Unit 5 The Silver Screen

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I.Teaching aims and demands
1>.Talk about films:famous actors and directors
2>.Make comments and give opinions on film
1>提出看法或作出评价(Giving oipinions and making comments)
I think...
The actors/actress are...
How do you like...?/what do you think of...?
Wahat do you feel about...?
We think highly of...
First...,and then...
What did you do next?
Later on...
How long have you been working as...?

silver screen;take off;go wrong;owe sth to sb;in all;stay away;primary school;
lock sb up;run after;bring sb back;on the air;think highly of
4.Grammar:the Attributive Clause(2)
II.Key points
1.listening and speaking
1>hero [注意]复数heroes [联想]heroic英勇的; herioism英雄行为,英勇; heroine女英雄
2>scene [用法]事发地点;景色;场景,布景,情节
3>law [用法]法律;法学;法则 [联想]lawyer律师 ;lawful合法的
4>career [用法]生涯,经历;事业,职业
5>interview [用法]n./v. 采访;接见;会见
6>dream of [用法]梦想(做)什么
7>biography [用法]传记;传记文学 [联想]biographer传记作家
8>role [用法]角色;作用 [举例]play a role in a film
9>actress [联想]actor;act;action
10>award [用法]n.奖;奖品; v. 授予
11>while still a student,she... [注意]在英语中有些表示时间,方式,条件,让步的从句有时可以省略
12>while acting [解释同上]
13>marry [用法]结婚;嫁(娶)某人 [注意]结婚了吗are you married? 结婚多久了be married (to...)
14>work as [用法]做什么工作 [举例]work as a director
15>take many jobs [用法]做,从事很多工作;接受工作
16>make money [用法]赚钱
17>prize [用法]奖金;奖;奖品 [举例]获得一等奖win the first prize
18>choice [句型]have no choice but to do
19>degree [用法]度数;程度;学位 [举例]博士学位a doctor's degree
20>director [用法]导演;主任
[联想]direct a.直的;直接的;直率的 v.指引;知道 direction 方向 directory地址簿;电话本
21>speed [用法]n.速度;v.加速 [搭配]at full speed;at the speed of..
1>script [用法]剧本;手迹
2>academy [举例]电影学院film academy
3>studio [用法]工作室;摄影朋
4>the reason why...is that... [注意]举行中why和that的用法
5>work on [用法]从事什么工作(具体含义取决于后面的名词)
6>make friends with [用法]和某人交朋友
7>when asked [用法]见while acting
8>take off [用法]脱掉;起飞;成名
9>creature [用法]生物;动物
10>adult [联想]grown-up
11>go wrong [用法]走错路;出毛病
12>follow-up [用法]后续;续集
13>cruelty [联想]cruel;be cruel to sb
14>peace [搭配]make peace;at peace;keep the peace
15>owe sth to sb [用法]把什么归功于某人 [联想]欠某人钱owe sb money
16>in all [用法]总共 [联想]after all;above all;at all
17>couldn't help crying [用法]忍不住(情不自禁)地哭 [比较]couldn't help (to) do
3.integrating skills
1>stay away [用法]不在家;外出 [联想]stay up
2>take one's place [用法]取代某人 [联想]take the place of;take place
3>finish school [用法]学校毕业
4>keep sb quiet [联想]keep quiet
5>cause trouble [用法]惹麻烦
6>go to town [注意]town前无冠词
7>afford [用法]担负得起(费用,损失等)
8.ask sb for... [联想]ask for sb找人
9>primary [用法]初等的;首要的 [举例]小学primary school
10>leader [联想]lead;leadship
11>lock sb up [用法]把某人锁起来
12>run after [用法]追赶
13>bring sb back [用法]送回某人
14>determine [用法]下决心(决定)做determine(be determined) to do
[联想]decide to do;make up one's mind(s) to do
15>live [用法]现场直播的 [联想]living;lively;alive
16>on the air [用法]正在播出
17>not jut...but also... [用法]同not only...but also...
18>comment [用法]评论 [搭配]make comments on...
19>give one's opinion about [用法]发表看法
20>action [举例]采取行动take action
21>think highly of [用法]对...评价很高 [联想]sing high praise for;speak highly of
22>encourage sb to do [用法]鼓励某人做某事
1>lead to [用法]导致
2>make a living [用法]谋生
3>at a high price [注意]介词
4>have a good income [用法]收入高
5>teenager [用法]青少年 [联想]in one's teens;in one's twenties



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