Unit 8 Sports

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I.Teaching aims and demands
1>talk about sports
2>talk about the Olympic Games
3>talk about sports stars
兴趣和爱好(Interests and hobbies)
Which do you like,...or...? I like watching it.
What's your favourite sport? Shooting,I think.
Which sport do you like best? I like...best.
Which do you prefer,...or...? I prefer...to...
What about...? I'd rather watch it than play it.
Are you interested in...? Yes,very much/No,not really/Sure,I love sports
BC;AD;continent;well-known;athlete;gold;medal;torch;badminton;speed skating;track and field;
stand for;because of;would rather;take part;in preparation for

II.Key points
1.listening and speaking
1>What do the five Olympic rings stand for?
stand for
[举例]In a kind of alphabet for the blind,different finger positions ~ letters of the alphabet.
2>How many gold medals did China win the 2000 Olympic Games?
[用法]vi/vt 赢;赢得(奖金,比赛,奖牌,荣誉等)
[注意]中文里A 赢了B,英文中需用beat(打败)而不是win.
[举例]Without your help,you would not have won.
She won the first prize in the speaking contest.
[联想]win over争取过来
3>In which year was the first Olympic Torch Relay?
[用法]n. 替班;接力赛跑
[举例]The shop-assistants work in ~s these days.
We won in the 4×100 ~ race.
4>Each question is worth one point.
[用法]a. 有(...的)价值,值...
[举例]This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars.
That novel is not worth reading.
The exhibition is worth a visit.
5>Congratulations!You really know the Olympics well.
[举例]a letter of congratulations
[联想]congratulate vt. 祝贺;恭喜[(+on/upon)]
[举例]I congratulate you on your great discovery.
I want to congratulate you with all my heart.
He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.(自我庆幸)
6>I prefer...to...
[用法]prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 宁愿(做)..而不愿(做)..
[举例]He preferred going to the cinema to watching TV at home.
[联想]1.prefer better 此为常见错误,better的意思重复.
2.prefer to do rather than do 意思和prefer...to...相同
7>I'd rather watch it than play it.
would rather
[用法]宁可,宁愿. 后接动词原型,否定句在rather后加not
[举例]I'll never be dependent on anyone again. I'd rather starve.
[联想]would rather do...than do 意思和prefer...to...相同
[举例]He would rather play than work.
[注意]would rather后接句子时要用虚拟语气
[举例]I'd rather you knew that now, than afterwards.
I'd rather you had attended the meeting yesterday.
1>Every four years athletes take part in the Olympics.
Every four years
[举例]Take the medicine every five hours.
[联想]每隔一天 every second day;every other day;every two days
每隔数百米 every few hundred metres
take part (in)
[举例]When was it that China took part in the Olympic Games for the first time?
[联想]join in... 与之同义;而join多用于加入组织或加入到某人中去
2>The ancient Olympics began around the year 776 BC in Greece.
[用法]=before Christ 公元前...年(基督之前...年),亦指bachelor of chemistry 化学学士
或bachelor of commerce 商学士
[联想]A.D. =Anno Domini (=in the year of our Lord) 【拉】公元...年
3>Most of the sports were the same as they are now.
the same as..
[举例]I have the same T-shirt as you.
[举例]This is the same skirt that she was wearing a year ago.
4>Women were not allowed to take part in in the games.
[用法]allow sb to do/allow doing
[举例]Visitors are not allowed to go inside the temple.
We don't allow smoking in the offices.
5>The Olympic motto means that every athlete should try to run faster,junp higher and throw further.
[用法]a./ad. 1. 更远的;较远的 2. 另外的;进一步的;深一层的 3. 而且;另外;再者
[举例]Do you need further help?
It's getting dark.We had better not go any further.
The house is not big enough for us; and further, it is too far from the town.
6>Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games,
China won another competition in 2001 which was not for a medal.
7>The sentence below summarise the article.
[用法]vt./vi 1. 总结,概述,概括;作总结,作概括
[举例]She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences.
[联想]a./n. 概括的,扼要的;总结,摘要,一览
[举例]He gave a summary report of the day's events.
He made a summary of the case(案件).
8>What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing?
in preparation for
[举例]He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat.
[联想]相应的动词短语为make preparations for
[举例]We made preparations for the trip.
10>Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honour and a great responsibility.
[用法]n.1. 荣誉;名誉,面子[U]; 2. 光荣的事或人[C];3.敬意[U]
[举例]We fight for the honor of our country.
He is an honor to our school.
Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.
[联想]vt.1. 使增光;给...以荣誉; 2. 尊敬
[举例]You honor us with your presence.
He honors his teachers.
11>Being the host will have good and bad effect on the host city.
have effect on
[举例]This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.
12>They will make the flags by hand.
by hand
[联想]She went to prepare him a meal with her own hands.
He was an old hand at the job.
Could you give me a hand with the baggage?
He handed me a glass of beer.
3.integrating skills
1>Yao Ming scored 32.4 points per game.
[用法]vt.1. (体育比赛中)得(分),记(分);使得分; 2. (考试等中)得(分); 3. 给...打分,给...评分
[举例]He only scored nine hundred marks.
Mary scored the highest marks on the exam.
Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations.
2>Yao Ming has more than just size.
more than
[举例]Hibernation is more than sleep.
3>Yao Ming is working hard to live his dream.
[举例]None of the others have lived my experiences.
4>When did Yao Ming turn professional?
[用法]vi. 此处意为"变成""成为"
[举例]On hearing the news,her face turned pale.
1>You have been asked to discuss the cause and effect of some serious problems.
causes and effect
2>Athletes set a good example for young sports fans.
set a good example for
[联想]还可以这么说: set sb a good example
3>Every day the big man weighs himselff to see whether he has put on weight.
put on weight
[联想]lose weight 减肥
[用法]vt/vi 称...的重量; 称重多少...
[举例]He weighed the parcel by hand.
How much do you weigh?
4>What about those who don't make lots of money?
What about
[用法]同how about,意为...怎么样? 用来征求意见或询问看法.后接名词,代词或动名词
[举例]You like the style.What about the colour?
How about the two of us going to dance on Sunday?
5>Even if they do become the best,they may never be as famous as the bog stars.
do become
[举例]Do remember to bring your exercise book tomorrow.
I did see him the street this morning.Why didn't you believe me?
6>I sometimes wish I could make as much money as Jordan.
[举例]I wish (that) I had never met her.
I wish (that) I were/was younger.
[联想]I wish you a happy birthday.
We wish you luck.
7>I only care about getting better and about competing for my country.
care about
[举例]I don't care about the expenses.So long as I have time I will go.
They don't care about this kind of books.
[用法]vi 竞争;比赛;媲美
[联想]competition n.比赛
competitive a.有竞争力的
competitor n. 比赛者;对手
8>I am proud to be part of the Games.
[用法]a.1. 骄傲的,有自尊心的; 2. 傲慢的,自负的; 3. 自豪的,得意的
[举例]He's too proud to speak to poor people like us.
She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school.
She is proud of her accomplishments.




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