Unit 9 Computers 语言要点

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

A Useful expressions
1 in one’s opinion
In my opinion, six hours of TV each day is bad for your eyes.= I think (that) six hours of TV each day is bad for your eyes.
Tom, in my opinion, is the very man for this job.= I think (that ) Tom is the very man for this job.
2 a waste of money / time
Playing computer games too much is a waste of both money and time.
3 make a decision (on / about)
The company hasn’t made a decision on the price of these products. = The company hasn’t decided on the price of these products.
4 decide to do
The boy is seven now, so we decide to send him to the local primary school.
5 keep a record (of…)
Any file(文件) you want to use at a later time can be kept a record of by a computer.(注意:此句是将keep a record of…当一个整体来使用,并用了它的被动语态) = Any file you want to use at a later time can be recorded(v.) by a computer.
6 at one time
At one time, tens of strong men had to be employed to harvest rice in this field. However, just one machine can do all the work nowadays. = Once in the past, tens of strong men had to be …
7 make a plan for sth…:为。。。做安排/计划
Before you do it, make a good plan for the job.
Have you made any plan for the weekend?
8 thanks to …
Thanks to your suggestion, our team played very well in the match. = Because of your suggestion, our team played very well.
注意:thank to…一般要和表示结果的句子一起连用,如例句中的our team played very well in the match. 但是thank for…短语却一般单独成句,如Thanks for your suggestion!
9 bring down , go down /up
They will bring down the price of the potatoes. =They will make the price of the potatoes lower.
The price will go up / down, = The price will go higher / lower.
bring down 及物,主语是人;go up / down不及物,主语是物.
10 as a result, as a result of…
More and more milu deer are being sent to the park .As a result , it’s becoming too crowded with the animals. = More and more … , so it’s becoming too crowded with the animals.
As a result of higher prices, workers who are poorly paid are leading a harder life. = Because of higher prices, workers…
11 take up room (space) or one’s time: 占用空间或某人的时间
I’m sorry that I’ve taken up too much of your time.
The bed is so big that it takes up most of the space in the room.
12 change A into B: 使A 发生变化成为B /change A for B: 换A为B
When the temperature falls to 0 degree centigrade , the cold will change water into ice.
My newly-bought watch does not tell the right time , so I have to change it for a better one
B Sentence patterns:
1 I believe ( that )… = I think (that)…
I believe that the price will go up.
2 Although…, … / …, but…
Although it’s expensive, we decide to buy it. / It’s expensive, but we decide to buy it.
although , but两者不同时用。
3 It’s (not) important /necessary / good / wrong / a waste of money/…(for sb) to do sth
It’s necessary (for us ) to learn how to operate computers.
It’s a waste of money (for him) to buy a computer, because he has not any knowledge of it at all.
4 Sb hopes (that)…:某人希望(可能成为现实的愿望)
Sb wishes that… 表示无法实现或很难实现或根本就与现实相违背的愿望
I hope that he’ll be successful as a businessman. ( It’s possible that he’ll be successful as a businessman.)
I wish I could fly like a bird. ( It’s in fact impossible for me to fly like a bird.)



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