Unit 19 Modern agriculture

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(Passage 1)
1.The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is _____.
A.the shortage of arable land B.lack of labor force
C.lack of technology D.lack of money
【答案】 A
2.Scientists have started to develop new technology to increase agricultural production without harming the environment since _____.
A.the 19th century B.modern times
C.the early 1990s D.the 1980s
【答案】 C
3.New techniques are those which can _____.
A.increase agricultural production
B.protect the environment from being harmed
C.bring in great profit
D.not only increase agriculture production but also be friendly to the environment
【答案】 D
(Passage 2)
4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Jia Sixie was the earliest agricultural scientist.
B.The knowledge in Qi Min Yao Shu is not useful for farmers today.
C.Jia Sixie's book is a practical guide to farming.
D.Jia Sixie's book deals with only farming.
【答案】 C
5.Jia Sixie's book includes advice on the following subjects except _____.
A.making wine B.keeping cows,sheep and fish
C.growing vegetables and trees D.making food
【答案】 D
6.The best harvest is reached when _____.
A.farmers change the crops in their fields
B.farmers plough the soil deeper
C.farmers sow seed at the correct time of the year
D.much fertilizer is put into the fields
【答案】 A
§1.2 主旨大意
7.Passage 1 mainly tells us about _____.
A.farmers in China B.the development of agriculture in China
C.advanced technology in China D.genetically modified plants in China
【答案】 B
8.Passage 2 is mainly about _____.
A.farming in China B.gardening in China
C.the history of agriculture in China D.Jia Sixie and his Qi Min Yao Shu
【答案】 D
§1.3 推理判断
9.Which of the following is most probable in future agriculture according to Text 1?
A.Only high technology is used.
B.It will greatly harm the environment.
C.It will depend on only traditional methods.
D.It will depend on both high technology and traditional methods.
【答案】 D
10.From Text 2 we can see that _____.
A.traditional methods are still of great use B.traditional methods should be given up
C.traditional methods are of no use D.traditional methods are out of date
【答案】 A
§2.1 知识网络
1.effect n.效果,效力;功效
I tried to persuade her,but without effect.
Her new red dress produced quite an effect on everyone.
The incident had a good effect on her.
My advice did not have much effect on him.
of (no) effect“有(无)效”,相当于(not) effective。如:
The idea is of no effect,I think.
bring/carry…into/to effect“实行,实施”。如:
These measures will not be brought into effect until next month.
come/go into effect“开始实施,开始生效”。如:
The law came into effect on October 15.
take effect“生效,奏效”。如:
The medicine didn't take effect.
2.depend vi.依靠;依赖
常构成短语depend on/upon“依靠,依赖,指望”,后可接名词、动名词的复合结构、不定式的复合结构或从句。
You cannot depend on your parents forever.
The map is a thing to be depended on when you are in a strange place.
You may depend upon her arriving on time.
You can't depend on him to come in time.
Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.
还可构成句型depend on/upon it that…,意为“指望……,对……不怀疑”。如:
You may depend on it that she will help you.
You may depend on it that he will join our club.
depending on“根据,依靠”,这是depend on的现在分词形式,常用作方式状语。如:
The climate changes depending on the area.
We'll decide whether to hold the sports meet depending on the weather.
That/It (all) depends.“这很难说;得看情况。”
I may help you,but that depends.
3.short of缺乏,不足;此短语一般在句中作表语。
We didn't buy anything because we were short of money.
The company is short of skilled workers.
We are short of hands.我们人手不足。
有时用go/run short of代替be short of。
We have run short of money.我们没钱花了。
The car went short of petrol.
short of还作“达不到,尚差”解,通常用作状语。
It was still five minutes short of the hour.
We stopped a mile short of the top.
注:shortage of“缺乏,不足”,是名词短语,常作主语或宾语等。
The shortage of fuel is the problem.
There is a shortage of grain because of poor crops.
He mentioned the shortage of food in the flooded area.
4.stand for
What does “WTO” stand for?
GNP stands for gross national product.
I won't stand for any more of your rudeness.
I wouldn't stand for being treated as a child.
I stand for freedom of speech for everyone.
John always stands for what is right.
5.guide n.指南;导游;向导
We explored the cave,Peter acting as a guide.
You need a guide to show you the city.
a guide to the British Museum大英博物馆指南
a guide to medieval literature中世纪文学手册
6.condition n.状态,健康状况,条件
The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.
The condition of my health prevents me from working hard.
in good condition“状况良好,保存得好”;in poor condition“状况不佳,破烂不堪”。如:
People who take part in sports must keep in good condition.
The house is in poor condition.It needs to be repaired.
in condition“身体好,健康”;out of condition“身体不好,不健康”。如:
Walk to work every day and you'll soon be back in condition.
Mike is out of condition because he never takes any exercise.
on one condition“有一个条件”。如:
She will join us on one condition: we divide all the profits equally.
on condition that“如果,条件是,只要”,后接从句。如:
You may borrow the book,on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.
in/under favourable conditions在有利的形势下
What are housing conditions like in your country now?
7.remove vt.拿开,移动;脱掉,摘掉;去掉,开除
He removed his desk to another office.
Please remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down.
He removed his wet coat before he entered the room.
I recognized him after he removed his dark glasses.
They removed my name from the name list.
His remarks did little to remove my doubts/fears.
The player was removed from the team.
8.bring in引进;带进来;赚钱
New ideas have been brought in since China was opened to the outside world.
They have brought in a new fashion.
Bring the washing in;it looks like rain.
Don't bring Tom in.He'll do nothing to help.
The thief was brought in,with his hands tied back.
The sale of his new record brought in 1 million dollars.
He brings in an extra hundred dollars a month from his new job.
9.go against
She went against her father's will.
It goes against my wishes to leave the country.
If you go against nature,you will be punished sooner or later.
Luck has gone against him.他不走运。
The case may go against us.
The game is going against the visiting team.
1.It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.
这是一个强调句型。强调句型可对句中除谓语动词外的任何成分进行强调,其结构为:“It is(was)+强调部分+that(who)…”。如果被强调的部分是“人”,则可用who或that。如:
I met John in the street yesterday.
