. __________
He held it out for his wife to look . 6. __________
But he dropped it . “Oh , dearly , I have 7. __________
dropped it .” He began to look for on the 8. __________
ground , but it was dark inside so he can not 9. __________
see something . He went out and began to 10. _________
look for the ring in the street .
Which is best way to learn a language ? 1. __________
We should remember that we all learn 2. __________
our own language good when we were children . 3. __________
If we can learn a second language in 4. __________
same way , it would not seem such difficult . 5. __________
Think of what a small child does . It listens 6. __________
to what people say and it tries ask for it . 7. __________
It is talking it and thinking in it all the time . 8. __________
If people have to using a second language all 9. __________
the time , they learn it quickly . 10. _________
Dear Jane ,
I have just come back from my vacation . This summer I don’t 1. __________
stay at home . Instead , I went back my home village near 2. __________
Shanghai to visit my grandparents . They tell me that 3. __________
their life had been changed a lot since 1979 . In 1989 , 4. __________
they bought a new truck to help sold milk , their cows 5. __________
and vegetables they grow to the town . My uncle helped 6. __________
them to catch fish in a lake not very far away their 7. __________
house . They are living a happy live . 8. __________
Since the new term start next week , I will 9. __________
busy again , but I feel happy to meet my teachers and 10. _________
classmates soon .
Best wishes .
It was very cold in the morning of a Monday . 1. __________
A chemical teacher was standing by the desk , 2. __________
explaining the exercises to the students had done 3. __________
at home the day before . A few minutes past . He 4. __________
was shaking all over and his nose was blue with 5. __________
cold . All of sudden he noticed that one of the 6. __________
windows faced the south was open . And through 7. __________
which the cold wind was then blowing directly 8. __________
to him . He was a bit angry , but he said in 9. __________
a kind voice : “Who left the window opened ?” 10. _________
Dear Mum and Dad ,
We are having lovely time in Hong Kong . 1. __________
Two days ago , we went to a place calling Ocean 2. __________
Park . We saw lots of sharks there . Robert enjoy 3. __________
it very much . Today we are going to Lantan Island . 4. __________
We would see the huge statue of Buddha there . 5. __________
Tomorrow we are going shop on Hong Kong Island . 6. __________
Hong Kong is very difference from our home town in 7. __________
England . The streets are more crowd and there is 8. __________
more traffic on the roads . It is more noisier than 9. __________
at home either , and everything is more expensive here ! 10. _________
See you then .
A white hunter , out of his boy , suddenly came across a 1. __________
lion . He fired at an animal , but unluckily missed 2. __________
and his last moment had arrived . The lion jumped at him , so 3. __________
went very too far and landed in a bush ten metres further on . 4. __________
The hunter and his boy went away . 5. __________
In two weeks the hunter practiced shooting and 6. __________
finally he felt ready go and look for the lion again . But 7. __________
first he sent out his boy to watch the animal secret . 8. __________
When the boy returned he asked him how he had seen 9. __________
the lion . “Yes , I certainly did it .” “And what 10. _________
was he doing ?” “He was practicing short jumps ,” replied the boy .
Jim lives in London and he began swimming a few months
ago . He likes swimming , but often goes to swimming-pool 1. __________
near in his house with his mother and swims there for 2. __________
a or two hours . He was six years old last week k, and his 3. __________
mother said , “You swim quite good now , Jimmey , but you’ve 4. __________
never seen the sea , haven’t you ? Your father and I are 5. __________
going to take you here on Saturday , and you’re going to 6. __________
swim in the sea . It isn’t cold now , and it’s much nice 7. __________
than a swimming-pool .”Jimmey’s father and mother took 8. __________
him the sea in their car on Sunday , and they stopped at 9. __________
the side of a small harbour . Jim had got out and looked 10. _________
at the sea for a long time , but he was not happy . Then he said to his mother ,
“Which is the shallow end , Mother ?”
When someone is opening the door for the others , 1. __________
a person will say “thank you” . If someone has just 2. __________
fall down and someone is helping him , the 3. __________
person would say “thank you” . If someone is 4. __________
offering a seat , the person will say “thank you” .
