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1. put away意为"收起来;放好",可接名词或代词作宾语。如果接代词,代词必须放在put和away之间。 如:
Don't put your clothes on the bed. Put them away.
2. There's no difference.
no修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数时,相当于not any; 修饰可数名词单数时,相当于not a。用在There be 句型中时,be的单复数取决于被修饰名词的单复数。如:
There is no (=not any) milk in the glass.
There are no (=not any) chairs in the room.
There is no (=not a) kite in the sky.
3. like后接V-ing形式或后接不定式时都意为"喜欢做某事"。但前者表示经常性或习惯性的动作,后者表示具体某一次的行为或动作。如:
I like watching TV, but I don't like to watch it today.
4. get home的意思是"到家"。get home, get here, get there等短语中的home, here, there都是副词,副词前不需加介词,因此要去掉to。
5. 介词by表示交通方式时,其后的名词要用单数形式,并且不带冠词或其它限定词。而on, in表示交通方式时,其后的名词则要加冠词。 如:by train = on a train, by car = in a car。
6. Why don't you ...? 的简略形式是Why not ...? ,意为"为什么不......呢?",用来间接提出建议,后接动词原形。
7. Walking is good for health.



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