→It was I who/that met John in the street yesterday.(强调主语)
→It was John that/who I met in the street yesterday.(强调宾语)
→It was in the street that I met John yesterday.(强调地点状语,不可用where)
→It was yesterday that I met John in the street.(强调时间状语,不可用when)
It is I who/that am your true friend.我才是你真正的朋友。
(2)如果对not…until 时间状语进行强调时,这个not必须移到until前边去。如:
It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began.
It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.
It was until she took off her dark glasses that I didn't realize she was a famous film star.
2.as well as和……一样好;(除……之外)又,不但……而且
She cooks as well as her mother does.
She sings as well as she plays.(=Her singing is as good as her playing.)
The child is lively as well as healthy.
Air,as well as water,is needed to make plants grow.
As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.
We shall travel by night as well as by day.
注:as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词要随前面的主语的人称、数而变化。
His children as well as his wife were invited to the party.
as well adv.又,另外也,同样
He knows German as well.他也懂德语。
He sent me a letter and some money as well.
He gave me money as well as advice.(He gave me advice,and money as well.)
Give me those as well.把那些也给我。
§3.1 汉英翻译
【答案】 bring in sth.from abroad
【答案】 high technology as well as traditional methods
【答案】 shortage of arable land
【答案】 a variety of
【答案】 spend time on research into agriculture
【答案】 instructions for making wine
【答案】 a practical guide to farming
【答案】 at the right time of the year
【答案】 go against nature
【答案】 year after year
§3.2 单项填空
1.Radioactive matter is dangerous to work with because it has a bad effect _____ the blood.
A.to B.for C.in D.on
【解析】 have effect on是习语,意为“对……有影响”。
【答案】 D
2.Doctors are developing _____ for treating this disease.
A.a new technique B.new technique C.a new technology D.new technology
【解析】 technique是可数名词;technology是不可数名词。
【答案】 A
3.How much a person can earn at this work depends _____ his skill.
A.to B.at C.on D.in
【解析】 depend on是固定短语。
【答案】 C
4.The school is quite _____ teachers,so it has to engage teachers here and there.
A.lack of B.short of C.lack for D.short for
【解析】 be short of“缺少,缺乏”;lack of是名词短语,不可用作表语。
【答案】 B
5.—What does P.O._____?
—Postal order,I guess.
A.call for B.wait for C.prepare for D.stand for
【解析】 call for“需要”;wait for“等候”;prepare for“为……作准备”;stand for“代表”。
【答案】 D
6.We've got to be _____ and buy only what we can afford.
A.real B.actual C.practical D.true
【解析】 practical“现实的,实际的”,符合题意。
【答案】 C
7.—What can I do for you,sir?
—I need a guide _____ Italy.I'm going there for a visit next week.I want to learn something about the country.
A.of B.for C.to D.in
【解析】 a guide to Italy“一本意大利指南手册”。
【答案】 C
8.You are not in good health,I think.You could improve your _____ by running every day.
A.position B.situation C.condition D.energy
【解析】 condition可指“身体健康状况”。
【答案】 C
9.The company managed to keep up their sales of clothes this summer by _____ a new fashion.
A.bringing on B.bringing about C.bringing in D.bringing out
【解析】 bring on“造成”;bring about“引起”;bring in“引进,引入”;bring out“拿出”。
【答案】 C
10.In _____,when he was in _____,he went to the south to seek his fortune.
A.the 1980s;his twenties B.the 1980s;the twenties
C.1980s;twenties D.1980s;the twenties
【解析】 in the 1980s“在二十世纪八十年代”;in one's twenties“在某人二十多岁的时候”。
【答案】 A
11.—Do you mind if I _____ the mistakes in your composition?
—No,of course not.
A.pick up B.pick out C.point out D.put out
【解析】 point out“指出(错误、缺点、毛病等)”。pick out“挑出(好的东西)”。
【答案】 C
12.These clothes must be _____ to dry without sunshine after it's washed.
A.hanged up B.hanging up C.hang up D.hung up
【解析】 be hung up“被挂起来”;be hanged up“被绞死”。
【答案】 D
13.When the telephone rang,he just _____ and went to sleep again.
A.turned off B.turned up C.turned down D.turned over
【解析】 turn over“翻身,翻过来”。
【答案】 D
14._____ instructions for making wine included in this book?
A.Are B.Have C.Do D.Will
【解析】 由题意知,这句话用了被动语态,故答案为A。
【答案】 A
15._____ those college students come to see the old man who has no son or daughter.They find he grows weaker _____.
A.Year after year;year by year B.Year by year;year after year
C.Year after year;year after year D.Year by year;year by year
【解析】 year after year强调动作的重复,而year by year强调动作的变化。
【答案】 A
§3.3 介词、副词填空
1.It is _____ this arable land that the farmers produce food _____ the whole population of China.
【答案】 on;for
2._____ the 1990s scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production _____ harming the environment.
【答案】 From;without
3.The shortage _____ arable land is the biggest problem _____ Chinese farmers.
【答案】 of;of
4.Vegetables are protected _____ the wind,rain and insects in greenhouses,where the temperature is controlled _____ computers.
【答案】 from;with
5.Jia Sixie's book is a practical guide _____ farming,which tells people to do things _____ the right time of the year.
【答案】 to;at
6.Some people think wheat should be planted _____ space _____ the plants.
【答案】 with;between
7.The new tomato can grow _____ danger _____ diseases.It also needs much less time to get ripe.
【答案】 without;from
8.Chemical fertilizers are harmful _____ the environment.So future agriculture must depend _____ high technology.
【答案】 to;on
9.Advanced technical information was brought _____ _____ abroad to help Chinese farmers improve their production.
【答案】 in;from
10.This kind of tomato was developed using a technique known _____ GM,which stands _____ “Genetically Modified”.
【答案】 as;for
§3.4 句型转换
1.A.Future agriculture should not only depend on traditional methods but also high technology.
B.Future agriculture should depend on high technology _____ _____ _____ traditional methods.
【答案】 as well as
2.A.You will not succeed even though you try your best.
B.You will not succeed _____ _____ _____ hard you try.
【答案】 no matter how
3.A.This country can not produce enough food for its people because it has not enough arable land.
B._____ _____ _____ arable land makes it impossible for this country to produce enough food for its people.
【答案】 The shortage of
4.A.If you go against nature,you will have to do more work.
B._____ against nature,_____ you will have to do more work.
【答案】 Go;and
5.A.He didn't make progress until he used a new technique.
