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作者:张豪 张华
The letter they looked forward to ________ at last.
A. arrive B. arrived C. arriving D. had arrived
分析:该题若仅根据look forward to而选择C,则整个句子缺少谓语。实际上,they looked forward to为定语,修饰The letter,主句缺少谓语动词,故选择B。
1. ________ it with me and I'll see what I can do.
A. When left B. Leaving
C. If you leave D. Leave
2. -Sorry, Joe. I didn't mean to...
-Don't call me "Joe". I'm Mr. Parker to you, and ________ you forget it!
A. do B. didn't C. did D. don't
分析:句中的"!"说明此处应是感叹句或祈使句,并非是问句。此处应选D,Don't you forget it!为祈使句的否定句,表示"不高兴","厌烦","鄙视"等色彩。因此,该题答案为D。
英语中许多句子都以一定的结构或句式出现,如强调句、含形式主语或形式宾语的句子、倒装句、there be句式及各种从句等。在做题时不能见到某句型的特征就马上认定是什么句型,从而按该句型的特点和用法去解题。如:
The children are having a good time, ________ with sand, others with toys.
A. some of them playing
B. who playing
C. some of whom are playing
D. some of them
分析:该题很容易误选C。从后面的...others with toys来看,"________ with sand"应该与之并行,同为独立主格结构,并非是定语从句。答案为A。
1. The cat is the only one of her pets Jane will have ________ on her bed.
A. it sleep B. it sleeping
C. it slept D. sleeping
2.________ , we had to walk home last night.
A. There's no bus
B. There was no bus
C. Being no bus
D. There being no bus
3. a. There is such an interesting story ________ all the boys like to read.
b. There is such an interesting story ________ all the boys like to read it.
A. as B. that C. which D. /
4. a. He got lost in the forest and made matters worse was that it was getting dark.
b. He got lost in the forest, ________ made matters worse.
A. which B. what C. it D. that
5. ________ is no need to turn off the radio since I've got used to working with it on.
A. It B. That C. There D. This
6. a. He came late. That's ________ he didn't catch the early bus.
b. He didn't catch the early bus. That's he came late.
A. because B. why
C. that D. the reason for
7. -You've booked on a four o'clock flight?
-What chance ________ of taking an earlier plane?
A. there is B. is it C. there it is D. is there
8. a. His father died, ________ him a lot of money.
b. His father died, and ________ him a lot of money.
A. leaving B. left C. being left D. to leave
9. a. Is this very factory ________ you visited last year?
b. Is this the very factory ________ you visited last year?
A. that B. which C. where D. the one
10. -We haven't heard from Jane recently.
-What do you think _____ to her?
A. was happening B. to happen C. of happening D. has happened
1. D 2. D 3. a. A(定语从句) b. B(结果状语从句)4. a. B(主语从句) b. A(非限定性定语从句) 5. C 6. a. A(because后接原因) b. B(why后接结果) 7. D 8. a. A(现在分词短语作结果状语) b. B(并列句) 9. a. D(the one作表语) b. A 10. D



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