If someone drops something on the floor , so 5. __________
you pick up for the person , the person will 6. __________
say “Thank you” . If you say “Thank you” , American 7. __________
often answer by “you are welcome” or they 8. __________
smile back at you .In a short “Thank you ,” has a 9. __________
good effect . Otherwise , you will in trouble . 10. _________
A pretty well-dressed young lady was stopped a taxi 1. __________
in a big square , but said to the driver , “Do you see 2. __________
that man at other side of the square ?” 3. __________
“Yes ,” told the taxi driver . The young man was 4. __________
stood outside a restaurant and looking 5. __________
impatiently at his watch every a few seconds . 6. __________
“Bring me there ,” said the young lady . 7. __________
“I’m three quarter of an hour late . I said I 8. __________
would meet that young man for lunch at one 9. __________
but now it is a quarter to two . If I will arrive 10. _________
in a taxi , it will at least seem as if I have tried not to be too late .”
Ella was a fairly shy girl but her classmates seldom 1. __________
thought so . She was pretty and clever and got well with 2. __________
the others . She very fond of her art teacher , which 3. __________
was natural , because she always looked to be the favourite 4. __________
of the teacher . That was wonderful about the teacher was 5. __________
she could bring the best of her students in a clever way . 6. __________
So Ella was expecting the Prize , not just for herself and her 7. __________
parents but her teacher . When she hear that she own the 8. __________
first prize , a sweet smile appeared on her face . But the 9. __________
teacher said she had never seen so perfect painting . 10. _________
Three years ago , I began to learn English . I had 1. __________
some difficult in learning it . Now I’m a student in Senior 2. __________
One . I find the school life here was quite different 3. __________
from that in Junior . There are much subjects than 4. __________
ever , so I should take more time learning them . 5. __________
Though I’m busy , but I feel very happy . Ms Wang 6. __________
teaches us English . He is very kind to us . Her 7. __________
spoken English is very well . We all like her and 8. __________
get more interested in her lessons . I sure that my 9. __________
English will be much more better. 10. _________
When John was five year old , he suddenly fell ill 1. __________
one evening . The following day his conditions was 2. __________
more worse . His father took him to a black doctor . 3. __________
The doctor looked at the boy and said he must be 4. __________
sent to a hospital at once . So John’s father took 5. __________
him to a hospital near , but the doctor there would 6. __________
not take the boy in , for this was a hospital to white 7. __________
people only . John’s father has to get a car and drove 8. __________
to a black hospital far from away . But it was too 9. __________
late . John laid there quiet and cold . He was dead . 10. _________
The United States of America are full of cars . 1. __________
There have still many families without cars , 2. __________
and some families have two or more . However , 3. __________
cars are used for more than please . They ate a 4. __________
necessary part of life . Cars are used for business . 5. __________
They are driving to offices and factories by the 6. __________
workers have on other ways to get to their 7. __________
jobs . When salesmen are sent in different 8. __________
parts of the city , they have to drive in order that 9. __________
to carry his products . Farmers have to drive 10. _________
into the city to get supplies .
Jack was on his way to home . He had been out of work 1. __________
For two weeks and couldn’t find another jobs . Today he 2. __________
Hadn’t anything to eat and he had much money in his 3. __________
pockets . “Don’t move and shout . Your hands on your 4. __________
head . Give me your money .” “But I haven’t got any 5. __________
money ,” Jack said . With these words , he pull out all 6. __________
his pockets , in which was empty . The man didn’t believe him . 7. __________
So Jack told him about his bad lucky . After hearing his 8. __________
story , the man put his gun out and even took out five 9. __________
dollars , saying , “We are in same boat . Take this .” 10. _________
Yesterday morning I went to the bookstore buy 1. __________
some books . When I got there , I saw a foreign lady 2. __________
talk to a salesgirl . But the salesgirl didn’t understand 3. __________
what a foreigner was saying . I went up to them and 4. __________
recognized that she is Miss Green , an American 5. __________
who had paid a visit our school . She told me 6. __________
what she wanted to buy a Chinese dictionary . So 7. __________
I said the salesgirl what the foreign lady wanted . 8. __________
She was very much glad when she got the dictionary . 9. __________
Both she and the salesgirl thanked me for a lot . 10. _________
Dear Peter ,
I’m writing to ask you some advice . Babara 1. __________
and me are getting very worried about Tom . He 2. __________
has been staying out very late at night or is 3. __________
always so tired to do well in school . He wouldn’t 4. __________
listen anything we say . We have tried not to 5. __________
give him pocket money , abut it does do any good , 6. __________
I’m afraid he is sure of that we are just trying 7. __________
to make him to do what we want to prove 8. __________
we are strong , but the fact is that we were worried 9. __________
about his future . I know you and Kate can help me . 10. _________
Any advice would be very welcome .
Yours ,




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