B._____ _____ not until he used a new technique _____ he _____ progress.
【答案】 It was;that;made
§3.5 单句改错
1.Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake,but strong one may stay up.
【答案】 one改为ones
2.Those who against the plan please raise your hands.
【答案】 who后加are
3.Dick's still in the office.He must be busy for some important work.
【答案】 for改为with
4.After being washed,the clothes should be hanged up in the sunlight.
【答案】 hanged改为hung
5.He spends most of his time doing a research in his lab.
【答案】 去掉a
6.He told me that he would leave Shanghai next day.
【答案】 next前加the
7.They asked him it was necessary to remove seeds now and then.
【答案】 it前加if
8.He pointed out that was important to remove seeds before sowing seeds in the soil.
【答案】 that改为it
9.China is the first country studied the science of agriculture.
【答案】 studied改为to study
10.She had no idea where Coke lived except that his house was near to a church.
【答案】 near改为next或去掉to
1.They had a pleasant chat _____ a cup of tea.
A.for B.with C.during D.over
【解析】 本题考查介词的用法区别。题意是“他们一边喝咖啡,一边愉快地交谈”。介词over有“(在饮食、工作时)一边……一边”之意。如:We discussed it over a bottle of wine.“我们一边喝酒一边讨论这件事。”其他几个介词均没有此意,故答案为D。另外,over亦可表示时间,意为“在……期间;一直到……结束;……以来”,如:Are you staying in London over Christmas?“你要呆在伦敦一直到过了圣诞节吗?”The desert extends northward over time.“这沙漠随时间在不断向北延伸。”American English has changed over the centuries,too.“几个世纪以来,美国英语也发生了变化。”Over the years she has become more and more patient.“这些年来,她变得越来越有耐心。”
【答案】 D
2.—Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?
—It _____.
A.all depends B.is all depended C.is all depending D.all depends on
【解析】 本题考查习惯用语。题意是:“今年寒假和我一起去滑雪吧?”“那得看情况而定。”“It (all) depends.”或“That's (all) depends.”是英语口语中的习惯表达,意为“那得看情况而定;这可说不定;这也难说”。如:I may help you,but that depends.“我也许会帮助你,但得视情况而定。”Sometimes we're busy and sometimes we're not.It all depends,you see.“有时我们很忙,有时不忙,这很难说。”故答案为A。
【答案】 A
3.Not only _____ interested in football but _____ beginning to show an interest in it.
A.the teacher himself is;all his students are
B.the teacher himself is;are all his students
C.is the teacher himself;are all his students
D.is the teacher himself;all his students are
【解析】 本题考查倒装结构。题意是“不仅老师自己对足球感兴趣,他所有的学生也开始对足球有兴趣了”。英语中如否定副词或否定代词放在句首,句子要部分倒装,即将助动词、系动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如:Never have I been to America so far.因此,not only…but (also)…句式如果把not only放在句首,句子就要用倒装结构,但只是前一分句倒装,后一分句不能倒装。故答案为D。
【答案】 D
4.The pianos in the other shop will be _____,but _____.
A.cheaper;not as better B.more cheaper;not as better
C.cheaper;not as good D.more cheap;not as good
【解析】 本题考查形容词的比较级用法。比较级常见的两种表达法:一是“比较级+than…”结构;二是“as+原级+as…”结构,否定为“not as/so+原级+as…”。两种结构有时根据上下文可采用省略形式,即可省略than或第二个as。该题题意是“另一家商店的钢琴会便宜些,但不如这家商店的好”。可知but后应为否定的原级比较“not as good as those in this shop”。又因cheap的比较级形式是cheaper,不是more cheap,故答案为C。又如:This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk but much less expensive.(后省略了“than silk”)。试做下面两个题目:
①It was not only you who made so many mistakes.I made just _____.
A.many B.so many C.as many D.much more
②John is half a head shorter than his wife but 50 kg _____.
A.as much B.heavier C.heavy D.so heavy
【答案】 C
5.Don't use words,expressions,or phrases _____ only to people with specific knowledge.
A.being known B.having been known
C.to be known D.known
【解析】 本题考查过去分词作定语的用法。题意是“不要使用只有具有专业知识的人才能懂的词、习语或短语”。因为know和words,expressions,or phrases之前是被动关系,所以应用表被动意义的动词形式。A项是现在分词的被动语态,表正在进行的某被动动作,相当于which are being known;B项是现在分词完成式的被动式,通常只能用作时间状语,不能作定语;C项是不定式的被动语态,常表示将来的动作;D项是过去分词,作定语时表示该动作与前面的名词具有被动关系,此时可换为一定语从句which are known。由题意知答案为D。
【答案】 D
§5.1 第一节
M:Kate,your schoolbag is heavier than Jane's and mine.
W:Yes,Bob.But Lucy's is even heavier.
1.Whose schoolbag is the heaviest?
A.Bob's. B.Kate's C.Lucy's.
【答案】 C
M:What shall we do today?
W:I don't feel like going out.The weather is too wet.
M:Personally,I'm planning to visit a clothes show,but I'd love to stay with you.
2.Where do they go in the end?
A.Go to a clothes show.
B.Stay at home.
C.Go shopping.
【答案】 B
M:Do you mind if I smoke here?
W:Sorry,not here.Go ahead at the corner please.
3.What does the woman mean?
A.You can't smoke anywhere.
B.Just smoke here.
C.Please smoke over there.
【答案】 C
W:Is the exhibition far away from here?
M:No,it takes only 10 minutes by bike.
4.How long will it take to get there if you go on foot?
A.About 10 minutes.
B.About half an hour.
C.At least one hour.
【答案】 B
M:What do you think of the movie we saw last night?
W:I have never seen a worse film than that one.
5.How does the woman feel about the movie?
A.The best movie she has ever seen.
B.Worse than the last movie.
C.The worst movie she has ever seen.
【答案】 C
§5.2 第二节
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后 ,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
W:Five kilos of potatoes and a watermelon,please.
M:Here you are,madam.
W:How much is that?
M:You can have them for nothing.
M:It's my birthday.
W:Oh,I see.
M:I've decided to be nice to everyone today.
W:Well,thank you very much!
M:I would like a birthday present,of course.
W:Oh…I'm afraid I haven't got anything…
M:It's all right.I'll take some money and buy something for myself.
W:Oh…OK.Here's £5.
M:Thank you,madam.
6.Why does the man say the lady may take the potatoes and watermelon for nothing?
A.These things are not valuable.
B.He's joking.
C.They have known each other for a long time.
【答案】 B
7.What is the possible price of the potatoes actually?
A.£1 a kilo. B.£2 a kilo. C.Less than £1 a kilo.
【答案】 C
8.How does the woman feel when she leaves the store?
A.Funny. B.Unhappy. C.Satisfied.
【答案】 A
M:I'd like to see you off,Jane,but I can't get to the airport until five o'clock.
W:I'm afraid I'll have left by then.My plane takes off at 4:30.
M:What a pity!You're going straight to Washington,aren't you?
W:No,I'm staying with my sister in New York.She isn't there at the moment but she'll have arrived by Monday morning.I'll spend a couple of weeks with her and then go to Washington.Classes will already have started by then.
M:Well,I wish you luck.
9.When will the plane take off?
A.At 5:00. B.At 4:30. C.At 5:30.
【答案】 B
10.Where is Jane going?
A.She is going straight to New York.
B.She is going straight to Washington.
C.She is going to New York then to Washington.
【答案】 C
11.What is Jane probably going to do in Washington?
A.To go to school. B.To go to work. C.To stay with her sister.
【答案】 A
W:Excuse me,Mr.Green.I'd like to take a few days off.
M:What's the matter,Alice?
W:My mother is ill.I have to take care of her.
M:Oh,dear!I'm sorry to hear that.Is there anything I can do to help?
W:No,thank you.My mother has caught a bad cold.She has a high fever and coughs day and night.The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days.I'd like to be with her.
M:I understand.How long will you be away?
W:I hope to be back next Wednesday.
M:That's all right.But you must write a note for permission to be away.
W:Thank you,Mr.Green.That's very kind of you.I'll write it immediately.
M:Don't worry about your lessons.I'll certainly help you with them.
12.Why did Alice want to take a few days off?
A.She was ill.
B.She had to look after her mother.
C.She'd like to play with her mother.
【答案】 B
13.What is Alice?
A.A student. B.A worker. C.A nurse.
【答案】 A
14.What should she write to have a few days off?
A.A notice.
B.A note for permission to be away.
C.An announcement.
【答案】 B
Mrs.Nelson likes going shopping very much and often makes a day of it.Mr.Nelson prefers to stay home,but sometimes asks Mrs.Nelson to look for an item and find out its price for him.One morning as Mrs.Nelson was leaving for shopping,she asked her husband if he wanted her to look at anything.“Yes,dear,”he replied.“Your watch!”
15.What does Mrs.Nelson enjoy?
A.Going fishing. B.Going shopping. C.Cooking.
【答案】 B
16.What does Mr.Nelson prefer?
A.To read newspapers and magazines.
B.To go hunting.
C.To stay home.
【答案】 C
17.What did Mr.Nelson want his wife to do one morning?
A.He wanted her to come back earlier.
B.He asked her to buy a watch.
C.He asked her to have his watch repaired.
【答案】 A
Some reports from the western world say a grown-up person needs ten to twenty grams of salt a day.In our country,some people follow this idea.But don't dare to have a bit more,though that is much more than they used to take.But I don't think that's all right because there is a difference between Chinese and people in the western world.People in China,especially the farmers and the workers,usually do much more physical work which often makes them sweat and some salt runs away from their bodies with the sweat.So I suggest people not always copy the ideas from others and you can have a bit more salt if you need.Of course not too much.
18.How much salt does a grown-up need according to the report?
A.Ten to twenty grams of salt a day.
B.Five to ten grams of salt a day.
C.Fifty to ninety grams of salt a week.
【答案】 A
19.What do some Chinese people do?
A.They don't think this idea right.
B.They follow this idea.
C.They have more salt than the Westerners.
【答案】 B
20.Why doesn't the writer think that's all right?
A.Because he thinks there is difference between the Chinese and the Westerners.
B.Because he thinks Chinese people do more work.
C.Because he thinks people should copy the ideas from others.
【答案】 A
§6.1 单项填空
1.This fort _____ the whole valley.It must be defended whatever cost.
A.conducts B.contains C.conquers D.controls
【解析】 句意是“这个碉堡控制着整个山谷。无论如何也要保住它”。
【答案】 D
2.When trees are cut down,much of the _____ is washed away when it rains.So no plant grows there.
A.field B.land C.ground D.soil
【解析】 soil指可生长作物的土壤,由题意可知D为最佳答案。
【答案】 D
3.The factory is now facing great difficulties._____ of manpower is the chief cause.
A.Shortage B.Short
C.For shortage D.Because being short
【解析】 句子缺少主语,故不能用C、D两项。Shortage是名词,可作主语。
【答案】 A
4.Try to let him know what you care about him._____ he may come to know how lucky he is and start to treat you with the same kindness that you give him.
A.At time B.On time C.For time D.Over time
【解析】 over可表示时间,over time意为“经过一段时间后”。
【答案】 D
5.I think good use must be _____ of the information from abroad to get our product sales increased.
A.taken B.made C.brought D.put
【解析】 此句子用的是make use of的被动语态形式。
【答案】 B
6.—Are you going to London for a holiday?
A.That all depends B.That's nothing
C.It doesn't matter D.If you like
【解析】 That/It all depends.是一习惯用语,意为“说不定;那得看情况而定”。
【答案】 A
7.It was not until dark _____ he found _____ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.
A.that;what B.that;that C.when;what D.when;that
【解析】 It is…that…是强调句型;found后是一宾语从句;he thought是插入语,因此宾语从句缺主语,故用what。
【答案】 A
8.She always went swimming when she was young,_____.
A.no matter how cold it was B.no matter how cold was it
C.no matter it was cold D.no matter it was how cold
【解析】 no matter how引出一状语从句,从句中要用陈述句语序。
【答案】 A
9.In 1993,a new kind of tomato was developed that was quite different from _____ in this country before.
A.any of growing B.any growth
C.any to grow D.any grown
【解析】 any应是指any kind of tomato,与grow是被动关系,故用过去分词grown作定语,相当于that was grown。
【答案】 D
10.In China,rubbish,such as plastic bags and boxes _____ “white pollution” is becoming a serious problem.
A.known as B.to be known as
C.knowing as D.to know as
【解析】 known as是过去分词短语作定语,可译为“所谓的;人们共知的”。
【答案】 A
11.Some waste may be thrown into the sea,either 19 km from land,or more than 40 km from land,_____ the nature of the materials.
A.depend on B.to depend on
C.depending on D.depended on
【解析】 depending on是分词短语作状语,相当于according to。
【答案】 C
12.The boy was late.He tried to enter the classroom without being noticed by the teacher,but luck _____ him.
A.went with B.went against
C.went along D.went over
【解析】 go against“违背,违反”。此处指他运气不佳。
【答案】 B
13.If you do things at the wrong time of the year,you'll have to do more work and the results will not be _____.
A.very good B.so good C.so better D.the best
【解析】 由题意可知是在进行比较两种做法的结果。在不当的时间做事,其结果会不如在恰当的时间做事。故此句是原级比较句型的省略。
【答案】 B
14.—What are you doing this weekend?
—I haven't decided yet._____?
—Well,I thought we could have another family party.
A.What B.Anything else C.Why D.Pardon
【解析】 why意为“怎么了?”
【答案】 C
15.—Sorry,Joe.I don't mean to…
—Don't call me “Joe”.I'm Mr.Parker to you,and _____ you forget it!
A.do B.didn't C.did D.don't
【解析】 “don't you forget it!”是一种特殊的祈使句,用于表示不满等语气。
【答案】 D
In some parts of the United States,farming is easy.But farming has always been 1 in the northeastern corner of the country, 2 is called New England.
New England has many trees and thin, 3 soil.Anyone who has wanted to start a new 4 has had to work very hard.The first job has been cutting down trees.The 5 job has been digging the stumps(树桩)of the trees out of the 6 .Then the farmer has had the difficult job of 7 stones from his land.
This work of removing stones never really 8 ,because every winter more stones appear.They come up through the 9 soil from the rocks below.Farmers have to 10 removing stones from the fields. 11 today,farms which have been worked on for 200 years keep 12 more stones.
That is why stone walls are used 13 fences around New England fields.The stone walls are not high;a man can easily 14 them.But they keep the farmer's cows from 15 his neighbor's cows.
1.A.different B.difficult C.rough D.rapid
【解析】 根据前文照应,此处意义为“困难”。
【答案】 B
2.A.it B.where C.which D.that
【解析】 此处为which引导的非限制性定语从句。
【答案】 C
3.A.rocky B.wet C.grassy D.good
【解析】 此句引起对土壤条件的陈述。
【答案】 A
4.A.farm B.garden C.situation D.company
【答案】 A
5.A.extra B.busy C.usual D.next
【答案】 D
6.A.soil B.forest C.channel D.bank
【答案】 A
7.A.making B.protecting C.stopping D.removing
【解析】 remove“清除,搬走”。
【答案】 D
8.A.limits B.continues C.ends D.repeats
【答案】 C
9.A.wild B.thin C.thick D.heavy
【解析】 根据第二段中“thin,rocky soil”的照应,此处应用thin。
【答案】 B
10.A.stop B.keep C.enjoy D.prefer
【解析】 keep doing sth.意为“不停地做某事”。
【答案】 B
11.A.But B.Even C.So D.And
【答案】 B
12.A.carving B.developing C.producing D.selling
【解析】 produce vt.产生。
【答案】 C
13.A.instead of B.out of C.against D.around
【答案】 A
14.A.pull down B.carry away C.climb over D.turn over
【答案】 C
15.A.eating B.joining C.watching D.missing
【解析】 垒石头墙是为了防止自家的牛与邻家的相混。
【答案】 B
If you want your land to keep fertile,you must try to stop soil from being carried away by water or winds.When soil is taken away by flowing water or blowing winds,we call it soil erosion.Ways have been found to stop soil erosion,and this is known as soil conservation.One way of stopping soil erosion is to grow small plants such as grasses.These plants are referred to as cover crops,whose roots hold the soil tightly together.The rain water cannot wash away the soil.When trees and tall bushes are planted at the edges of an open field,soil erosion by strong winds cannot take place.The trees and bushes,which act as a very big and firm wall,protect the open land from the winds.The way to stop soil erosion on slopes is to build terraces on the slope of hillside and mountainside.When the slope of a hillside is cut into “steps”,water carrying soil cannot run straight down the terraces,which are used to slow down the speed of the flowing water containing much soil in it.In this way most of the soil in the water is left behind on the terraces,much soil in it is kept.
1.What takes place in soil erosion?
A.Flood happens to the fertile land.
B.A large quantity of the earth wears away gradually.
C.Terraces are built on the slope of hillside or mountainside.
D.Plants are grown to protect the open land.
【答案】 B
2.“Cover crops”in this passage means_____.
A.grass roots
B.trees and bushes
C.plant life of an area
D.covering plants that produce grain or vegetables
【答案】 C
3.Besides afforestation,another method to fight against soil erosion is to_____.
A.build terraces B.build walls
C.plant trees D.plant tall bushes
【答案】 A
4.Trees and tall bushes are planted around an open field_____.
A.because their roots hold soil tightly
B.to stop soil from being blown away by winds
C.because soil erosion causes terrible damage to crops
D.to keep the ecological balance
【答案】 B
5.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.What Causes Soil Erosion
B.The Importance of Afforestation
C.Rain Erosion and Wind Erosion
D.Erosion and the Ways to Fight against Erosions
【答案】 D
Farmers can produce more by planting several different crops in the same field.But their success depends on which crops they plant together and how they mix(混合) them in the field.Until now,the only way the farmers could learn which cropsgrow best together is to plant them and wait for the results.Now,however,a computer can give them answers.A new computer program written by Dr John Vanderwell of Michigan University can tell a farmer which plants grow well together and which do not.It can tell him how to plant the different crops;if he should plant each in a separate row,or mix the crops in the same row.It can tell the farmer how changes in planting each of the crops will affect the production of all of them.And it can tell him which plants can help reduce losses(损失) from diseases.
1.Which of the following best gives the main idea of the passage?
A.Computer helps find the best program for mixing plants.
B.Computer helps produce more crops.
C.Computer helps protect against insects and diseases.
D.Computer helps grow different plants.
【答案】 B
2.According to the passage,to get the best result,one needs to choose carefully_____.
A.the kinds of crops to be planted together
B.the way for different crops to be mixed
C.both A and B
D.either A or B
【解析】 此题是对短文中的第5、6两句的总结,只有做到选项A、B所说的两方面才能最大限度地提高产量。
【答案】 C
3.It seems the new computer program can NOT tell us_____.
A.whether we should grow cotton and tomato together
B.how we should plant cotton and tomato together
C.what will happen if we grow potato,instead of tomato,together with cotton
D.how we can grow rice in the tomato field
【答案】 D
4.The new computer program seems most useful in saving us_____.
A.man power B.seeds C.time D.land
【答案】 D
5.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Computer can tell farmers how many plants can grow together.
B.With the help of computers farmers don't have to do a lot of work.
C.With the help of computers farmers can get better results.
D.The change of one plant may cause a change in production.
【解析】 新计算机程序只是告诉人们如何间作套种才能得到最佳效果,即:如何在一定量的土地上收获最多的成果,当然属于节省土地,但却不能代替人们的劳动。
【答案】 B
Long ago,in days of the Roman Empire,people used to believe a god of farmings called “Saturn”.They believed that Saturn could make the weather good or bad,and that he had the power to control how much rain would fall.
Before a Roman farmer would plant his fields,he would try to get Saturn to give him good weather.He believed that if he killed an animal for Saturn,that would make Saturn happy.Then Saturn would make sure that the weather was good.
Not only did the people name a planet after Saturn but they also name a day of theweek after him.They called this day“ Saturni dies”,Latin words which mean“day of Saturn”.In English those words became Saturday.
1.What was Saturn believed to be in charge of?
A.Rainfall. B.The power of nature.
C.Farming. D.Days in a week.
【解析】 这是一道细节题,从第一段最后一句可知答案。
【答案】 A
2.Why did a Roman farmer kill an animal before planting his fields?Because_____.
A.Killing an animal would bring him good luck
B.Saturn enjoyed eating animals
C.Saturn was happy to see animals being killed
D.he wanted to please Saturn so that Saturn would make the weather good forhis planting
【解析】 从第二段内容可知答案。
【答案】 D
3.What was the correct order of what a Roman farmer did before planting his fields?
a.observing the weather
b.killing the animal
c.getting his farm tools ready
d.finding an animal
e.offering it to Saturn
f.waiting for good weather to come
A.a,b,c,d,e,f B.a,b,c,f,d,e C.a,d,b,e,f,c D.e,a,d,b,c,f
【答案】 C
4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Saturn is also the name of planet.
B.The Roman people used to believe Saturn to be their god.
C.Saturn was named for the last day of the week.
D.Saturn had three meanings.
【答案】 C
5.What's the aim of the author in writing this passage?
A.How the Romans worshipped Saturn.
B.Why the Romans believed in Saturn.
C.The different meanings of the word Saturn.
D.How Saturday got its name.
【答案】 D
Matt grows the best vegetables in the village.He grows fruit too—big,sweet apples and oranges.And what else?Well,the biggest and the prettiest flowers.
Things grow in Matt's garden all through the year.He cuts some flowers for his sitting room table;and of course,he eats some fruit and vegetables.But he sells everything else in the market.Matt is not a poor man.
He knows a few other gardens;but he does not have any friends.You might ask,“What is that?Why doesn't he have friends?”
I will tell you.People do not understand him.And they do not understand his garden.“Why not?”you will ask.“It's a very good garden,isn't it?”
It is a wonderful garden.Matt plants things in spring,summer,autumn and winter.After that he does very little work.He sits in the garden with his small radio.And everything grows.
People ask,“How does Matt grow these wonderful things?He waters the plants sometimes,but he doesn't do anything else.He just sits under an orange tree with his radio.He listens to music nearly all day!”And that is all quite true.People cannot understand it,and so they don't like it very much.
Matt likes music.But what about the garden?Who does the work?I will tell you another true thing:the music does the work.All plants love music;and Matt knows that.
Do you want big vegetables and the loveliest flowers?Well,just give your plants alot of music.
1.There are not only vegetables and flowers,but also_____ in Matt's garden.
A.plants B.fruit trees C.ants D.crops
【解析】 从文中第二段内容可知,他在菜园里种花、蔬菜和水果。
【答案】 B
2.Matt makes a living by_____.
A.selling his vegetables,fruit and flowers
B.growing trees in his garden
C.working in the market
D.helping other people growing plants
【解析】 从文中第二段的最后两句可知答案。
【答案】 A
3.Everything in Matt's garden grows well because_____.
A.he has a good garden
B.he is good at growing things and likes listening to the radio
C.music helps his plants a lot
D.he is very hardworking
【解析】 这是一道细节考查题。从文中倒数第二段the music does the work可知答案。
【答案】 C
4.People think that_____.
A.Matt's garden is better than theirs
B.Matt works harder than they
C.Matt knows how to grow vegetables well
D.the radio helps Matt to grow everything well in his garden
【答案】 A
5.People don't like Matt because_____.
A.he doesn't give them any vegetables or fruit
B.he listens to the radio too much
C.they are jealous of him
D.Matt doesn't let them listen to his radio
【答案】 C
In some countries with very little rain,the farmers have to water the plants in their fields.To do that is easy if there is a great river near the crops.Canals carry the river water to the fields during the dry seasons.Sometimes,there is too much water in the river and a flood takes place.Sometimes when the river waterisn't enough for all the farmers,it will be difficult to give water to the crops.
In order to help the farmers,a dam should be built across the river.This will store water for dry seasons,and in wet seasons it will prevent floods.
A great lake will appear behind the dam.Then the country may have enough water.More crops will be grown,there will be more food for everyone and there will be no more floods.
In China a great dam has been designed and the project is being carried out.The designed dam is going to be built across the Changjiang River.This will of course bring happiness to the people on both banks.
1.A flood takes place just because_____.
A.there is no dam across a river
B.of too much of the rainfall
C.farmers use less water
D.rivers get less water in them
【答案】 B
2.People build dams across rivers in order to_____.
A.get the weather under control
B.control the nature
C.build man-made lakes
D.store water and prevent floods
【解析】 文章第二段说明了建坝的目的有两点:储水和防洪。
【答案】 D
3.The passage tells us that in a few years China will_____.
A.have another modern key water control project
B.no longer have any part of its land flooded
C.build a big dam where the Changjiang River flows into the sea
D.become a country which is rich in water
【解析】 根据文章最后一段内容推断。
【答案】 A
4.From the passage we can conclude that,like any other thing,_____.
A.water also has two sides
B.water is everywhere
C.water is needed by men
D.water will become less and less
【答案】 A
When I was at five,I was driven to learn how to 1._____
read and write Chinese characters that because one 2._____
must write something on the picture one painted. 3._____
Now,drawing and painting again helped me to study 4._____
English.So,in order to learn English,I have to 5._____
draw or paint several picture every evening.I 6._____
explained to me that although I had promised my 7._____
grandfather that I will never paint again.That 8._____
was because he did not want me to become painter. 9._____
Now I am drawing it in order to learn English,so 10._____
it is different.
1.去掉at 2.去掉that
3.painted→paints 4.helped→helps
5.√ 6.picture→pictures
7.me→myself 8.will→would
9.become后加a 10.去掉it
假如你的名字叫王平,再过几天就是圣诞节了(Christmas Day,12月25日)。
昨天你在美国的朋友Jack寄来一本Christmas in America,这是他给你的圣诞礼物。去年圣诞期间你和Jack一起度过,你们一起去看电影、听音乐会、看足球赛等,过得很愉快。
Dear Jack,
Thank you very much for the book“Christmas in America”.It's a wonderful book.It made me think of my Christmas with you there.You told me a lot of interesting stories,so I learned more about your country and people.I enjoyed going to the movies,the concerts and watching football matches with you.I really had a pleasant time.I'll never forget those days.Well,Christmas is coming soon.I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Yours truly,
Wang Ping
Ceres(谷物女神) was the goddess of the harvest.She made the food grow thatfed the people.Ceres had a beautiful daughter named Proserpina.One day when shewas a young woman,Proserpina was in a field picking flowers.She reached for a particularly pretty one.All at once the earth seemed to open.Proserpina fell intoa large hole.She fell a long distance until finally she landed in the Underworld.
Pluto,the god of the Underworld,had planned this trick,For a long time he had been lonely and wanted a woman to share his throne.Once riding his chariot(战车) on the earth,he saw Proserpina.He thought her quite beautiful.Pluto wanted Proserpina to share his throne.
After arriving in the Underworld,Proserpina was treated like a goddess.She had lovely clothes and jewels.She liked Pluto very much.But before long Proserpina began to miss the Earth and her mother,Ceres.
At the same time,Ceres was very sad.She longed for the ruturn of Proserpina to Earth.She became so upset that finally she ruined a year's harvest.The people on Earth had nothing to eat.The gods were troubled.They told Ceres that they would bring Proserpina back to Earth.However,she could only come back to Earth if she had not eaten the fruits of the Underworld.
As soon as she found out she could come back to Earth,Proserpina was happy.Latershe admitted that she had,indeed,eaten some fruit.The gods were reasonable about this.They soon agreed to let her come back to Earth for part of each year.This made Ceres happy,too.She brought about a good growing season and a good harvest during the time when Proserpina was on Earth.Proserpina has been known ever since for the yearly growth.

Unit 20 Humour
(Text 1)
1.Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous?
A.He is famous for his works.
B.He is famous for his foreign accent.
C.He is famous for his role acting as a woman.
D.He is good at playing on words.
【答案】 C
2.What does a “sketch” mean in the text?
A.a rough,quickly made drawing
B.general outline
C.short,humorous play
D.a piece of writing
【答案】 C
3.Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in _____.
A.their way of playing with words
C.cross-dressing way
D.foreign accent
【答案】 A
(Text 2)
4.Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
A.The writer was on her way to an interview.
B.She braked hard and hit another cyclist.
C.She shouted at the driver of a yellow car.
D.The driver of the yellow car was angry with her for being so rude.
【答案】 D
5.The driver of the yellow car turned out to be _____.
A.the boss of the office
B.the manager of the company
C.one of her friends
D.the man with whom she would have to work together
【答案】 B
6.What does she mean by the sentence “the last time we met I did most of the talking”?
A.You listened to me last time we met.
B.I'll listen to you this time.
C.I shall say nothing about the accident.
D.I think you must be angry with me.
【答案】 C
§1.2 主旨大意
7.Choose the main idea of each paragraph of Reading Text 1.
a.Description of a clown
b.What's a crosstalk show
c.The traditional crosstalk show
d.Description of comedians
e.The writers of comedies both at home and abroad
【答案】 A
8.Which of the following can be used as another title for Reading Text 2?
A.An Accident
B.An Interview
C.Tell Him What You Think of Him!
D.A Kind Manager
【答案】 C
§1.3 推理判断
9.Why have crosstalk shows been popular with people?Which of the following is not the reason?
A.They have two speakers.
B.They make people not only laugh,but also think about life.
C.The richness of the spoken language is made full use of.
D.Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words.
【答案】 A
10.From Text 2,we can conclude that the manager was _____.
A.a careless driver
【答案】 C
§2.1 知识网络
1.bitter adj.苦的;痛苦的;严酷的;激烈的
This tea is somewhat bitter.
She had a bitter experience in the old days.
The bitter winter is coming.
I was hurt by her bitter words.
Their friendship ended with a bitter quarrel.
2.couple n.(一)对,(一)双;夫妇
a married couple夫妇
a loving couple一对情侣
They make a good couple.
The young couple seems/seem to be happy.
a couple of两个,一双,一对;两三个的,几个的,数个的。如:
The festival lasts a couple of days.
They keep a couple of dogs.他们养了两只狗。
She is expecting a baby in a couple of months.
I received a couple of letters last week.
3.mostly adv.主要地,大部分,通常
They are mostly fairly young.他们大部分都相当年轻。
I spent my holidays mostly at home.
She is mostly out on Sunday.
He uses his car mostly for going to work.
He enjoys a cigarette sometimes,but mostly he smokes a pipe.
4.intend vt.想要,打算,意指
intend to do sth.“打算做某事”。如:
Do you intend to make a long stay in London?
I intended to come to your house last night but it rained.
intend to have done“本想做某事(而没能做)”。如:
I intended to have called on you,but I had an unexpected visitor.
intend sb.to do“打算要某人做某事”。如:
We intend them to take over.
intend that-clause从句中的谓语动词常用“should+v.”形式。如:
We intend that these plans (should) be carried out.
intend…for…或be intended for…“为……而(做、建等),供……用、看等”。如:
We intend this room for you.
I intended these flowers for your mother.
This school is intended for the blind.
The film is intended for adults only.
5.make fun of取笑,嘲笑
He made fun of me for this.
We all make fun of him behind his back,of course.
They made fun of my mistakes when I tried to speak English.
Nobody likes to be made fun of.
6.amusing adj.好笑的,好玩的,有趣的
an amusing game好玩的游戏
How amusing!多有趣!多好笑!
amuse v.使……快乐,逗乐;给……提供娱乐
Her story amused the children greatly.
The girls amused themselves with cards.
The children were amused by/with/at the pictures.
I was very much amused to see the monkey perform its tricks.
amused adj.觉得好玩的;快乐的
He had an amused look on his face.
7.date back (to)始于,起源于,追溯到;此短语多用于一般现在时态中。
Her interest in stamp collecting dates back to her high school days.
The richness of the family dates back to the Civil War.
The castle dates back to the 14th century.
These societies dates as far back as a century ago.
注:date back to与date from同义。
Which times does the sort of dress date from?
The village dates from the Ming Dynasty.
8.appreciate vt.欣赏,鉴赏;感激,感谢;意识到
appreciate good food 欣赏美味
appreciate one's friendship 珍视某人的友谊
He appreciates your tatent.
His works were not appreciated until after his death.
We appreciate a holiday after a year of hard work.
We greatly appreciate all your help.
I don't think you appreciate the danger of this job.
I would very much appreciate receiving an invitation.
I appreciate your giving me so much help.
I appreciate your help.
Thank you for your help.
9.exist vi.存在,生存
Problems also exist in agriculture.
A life free from all worry just doesn't exist.
Does life exist on Mars?
A man cannot exist without air.
The old man found it difficult to exist on his pension alone.
Food will not get cheaper under existing conditions.
We must further develop our friendship on the existing basis.
10.look on/upon…as…把……看作……,认为……是……
I look on her as a promising pianist.
I don't look on him as a good doctor.
She looks on me as a child.
比较:look on“旁观,在旁边看;朝着,俯瞰”
Two men were fighting while people looked on.
No,I'm not playing;I'm just looking on.
It is a room on the second floor,looking on the street.
1.suit vt.合适;使满意;相配;适宜于
Let's fix a day.Would Monday suit you?
Your terms do not suit me,sir.I will leave.
This climate doesn't suit her.
It's a small apartment but it suits our needs.
The new dress suits her very well.
They tried to suit the play to the audience.
be suited to/for…“适合于……,对……适宜”
He isn't suited to such a hard life.
This car is not well suited to rough roads.
He is suited to teaching.他适合教书。
2.direction n.方向;指导
He has a poor sense of direction.
I received inquiries about the matter from all directions.
in…direction或in the direction of“朝……方向”
He walked in the opposite direction.
The red car was running in the direction of the airport.
in all directions朝四面八方
The birds flew in all directions/in every direction.
under the direction of在……的指导下
We did the experiment under the direction of our teacher.
follow one's directions遵照某人的指示
Read the directions carefully before taking the medicine.
§3.1 汉英翻译
【答案】 act a role of
【答案】 make fun of
【答案】 tell jokes
【答案】 act out small sketches
【答案】 date back to
【答案】 roar with laughter
【答案】 with the intention of
【答案】 come in the other direction
【答案】 look on…as…
【答案】 be angry with sb.for…
§3.2 单项填空
1.I found a _____ of socks in the bedroom but they don't make a pair.
A.couple B.pair C.dozen D.sum
【解析】 a couple of“几个(只),三两个”;a pair of“一对(双)”;dozen要么说a dozen socks,要么说dozens of socks;sum只指钱的数量。
【答案】 A
2.Victor doesn't have _____ sense of _____ humour.If you joke with him,he may get very angry.
A.the;the B.a;the C.a;/ D./;/
【解析】 “有幽默感”要说a sense of humour。
【答案】 C
3.Those who frequently come to visit the Science Museum are _____ middle school students.
A.most B.mostly C.almost D.most of
【解析】 mostly“大多数;主要”,在句中作状语,修饰谓语动词。
【答案】 B
4.Most people _____ a television set as an essential piece of furniture.
A.look at B.look on C.look over D.look about
【解析】 look on…as…是因定短语,意为“把……看作……”。
【答案】 B
5.Losing all your money is no _____ matter.I think you have to report it to the police at once.
A.serious B.easy C.joking D.laughing
【解析】 no laughing matter是习语,意为“不是闹着玩的”。
【答案】 D
6.This is not a match.We're playing chess just for _____.
A.habit B.hobby C.fun D.game
【解析】 for fun意为“为着高兴,为着好玩,不当真”。
【答案】 C
7.What an interesting _____ she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar.
A.role B.character C.position D.function
【解析】 play a role“扮演角色”。
【答案】 A
8.—You have made another mistake.
—I'm sorry,but I _____.
A.didn't intend to B.didn't intend C.don't intend to D.don't intend
【解析】 根据题意“我并不想出错”,可知要用过去时。
【答案】 A
9.Mr.Johnson is mild in _____.He never shouts even when he is very angry.
A.condition B.nature C.quality D.character
【解析】 in condition“身体好”;in nature“在自然界中”;in quality“在质量上”;in character“在性格上”。
【答案】 D
10.It's almost _____ that the government will lose the next election.
A.sure B.certain C.no doubt D.for certain
【解析】 it is certain that…是固定句式,这时certain不可换成sure;no doubt用于there is no doubt that…句式;for certain一般作状语,不能用作表语。
【答案】 B
11.Most of men don't like _____ fun of in public places,especially when their female friends stay with them.
A.making B.playing C.being made D.being played
【解析】 “不喜欢被人开玩笑”要用动名词的被动式:being made fun of。
【答案】 C
12.—Do you still remember the accident?
—Yes,_____ I have experienced nothing more frightening.
A.however B.basically C.really D.actually
【解析】 根据题意可知用actually“实际上”。
【答案】 D
13.Jane likes collecting stamps very much.In fact,her interest in it _____ her school days.
A.dates back to B




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